Because the comics drawn by Yang Jian are so popular, even some people in the Xiao organization wanted to study some of the secret techniques introduced in the comics. Needless to say, when they saw Bai Jue appearing in the comics, they were surprised at first, and then Doubt that everything said in the manga is true?

Hei Jue remembers being stared at by the group of people in the organization. It was the first time for him who had no heart to experience what it means to be frightened. Fortunately, as a monster who has lived for a thousand years, he was old and cunning, so he reacted in time and asked: What is wrong with this world? Someone may know what happened thousands of years ago, someone must have accidentally seen Bai Jue's appearance, and drew Bai Jue's image into the comics.

The S-rank rebels in the Akatsuki organization thought about it, and felt that what Hei Jue said made sense, so they believed Hei Jue's words.

After experiencing this incident, Heijue became more cautious in his work. As a character thousands of years ago, he certainly knew a little about the plots in the comics, but he was born in the battle between Kaguya Otsuki and the Sage Brothers of the Six Paths. What happened before that is not well understood, but it is certain that the strength of human beings is definitely not as powerful as shown in the comics.

As for the Otsutsuki clan who are visitors from beyond the sky, Heijue has a headache. He has heard news about them occasionally, but it seems that Kaguya Otsutsuki deliberately erased everything about them at that time, so he only knows their existence. How is it? But do not understand.

However, the plots in the comics about the Six Paths Immortal Otsutsuki Yuromo and his younger brother Otsutsuhamura are real, as well as the battle between Asura and Indra brothers.Hei Jue witnessed it with his own eyes, and they were reincarnated again and again. Hei Jue acted as the black hand behind the scenes to sow discord. It can be said that although there are many exaggerated parts in the later comic plot, it is generally true. Hei Jue really can't figure out who it is With such an understanding of things that happened thousands of years ago, since the other party knows so many things, will they also know of their own existence?

Everything Heijue does is to save his mother. If his secret is exposed, the plan to save his mother may fail completely, because Heijue's strength lies in his ability to hide and save his life. Not strong, whether it is Obito or Nagato, he can easily defeat him, let alone Uchiha Madara.

Of course, if it was before, Hei Jue would not be afraid of them, because Hei Jue still has an advantage, that is, he can live for a long time, and he is not an opponent when he meets a powerful enemy.

But now it is different, he finally waited for a pair of reincarnation eyes, and found a chance to rescue his mother, now is the most critical moment, how could he be allowed to be destroyed and beaten.

This time, Hei Jue has made up his mind, he must figure out what's going on, if the other party really knows the truth, then he will definitely not stay, even if he paid some price, he must completely get rid of the person whose pseudonym is Hua Xia.

Chapter 115 Fan Meeting Part [-]

Time passed by every minute and every second, and finally arrived at the appointed time. Following a commotion, a group of people walked into the square. Dozens of warriors in black uniforms were at the front. A passage allows a person wearing a Q version of a black cat mask to pass through to a high platform prepared in advance, and then the group of warriors stand around the high platform, protecting the person behind him.

Needless to say, the one with the black cat mask on his head is Yang Jian. Yang Jian didn't want to reveal his true face, so he put on a mask, and the image of this mask was the black cat sheriff in his previous life, which was the childhood of many people. idol.

Yang Jian stood on the high platform, waved his hands vigorously, stimulated the vocal cords through Chakra, and said in a loud voice: "Hi everyone, I am Huaxia, the author of "The Origin of Chakra", thank you very much for your support, in order to express Thank you, that’s why I held this special meeting.”

The scene suddenly became quiet, looking at the masked man on the stage, everyone didn't know how to react, they came here to meet their idols, but now such a masked man, hiding his head and showing his tail, is it the author of the origin of Chakra? Who can be sure?

"Are you mistaken, you are still wearing a mask when you meet us? How impolite! You say you are Huaxia and you are Huaxia, and I still say I am Hokage."

"That's right, take it off and let us see what you look like, and you have to find a way to prove your identity."

"That's right, take off the mask, take off the mask."

"We want to see what you really look like."


"Don't be noisy!!" Yang Jian yelled, this time Yang Jian used all his strength, and under the stimulation of Chakra, his voice was more than ten times louder than before, especially loud.

Yang Jian's voice immediately stunned everyone, the scene was silent, and everyone looked at Yang Jian in a daze.

"I also know that it's impolite to meet everyone with a mask on, but I can't help it. I just got the news not long ago that many people are offering rewards for my real identity, and some people even offered a lot of money on the black market. I have been captured alive, I have been attacked several times in the past few days, and I am sure there must be some malicious people hiding among you. In order to ensure the safety of my own life, I had to do this. I hope everyone can understand, of course I also I know that many people will doubt my identity when I meet you like this, but I have already thought of a way to prove my identity, so please look forward to it."

