The next day finally came. Class [-], Class [-], and Class [-] chose to give up the task at the same time. Although the time had not yet come, they came to Yile Ramen early and waited.

Time passed unknowingly, and it was almost eleven o'clock, but Yang Jian was still nowhere to be seen, Naruto, who was naturally jumpy, couldn't help it, and asked: "This Shino, why hasn't your second uncle arrived yet? Are you going to lie to us?"

"No, my second uncle is very punctual. Isn't it half an hour before the appointed time? He should be helping me make bath medicine at this moment, and he has been busy for a long time every day."

"So that's the case, alas! You are so lucky to have such a second uncle!"

Sure enough, it finally appeared after [-] minutes. Yang Jian finally appeared on the street. Seeing Kakashi and others, he said apologetically, "Sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's go in now. Yesterday I've already made an agreement with the hand-slapping uncle tonight."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he strode into the noodle shop and saw Yang Jian as the owner's hand, "I'm really afraid that you won't come. After preparing so many ingredients, if you can't finish eating, it will be a waste."

"How could it be? I paid a deposit, so let's get some ramen!"

Handa greeted immediately, and his daughter Caiyi also came to help, and brought out bowls of ramen, which quickly filled two tables, with more than 100 bowls.

"You really plan to let them eat ramen in a competition, is this also a test?" Kakashi looked at the ramen on the table and asked suspiciously.

"Of course, don't you think I'm joking? I asked someone for their information last night. I know their situation. Next, of course I have to test what is not in the information. Okay, let's start now. The more you eat, the more you eat. The more the better, this is my test for you."

Hearing this, Xiaoqiang immediately came to the table and began to eat. Even if he didn’t like ramen, he still tried to fill his stomach as much as possible. Since it’s a test, he had to do his best. The most excited people were Naruto and Choji Well, both of them are foodies, of course they won't be polite when someone treats them.

Uncle Yile had prepared more than one hundred bowls of ramen in advance. At first he thought it was not enough, but soon he realized that he had taken it for granted. The amount of ramen was visibly decreasing, and he was about to run out. So he hurried into the kitchen Get busy.

There was also a bowl of ramen in front of Yang Jian, and he ate it leisurely. At the same time, he spent most of his energy observing other people. Of course, he mainly observed Hinata Hinata. Sure enough, the future Queen Konoha with a big stomach is not just bragging , This meeting has eaten more than twenty bowls.

This not-so-regular ramen-eating competition lasted for more than an hour before it stopped. There were already more than a dozen stacks of bowls on the table next to them.

"Okay, let's stop here. I already know about your situation. Among them, the person who eats the most is Hinata Hinata, with a total of forty-two bowls. Her ninja talent is the best among you."

"What! Hinata ate more than forty bowls, how is this possible? Also, why the most ninja talent is the best if you eat the most, doesn't it make sense at all?"

Hearing Yang Jian's words, the group of Xiaoqiang didn't believe it at first, but in the end Kakashi also helped to testify. He was also counting before, and then believed that Hinata had really eaten more than forty bowls of ramen, but they still didn't believe Yang Jian's words. What Jane said, Hinata's ninja talent is the best.

"First of all, you need to understand a little knowledge, the law of energy conservation. Human beings digest the food in their stomachs and convert it into energy for the body's consumption. Then the problem comes, Hinata eats so much ramen, what is converted into The energy is more than ten times that of ordinary people, and it is impossible for her to waste so much energy in normal training, so where does the remaining energy go?"

Hearing Yang Jian's question, everyone present was stunned, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at Hinata, especially her still flat belly, which made Hinata flush with shame and almost fainted.

It's just that no matter the three elite Jonin or Naruto, Sasuke, these small powerhouses, they didn't laugh at Hinata Hinata's idea, but they all wondered where the food Hinata ate went?How is the converted energy consumed?

"I think you should have some guesses. The reason why Hinata eats so much must be that something is constantly absorbing energy from Hinata, so that Hinata has to eat a lot of food to supplement it. Don't worry about absorbing energy. What is it? It is certain that something that can consume such a huge amount of energy is absolutely extraordinary, so I said that her talent is the best, do you still have doubts about this?"

Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi and Asma shook their heads at the same time, no longer doubting Yang Jian's words, and at the same time, they also had some guesses in their hearts. As the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, the difference between Hinata and others is of course the white eyes Could it be that the energy was sucked away by the white eyes, but why do ordinary people of the Hyuga clan not have this abnormality? Is there any difference in the white eyes of this young lady of the Hyuga clan?Could it be that she can still roll her eyes...evolve! !

"Of course, a good talent does not mean a high achievement in the later stage. Hinata's weakness is also obvious, which is her character, and she lacks the motivation to become stronger and the desire for strength."

Kurenai Yuhi immediately nodded in agreement. To be honest, she was also troubled by Hinata's character, and fainted because of fear and embarrassment at every turn, but Kureni Yuhi didn't like to exercise Hinata in extreme ways. After all, she was from the Hinata family. Miss, if something goes wrong, she can't bear the responsibility.

"Hinata's talent is number one, but because of his personality, it's a pity that his talent can't be fully utilized. Next is Naruto. His talent can be ranked second. Naruto's advantages are clear at a glance. I think you will also It should be discovered that his chakracha is far better than ordinary ninjas. Although he is only a teenager, his chakra level is equivalent to a shadow level. Same, this kind of person..."

"Wait a minute!" Asma interrupted Yang Jian suddenly, "Really, Dingji should eat more than Naruto, why is Dingji's talent not as good as Naruto?"

