Yang Jiajia's index finger and thumb slowly joined the flame and the whirlwind, and soon a small orange fireball appeared, which was the burning escape that was cast before.

"Most blood succession boundaries are formed by the fusion of two chakras of different attributes. After the chakras of the two attributes of wind and fire are fused according to a certain ratio, it will form a scorching escape.

Different people have different physical qualities, and the required chakra ratio of the two attributes is also different, and even if a suitable ratio is found, it cannot be maintained for a long time. This is the most difficult part of developing the bloodstain boundary, but if it succeeds , the body fully adapts to the state of the fusion of the two chakras, and the body will produce an adaptability, which will be integrated into the blood, and it is likely to be passed on to the next generation. If it develops from generation to generation, it is possible to form a blood-stained family. "

Yang Jian scattered the orange fireball in his hand and restored it to whirlwind and flame, and then combined it with wind and wind, and the chakras of the two attributes slowly formed a ball of yellow sand in the palm of his hand.

"Wind and soil can be combined into a sand escape, and then continue to develop on this basis to form a magnetic escape. The third Kazekage is called the strongest Kazekage because of his magnetic escape blood inheritance limit."

Yang Jian used two types of bloodstain boundaries in such a short while, which is amazing enough, but this is not over, Yang Jian gathered the two chakras of wind and water attributes in the palm of his hand to form an ice cone.

"It goes without saying that you also know that the ice shield, the combination of wind and water, the ability of the Mizutsuki clan in Wuyin Village, after their ancestors developed the ice escape, after many years of development, they formed the Mizutsuki clan, Unfortunately, it is now extinct."

"The next step is the molten cave formed by earth and fire. The place with the most bloodstains is Yanyin Village. Don't you suspect that I am a spy of Yanyin Village?"

Next, Yang Jian continued to fuse chakras of different attributes, and showed melting escape, boiling escape, haze escape, explosive escape, etc., which shocked Kakashi and others to numbness. They were surprised, but when Yang Jian finally fused the three chakra attributes of wind, fire and earth, a transparent cube enchantment appeared in the palm of his hand, and a white light cluster in the middle, he couldn't help but screamed: "This It's Chen Dun! The Blood Successor who is above the boundary of Xue Ji will eliminate Chen Dun!"

This is a unique skill passed down from generation to generation by Tukage of Yanyin Village. It just appeared in Yang Jian's hands, completely breaking Kakashi's and the others' cognition. They were speechless for a while, wondering if they were dreaming.

"In my opinion, whether it is the boundary of blood traces or even the elimination of blood successors, it is actually meaningless at all. Except for a few blood traces, I don't pay attention to others. Now you should have no doubts Am I a spy?"

A bitter smile appeared on Asma's face, "Where do we dare to doubt, who would be willing to let someone like you be a spy?"

Asma understood that she was judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and quickly apologized, but at the same time she was speechless to Yang Jian. Jane has become a dispensable existence here, making Asma feel like a beggar, facing Yang Jian, a local tyrant, can only envy and hate.

"Just now you said that except for a few bloodstains, you don't pay attention to others, so can I ask, what kind of bloodstains do you care about?" Kakashi is best at grasping the problem, recalling Yang Jian In the previous words, the key point was quickly discovered.

"About this point, I have to say that Konoha is blessed by nature. Among the blood successors I care about, Konoha has four types, Sharingan, Baiyan, Mutun and the special physique of the Uzumaki clan. It is said that their abilities all come from In addition to the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, there are the bloodstains of the Kirigakure Kaguya clan. Of course, the reason why I care about these bloodstains is not because I want to get them, but because these bloodstains are powerful when they hit the highest level of power. A great help, on the contrary, if you can't reach that level, even having these bloodstains is of no use."

"The highest level of power, you mean..." Kakashi asked hesitantly, thinking that this might involve some secrets, and wondered if Yang Jian would say it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian didn't hide anything: "You can call it the power of the Six Paths level, that is to say, the power of the legendary Six Paths Immortal level."

"Six Path Immortals?!"

Kakashi, Kureni Yuhi, Asma, and several Xiaoqiang who knew about it screamed at the same time. Of course, Naruto was definitely not included among them, and they asked stupidly: "Who is the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"Sages of the Six Paths really exist? Isn't that a legend?"

Yang Jian smiled, "Who knows if it's a legend or not? Today's ninja world is divided into lower ninja, middle ninja, upper ninja and shadow, but in my opinion, there are higher levels of power above the shadow rank. It can be called the super shadow level. The first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara are at this level, but now there is only one person in the ninja world who barely reaches this level. It is said that he has the eyes of the six sages. You don’t need to ask who it is. Now, this kind of thing is not something you can know now, but above the super shadow level, it is what I call the six level, if you want to know more, you can read this book."

Yang Jian suddenly raised his hand to probe forward, and a dark portal less than one foot opened in the void. Yang Jian reached in and touched it for a while, then took out a book and threw it to Kakashi.

Kakashi took it over and took a look, only to see a few large characters written on the cover of the book: Origin of Chakra.

