"If the first generation can survive and see that the Thousand Hands are almost extinct, I don't know what kind of thinking it will be. In addition, you have not done what the first generation hoped. The purpose of the first generation to create Konoha is for those children. Go to the battlefield, but have you done it? How many graduates at a young age are forced to go to the battlefield?"

Yang Jian's words were too sharp, and the three generations who hated him couldn't speak. Although there were many unavoidable difficulties in it, what Yang Jian said was the truth anyway, and he couldn't refute it.

Sometimes the three generations have some doubts about whether they are a competent Hokage. As the two major families who created Konoha, Senju and Uchiha, they are gone. Compromising with Danzo so that he caused a catastrophe was not the result of his laissez-faire Hokage.

"Okay, I roughly guessed the purpose of your coming to me, but unfortunately, I can't promise you anything, I can only say that I will help Konoha if I can do my best and do not harm my own interests. Today That's all. I should go back."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, regardless of San Dai's reaction, she turned around and prepared to leave, but before leaving, she glanced at a certain corner, and then showed a mysterious smile to San Dai, then jumped off the roof and disappeared quickly not see.

After Yang Jian left, an old man with a bandage on his head covering one eye and a sealed right arm came out from the corner with a cane, came to the third generation, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you just now?" Do it?"

Chapter 114 At the Fan Meeting

The third generation glanced at the person who came, and said angrily: "Okay, Danzo, I know it myself. If the two of us made a move just now, this party would already be dead!"

It turned out that Danzang had been hiding in the corner. He had already made an agreement with the third generation before. As long as the third generation sent a signal, the two of them would jointly attack Yang Jian, but the last third generation went back on their word.

"Impossible, no matter how strong he is, he will be tricked if he is intentional or unintentional. As long as you create a chance for me, I can use other gods to control him." Danzang couldn't help touching Touch the eye covered by the bandage.

"But the problem is that he has already discovered your existence. You have no chance to use other gods at all. When he finally left, he looked at you specifically. This is a warning. You have read his information. Although we still have We don’t know his true strength, but we can’t deal with the things we just show, and Konoha is in troubled times, and we can’t afford to bet against the threat of Payne’s leader Akatsuki at any time.”

"It is precisely because of the threat from the Xiao organization that we have to use all our strength to deal with future dangers, and Yang Jian is a trump card. It is perfect to use him to fight Payne. You don't even dare to take a gamble. You gave up such a good opportunity, Sarutobi, you are really old."

"Huh, this matter ends here. I am Hokage and I have the final say. Why is Konoha facing such a crisis? It's not because of you. I think the current situation is not bad, at least the other party promised to meet in Konoha. He will help in times of crisis, as long as Zhi Nai and Zhi Wei are still in Konoha, he will not just watch Konoha being destroyed, as long as we have a good relationship, his power can be used by us."

"But in this way, our side has no initiative at all, and the safety of the entire Konoha rests on the other party's good intentions. I don't agree."

"It's meaningless for you to disagree. This is my final decision as Hokage. At least it's better than your completely unsure gamble. Well, go down."

Dan Zang gritted his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do. Now that most of his rights have been taken back, even if he still controls Gen, all his actions are under the supervision of Zhuan Zan Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan. He can't let go of many things. Now he is getting more and more disappointed with the third generation. He feels that the former ninja has lost his previous spirit. He obviously has a great opportunity to make Konoha stronger, but he is not at all risky. He chooses to give up such a Good opportunity, Danzo felt that if it was him, he would definitely be able to control Yang Jian, train him to be the most loyal subordinate, and then use Yang Jian's power to unify the ninja world. Hokage's throne is endlessly longing.


In the capital of the Land of Fire, there is a spacious place. Usually there are not many people here, but today it is crowded with people. The square that could easily accommodate tens of thousands of people has become extremely crowded.

Why are there so many people?Because today he is the author of the comic book "The Origin of Chakra", the fan meeting of Mr. Huaxia. In fact, Huaxia is just a pseudonym. No one has only seen his real face, but this book is very popular with the origin of Chakra. , the name Huaxia is already well known. It is said that Teacher Huaxia decided to give fans a chance in order to repay the love of fans. If you are lucky enough to be selected by Teacher Huaxia, you will get a comic signed by Teacher Huaxia. Book.

At this time, there was still more than an hour before the scheduled opening time of the fan meeting, but many people couldn't wait any longer, and many people even waited here one night in advance.

The fans waiting in the plaza include men and women, old and young, and there are many ninjas and samurai among them. Of course, most of them are unorganized wandering ninjas and wandering samurai, and many of them have traveled thousands of miles. , the purpose was just to meet Yang Jian and ask some questions.

It stands to reason that a comic book is at most attractive to civilians, and those ninjas or samurai take a look at it to pass the time, but those who read the comic books carefully will find out why these samurai and ninjas appear here.

The origin of Chakra is interspersed with a lot of samurai's kendo skills. There are all kinds of genres, such as flying swordsmanship, Kamiya live heart style, Kodachi two swords Yushen style, no outflow...