"Choji's appetite is indeed slightly bigger than Naruto's, but this is not due to talent, but because of the side effects of Choji's family secrets. This situation is quite special and cannot be linked to talent."

"So that's the case, well, I understand, you go on."

"The next third is Sasuke. Sasuke should be the most worry-free. He is relatively balanced in all aspects. Although there are some problems with his mentality and he is paranoid about power, it is precisely because of this that he will force himself to become stronger. As long as you put The training plan I made for Shino can be changed a little bit."

"The next thing is the teeth. You are a genius if you are talented, but I really have no way to deal with you, because it involves the secret arts of your Inuzuka clan. I don't know much about it, but I know that most of your clan Secret arts need to cooperate with ninja dogs, and ninja dogs are also beasts, and the strongest point of beasts compared with humans is the perception of danger, and we can also find ways to strengthen ninja dogs in this regard Training, discuss it with your family when you go back, I don’t have any good opinions on this.”

"No, no, no! Your proposal has already helped me a lot, so I'll go back and discuss it with my father." Ya couldn't wait for a while, and he had a feeling in his heart that what Yang Jian said just now might be right for them. The clan caused an impact beyond imagination, turned around and ran to the clan residence.

Yang Jian shrugged helplessly, and then turned to look at the trio of Inokacho, "Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji, because I don't know your family's secret arts, the most I can do is help you make a training plan , but whether he can stick to his own problems, Shikamaru is too lazy, Choji is delicious, and his personality is too soft, as for Ino, strength is probably not as important as a handsome guy, the biggest problem is the lack of pursuit of strength."

After hearing this, Asma almost applauded. She felt that Yang Jian's words were too correct, and she pointed out the personality flaws of the three members of Class [-].

"The last is Sakura, you have the worst talent, but you also have an advantage that others don't have, that is, the control of Chakra. I think you can work more on medical ninjutsu."

"I know this. I have already started to learn medical ninjutsu." Xiao Ying was not angry at all when she heard Yang Jian say that her talent was poor, and talked about her learning medical ninjutsu.

"Have you started practicing medical ninjutsu? Very good. I didn't expect you to be able to find out exactly what you are good at and put it into action. This is already amazing."

"Actually, it's nothing. I have to thank Teacher Dou for everything. He taught me." Sakura said a little embarrassed.

Dou teacher?Could it be... Teacher Du.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there were those guesses in her mind. If the guesses were correct, then it might be because of herself that she caused someone to change, and then it affected Sakura, making her learn medical treatment in advance. Ninjutsu, thus producing a sort of butterfly effect.

"Teacher Dou is the vice principal of our school. He is not only handsome, knowledgeable, but also amiable. Although he is only a Chunin, he has unique insights in ninjutsu. He likes to study the use of various ninjutsu. , We have all been taught by him, and we respect him very much." As Sakura was speaking, her eyes lit up, and she was a proper little fan.

Naruto also echoed, "That's right, that's right, Teacher Dou is the best, and he often invites me to eat ramen, and he will help me when I encounter difficulties in the future."

"Teacher Dou invited me to barbecue, he is a good person." To Ding Ci, anyone who is willing to invite him to barbecue is a good person.

Ino, Shikamaru, and Hinata also spoke for their Dou-sensei one after another, and even Ku Ge Sasuke's face softened a little when the audience cursed Dou-sensei.

Although Yang Jian knew that Yao Shidou completed the task of Orochimaru for me, collected the cells of the members of Konoha’s major families, and worked hard to climb up. You will gain more rights and become the vice principal of the ninja school, but how to do it specifically? But he didn't know about it, and he didn't know how far he was. After coming to Konoha, he didn't contact him. Although the two knew each other's identity, they both pretended not to know. Dodo captured almost all the students in the ninja school, and even Sakura turned into a little fan girl of Dou, this method is almost comparable to Orochimaru.

The corners of Yang Jian's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he thought to himself: If you find out that the so-called Teacher Dou is actually a spy in the future, you don't know what kind of expression you will have.

Kakashi seemed to be worried that Yang Jian didn't know who Xiaoqiang said about Zaidou teacher, and explained next to him: "The teacher they said is called Yakushidou, and he is the vice-principal of the ninja school. Passed the ninjutsu exam. According to the usual practice, he should be the subordinate of a certain ninja to do tasks. However, he showed an unimaginable understanding of ninjutsu, and has unique insights. In terms of teaching and educating people It can be called a genius, so the three generations of adults set a special precedent, thinking that it would be a waste if this kind of talent was put on the battlefield, so he was promoted to Chunin and arranged for him to be a teacher in the school.

Facts have proved that the vision of raising three generations of adults is indeed unique. Over the years, Yakushido has raised many excellent ninjas for Konoha, and they are loved by all the students. Finally, he became the vice principal of the ninja school as a chunin. "

Now Yang Jian's expression became even weirder. It stands to reason that Danzang should know the true identity of Yao Shidou!How could he be allowed to be the vice-principal? Didn't Danzo tell the third generation that it is really possible? Danzo intends to resist the third generation.

"Cough cough cough... Okay, let's not talk about your pharmacist, let's continue to talk about your situation, Sakura, since you have already started learning medical ninjutsu, then continue to persevere. I don’t quite understand, the most powerful person in this area is Konoha’s Tsunade Princess, if you have a chance, you can ask her for advice.”

"Ms. Tsunade? I know, she is my idol."

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