It's just that Yang Jian was completely enraged by this, and he pulled back his big saber with all his might, swiped with one hand, beheaded the Decepticon holding his arm, and then spun his body like a spinning top, rushing into the enemy , a series of screams sounded, and it didn't take long for the desert to have a few Decepticon corpses.

At the top of the pyramid, standing on the energy block maker, he watched Yang Jian behead the Decepticon coldly but remained indifferent, as if the lost Transformers were not his subordinates.

The Fallen King Kong really didn't care at all, and his weak subordinates died as soon as they died. Instead, they looked at Yang Jian with interest.

"Is this the mysterious Transformer you mentioned last time?" Fallen King Kong suddenly asked.

A figure stood out from behind the Fallen King Kong, but it was Megatron, who came here at some unknown time.

Hearing the Corrupted King Kong's question, he quickly said: "Yes, it's him. This Transformer is very strange. I don't know what kind of metal is suitable for strengthening the body. It is very hard. Even if I try my best, I can't cause much damage to him. .”

"It's really interesting. I'm getting more and more curious about him. If we can subdue him, maybe we can figure out his secrets, and our Decepticons can also get a titan, but we still have to test it. If he fails to stand the test, then there is no need for him to exist."

When Megatron heard that his teacher was going to subdue the mysterious Transformer that hurt him last time, his heart skipped a beat. He had personally experienced Yang Jian's strength, which was beyond his imagination. If the two fought against each other, Megatron would He might be able to compete with Yang Jian on an equal footing, but as time goes by, once the energy is exhausted, he will definitely lose in the end. If Yang Jian joins the Decepticons, it will easily affect Megatron's status.

But Megatron didn't dare to directly oppose the Fallen King Kong. After thinking for a while, he pretended to be helpless and said: "Teacher, I don't think you have much hope of subduing him. This guy is very strange. Although he doesn't belong to any force, but in comparison It’s obviously closer to the Autobots, otherwise they wouldn’t have come here to trouble us.”

"Really? That's a pity. Autobots are all paranoid. It seems that this guy is the same." Although Fallen King Kong was a bit pity, he didn't pay too much attention to it.


On the other side, the Autobots who were looking for the energy matrix also had a battle. They were still exposed and were chased and intercepted by the Decepticons. Under the attack of the enemy's artillery, Ironhide, Bumblebee and others tried their best to protect Optimus Prime's body and escape.

Fortunately, it is different from the original plot. They got more detailed information from Yu Tiandi, and combined with other clues in their hands, they have already determined the burial places of the six supreme beings. Searching for those riddle-like messages in Tianhuo's mouth, the progress is much faster


With a loud roar, a dozen or so black shadows struck the sky, the leader being an F-22 Raptor, not to mention the old opponent of the Natural Autobots, Starscream.

"Damn Starscream."

Ironhide clenched his fists. He looked at Optimus Prime's body and his comrades who were bombed in the distance. He knew very well that the Decepticons had the advantage of flying. intercept.

"Ambulance, you lead Sam, Fender, Brake, Shake and Arcie, they are going to get the leader module, to save Optimus Prime, I will intercept here with others, and I will try my best to buy you time, be sure to be fast."

The ambulance was startled, "Tin Pi, this is too dangerous, why don't I stay, at least I'm here..."

"Don't be wordy, the situation is critical now, this is our only way."

Ironhide didn't give the ambulance a chance to repent at all, and gave an order, and the Autobots who were good at fighting, such as Hengpao and Jazz, stopped fleeing, each seized the geographical position, formed a defensive line and started to counterattack, stopping the Ba Tianping headed by Starscream.

The ambulance looked at Tin Pi and the others, gritted its teeth, and ruthlessly led a group of Transformers with relatively weak combat effectiveness to protect Optimus Prime's body and headed towards the pyramid that could already be seen in the distance.


After Starscream threw a few cannonballs, taking advantage of the sand and dust blocking his sight, he fell from the sky, and with a crackling sound, he transformed into a 9-meter-tall Decepticon robot, and his right arm transformed into a one-piece missile launcher. Aim at the Autobots for crazy output of firepower.

