"Picking apples can be used for tree climbing exercises, which can enhance the control of chakra, and even walking can exercise oneself."

At this time, even Yu Hihong, who had been observing from a distance, was shocked. After inquiring carefully, she soon discovered the abnormality. When Shino walked, one foot was often deep and the other was shallow. The next pit.

"Find a way to integrate cultivation into your life. You are cultivating with every move. Although the steps are very small, but the accumulation will make you one step faster than others, and your strength will always be faster. Ahead of everyone else, uh..."

Zhi Nao stopped in the middle of speaking, because he found that Kuroyuki had walked by at some point, and was staring at him dumbfounded.

"That... Actually, my second uncle taught me these things. I don't understand some things, but he let me try to do it, and find the joy of cultivation from some simple things. He often said that those who know are not as good as Those who are good, those who are good are not as good as those who are happy..."

"Your second uncle...is really a, a...a genius or a lunatic, but no matter what, I have to say admiration."

Yu Hihong didn't know how to describe Yang Jian anymore. He seemed to have trained Zhi Nao to be a cultivator, but Zhi Nao was still enjoying it, so she didn't know what to say.

Because Shino's performance really stimulated Kiba, Hinata, and even Hong, so the atmosphere was a little silent, they finished the task of picking apples silently, and it was already evening, Hong offered to invite the three of them to ease the atmosphere After eating, the four of them went to the barbecue restaurant together.

Unexpectedly, when they came to the barbecue restaurant, they found that the seventh and eleventh classes were also there, and they quickly greeted Kakashi and Asma, and then sat together as a matter of course.

When the girlfriend is in the situation, in order to show his masculinity, Asma has to treat such things as his own, but thinking of his own appetite, plus other people, at this time Asma's face is a bit ugly Now, I calculated silently in my heart, wondering if my wallet was enough.

It's a pity that other people didn't care about Asma's face at all. Asma was fighting hard. Even if he stayed to wash the dishes in the end, he had to ask this guest to say nothing. , Temporary accounting can also be done!

"Hong, what's wrong with you? I see that your complexion is not very good, what's the matter?"

Yuhi Honghong was a little absent-minded because of what happened to Shino today, which made Asma, who had been caring about her, find out and couldn't help asking. .Asma, who observed him, found out.

Hong raised her head and saw Asma's concerned eyes, her heart warmed up, she thought about it for a while and then said what Shino did today, Kakashi and Asma were also shocked.

Naruto Sasuke and other small powerhouses turned their heads to look at Shino at the same time. Several of them observed carefully for a while, and soon discovered the abnormality. There was actually a thin layer of chakra attached to the surface of Shino's chopsticks holding the barbecue. Someone reminded them that they really couldn't find it.

Everyone really didn't expect Zhi Nai to be in the process of cultivating even when eating. Sure enough, geniuses are never a fluke. Behind their enjoyment of glory, they put in hard work that ordinary people can't imagine.

At this moment, Zhi Nai became the focus, but facing everyone's eyes, Zhi Nai still remained calm and did not change at all. He continued to use the chakra-attached chopsticks to hold the barbecue and put it into his mouth, because he remembered Yang Jian's teaching that Jiaojiao was so tender. over him.Yang Tong has done it before, he doesn't need to care about other people's eyes, he just needs to follow his established route and practice step by step. As long as there are no accidents, he will stand on the pinnacle of the world one day. .

Sasuke looked at Zhi Nao, full of excitement, even fanaticism. Now he has an idea in his mind, if he can get Yang Jian's guidance, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and he will definitely be able to kill Itachi.

But then Sasuke became embarrassed again, he and the other party were not related, so why should he guide him?What price can I pay for revenge?

"Shi Nao, your second uncle is too powerful, please tell me, let me worship him as a teacher." Naruto was the most nervous, and said his thoughts without hesitation.

"I can introduce you, but my second uncle is not a ninja, and he won't accept apprentices, so don't hold out too much hope."

"No, I will definitely impress him with my sincerity, and I will definitely accept me."

Looking at the confident Naruto, Shino didn't say much, he didn't hate single-celled creatures like Naruto, so he didn't mind helping with this little favor.

