"Well, I admit that you do have the talent to learn space transfer. I can teach you everything I know. As for how far you can go, it's up to you."

Tianhuo began to explain his method of space transfer and the things to pay attention to very seriously. Tianhuo is indeed a good teacher in this regard, and he explained in great detail without hiding any secrets. Yang Jian listened with relish and was very serious.

"After the theory is taught, I will demonstrate it to you now. However, space transfer requires a lot of energy, and my current physical condition is not very good, so I only have one chance."

Tianhuo is an impatient person, and he was ready to do it after speaking. In the original Transformers plot, he sent Sam and the others to Egypt without even explaining in advance.

"Wait a minute!" Yang Jian quickly grabbed Tianhuo's arm to stop him from moving, "Don't be in a hurry, as you said, your current physical condition is very bad, let me help you recuperate first."

Yang Jian reached out and pressed Tianhuo's head. Tianhuo's body was huge, similar to Optimus Prime Megatron and the others. If he stood upright, he might be about ten meters long, but he was too old, with a hunched body, and looked tall It was only a little over eight meters, and Yang Jian easily put his hand on his head.

A wisp of silver emerged from Yang Jian's palm, flowing from top to bottom to cover the place it passed, and the rust on Tianhuo's body was quickly eliminated, even the nano-robots inside the body cleaned up the rust. Once again, the originally rusty sky fire quickly became brand new.

"Wow wow wow! It's so cool! Woohoo! It's so cool! I feel relaxed all over my body, as if I've become younger all of a sudden..."

Tianhuo jumped up and down happily, his body became flexible, his hands were on his hips and his head was in his arms, he was like an old naughty boy.

"Don't be too happy, this is just an illusion. Your body has long said that it is decayed, not only on the outside but on the inside. I just remove the rust on the surface for you, but this cannot hide the fact that you are already decayed. If you fight with other people, you will definitely not be able to withstand the attacks of those young Transformers, your body is too fragile."

"This is already very good. I haven't enjoyed this relaxed feeling for a long time, young man, you did a good job." Tianhuo patted Yang Jian's shoulder seriously, with an expression that I liked you.

"Okay, as long as you're happy, now you should demonstrate space transfer for me..."

beep beep...

Yang Jian was talking when the communicator on his body suddenly rang.Yang Jian had no choice but to stop communicating with Tianhuo, raised his arm with a displeased face, popped up an electronic screen, clicked a few times and projected an image out of thin air, and Sam's figure appeared in it, and there was an iron sheet standing behind him. Autobots.

"What did Sam want me for? I was busy."

"Mr. Thanos, it's not good. Megatron has been resurrected. He led the Decepticons to attack the hive base. Optimus Prime was also killed. We need your help."

Sam looked panic-stricken. He was studying honestly at home and preparing to take the college entrance examination, but Tie Pi and the others suddenly approached him and asked him to help contact Yang Jian. It didn't take long to learn the news of Optimus Prime's death from them. , and found that several scenes began to be played repeatedly on the TV. Well, the Fallen King Kong stood on a building and made crazy remarks, letting everyone on the earth know that aliens are about to attack the earth, and the world has entered a period of panic.

Sam was about to cry, and he was unlucky to say the least. He originally got the nano-steel suit given to him by Yang Jian, and he could have become a superhero and the most dazzling star, but it didn't take long for the US government to start contacting him. , asking him to hand over the nano suit.

Think about it too, how could the US government allow such a high-tech thing to stay in the hands of a child?Even though Sam was unwilling in every possible way, he couldn't resist the pressure from the country and handed it over honestly.

It was only later that the U.S. government discovered that the steel suit was genetically certified, and no one else could use it except Sam. They had to ask Sam for help, hoping to crack this technology, but it turned out that they were thinking too much. Nanotechnology It is decades more advanced than their technology, and it is simply not something that the earth today can crack.

In desperation, the U.S. government could only return the nano-suit to Sam, but it also required that Sam must accept their dispatch at any time to assist in research. It can be said that everything about Sam is under the surveillance of the government.

This feeling of freedom being restricted makes Sam very uncomfortable, but what can he do in the face of national pressure?I can only compromise honestly, continue to be my own dick like before, study hard, and be a college student with good conduct.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the country gave a post. Sam is barely a rich man, and he has met his goddess Kemira, and his love and career have a double harvest.

Originally, Sam had begun to gradually adapt to the current life, but the arrival of Tin Pi and others disrupted Sam's life again.