"Fire and kill that bastard Starscream."

The thick gun barrel was erected on the iron sheet, and several missiles were blasted out in succession. The jazz and the horizontal gun also fired at the same time. Starscream's energy shield was knocked down by them, and he was so scared that he quickly retreated and flew back into the sky. Command the other Decepticons to charge forward while he himself hides in a safe place.

"All the Decepticons attack and tear the Autobots below to pieces!"

The Decepticons roared and swooped down, missiles blasted into the Autobot camp one by one, knocking the Autobots to the brink of collapse.Shattered the shields of the rebels.

Ironhide knew very well that no matter what tactics he adopted, the Autobots would definitely lose this battle, but he was not afraid of sacrifice, as long as his companions could find the leadership module and save Optimus Prime, even if he died here.

"Autobots! Fire with all your strength and never retreat."

Iron Skin increased the output of firepower to attract the Decepticon's air power, trying to delay the time as much as possible, even knowing that the hope was slim, he would never give up.

Chapter 197 Yang Jian VS Fallen King Kong

boom!Boom! !

The Yang family killed two more Decepticons. At this time, more than 20 Decepticons died in Yang Jian's hands.

At this time, the Corrupted King Kong who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, standing on the energy block manufacturing instrument, finally couldn't stand it any longer. Although the ones Yang Jian killed were all cannon fodder, the Fallen King Kong could be recruited at any time for insignificant characters in his eyes. Come, but I can't afford this kind of loss!

"You are guarding the energy production device here, I will meet that guy."

Fallen King Kong asked Megatron to stay in place, and then jumped down with a burst of fire from his back, and then the force of the recoil instantly killed Yang Jian, and he kicked him from top to bottom without using weapons. past.


Yang Jian felt something strange behind him, and based on his instinct for danger, he suddenly turned around and blocked it with one arm, just in time to catch Fallen King Kong's kick.

Even though the Fallen King Kong's body looks thin, but he has unparalleled strength, Yang Jian's body was kicked out like a cannonball.

The Fallen King Kong succeeded in one blow, and the other Decepticons wanted to take the opportunity to attack Yang Jian, but they were stopped by the Fallen King Kong, "A bunch of useless things, step back and let me do it."

All the Decepticons immediately stopped their actions. Their fear of the Corrupted King Kong was deeply rooted in their hearts, not only because of the strength of the Fallen King Kong, but also because of his brutality. Anyone who resisted him and did not obey his orders would be merciless. Killing hesitantly, he stepped back obediently and looked at Yang Jian and Fallen King Kong in the field.

Fallen King Kong was quite satisfied with the performance of his subordinates. He pointed at Yang Jian with a double-headed spear, and asked loudly, "Report your name, mysterious Transformer."

Although Yang Jian was kicked away by the Fallen King Kong, he stabilized his figure in mid-air and slowly fell down. Hearing the question of the Fallen King Kong, he pretended to be melancholy, "My name has been It's been a long time, almost everyone has forgotten that I exist, I am Dark King Kong, or Free King Kong, no, of course you can directly call me Thanos."

"Dark King Kong Thanos? Your name is somewhat similar to the name of my Fallen King Kong." No matter who hears Yang Jian's name for the first time, it will be a little weird. This name is obviously not a good name. It tends to be negative, even more boss fan than the name of Fallen King Kong.

Fallen King Kong shook his head, threw out the weird thoughts in his mind, and continued: "Although I also know that there is little hope, I still want to ask you one last time, are you willing to surrender to me? Conquer this universe with me and let all The race of the nation falls under our feet."

"Don't you already know my answer?" Yang Jian turned the broadsword in his hand, pointing to the Fallen King Kong, expressing his intentions.

"If that's the case, then you're going to die."

The fallen King Kong's figure flickered like a ray of black light, spanning a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and stabbing Yang Jian's chest with the spear in his hand.

Fallen King Kong's thin and thin body gave him unimaginable flexibility, and possessed unparalleled strange strength. The speed almost exceeded the limit of the eyes' acceptance, killing with a piercing sonic boom.

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