Kakashi glanced at the book and put it away, "Thank you, I will read it, but we have other things this time, I heard that you have been helping Shino to train, the effect is very good, we would like to ask if you can Can’t teach our students too.”

Hearing Kakashi get to the point, all the Xiaoqiangs except Shino turned their heads at the same time, and looked at Yang Jian nervously, full of hope, as if they were afraid that Yang Jian would refuse.

Yang Jian glanced at the group of Xiaoqiang, thought for a while and finally nodded and said: "Well, it's okay to give simple guidance, but I must declare in advance that I will definitely not spend too much energy on them like Zhi Nao. I'm not very clear about their situation, so let's do a comprehensive test. I have something to do tomorrow morning, so let's go to noon, half past eleven. We will gather at Yile Ramen. Except for Shino, others should not eat it Stuff, I'm going to test you guys, do you understand?"

"Uh! Wait a minute why we can't eat, but Shino can? You can't lie to us like Kakashi-sensei." Needless to say, the person who said such a thing must be Naruto people.

"My test method is quite special, and eating is also a part of it. I will treat guests at noon tomorrow. You just need to eat with your stomach open. As for Zhi Nai, I have already understood his situation clearly. He does not need to participate in this test. What, why? Do you have any doubts?"

"No, no, see you tomorrow."

Kakashi and the others got up to leave one after another, only Shino stayed, and he still had to practice meditation at night with Yang Jian.

At this moment, Yang Jian raised his head suddenly, his eyes burst into light, and he glanced up at the sky with a half-smile.

At the same time, there was a sudden bump in Hokage's office, and several Anbe ninjas rushed in immediately, but seeing the Third Hokage get up from the ground in a panic, the Anbe ninja asked eagerly: "Third-sama, are you okay?" Bar?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just fell down, you all go out!" San Dai hurriedly got up and straightened his clothes.

After Anbe Ninja left, Sandai Hokage looked at the crystal ball on the table in horror. At this time, the inside of the crystal ball was blurred, but thinking of the half-smile in his eyes just now, there was a kind of pressure from the soul, as if As if trying to suck him in, I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

The third generation understood that Yang Jian must have discovered his surveillance a long time ago, but he didn't expose it before. It was just a warning. If he continued to monitor him, he might completely anger Yang Jian.

"What have you experienced outside these years? Why is there such a powerful force? All bloodstains can be used. If it can be used by Konoha, maybe you don't have to worry about the threat from the leader of the Akatsuki organization. How about staying with you?"

The three generations have racked their brains, but unfortunately there is still no good way. The only way now is to treat Zhiwei and Zhinai father and son preferentially. They are the two people Yang Jian cares about most. Let him help Konoha when necessary.

After Sandai calmed down, recalling the picture in the crystal ball just now, he suddenly thought that Yang Jian seemed to have given Kakashi a book. His heart moved, and he immediately ordered: "Notify Kakashi, let him come to see me immediately!"

Ten minutes later, Kakashi came to Hokage's office and had a few conversations with the third Hokage. Then the majestic Konoha Hokage and Konoha's famous copy ninja Kakashi looked at the comic books without doing their jobs. When other people saw this picture, their jaws would probably drop in shock.

Originally, the role of comics was to relax and bring laughter to people. The more Sandai and Kakashi read the comics, the more serious their faces became. Apart from the sound of turning pages from time to time, there was no other sound in the office announcement .

As ninjas, they are far better than others in all aspects, and their reading speed is also faster. It only took them an hour to read all the contents of the comic book.

Sandai raised his head, looked at Kakashi and said, "What do you think?"

Kakashi smiled wryly, "After reading this book, I feel that our world is located on a crater that is about to erupt. If there really are so-called Otsutsuki clan from beyond the sky, the day they come will be our world time of destruction."

"Do you think this book was written by Yang Jian?"

"No, I went to the bookstore to inquire about it when I came here. According to the bookstore owner, this book called "The Origin of Chakra" has been on sale in the Land of Earth as early as a month ago, but it is really selling too well. Yes, he didn't get the goods, and it should be available in a few days."

"So that's the case. It seems that Yang Jian should have bought it in other countries before coming to Konoha. I just think that the content in the book is somewhat similar to the six levels he imagined. For the convenience of explanation, I will give it to you. Well, you go down first."

Kakashi looked hesitant to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything, turned and left the office. He didn't know that the moment Kakashibi closed the door, Sandai's face suddenly changed. As Hokage, he was better than Kakashi The more he knows, the more the content in the book seems to be true, especially the Otsutsuki clan, he knows more, even knows the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan may be the descendants of the Otsutsuki clan, which makes him feel Even more uneasy.

Many people suffered from insomnia that night, Sandai, Kakashi, Asma, Kurenai Yuhi, Sasuke, Naruto and other small powerhouses.

The same is true of Zhi Nao, who shouldn't have suffered from insomnia, because after he finished his training with Yang Jian, he told his father what happened today when he got home. At that time, my father's voice came from my ear: Shino, hurry up and grow up!The oil girls need you!

Chapter 112 Big Stomach King Hinata

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