The third generation's face suddenly darkened, and he also suspected that Yang Jian was just making excuses.I deliberately fooled him, but I couldn't say anything. I was thinking about whether Konoha could send a few people to Penglai Island to practice immortal mode and strengthen Konoha's strength, but now my wish has come to nothing.

However, as an old fox for three generations, one plan failed and another plan was made, and said with a smile: "Yang Jian, you can even learn space ninjutsu. It seems that your strength is stronger than I imagined, so why don't you write for the village?" Do your best, and you will definitely become a Konoha hero in the future."

The idea of ​​the third generation is very good. Space ninjutsu is of great significance to Konoha, especially judging from Yang Jiankai's performance, it can directly open the portal, which is stronger than the flying thunder god technique. , Directly transmit Konoha's troops to the enemy's back for a surprise attack, one can imagine how effective it can be.

It's just a pity that Yang Jian is not so easy to be fooled, she just shook her head and said, "Sorry, your heart is accepted, but I refuse."

The third generation's face suddenly turned cold, and asked: "As a ninja, as a member of Konoha, shouldn't you work for the village? Or are you planning to betray Konoha?"

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became tense. Zhi Nai opened his mouth to say something, but Yang Jian raised his hand to stop him, "It's really a big disaster, I really can't hold it like this, but you seem to have overlooked a little bit, Am I a ninja?"

As soon as Yang Jian said this, everyone present was stunned. Thinking about it carefully, Yang Jian didn't seem to be a ninja at all. He had never been to a ninja school or registered. In this way, there is no way to ask him to use the rules of the ninja.

The third generation hesitated for a moment, and continued: "You are a member of Konoha after all, this is your home, don't you..."

But Yang Jian interrupted the third generation again, "I'm not sure if I'm still a member of Konoha, although I was born in the oil girl clan, but you also know my situation, and I have a very bad relationship with the people in the clan Well, I’ve been wandering around all these years, and I’ve formed my own family, so I can’t abandon my family to work for Konoha.”

"What! Second Uncle, you have already started a family outside. My father and I don't know about this.

!You actually kept it from me and Dad! Zhi Nai exclaimed, with some dissatisfaction in his tone.

"I didn't tell anyone about this matter. I have other identities outside, and I have many enemies. I don't want to involve my family because of my affairs, as long as you keep it a secret."

Of course Yang Jian is talking nonsense, there are quite a few women raised outside, but there is no such thing as starting a family, marrying a wife and having children. Instead, a Yinnin Village has been established. It can be said that Yang Jian built it from scratch and according to his own wishes It is not an exaggeration to regard Yinnin Village as his home.

Now the three generations looked embarrassed. If Yang Jian formed a new family outside, he would not be able to use the fetters of emotion to make Yang Jian work for Konoha, because his heart is no longer here.

"If you want, I can decide to let your family move to Konoha and enjoy the preferential treatment of Konoha Ninja."

"I don't want it anymore. You also know what happened to me in the oily girl clan. Once some cracks appear, they can no longer be repaired, and I don't want them to be in danger."

The third generation's face suddenly turned ugly, "What do you mean by that? Can't you trust me? Could it be that Konoha can't guarantee their safety."

"Konoha is the head of the five major ninja villages. Of course it is no problem to protect the safety of a few people. I also trust you very much, but the problem is the people I don't trust. For example, Konoha Yukura, who hides underground What do you think he will do once he knows the whereabouts of my family with his heart?"

"I promise……"

"Three generations of adults, don't make promises at will, some things cannot be convinced by words alone."

The third generation fell silent, thinking about Danzo's character and what he had done before, he was really not sure to make a guarantee, even if he had suppressed Danzo now, he was not sure that Danzo would really be honest.

Chapter 110 Shino's Practice

The Third Hokage looked at Yang Jian, and felt tangled in his heart. For a special talent like Yang Jian, especially with space ninjutsu, the best way to deliberately change the existence of a nuclear weapon in a war is to completely control it and hold it in his hands , or kill it to prevent it from being obtained by others and posing a threat to the village.

But thinking of the powerful life-saving ability of space ninjutsu, unless Yang Jian gave up and escaped, no one would be able to catch him. Back then, the Fourth Hokage chose to fight Kyuubi to protect the village, otherwise he would not have died at all.

In addition, if there is a powerful psychic beast on Penglai Island, if it really falls out with Yang Jian and makes a big move, even if Konoha wins in the end, it may be a heavy loss. Akatsuki organized Payne's attack and couldn't bear the loss.

The third generation finally dispelled the idea of ​​keeping Yang Jian, and at the same time thought of his old friend, Konoha's thousand-year-old pot king Danzo. He will try every means to solve Yang Jian completely, but he is not Danzo after all, and the three generations are relatively gentle in life, so he will not use such extreme methods.

"Since this is the case, I won't force it, but I hope you can remember that this is Konoha, the place where you were born, and your relatives. If Konoha is in crisis, I hope you can help."

