Then Yang Jian looked at Naruto again, "The problem with your words is that you are too hot-blooded, and your mind is simple, and your memory is too poor. Ordinary training methods can't increase your strength at all. Practice with the technique, try to use your body to remember the battle, haven’t you already learned the technique of multiple shadow clones? If a normal person uses the technique of multiple shadow clones, the memory of the clone will be flooded into the brain at the same time, and the brain may not be able to bear it. You will collapse and become a lunatic, but you will not have this problem, because your mind is too simple, and there will even be such things as the avatar and the main body competing for the toilet, which shows that you will not think about those things. Complicated problems, although you have a lot of memory, are very simple, and your brain can fully bear them, so you can use multiple shadow clones to practice."

"Let's do a calculation, assuming you have two hundred clones to cultivate, that is two hundred times faster, no matter how stupid you are, you should be able to catch up with others, but a simple-minded person like you is the best It’s best not to use too complicated ninjutsu, it’s better to choose a ninjutsu that doesn’t use seals, and then try to develop on the original basis to maximize the power.”

Naruto was fine, but Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi and Asma thought of a kind of ninjutsu at the same time at the same moment——Genus Wan!

Chapter 113

"Simple ninjutsu is definitely not very powerful. Is there such a powerful and handsome ninjutsu? Of course, it would be nice if it could be simpler."

When Yang Jian commented on other people, no matter what their thoughts were, they listened quietly, no matter what they said, they would not refute Yang Jian's words, only Naruto, a one-minded guy, said nothing. Don't hesitate to speak your mind.

"Shut up, be honest, and be obedient." Kakashi was afraid that his stupid student would make Yang Jian angry, so he quickly dragged Naruto aside.

But how could Yang Jian not know Naruto's temperament, of course he would not be angry because of such a trivial matter, instead he took the initiative to persuade him: "Simple moves are not necessarily weak, on the contrary, if you can use simple things to the limit, the power will be greater." The conference is beyond your imagination. In fact, there is a person in Konoha who can display the six-level strength in a short period of time. He uses the simplest physical skills. Even if it is the first generation of Naruto, he can kick to death.

However, the same powerful power also has to pay a heavy price. Although he can exert the power of the sixth level in a short period of time, he will exhaust his vitality and die after that, and can only be a real man for three seconds. "

After displaying the strength of the sixth level, and relying on physical skills, the three of Kakashi glanced at each other, and vaguely guessed in their hearts who Yang Jian was talking about?The biggest possibility is Maitekai. They all know that the eight-door dunjia is a powerful secret technique. Maitekai's father once opened the seventh door, and then defeated the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in a very short time. , the eighth gate is definitely stronger, but can it really reach the six-path level?

"Really? There is such a powerful master, who is it? I want to worship him as my teacher." Naruto didn't hear the words behind him clearly, and he didn't have any doubts. He only knew that the other party was very powerful, even stronger than the first generation of Hokage. As for what Yang Jian said at the cost of consuming his life, he didn't listen at all.

"You can ask Mr. Kakashi for information about that person. He is your opponent in Kakashi's life, and he is also your best friend."

Sure enough, it was him, and Kakashi's face turned black. The so-called lifelong opponent was not what he wanted, but the opponent who stalked him. After identifying Kakashi, he refused to let go, and was always stuck by that green watermelon rind. He was pestering the competition, completely disregarding the occasion, and often made some embarrassing actions, not to mention how helpless he was.

"Mr. Kakashi, is that person your opponent? Then can you..."

"No!" Kakashi refused without waiting for Naruto's next words to come out. He would never take the initiative to find that green watermelon rind, let alone let Naruto go. Let that fool be infected, let his subordinates have the same green watermelon rind, should he still live?

Yang Jian ignored Kakashi and Naruto who were arguing there, and turned to look at Hinata, "As I said before, your talent is the best, but you lack the heart of a strong man, a change Strong reasons, no one can help you with this, you can only rely on yourself, although it is a pity to see you wasting your talent like this, but the right to choose is still in your hands, I don't want to force you."

