Hongdou didn't expect such a turning point. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled in surprise, grabbed a bunch of meatballs and ate them.

The two Anbu ninjas breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that Yang Jian would raise any more conditions, and they were about to lead the way. At this time, Yang Jian suddenly stopped them, "Wait a minute, let's take a shortcut."

Hearing Yang Jian's words, the two Anbu ninjas turned around suspiciously, and when they were about to ask, they saw Yang Jian snap, snap his fingers, and yell softly, "Huangquan Biliangpo!"

There was a fluctuation in the space in front of them, and a dark portal slowly opened. The two Anbu ninjas were shocked, but before they had time to defend themselves, they felt pushed behind them, and the two fell into the portal involuntarily. In the portal, Yang Jian also walked in, and the dark portal disappeared.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The turn of events stunned Hongdou, who choked on the balls in his mouth, took a sip of red bean soup, finally recovered his breath, and looked at the pitch-black It took a while to realize where the portal disappeared, "Since he invited me to eat meatballs, he shouldn't be a bad person, right? That's right, he definitely isn't a bad person, so don't worry about it, I'll just continue eating my meatballs."

Konoha's special Jōnin, Mitarai Anzuki was just bought by a few strings of meatballs. If the third generation saw this scene, I don't know if they would be pissed off. Is this the legendary big chest and no brains?

The moment the dark portal on this side disappeared, there was also a portal on the other side of the Hokage Building. Sandai and the others instantly noticed the anomaly, and became alert. A few Anbu ninjas jumped out, together with Kakashi and the others, to protect Sandai behind his back .

But soon they relaxed, because two Anbu ninjas walked out of the portal first, followed by a tall and handsome figure, seeing that person Shino, fearing that everyone would misunderstand, he immediately shouted: "Don't do it, he is My second uncle!"

Chapter 109 Spatial Knowledge Lecture

In fact, there is no need for Zhi Nai to speak, everyone has already recognized Yang Jian. When the three generations sent people to look for it, they specially asked for Yang Jian's photo from Zhi Nai, and everyone present had seen it, but Yang Jian's way of appearing on the stage was too embarrassing People were shocked, and involuntarily became alert.

Compared to the tense expressions of everyone, Yang Jian looked relaxed, looked around, dragged a chair next to him and sat down, "Okay, I'm here for the third generation, what can you do with me?" ?”

After all, the third generation had seen a lot of strong winds and waves, so they calmed down quickly. With a wave of their hands, several Anbu ninjas retreated immediately, and Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi, and Asma stepped aside.

"I really didn't expect the little guy from the past to be so powerful. It's really surprising. Maybe I should have taken you as my apprentice at the beginning, but it's too late to say this now. Yang Jian, you just used space ninjutsu, right?" ?”

Speaking of which, the third Hokage knew Yang Jian. At the beginning, Yang Jian gave up the cultivation of the family's secret arts because he didn't want to let bugs build nests on his body. What kind of person is he, so I met for a special meeting, and even planned to help Yang Jian check it out. If he has talent, he can be accepted as a disciple, but in the end he came to the conclusion that Yang Jian's talent is not very good, so he gave up. .

Although Yang Jian's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes now, his face still retains the shadow of the past, and the three generations still have impressions and are easy to recognize.

"Yes, it is indeed the number of people in space. I learned this by accident when I was wandering in the ninja world. I didn't steal it from Konoha!"

"Of course, your space ninjutsu is completely different from the Flying Thunder God's Jutsu. Although I am old, I am not too old and dim-sighted. Don't worry about me framing you."

In fact, to be honest, Yang Jian's space ninjutsu is really related to the Flying Raijin Jutsu. Yang Jian handed over the Flying Raijin Jutsu developed by the second generation of Hokage to Ontology. Developed on the Internet, and then transmitted the comprehension to Yang Jian, and then developed space ninjutsu, but the third generation couldn't think of the connection anyway.

"Second Uncle, your space ninjutsu is amazing, can I learn it?" Zhi Nai is usually too calm, not like a child at all, but when facing Yang Jian, he always reveals himself It is his nature to express his thoughts directly.

Behind Zhi Nai, Hinata and Ya, also looked eager, but they also knew that their relationship with Yang Jian was not that close.I'm too embarrassed to ask anything.

Yang Jian pampered Zhi Nai's head and said, "If you want to learn, I'd like to teach you, but my space ninjutsu is quite special, and it may be difficult for you to understand and learn."

"How come? I will definitely be able to learn it, Second Uncle, you can teach me."

"Okay, I'll just talk about it briefly, by the way, listen to it too, but don't hold out too much hope."

Hearing Yang's brief explanation of space ninjutsu, Kakashi and the others were planning to find an excuse to leave. They didn't want to be thought of as stealing masters, but Yang Jian didn't expect that Yang Jian didn't care at all.

"The most difficult part of my space ninjutsu is getting started. I will first talk about some of the most basic knowledge of space theory. If you can understand it, then the rest will be much easier."

Yang Jian directly reached out to take a piece of paper and a pen from the table in front of Sandai Hokage, and then explained as if no one was there. Sandai didn't intend to stop him, but instead took the initiative to join the ranks of the class.

Yang Jian first tapped a point on the paper with a pen, "In my opinion, space should be represented by dimensions, and this point represents one dimension."

