"With all due respect, Yu Tiandi is not trustworthy. When I was a Decepticon, I saw him and the Fallen King Kong secretly doing something. There must be something tricky between them."

Jazz, who didn't know the inside story on the side of the Autobots, suddenly became unhappy, "Don't talk nonsense, Yu Natural Enemy is the leader of our previous generation of Autobots. He led the Autobots to fight against the Decepticons for countless years. How could it be possible to cooperate with the Decepticons? But you, you are a Decepticon yourself, who knows if you sincerely want to join us? I even suspect that you have some kind of conspiracy to be a spy on purpose.?"

Tianhuo's tantrum suddenly became angry, "Boy, are you talking to me? When I was born and died for the Autobot, you were not born yet, impolite little guy, do you know who I am? I But Tianhuo, today I will let you know what is the splendor of Tianhuo!"

Tianhuo's hunched body, leaning on crutches, was going to fight Jazz desperately, but he walked tremblingly, seeing Jazz having a toothache, he seemed a little sorry for bullying the elderly.

Yang Jian saw that the old man was getting old again, and quickly stepped forward to stop him, "Stop, stop! Can you be quiet, can you still fight in your current state? Honestly, be a mascot. As for doubts, let them be suspicious, do you still care about these now?"

Yang Jian grabbed Tianhuo desperately, Tianhuo tried several times but couldn't break free, so he stopped helplessly, turned his head away angrily, and ignored a kind of Autobot. .

"Sir, I apologize to senior Tianhuo. Senior is a legendary character in my Transformers. Although the earliest explorer is not a leader, he has the strength of a leader. He fought side by side with our older generation of Autobots and made countless achievements. It's a great achievement, and it's really sad that you say that."

Ironhide had heard a lot about Skyfire's deeds, and he knew very well that Skyfire would never betray the Autobots' center, let alone be a spy, so he reprimanded Jazz in a very stern tone.

Although Jazz still has some distrust towards Tianhuo, but considering the other party's past deeds and the status of an elderly person, coupled with the current situation, the Autobots cannot tolerate the Autobots taking the initiative to apologize and ask the other party to forgive.

Tianhuo waved his hand angrily, "Boy, I will forgive you for the time being, but I still insist on my point of view, Yu Natural Enemy is not worthy of trust."

Tiepi comforted Tianhuo and said: "Senior Tianhuo, it is normal for you to doubt Yutiandi. In fact, Senior Yutiandi did not hide this point. He also told us before that he did have the idea of ​​cooperating with Decepticons at the beginning, but in the end Give up, you must have just discovered it at that time."

Tianhuo suddenly became curious when he heard the words, "It's really surprising that Yu Tiandi actually said these things, well, then trust him once."

Yang Jian clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, "Let's put these small things aside for now, and our first problem is to find the leader module and revive Optimus Prime, but the subsequent problems are a bit troublesome, even if it is Optimus Prime Resurrected, it seems like they can't defeat the Fallen King Kong and Megatron when facing people together. In addition, the power of any car on the earth is obviously insufficient compared to the Decepticons. Do you think of a way to solve this problem? Is there a solution?"

Tin Pi and the others felt embarrassed immediately, "Mr. Thanos, isn't there still you here? Could it be that you can't even fight against the Fallen King Kong? Also, the leader module can not only save Optimus Prime, but also wake up the natural enemy. There are three leader-level powerhouses coming to our side, and the high-level forces have the upper hand, you solve Megatron and Fallen King Kong, and then help us solve the others."

"It turns out that this is what you guys came up with, but it's a pity that the Fallen King Kong theory is the most powerful among the leaders. The key is that he has supernatural powers. At the beginning, the six supreme beings joined forces and failed to kill him. In the end, only the energy The matrix took away and hid, now there are only three leader levels, do you think you can beat him?"

Don't look at the fact that Optimus Prime seems to kill the Fallen King Kong very easily in the original plot, which makes people feel that the Fallen King Kong is a bit watery and not very strong.