Hinata is a little confused. This is the first time she knows her talent. You must know that when she was in the family, everyone looked down on her as a young lady. They felt that she was not strong enough and would not be an excellent ninja in the future, but Things seem to have changed a bit now.

"What should I do if I... want to become stronger?" Hinata asked for the first time the question buried deep in her heart.

"You can test the limits of your body first. For example, how long does it take you to recover from an injury? How long do you need to rest after exhaustion? If I'm not wrong, your recovery ability should be far better than ordinary people After all, it’s not a joke to eat more than ten times the amount of ordinary people. Even if most of it is sucked away by some... um, it’s enough to consume your body. can all recover.”

There was a trace of firmness on Hinata's face, and she nodded, "I understand, I will test it when I go back, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

Yang Jian tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "The other point is about the Soft Fist of your Hyuga clan. The advantage, but it also made you fall into a vicious circle. You don't always have a kind of confidence in the soft fist. Although the soft fist can indeed bring you a huge advantage at the beginning, but this is only below the shadow level. The level, the soft fist has become your limit when you go up. If you want to reach the shadow level, unless you can jump out of the shackles of the soft fist, of course you may not understand these things now, just keep it in your heart. Your strength in the future Once you reach that point, you will understand.”

In Yang Jian's view, the Hyuga Clan's Soft Fist is only used to train ninjas at the basic level, but the Soft Fist has become an obstacle to truly cultivating elites.

The ancestors of the Hyuga clan who created the soft fist at the beginning can enter the kage class or even the super shadow class with this soft fist. That is because the soft fist is the most suitable for his physique, but people are different. Thousands of miles away, even if they all have white eyes, how many people can truly display its true strength?If the descendants of the Hyuga family only know how to follow the scriptures and imitate their ancestors, they will not be able to achieve much in the end.

In the original plot, Ningji is the only person in the Hyuga clan who can be called a genius. Although he is also a practitioner of soft fist, he has his own unique understanding. Later, he comprehended Huitian without anyone teaching him, which shows that he has found it. It's just a pity that he was unlucky and sacrificed to protect Hinata in the final battle.

If Yang Jian's words reached the ears of other members of the Hyuga clan, they might directly regard Yang Jian as an enemy, which would simply break their cognition of the Hyuga clan.

Of course, Yang Jian doesn't care about the views of the Hinata clan. The key to saying this is that he doesn't want Hinata Hinata's talent to be wasted like this, and he also believes that Hinata and the others present will not take what they heard today. Gossip everywhere.

Yang Jian commented on everyone, and finally made a training plan according to their situation, and just gave it to their teacher and ignored it. This was already Yang Jian's best effort, after all, they were not relatives, not relatives. There is no need to worry too much about them.

When Yang Jian was leaving, Naruto and Sasuke once again proposed to be apprentices. Of course, Yang Jian refused without hesitation. Although he valued Prince Naruto and Er Zhuzi, the two sons of destiny, Yang Jian knew who was staring at them. There were too many people, not to mention the big toad in Miaomu Mountain, but more importantly, the Sage of the Six Paths in the dark.

Although Sage of the Six Paths has decayed, his Chakra still exists, secretly watching the ninja world. Naruto and Sasuke are his two sons reincarnated, and they will definitely be staring at them all the time. Who knows if their actions will be Arouse his disgust?Will you find out that you are an outsider?Will there be thoughts of killing yourself?

Although Yang Jian's current strength has reached the super shadow level.But for Sage of the Six Paths, an old monster that has survived for more than 1000 years, he is still not sure, and dare not be careless in the slightest. Even if he loses his body, who knows if he has any cards. In the original play, he can give Naruto and Sasuke the jade He Liugouyu's Sharingan directly sealed Datongmu Huiye again, so Yang Jian didn't dare to take risks.

After giving advice to Zhong Xiaoqiang, Yang Jianjian returned to his yard, and basically spent the rest of the day without leaving the gate, just teaching Zhi Nai and recuperating his body at the same time.

Time passed unknowingly. One day, Yang Jian got a message from Shino that Naruto and the others had borrowed a C-level task from the seventh class to escort an old man who built a bridge. Yang Jian immediately understood that the plot of Wave Country was about to begin.