Everyone continued to eat barbecue, just thinking about their own things, until the end, Kakashi, Hong and Asuma discussed in a low voice, Hong said to Shino: "Shino, we are going to visit Your second uncle, don't know if it's okay?"

"And me, I want to go too!" Naruto quickly added next to him.

Then Sasuke, Kiba, Sakura and others also stood up, knowing what they meant without saying anything.

"Of course it's okay, Teacher Hong, you are too polite, in fact, my second uncle is very talkative."

Hong gave a wry smile, and didn't quite believe Zhi Nai's words. Maybe Yang Jian was really easy to talk to Zhi Nai, but not necessarily to other people.

After eating the barbecue, Asma didn't know what to discuss with the boss, so she left the barbecue shop with everyone, and then went to Yang Jian's rented house under the guidance of Zhi Nao.

The place where Yang Jian lives is located near Yile Ramen, one of the most prosperous areas in Muye Village. Yang Jian, who was not short of money, could have bought it, but he finally chose to rent it out of the idea of ​​not revealing his wealth.

Zhi Nai came to the door and knocked twice, and soon Yang Jian's voice came from the yard, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

When Zhi Nai and his group walked in, they saw Yang Jian was busy cooking there, and they were shocked when they saw it clearly.

At this time, there was a shelf in front of Yang Jian, and a large casserole was hung on the shelf. There were many unknown animal bones, animal skins, etc. in it, and the heat was rising and the smoke was filling the air.

Of course, what Yang Jian cooks will not surprise Kaka, Xi, Yuhihong, Asma and other elite jounin. What really surprises them is the way Yang Jian cooks. There are three oranges floating on the bottom of the casserole. Something like a red fireball exuded high heat, boiling the contents of the pot.

The three of Kakashi have all experienced the Third Ninja World War. They are well-informed. The moment they saw the three orange fireballs, they recognized the boundary of this kind of blood succession. The genius of Sand Hidden Village The ninja Ye Cang's Blood Inheritance Boundary Burning Dun has been lost since Ye Cang's death. I didn't expect to see it on Yang Jian today.

Chapter 111 Bloodstain

"Wait a minute, I have to be busy for a while, Shino, entertain the guests for me." After seeing Kakashi and his party, Yang Jian casually explained a few words to Shino, and then continued to concentrate on the casserole in front of him. Carefully adjust the heat and continue cooking.

Zhi Nai walked into the room, and the familiar roommate took out a long table, took out cups and drinks and poured each person a cup, as if you were half the host to entertain the guests.

Yang Jian's energy was highly concentrated, and he involuntarily exuded a different kind of aura. There was an indescribable sense of oppression, which made people calm down involuntarily. Even Naruto, who was usually the most eccentric, sat quietly There, dare not make the slightest sound.

Everyone waited for half an hour. Finally, Yang Jian poured the liquid from the casserole into a jar. It was a black liquid exuding a medicinal fragrance. in the liquid medicine.

"Okay, now you can tell me what's the matter for you to come to me." Yang Jian put the jar aside, then looked at Kakashi and the others and asked.

The nervous celebrity was about to speak, but was stopped by Kakashi. The three junin made eye contact with each other, and finally Asma asked, "Did you use Burning Dun just now?"

Originally, their purpose of coming here was to ask for some methods of cultivation, but seeing Yang Jian's burning escape made them change their minds, and they needed to find out some things clearly.

"It is indeed Burning Dun, why? Is there a problem?"

"As far as I know, the blood succession boundary developed by Shangren Yecang, a genius in Burning Dunsha Hidden Village, has been lost since her sacrifice. Why do you have it?"

"What? Do you suspect that I'm a spy in Hidden Sand Village?" Yang Jian immediately understood Asma's meaning and asked with a half-smile.

"Although I also want to believe you, there are too many doubts. I think it's better to explain some things clearly."

"Well, although I personally don't think it's necessary, I live in Konoha after all, so I'll give you a face."

Yang Jian paused for a moment, and then continued: "In the eyes of many people, blood stains are a powerful ability, but for me, they are completely dispensable."

As Yang Jian said, he stretched out his right hand, chakra gushed out from five fingers, and slowly gathered into a whirlwind, a ball of water, a flame, a wisp of lightning, and a ball of earth.

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