When Optimus Prime was fighting Fallen King Kong, Fallen King Kong never used superpowers from the beginning to the end. If you cooperate with telekinetic power, you only need to imprison Optimus Prime's actions a little bit, and then take the opportunity to kill the killer, even if Optimus Prime got it. With the power of Tianhuo, there is not much chance of winning.

Regarding the contrast between the performance of the Fallen King Kong before and after, Yang Jian was also a little puzzled at the beginning. Could it be that the Fallen King Kong was showing mercy?

But later Yang Jian understood that in the plot of the movie, in order to protect the machine that made the energy cube, the Fallen King Kong forcibly used his supernatural powers to withstand the bombardment of human shells, and it was definitely more than one time. His use of supernatural powers was not free, I'm afraid His mental strength has been exhausted, and his energy has been almost exhausted. When he fought with Optimus Prime, he was probably in a half-disabled state. In the end, Optimus Prime took advantage of his loopholes, and his death was not worth it.

Tin Pi and the others fell silent for a while, feeling fearful of the strength of the Fallen King Kong, and some didn't know what to do.

"In addition, I have a bad feeling. Megatron has already had an example of resurrection from the dead before. Why are they so careless and didn't completely destroy Optimus Prime's body and cut off his hope of resurrection? It’s not a reason to say that you were careless and didn’t have time, I feel as if someone deliberately led you to find the leader module.”

"This...it shouldn't be possible, right? Maybe...maybe..." Tie Pi couldn't go on talking, he really couldn't find a reason to refute, because he himself had some doubts, whether this was a conspiracy by the other party, Leaving Optimus Prime's body on purpose for them to find the leader module. .

The ambulance gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, even if we know it's their conspiracy, we can only drill in. Optimus Prime is our hope, and we must never give up."

"Yes, even if it is a conspiracy, we must continue to save Optimus Prime."

"Yes, everything depends on Optimus Prime's decision after he is resurrected."

Yang Jian looked at the driver who lost his position because of Optimus Prime's death, and shook his head helplessly, "Okay, since you have already made up your mind, you can follow your ideas, but you must act as soon as possible. Call all the Autobots here, Tianhuo and I can work together to build a space-time bridge and send you directly to your destination, which can save some time."

"Great, we were still worrying about how to get over it? We have solved the big problem."

After Optimus Prime's death, there seemed to be some conflicts between humans and the Autobots. The Hive Base had even been sealed off, and some people even planned to take Optimus Prime's body away for research, which made the Autobots very helpless. Without the support of human beings, the actions of the non-flying Autobots were restricted. They originally planned to smuggle into Egypt by some illegal means. Now that they have the ability to travel through space, it is much more convenient.

The Autobots immediately got busy, summoning their teammates to prepare for the next big battle, but Tianhuo quietly approached Yang Jian, and whispered: "Boy, I still think this is wrong. I know Tianyu Natural Enemy, he is definitely not good Something, if it did wake him up, it would do the Autobots more harm than good."

Yang Jian nodded, "I also know that there is a problem with the natural enemy, but can you prevent these Autobots from resurrecting their leaders? Even if I believe you, what's the use, if you really stop them, they will only think that you and I have ulterior motives, At that time, it will probably fall out with us."

Tianhuo looked depressed, "Is there really no other way?"

"I can only take one step at a time and hope that after Optimus Prime's resurrection, he can make a correct judgment, but then again, even if Optimus Prime is resurrected, Royal Enemy is still on our side, facing the Fallen King Kong and Megatron Two days, how much life do we have here? And after Optimus Prime is resurrected, his strength will probably be greatly damaged, after all, his body has been severely damaged."

Yang Jian pretended to be helpless on the surface, but in fact he was secretly looking forward to it. In the original plot, Tianhuo chose to sacrifice himself to strengthen Optimus Prime. This kind of height, easily defeated the Fallen King Kong and Megatron. Although there was an element of luck at the time, there is no denying the power of Optimus Prime.