However, Yang Tong didn't care too much, because Yang Jian had already taken Bai and her mother to Yinren Village early, and there was nothing worthy of Yang Jian's concern if he didn't kill her. It absorbs the metal elements in the iron blood to strengthen it, but its sharpness is not as good as the Caozhi sword made by Orochimaru, so it didn't react much after hearing the news.

Originally, Yang Jian planned to stay in Konoha for a while, but a message came from the person in charge of the Earth Chamber of Commerce, which forced Yang Jian to temporarily change his plan.

In order to lure Heijue, Yang Jian specially wrote about the origin of chakra. The popularity exceeded Yang Jian's imagination, and it has been sold all over the world. According to Yang Jian's previous customized plan, the next step can be carried out.

This day, after Zhi Nai finished his daily practice here with Yang Jian, Yang Jian stopped him when he was about to leave, "Wait a minute, Zhi Nai, this is for you!"

Zhi Nai took Yang Jian and handed over a bottle. When he opened it, he found that there were more than 20 black pills inside. He couldn't help asking curiously, "Second Uncle, what kind of medicine is this? What is it for?"

"This is the medicine you use for bathing every day. I made them into pills. From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to come here for the time being. Just find someone at home to help you make the gunpowder bath. I'm going to leave Konoha for a while... "

After hearing Yang Jian's words, Zhi Nai panicked and asked, "Second Uncle, where are you going? Can't you stay? If there is anything, I can help."

"I'm just leaving temporarily, and I'll be back in half a month at most. As for what I can't tell you, it's only myself. You can't be lazy during my absence, and practice hard."

Hearing that Yang Jian was only leaving temporarily, Zhi Nai heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately promised: "Don't worry, Second Uncle, I won't be lazy, you have to be careful outside, in case of danger..."

"Don't you still know my strength? How could it be dangerous?"

At this time, Zhi Nai also felt that he was talking nonsense, thinking of the strength shown by his second uncle, who could hurt him?

The third generation has been paying attention to Yang Jian's side, and the news that he is leaving soon spread to the ears, so Zhi Nai spread the word that he wanted to meet Yang Jian before he left, and there were some things to talk about, Yang did not refuse, but the meeting place was three generations It was a bit of a surprise to choose the vicinity of the ninja school.

When Yang Jian came to the top of a building next to the Ninja School, he saw that the third generation was looking at the gate of the Ninja School. At this time, it was just after school. A group of students came out of the school. Their parents or elders picked up their children and returned home. A happy scene.

"Whenever I see the smiles on the faces of these children, I always have an indescribable sense of comfort. I feel that all my efforts have not been in vain. This is the peace bought by countless ninjas with their own blood." Three generations did not look back Knowing Yang Jian's arrival, he said with a cigarette pouch in his mouth.

"It is indeed very peaceful. But no matter where, no matter how beautiful it looks on the surface, there is a dark side behind the light. Even Konoha is the same, but it is hidden deeper. Think about how many Konohas have. People sacrificed because of this dark side, Konoha White Fang, Uchiha, and even... the fourth generation!" Yang Jian was not fooled by the third generation, and mercilessly revealed Konoha's bloody side.

The third generation looked at Yang Jian in surprise, and did not expect him to understand it so clearly, "Indeed, Konoha does have its dark side, but we must not lose confidence in it because of this. The first generation of adults once said that there are leaves flying around. where there is fire burning."

"Stop! Don't tell me this. If all the leaves burn, Konoha will probably turn into ashes too. Don't take the words of the first generation of Hokage as the law of truth, and as far as I know, the character of the first generation is very similar to Naruto, with a lack of brain He tends to do some naive behaviors from time to time. If it weren't for the second generation to take care of him, I don't know how much trouble he would have caused. Just his characteristic of losing every bet is enough to cause headaches. I doubt that they put the tail The beast was sold to pay off the gambling debt."

"Cough, cough, cough..." The third generation was choked by the smoke, and he didn't come up in one breath, and was almost suffocated to death. He felt a little strange, how did Yang Jian know these things?

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