
But Yang Jian reacted faster. He swung the Zhenjin Broadsword horizontally, and accurately blocked the spear with the broad blade. The shape was also shaken back.

When Yang Jian looked at his Zhenjin Broadsword, he was shocked, because he found a small hole in the knife, which was obviously pierced by the fallen King Kong's spear just now.

Yang Jian injected some energy, and the Zhenjin Broadsword was quickly repaired, but Yang Jian had to be cautious. Since the opponent can damage his own weapon, doesn't it mean that he can also damage his own body? The opponent's weapon may not be simple. .


Doesn't that mean it can also hurt the body.This is enough to make people feel calm and able to destroy the shock. Could it be that love can also destroy one's own body.


Yang decided to act first, and took the initiative to attack. He blasted a few missiles from his arm, and while the fallen King Kong was dodging, he took the head of the fallen King Kong with the big chopping knife in his hand.

Fallen King Kong brandished a spear, held the melting knife, clenched his right fist, and slammed fiercely at Yang Jian's face without any skill at all.


Yang Jian pushed hard, took a step back, raised one hand to grab the arm of the Corrupted King Kong, and twisted it hard, as if intending to throw the Fallen King Kong out.

The fallen King Kong reacted quickly enough, and the other hand held a spear and immediately slashed at Yang Jian's neck. Yang Jian could only block it with a knife again. The two of them exerted strength at the same time, but neither of them could suppress the other, and they were evenly matched.

Now the two were shocked at the same time. Although they only fought for a few rounds just now, they already realized that the other party was not easy to mess with. The two of them could not gain an advantage in terms of speed, strength, skills, experience, and even weapons. Presented a well-matched situation.

Yang Jian looked at the spear in the hands of the Fallen King Kong, and was curious in his heart, what kind of material is it made of?It is actually comparable to Zhenjin, and under Yang Jian's perception, there is also a strange fluctuation, just like the magic power in the legend.

What Yang Jian didn't know was that the Fallen King Kong was even more surprised than him. This mysterious Transformer that came out of nowhere was actually so powerful. The spear in his hand was called the Fallen Scepter by him, which he encountered by chance many years ago. Made of a metal material, it is not only strong but also able to cooperate with the use of his telekinetic power. The reason why he was able to defeat the other six Supremes at the time was that many ambitious Transformers were on his side at that time. This weapon also played a vital role. I thought that with the scepter in my hand and my own strength, I would be confident in defeating any opponent in a one-on-one situation. I didn't expect this Transformer called Thanos to appear suddenly. , the strength is actually no weaker than him, and the weapon in his hand can withstand his scepter.

"I admit that your strength is indeed very strong, but you will never be able to defeat me, because I didn't do my best, and I wanted to play with you slowly, but forget it, I still have important things to do, It must be done quickly, so now you can die for me."

Yang Jian looked at Fallen King Kong mockingly, "Anyone can say big words, but the key is to rely on strength to speak. If you have any killer tricks, just use them. Let me see, what's the point of talking?"

In the original plot, the Fallen King Kong seemed to have said similar things to Optimus Prime, but he was immediately slapped in the face. At that time, Optimus Prime had just been strengthened by Skyfire, and his strength increased greatly. He suppressed Fallen King Kong and Megatron with his own strength. He beat them hard and easily defeated the two of them. The Fallen King Kong died tragically on the spot, and his majestic declaration became a joke.

"You'll see soon enough."

Fallen King Kong raised his hand, and the strange fluctuations from the spear in his hand increased suddenly, pointing at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian suddenly felt that he was enveloped by a force, which was invisible but real. His body was imprisoned in place, and he struggled a few times but couldn't move. Yang Jian immediately understood that this was the thought of the Fallen King Kong power.

"Your death has come."

When Fallen King Kong uses telekinetic power, it needs a lot of energy, and it is more expensive to imprison Yang Jian. Fallen King Kong still wants to solve the matter here, and is ready to snatch the energy matrix at any time, so he wants to make a quick decision , taking advantage of Yang Jian being imprisoned and unable to move, he rushed out and stabbed the spear in Yang Jian's chest with all his strength.

Seeing that the spear was about to hit four targets, Yang Jian suddenly burst out with lightning, enveloping his whole body and disappearing from sleep.

Fallen King Kong hit the air with a spear, and he felt a little bad in his heart, and then there was an extremely dangerous feeling behind him, without thinking about it, he suddenly turned around and raised his hands to meet the spear.

when! ! !