Yang Jian has always been very curious, why can Tianhuo strengthen Optimus Prime to such an extent?Are other Transformers also available?No, definitely not, otherwise those old Transformers will continue to pass on their power to the young Transformers, not only will they create many strong people, but there will not be a few Transformers with leader strength like now, Yang Jian I hope to take the opportunity to find out the secret of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was silent for a while, and finally said slowly in Yang Jian's expectant mood: "I have a way to enhance Optimus Prime's strength."

Yang Jian put on a look of disbelief, and sneered, "Old fellow, you must have drunk too much gasoline to say such stupid things. If you can really strengthen the strength of other Transformers, you will not Why have I never heard of it, I am afraid that it has long been regarded as a sweet pastry, and it will not run out of energy and fall into a deep sleep."

"I'm not joking, it's true." Tianhuo wiped his face seriously at this moment, not as long-winded as before, feeling unreliable.

"I know you don't believe it, but this is the truth. There is only one Transformer besides me who knows about this, but he has been dead for many years. I have never told anyone else about this, because The price of doing it is sacrificing my life, and of course I have lived long enough that death is nothing to me, even a relief."

"What you said is true?" Yang Jian said in a half-believing tone.

"It's more real than real gold!" Tianhuo sighed. "Usually speaking, Transformers are conceived on Cybertron. What kind of abilities do they have? What is their strength? I didn't know until after I was born, but my situation is quite special. Before I was born, someone separated a sliver of fire from me and integrated it into my body, and then deliberately cultivated it in the later stage, and created the current me."

"Wait! Someone deliberately bred you! Could it be the product of a Transformers experiment?" Yang Jian almost cried out.

"Yes, and the person who trained me is still the leader of Transformers. It is precisely because he integrated part of his own fire into my body that I have more growth potential than ordinary Transformers. , the growth in strength far exceeds that of ordinary Transformers, he is obviously not a leader, but he has the power of a leader."

Yang Jian became more and more surprised. He didn't expect that Tianhuo came from this source, "But why did that leader treat you so well? It should be a very dangerous thing to separate one's own fire. It will definitely damage one's own origin and lead to a decrease in strength. Who would Doing such a thankless thing?"

However, there was a sneer on Tianhuo's face, "Of course that bastard will not do business at a loss. In fact, the reason why he trained me so hard is to strengthen his own strength, and he intends to devour me after I meet his requirements." , Absorb everything from me, and then his strength will be able to break through the leader's limit and reach another higher level."

Now Yang Jian understood that Tianhuo was a great tonic secretly cultivated by a certain leader, which was quite sad.

"But why are you still alive? Could it be that he was killed by you?" At this moment, Yang Jian suddenly thought of those classic villains who were always killed at the last moment. It was so difficult that Tianhuo also had the halo of the protagonist.

"He is indeed dead, but I didn't kill him. It can only be said that he was unlucky. He encountered a strong enemy before I was fully grown up. He was killed before he could absorb me. That's why I And gained freedom, and thus obtained a power stronger than ordinary Transformers, coupled with the efforts in the later period, it can even be comparable to the leader."

All the doubts were solved, and Yang Jian finally relieved his mind, "Okay, I understand, that means you still retain the ability to fuse with other Transformers, right? Are you planning to sacrifice yourself to fulfill Optimus Prime?"

"Yes, other King Kong can't swallow me, but if I want to, I can fuse my power with other Transformers, but I want to see Optimus Prime to see if he is worthy of my entrustment, if Optimus Prime is If a Transformer is like Yu Tiandi, who plots against his stomach, I will not give his power to him."

"That's fine, you can decide for yourself, but I think Optimus Prime should satisfy you. Although I have only been with Optimus Prime for a short time, I can see how he is. It is indeed a character. Noble Transformers."

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