Then Yang Jian clicked a second point on the paper, and then connected the two points into a line, "A line is composed of countless points, which I call two-dimensional."

Then Yang Jian clicked the third point, which formed a triangle after connecting the original two points with a line. There is also a time dimension, which is the four-dimensional space.”

Yang Jian began to draw triangles one by one on the paper, forming an ever-changing pattern, "The three-dimensional space is constantly changing. Two points may be thousands of miles apart in the real world, but from a three-dimensional perspective , is actually just the distance between points, if you connect two points, you can span the space and transfer from one place to another in an instant.”

As Yang Jian said, he clicked two dots on the paper, and then made the two dots overlap, "This is my understanding of space, Zhi Nai, how much do you understand?"

Yang Jian raised his head, and found that not only Shino was stupefied, but the third generation, Kakashi and the others had also become pea-eyed. They all had the same idea: why do we understand every word you said, but why are you connected together? But have no idea what you're talking about?

Yang Jian spread her hands helplessly, "Look, I knew it would be like this. In fact, I told other people the theory before you, but everyone couldn't understand it, and said I was talking nonsense, and regarded me as a Crazy, alas, there is no way, the truth can only be grasped in the hands of a few people, it is really the wisdom of mortals."

Yang Jian's last pretentious words made Sandai and the others almost couldn't help beating him up: We're still friends if you don't say this.

"Cough, cough..." The third generation coughed dryly to ease the awkward atmosphere, and then said: "Forget it, if you can't learn it, then give up. Everyone has their own way, and it doesn't have to be learned." Space ninjutsu, let's get down to business."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they realized that Yang Jian was called this time to ask about the psychic beasts on Penglai Island, why did they go wrong in the end?

"Yang Jian, you gave Zhi Nai the psychic scroll on Penglai Island, so how did you get the scroll? How much do you know about the psychic beasts on the island?"

"I know everything about the psychic beasts on Penglai Island, because I have stayed on the island for a while. As for how I signed a psychic contract with Penglai Island, I can only say it is luck."

Yang Jian organized his language, and continued to flicker: "After I left the oil girl clan, I wandered around in the ninja world, looking for the bugs I needed, and unexpectedly encountered a psychic beast from Penglai Island. It is said that at that time There is a food crisis on their island, and the shortage of supplies has reached the point of desperation. I used my own money to help them buy a lot of supplies and passed the most difficult period of time. Therefore, they owe me a favor. In return, they offered to I proposed to sign a psychic contract with me, and I can propose that my descendants can continue to maintain a contract relationship with them in the future, but I don’t really need the psychic beasts on Penglai Island, but Zhi Nai will use them in the future, so let Zhi Nai signed."

Seeing Yang Jian's cooperation, the three generations immediately felt relieved and started asking about the psychic beasts on Penglai Island. They quickly came to the conclusion that the psychic beasts on Penglai Island were very powerful. The strongest Mothra and Muto are definitely at the mantissa level.

In addition, the two major forces, the Eagle Clan and the Five Poison Clan, are not weak. One of the five kings of the Five Poison Clan is no better than the top psychic beasts like Toad Wentai in Miaomu Mountain and Ten Thousand Snakes in Longdi Cave. Among them, the strongest centipede king may be even better than them.

The Eagle Clan may be slightly weaker in combat, but they have the advantage of flying, unmatched in speed, and are born invincible.

Three generations of them finally came to the conclusion that the strength of Penglai Island is beyond imagination. Counting all the psychic beasts, the overall strength is not weaker than Konoha, and it is definitely worth their efforts to win over.

It’s just a pity that the third generation is a bit of a pity. The rule of Penglai Island is that each generation of contractors has one main quota and three secondary quotas, and the four quotas of this generation have already been occupied, otherwise he would like to get a share.

In the eyes of the third generation, Ya and Hinata are not suitable to be the contractors of Penglai Island, because their current strength is too weak. If they want to be able to summon those psychic beasts, they must reach the level of Jonin, especially Muto, This kind of existence with a huge body and strength comparable to a tailed beast may only be summoned if it reaches the elite johnin or kage level. Now that Konoha is in troubled times, when combat power is most needed, let these two ninjas become contractors. I can't summon it at all, and I have a strong combat power but can't use it. This feeling is really aggrieved.

Originally, the three generations thought that Yang Jian was also the contractor of Penglai Island, and that there should be three vice places under his name, but Yang Jian shattered his fantasy. , Now I can't do it even if I want to come back.

"I heard that Penglai Island has a cultivation method in the immortal mode. How much do you know? Are there any restrictions on cultivation?" The third generation seemed to be a little unwilling, trying to see if he could get some benefits from other aspects.

"Penglai Island Immortal Mode cultivation method is relatively simple. You only need to apply special medicine on your body to sense the natural energy, and it can also filter out the harmful parts of your body. There is almost no danger. As long as you gradually adapt to the natural energy, the success rate is [-]%. ,but……"

"But what?" The third generation was afraid of this, and asked eagerly.

"When Penglai Island practiced the Immortal Mode, the materials needed were very rare. It took them decades to collect them. It was said that they were substances secreted by a special creature on the island. Now the materials in reserve are enough for Shino to practice, but the next It may take more than ten years to collect a complete set of materials.

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