Yang Jian nodded and promised: "You don't need to say this, although I don't have a good impression of most of the oily girls, but my cheap brother has always cared about me, and there is also Zhi Nai, they They are all people I care about, relatives who are worthy of my life, and I will not just stand by and ignore them when they are in danger."

Hearing what Yang Jian said, the third generation finally felt relieved, waved his hand and said, "I hope you remember what you said today, okay, I'm fine now, if you have something to do, go first."

"Well, I'll leave now. If you have any questions, please let me know. I rented a house near Yile Ramen. I will live in Konoha for a while. I promise to be on call."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave, but when he walked to Zhi Nai, he said: "Zinai, remember to get up early tomorrow and come to my side, it will be to your benefit."

When Yang Jian left Hokage's office, Zhi Nai heaved a sigh of relief. Although he was young, he had an unimaginable delicate mind. He could feel the tension in the atmosphere just now. He also knew what it is like to be a leader. Annihilated in the bud, he was really afraid that the third generation would attack Yang Jian.

"Go down too, Shino, Hong, and Hinata Kazuya. Since the four of you are lucky enough to sign a psychic contract with Penglai Island, then make good use of it, practice hard, and master psychic art as much as possible. A group of psychic beasts above are summoned."

"Obey! Hokage-sama, we will." The four members of the eighth class promised quickly.

It's just that Kurenai Yuhi, who is an elite Jnin, was a little puzzled at this moment. They heard something different from the mouth of the third generation, and felt that the third generation seemed to be a little eager to master Horai Island so much. Power, is the war about to start again?Who is the opponent?

In the following days, the fresh graduates of Zhi Nao started endless low-level tasks, such as picking up garbage, clearing the sewer, looking for lost kittens, helping people plant land, etc. These little guys started from the beginning. The initial excitement of becoming a ninja turned into boredom of the task.

Compared with other little guys, Zhi Nai's aversion to low-level tasks is completely different, as if enjoying it, he completes every task seriously, and gets up an hour early every day to go to Yang Jian, and after completing the task in the afternoon, he also spends an hour waiting for him. It's at Yang Jian's rental house.

Of course, Yang Jian had to take special care of his nephew.For Nei, of course, a large pot is prepared every morning, a large amount of medicine is put into the pot, the temperature is kept at more than 60 degrees, and then Zhi Nai is allowed to cook for half an hour.

And at night, Yang Jian taught Zhi Nai to meditate, making him afraid of a unique frequency of breathing, and his heartbeat would be in a strange state, which resonated with the six-winged golden silkworm attached to the heart. The silkworm always has a force that flows through every corner of Shino's body through the blood, and some black impurities will come out of his body, and he will fall asleep after taking a shower at home, and will be in a deep sleep state.

At the beginning, Zhi Nai didn't feel that the training Yang Jian arranged for him was of any use, but after half a month, Zhi Nai obviously felt that his physical fitness had improved in an all-round way, his strength had increased a lot, and he could clearly feel that his physical strength had improved a lot. Zhi Nai ran to Yang Jian more diligently, and Yang Jian would not be stingy, and taught him some knowledge of cultivation from time to time, which made Zhi Nai unknowingly separated from other people. Xiaoqiang's distance.

This day, the eighth class took another low-level task. They went to the orchard to pick apples. Each of the three little guys was holding a bag. Hong just followed behind and watched them. As long as there was no special trouble, Hong would not make a move. .

Ya looked impatient, "Why can we only do these low-level tasks, can't we choose a more advanced one? Picking up trash, picking apples, when will this kind of life be the end?"

"Let's take our time, in fact, low-level tasks are not bad." Hinata persuaded in a low voice with some embarrassment.

Fang murmured dissatisfied: "I didn't say that low-level tasks are bad, but I just do too much and it's really boring. Shino, I think you seem to like low-level tasks very much. Don't you want to do higher-level tasks?"

"We are just ninja now, and we need a lot of low-level tasks to hone ourselves, and low-level tasks are not bad, as long as you can find the fun in them."

"What fun is this low-level? And it doesn't enhance our strength at all."

Zhi Nai thought for a while, bent down and picked up a few dead branches from the ground, a wisp of chakra emerged from his hand and attached to the dead branches, he threw it out suddenly, only heard a few clicks, those dead branches were shot A fruit tree, mostly inserted into the trunk. ,.

"Picking up rubbish can practice throwing kunai. If you want to throw rubbish into the bag, you need to ensure that the force can't be too big or too small. You have to calculate the impact of the wind, which is not so easy to control."

Another ball of chakra appeared in Zhi Nao's hand, attached to the entire palm, and plunged into the ground, "Planting the ground can practice attack ability."

Then Shino grabbed the bag and walked towards a fruit tree. With the chakra attached to his feet, he walked up like this, and then kept moving on the canopy of the tree. One arm seemed to be transformed into a dozen, and he picked all the apples in just three minutes. After cleaning up, he walked down leisurely.

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