Yang Jian clapped his hands, and two warriors walked up behind him. A blackboard was placed behind Yang Jian. Yang Jian picked up the chalk from the side and quickly scratched on the blackboard. I don't know the two characters, but the next two characters are Huaxia.

The comics drawn by the Japanese who Yang Jian came to use are also in Japanese, but as a Chinese, of course, he will not forget the characters of his motherland, and he has been practicing hard, and his writing is getting better and better.

Everyone looked at the four big characters on the blackboard at the back, and felt a unique charm and a sense of vicissitudes. In addition, they also felt a kind of pride from the bottom of their hearts, and a kind of indescribable longing.

Yang Jian came to the world of Naruto, because the environment was completely different from the previous life, which made Yang Jian feel like a stranger in a foreign land alone. Although he could obtain the memory of the main body and other clones through the chaotic space, and understand the situation in the original world, this kind of loneliness The feeling of loneliness still exists, and when Yang Jian wrote the word Huaxia, he couldn't help but incorporate this sense of loneliness into it.

And as a Chinese, there is a kind of pride in my heart for being a Chinese person, and it will also be reflected in the self-experts. China has a long history of 5000 years, which is much stronger than that of the Naruto world, so A sense of vicissitudes was formed.

Yang Jian's comic book also has a pen name that combines Chinese characters and Japanese, but the printed one certainly cannot reflect the aloof and vicissitudes of life. It only makes everyone feel a little weird, but they don't understand why. They finally understood what was going on with that weird feeling?It is the lack of charm.

At this time, the people present no longer doubt that Yang Jian is the author of the book The Origin of Chakra. Maybe the handwriting can be imitated, but this unique charm cannot be imitated. Only the author himself can do it.

"Great, Teacher Huaxia, I finally saw something alive, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." and cried out with rich emotion.

"Mr. Huaxia, Teacher Huaxia, do you have a girlfriend?..." There is actually a plan to confess directly.

"Mr. Huaxia, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!" This person lost his integrity.

"Teacher Huaxia, please sign for me!"

"Huaxia! Huaxia!"



All of a sudden, there were constant shouts in the square, and the air became completely fanatical. Now that Yang Jian's identity was confirmed, these fanatical fans must of course try to get close to their idol. Tong had long guessed that fans would do anything when they became fanatical, and made special preparations to prevent accidents from happening. Those fanatical fans were stopped by a group of warriors.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet! I can understand your feelings, but my energy is limited, and I really can't satisfy everyone's wishes. I can only choose lucky fans to satisfy. In addition, I know that many people have questions to ask, How about this, I will send everyone two slips of paper and a pen with a number on them later, write your questions on one of the slips of paper, leave the other, and then collect the slips of paper with questions Put it in the box, I will draw the answers to the questions, and at the end, I will draw 100 lucky fans, and I will sign and shake hands with you.”

After hearing Yang Jian's words, everyone fell silent. Although they couldn't satisfy everyone's wishes, at least some people were satisfied. They were excited and fantasized that they would become the lucky fans who were drawn, including those ninjas and samurai. And people with ulterior motives, they also have doubts to ask.

Yang Jian had made preparations before. A large group of staff walked into the outside of the square, and began to distribute paper and pens to everyone present. After everyone had written their questions, someone held a cardboard box and collected their pieces of paper. , and finally put them in a big box on the high platform.

When Yang Jian walked to the box, his nose twitched, and he smelled an extremely subtle and weird smell. Although it was very faint, he still couldn't take Yang Jian.

Yang Jian understands that this is hidden among the fans and done by some people with ulterior motives. Of course, this is not a highly poisonous drug, but a drug used for tracking. Well, once it gets on it, it is difficult to wash it off. Use special training to clean it off. Certain animals are tracked very effectively.

Those people with ulterior motives are not fools. They know that at this time, it is definitely not good to do anything to Yang Jian. There are too many people here, not only civilians, but also many nobles. Maybe they are not very strong, but there are Qian, once they offend them and issue a wanted arrest, even if they have power behind them, it will be a headache.

In addition, there are many wandering samurai and ninjas present. If they really attack, they are likely to be besieged by them. Maybe they are not strong, but they are hard to beat with two fists. If there are too many ants, they can kill them. Like, they have to guard against it, it is better to mark the other party in advance, and wait until they are in a remote place before doing it.

"Now that we are ready, the next step is to answer the questions. Let's see who has better luck."

Yang Jian smiled, pretending not to notice, put his hand deep into the box, picked up a piece of paper between two fingers, and looked at it in front of his eyes.

"Looking at the delicate handwriting, I can guess that this must be a beautiful girl. Well, the fan number 0176 asked me, Mr. Huaxia, do you have a girlfriend? Can I marry you?"

At this time Yang Jian looked up, and soon a girl about sixteen or seventeen stood up, waving a note and shouting: "Teacher Yang Jian, it's me, I'm here."

At this time, there was a circle of other beauties around the girl, who cast envious glances one after another, but they didn't say much, they could only blame themselves for being unlucky.

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