The spear of the Fallen King Kong just blocked Yang Jian's big chopping knife from top to bottom. The huge force pushed him back and forth, his legs drew two deep ravines on the desert, and he forcibly stabilized his body. The mechanical part at the shoulder was reorganized to form a gun barrel, and an energy cannon pushed Yang Jian back.

"Space transfer!"

After the Fallen King Kong stabilized his figure, he looked at Yang Jian coldly, his expression turned ugly. If the opponent had the ability to transfer space, it would be much more difficult to kill him.

Looking at the Fallen King Kong, Yang Jian was also frightened. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and used the space transfer ability to escape in time. Just a little bit, the spear of the Fallen King Kong pierced his body, and the opponent's spear could hurt himself. Yes, although the defensive armor on the chest has been specially thickened, it is not completely sure whether it can stop Yang Jian.

In the original plot, when the Fallen King Kong fought with Optimus Prime, he didn't use his telekinesis from the beginning to the end, so that Yang Jian ignored the other party's move.

Of course, it's not to blame for others, it was Yang Jian himself who caused the trouble. In the original plot, when the human side knew that the fallen King Kong was planning to destroy the sun and create energy cubes, they were in a hurry, and all kinds of advanced missiles bombarded them incessantly.

In order to protect the energy block manufacturing machine, Fallen King Kong used telekinetic power to carry it hard, almost exhausting his mental power. As a result, he was killed without showing much strength in the battle with Optimus Prime. The death was quite tragic.

Because of Yang Jian's intervention, the plot has changed. Until now, human beings don't know the specific situation here. Although they are very dissatisfied with these Decepticons who invaded the earth, it is not to the point of life and death. It was a matter of life and death.

The current Corrupted King Kong is the most powerful, in its peak state without any damage. Yang Jian made a mistake in his estimation and almost put himself in a trap.

"I've underestimated you, but don't think that I really can't do anything about you. Maybe I can't kill you completely. Because as long as you want to escape, I can't stop you. You must be the one who loses in the end."

"What kind of a man is he who can talk about it? Let's speak with facts."

Yang Jian was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Fallen King Kong. He almost suffered a loss just now. He had to get back to this place and kill him with a big knife.

Fallen King Kong lowered the spear in his hand with a gloomy expression, and the power of the mind was activated again. Yang Jian felt the confinement of the power of the mind again, but this time before the other party rushed to the front, an electric arc appeared on his body, and with the flash of sparks, After disappearing, he used the space to move to the side of the fallen king kong and slashed at the head of the fallen king kong.

The Fallen King Kong sneered, and disappeared after waking up. It was actually a space transfer, and appeared behind Yang Jian, raising his hand and blasting out.

Yang Jian didn't wait for the missile to approach him, and used space movement again to avoid the missile's attack. The missile continued to fly forward and bombarded the pyramid, almost hurting the energy block manufacturing machine. Fortunately, the surface of the pyramid was thick and strong enough to hold the missile Block it down and protect the machine inside.


Fallen King Kong was taken aback. This instrument was made by him and the other six Supremes. It is impossible to make a second one. If it is destroyed, it will really be gone. This is his lifeblood!

Yang Jian saw that the Corrupt King Kong who was checking the machine nervously did not step forward to attack, and was thinking about other things in his mind.

The Fallen King Kong also has the ability to transfer space, but it seems to be explainable if you think about it carefully. The Fallen King Kong seems to have used it in the movie, but only once, at the critical moment of Optimus Prime's resurrection, he took away the energy matrix and left. Returning to the pyramid in an instant, Yang Jian was not sure if it was the ability to transfer space, or if he thought it was caused by too fast flight speed.

After confirming that there was no problem with the machine, the Fallen King Kong charged at Yang Jian again, but the battle presented a strange situation. Two giant robots suddenly disappeared and appeared suddenly. It's like hide and seek.

On the scene, it seemed that Yang Jian was at a disadvantage, because the Fallen King Kong still had telekinesis, and would imprison Yang Jian's actions and attack each time, forcing Yang Jian to use his space ability to dodge every time.

Later, Yang Jian and Fallen King Kong almost gave up the shell attack, and just tried to catch up with each other as much as possible, and fought close to each other, because the body defenses of both sides were too strong, and it was better to use weapons to do more damage.

Yang Jian directly gave up the energy shield because his body strength exceeded the limit of the Transformers. It didn't matter if the missiles hit him, but he just avoided the spears of the Corrupted King Kong as much as possible.

Although Fallen King Kong's physical strength is not as strong as Yang Jian's, his energy shield is thicker than Optimus Prime and Megatron.

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