Ironhide and the others came to Jin Optimus Prime's body and looked at the dead leader. Their eyes were full of sadness and confusion about the future. Afterwards, as Fallen King expected, the Autobots began to think of ways to revive Optimus Prime. Naturally, the goal was to set the energy matrix , the plot returned to the original route.


At the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, the staff were still busy as usual. The two guards guarding the gate of the museum yawned boredly. Their work was a little bit boring.

Just when the two guards were drowsy, one of the guards accidentally glanced at the sky from the corner of his eye, and it seemed that something was flying over. He quickly looked over and was stunned, with a horrified expression on his face.

"Brother, what is that? Am I dazzled?"

The other Wei Wenyan followed his companion's gaze, and was also stunned, "I don't think it's nothing, because I saw it too, unless we both had hallucinations."

Just when they were in a daze, a silver figure more than nine meters high had come to the sky above them and slowly fell down.

"Guys, please open the door, I'm going to see an old friend."

"Uh! This... Mr. Robot, who is the old friend you are talking about?" one of the guards asked boldly.

Yang Jian half ordered and half threatened: "You will know later, open the door now, otherwise it will be bad if something unpleasant happens between us."


The two guards swallowed hard, looked at each other, and reached an agreement in an instant. Anyway, there is nothing dangerous in the museum. Since the robot wants to go, let's go, not to mention that they can't resist if they want to, honestly Open it and make a gesture of please.

Yang Jian was not polite either. Inside the Dabuba Museum, two guards followed tremblingly.

Soon Yang Jian found his target, a pitch-black Blackbird reconnaissance plane, because the Decepticon logo on it was too obvious.

Yang Jian reached out and pressed on the Blackbird reconnaissance plane, and a ray of silver began to spread, and penetrated into the interior of the Blackbird reconnaissance plane. Those nano-robots kept exploring the internal mechanical equipment, recorded them completely, and found something that could be used to erect them. The key equipment of the space-time bridge, but it is not clear how to operate it, and it needs someone to demonstrate it.

"Brother, after sleeping for so long, it's time to wake up."

Yang Jian took out an energy block and tossed it lightly. The energy seemed to be attracted quickly, and it automatically stuck to the Blackbird reconnaissance plane with a snap.

Ka Ka Ka!

The Blackbird reconnaissance plane began to deform, but the sound was not as smooth as other Transformers, it was more like rusty metal rubbing against each other.

In the dumbfounded eyes of the two guards, the blackbird reconnaissance plane was slowly deforming, and the metal parts of the body were displaced. Under the dumbfounded gaze of Jazz and others, a large piece of metal parts fell to the ground, and the rickety figure leaning on crutches Standing up tremblingly.

Chapter 194 Space Transfer

"Damn it, where is this? Who turned off the light?" Tianhuo had just come back to life, and he yelled cursingly, somewhat confused about the situation.

Tianhuo was wearing a mask on his head, perhaps it had been stuck for too long, and it was finally frustrated, revealing a rusty face.

Tianhuo's hunched body leaned on crutches to look around, and soon found Yang Jian standing not far away.

"Boy, did you wake me up? Hey, I have plenty of energy. It seems that you have a heart. By the way, who are you serving? Which faction is it the Transformers dementia or the Autobots?"

"I'm neither, I live only for myself."

After hearing Yang Jian's words, Tianhuo showed a contemptuous look, "That's nothing but foolishness, I hate you guys the most, being selfish."

"That's better than you. I was a Decepticon at first, and then I switched to the Autobots. In comparison, traitors are more disgusting than grass." Yang Jian sarcastically returned without hesitation.

Tianhuo was so angry that he almost ran away, the Transformer in front of him was too unlovable.

"Shut up, I'm not like you Transformers who don't have faith. I switched to the Autobots after a fierce ideological struggle. If the Decepticons win, the universe will be destroyed."

"That doesn't change the fact that you are a traitor."

"You bastard, I want to fight you one-on-one, and let you know that the brilliance of my life is eternal."


Tianhuo really wanted to fight Yang Jian when he raised his crutches, but just after he took two steps forward, his body thumped and he fell on his back.

"I just told you by accident, boy, I am Tianhuo, and I have the strength of a leader. Stand there and don't move, I will teach you right away."

Tianhuo managed to stand up on crutches. He had just taken two steps, but some part failed again. The two pieces of steel on his back bounced off, and the parachute opened automatically. As a result, he was caught and fell to the ground.

This time the fall was harder than before, with countless rusty fragments and parts scattered on the ground, Tianhuo couldn't get up for a while.

"Damn it! The ground is too slippery!" When Kanhuo got up again, he finally got down, Tianhuo grabbed his butt hard, "Okay, my butt is a little itchy. Let the battle go for now, kid , you wait for me, next time you must look good."

Yang Jian helplessly looked at Tianhuo who was still cursing there. In the original plot, this old man is not a good-tempered person, because his combat power has almost dropped to the extreme as he gets older. If he didn't have the ability to transfer space, he would almost be a mascot. In the original plot, several protagonists couldn't stand his temper, which is fine.

"Old guy, your strength is not very good, but your temper is not small. I know my own body. You are quite old. Take it easy for me. It is best to restrain your violent temper, or you will be beaten."

"My temper is bad. I inherited it from my mother. Do you know what her deformed form is? It's..."

"Stop, stop! I'm not interested in your mother. That's not what I woke you up to talk about. Let's talk about business."

Yang Jian hastily interrupted Tianhuo's words, fearing that if he continued to talk to him, he would not be able to help but kill him. This old man is really too unbearable. He has a bad temper and is long-winded. After a long time, he may really be angry. die.

"Speaking of business? Oh, by the way, wake me up and give me so much energy, I must be asking for it, but before you get down to business, I have to ask, is the war on Cybertron over? Who is it? Win? Autobots or Decepticons?"

Although Tianhuo has a grumpy temper, he is not a fool, and he also knows that the Yang family must have spent a lot of energy to wake him up for no reason. Although he has benefited from the other party, there are some things that must be clarified. If it is a principle, it will still be rejected, and it is necessary to find out the current situation of the Transformer.

"The Decepticons won, but Cybertron was destroyed, and now the Transformers have become a wandering race, scattered all over the universe. The leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, is now on Earth..." Yang Jane also knew that she was asking for help from others, so she patiently told Tianhuo about the current situation of Transformers.

"Oh, that's bad enough!"

"Okay, now it's my turn. The purpose of waking you up is very simple. I want to learn your space transfer."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. Space transfer is not that simple. If you want to learn it, you can learn it. You must have mechanical organs related to space equipment. This is..."

Tianhuo was stunned halfway through his words, because Yang Jian closed his arms at this time, and after assembling it transformed into a unique device. Others may not recognize it, but can Tianhuo not recognize it?Exactly the same as the organs in his body, this is what Tianhuo relies on to be able to transfer space.

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