After joint research by a group of samurai and ninjas, they found that these schools of swordsmanship were actually real, and the method of cultivation was mentioned in the comics. After they tried to practice it, it was really effective.

In addition to this, there is also a practice method of Taijutsu, which is called Wuzhe Six Forms, Moon Step, Paper Painting, Antimony, Finger Gun, Iron Block, and Lanjiao. Although no one has practiced all of them so far, But some smart people chose iron and paper guns, which are easy to learn, and it really made them a little famous.

This shocked everyone, especially those wandering ninjas and wandering samurai, which is simply their gospel. Those wandering ninjas and samurai do not have their own organization. Although they are relatively free, they also have huge flaws. It is the lack of a complete inheritance. They say that the practice of kendo or ninjutsu is robbed, exchanged, or pieced together through various methods. Because of the lack of systematic teaching, it cannot exert its due power at all, and even Because I did not practice the Fa, I caused huge damage to myself, leaving the root of the disease on my body.

Originally, these people would not have made any great achievements in their entire lives, did not learn advanced combat skills, and might have been killed in a certain mission or a certain robbery, and died silently.

But now they seem to have found another way through the comics. According to the kendo or physical training mentioned in the comics, gradually increase their strength, and maybe one day they will be able to stand out.establish

Many samurai and ninjas who came here this time are the beneficiaries of the comics. Almost everyone has a copy of "Chakra Origin" and read it over and over again every day. Read carefully, er, to understand the way of swords in the comics, it is just inevitable There will be some things that I don’t understand. If I have doubts, I must find a way to understand them clearly. The best way is of course to find the author of the manga.

It’s just that as the author of the manga, many people are inquiring about Mr. Huaxia’s news. Unfortunately, Mr. Huaxia has never seen his head and tail. So far, no one has seen his true face, let alone asked him in person. Fortunately, Mr. Huaxia took pity on him and held this event. For the fan meeting, how could they let go of this opportunity to meet Teacher Huaxia.

In addition to wandering ninjas and wandering samurai, there are also investigators sent by major ninja villages. They think that the person who drew the comic "Chakra Origin" may have inherited some ancient genres. Looking at those comics through comics Kendo skills are beyond imagination, of course they want to get it, and they also want to understand whether everything said in the comics is true, which is very important.

Of course, ninjas and samurai are always a minority, and the most fans are ordinary people. The most eye-catching ones are a group of young and beautiful girls. They like the storylines about love the most, especially like to discuss Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Although Kaguya Hime is a big villain and a big boss in the manga, she is a pitiful woman in the eyes of this group of emotional girls.

"Hui Ye is so pitiful. She was first used by her scumbag husband, and then betrayed by her two children. She was sealed on the moon, and it will be more than 1000 years in a blink of an eye. She must be very lonely! If possible, I still hope that she can be free." A girl about thirteen or fourteen years old held the manga in both hands and said with red eyes.

"How is this possible? If she really comes out, I'm afraid the world will be destroyed. You must know that woman regards the whole world as her nursery. In her eyes, human beings are just materials, and they will be made into that kind of creature called Bai Jue Weapons are used to fight against the invasion of alien races from outside the sky, do you want to become that kind of monster?" An older girl next to her was relatively calm and did not agree with the words of the younger girl.

"But sister, we can beg her to give up the original plan, and let's all fight against the Otsutsuki clan against Tianwai."

"This is even more impossible. Otsutsuki Kaguya has been betrayed before, and no one trusts her. Moreover, she thinks she is a high-ranking god, but I am not just an ant in his eyes. How could he listen to us?"

"No, no, Kaguya is still kind. Although her methods are a bit extreme, her goal is to protect the world. Otherwise, how could she have raised two sons?"

"Speaking of her two sons, those are Sage of the Six Paths Hagoromo and his younger brother Yumura. They are indeed remarkable, but in the eyes of Otsutsuki Kaguya, these two brothers are also traitors. They sealed their own mother. Do you think Kaguya Will Ye Ji forgive them?"

"I think it will, because Kaguya is kind!"

"Kaguya is not kind, and no kind person can tolerate betrayal."

"We can influence her with love..."

"Love can't influence a lunatic who claims to be a god..."


The two sisters talked louder and louder, and finally almost quarreled, and finally as the sister knew that there was no point in continuing to argue, so she compromised, "Okay, let's stop here, this is just a story, not true. "

"How could it not be true? I think it is true. I heard that someone has seen that kind of biological weapon called Bai Jue."

"It's just a coincidence. Maybe there really is a monster like Bai Jue, but the author can't know what happened more than 1000 years ago. It should just borrow the image of Bai Jue."

"No, there is, there is, sister, why are you always like this, don't believe me..."

The two sisters almost started arguing again, but in the end the person next to them couldn't help it, and took the initiative to persuade the pair of sisters to calm down.

What everyone didn't know was that, only a dozen meters away from him, a group of dark creatures were gnashing their teeth to check the situation above, "Damn it, who is it? Who is it? Why does that guy named Huaxia know this? Moreover, it was drawn into a manga, which made it known to everyone. Even Nagato and Obito looked at me wrongly. Fortunately, my image in the manga is just a vague figure in the mist. It was discovered by them."

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