"Optimus Prime? Who is that? And it turns out that your name is Thanos, which is not a very good name. It sounds like a villain." At this time, Tianhuo poked his head and leaned towards the screen in front of Yang Jian with a curious expression on his face. asked.

Sam and the others on the other side can naturally see the situation on Yang Jian's side, and they don't care much about the appearance of a Transformer next to Yang Jian, but soon Sam noticed the Decepticon logo on Tianhuo, and was shocked Pale.

"Thanos, sir, why are you with the Decepticons? Did you join them too?"

"I won't take refuge in any faction, whether it's the Decepticons or the Autobots. As for this is Tianhuo, the legendary Transformer, he used to be a Decepticon, but later switched to the Autobots."

"Skyfire? Explorer Skyfire!" Ironhide exclaimed, "I remember hearing that Skyfire is an ancient Transformer, although he is not a leader, to the early explorers, he is a legend, although he is not a leader , but has the strength of Kobe's leader, I believe he is not the enemy."

When Yang Jian heard Tie Pi say this, she was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that someone would know Tianhuo, which didn't seem to be the case in the original plot. Yang Jian recalled carefully, in the movie plot, Tianhuo seemed to have no communication with other Tie Pi, It was only after contacting Sam, Kemira and others that they showed up at the last moment, sacrificed themselves to revive Optimus Prime, and strengthened him, which allowed Optimus Prime to defeat Fallen King Kong and Megatron.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, let's meet up and keep in touch, and I'll locate your location and rush over there."

Yang Jian turned around and passed the located location to Tianhuo, saying: "Tianhuo, it's your turn, just take this opportunity to demonstrate your space transfer ability to me."

"I will handle it!"

Tianhuo rubbed his hands together, a cloud of lightning flashed out, and then suddenly shot down to the ground. Countless currents radiated, enveloping the two of them. After a burst of strong light, they disappeared, leaving the two guards at the original address looking at each other.

On the other side, Sam was even more surprised why the other side asked him to keep in touch?A crackling sound came from the yard, and then a series of electric currents flashed continuously, and soon formed a light cluster. With a bang, two huge figures bounced out of the current and flew into the air one after another.


One of the figures quickly fell from the air and fell to the ground, stirring up dust, while the other figure was floating in the air out of thin air. After looking at the surrounding situation, this one slowly fell down.

Yang Jian's cover was also constantly shining with light. If you look closely, you will find countless codes flashing.

"It turns out that this is the mystery of space travel, right? It has been completely recorded. As long as these are sent back, with the ability of Little Sheep, a small space travel device can be developed in no time. It will be much more convenient to act in the Lord’s world.”

Yang Jian saved the information she had just obtained, and then greeted Tie Pi and the others with a smile and said, "Everyone, we meet again. It seems that the situation is not good for you!"

Not only is it bad, but now these Autobots are all downcast. After losing the leadership of Optimus Prime, they are full of confusion about the future. If they don't know that Optimus Prime can still be saved, they will be completely lost.

Chapter 195 The Secret of Skyfire

"Thanos, you are finally here. Now that the situation is critical, I am not polite anymore. Now, it has come to the critical moment of the life and death of the earth. We need your power to help us fight against the Decepticon Lake, and we have to find a way to revive Qingtian. column."

Because of the urgency of the situation, the Autobots didn't talk too much, and directly explained the current situation as soon as the iron sheet came up.

"If you want to help you fight the Decepticons, I have no problem. Anyway, I don't think that Megatron guy has offended him before. I don't care about offending him again. It's just how you plan to revive Optimus Prime. Zhentian had the experience of being resurrected from death, so he must have taken precautions, even if Optimus Prime’s body is still there, the fire seed may be completely destroyed, how can he be resurrected?”

Ironhide said confidently: "That's true, Optimus Prime was seriously damaged, but we were lucky and found a way, as long as we can get the energy matrix, which is the leader module, there will be no problem in resurrecting Optimus Prime." gone."

Yang Jian nodded secretly, until the plot was back on track, and finally had to find the energy matrix.

"Then do you know where the leader module is? As far as I know, the Six Supremes hid it back then. The Fallen King Kong has been searching for it for so many years but couldn't find it. Are you so sure you can find it?"

"We asked Yu Tiandi about this point, well, we roughly know the location from him, as long as we check carefully, it should be fine."

Tianhuo, who had been thrown badly before, stood up and was moving his old waist. He had just rushed over at this time, and his face was a little ugly when he heard Tie Pi talk about Yu Tiandi.

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