Yang Jian's plan is to seize the power of Universal Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun, and become the most powerful existence in this universe. After Optimus Prime knows the truth, it is not certain whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Sometimes Yang Jian didn't know whether it was good or bad for him to help Optimus Prime like this, and whether it would be better to let him be killed like this, so as to avoid seeing each other on the battlefield in the future.

But in the end, Yang Jian still chose to save Optimus Prime. What will happen in the future is a matter for the future, at least now he will not regret it.

boom!boom!boom! ! !

The whistle of the missile tore through the sky, and the sound of the explosion finally woke Yang Jian and the others from their nostalgia for Skyfire. Now the battle is not over yet, and they are still fighting hard when the iron skin is still there. This is not the time to be sad.

Optimus Prime took the first step to act, and the propeller behind his back spewed out several flames soaring into the sky, and flew towards the battlefield. Yang Jian thought about explaining a few words to Bumblebee and the others, and then followed.

Ironhide led several Autobots to do their best to fight back against the bombing of the Decepticons in the sky. The situation was very unfavorable and already crumbling. Optimus Prime, who had just arrived, was furious when he saw this scene.

Whoosh!Rumble! ! !

Optimus Prime blasted out several shots in a row, smashing several fighter jets in the sky, and then holding a melting knife, under the action of the propeller behind him, directly rushed into the enemy fighter group and rushed back and forth, invincible in the air battlefield, pressing Batian The tigers were beaten violently, and they dominated the entire sky in a short while. The sound of explosions continued, and the Decepticons turned into fireballs and fell from the sky.

"It's Optimus Prime, he's alive."

"Great, this is our leader."

"Successful, our efforts were not in vain, kill, kill all the Decepticons."


Looking at Optimus Prime who has changed into a black outfit, his strength has obviously increased too much, a kind of crowd cheered, and their morale increased greatly. They used long-range weapons to aim at the Decepticons suppressed by Optimus Prime, and bit by bit The disadvantage in numbers equalized.

After Optimus Prime was resurrected, he also seemed to be full of anger. He wanted to vent his anger, and soon aimed at an enemy he hated, Starscream!

"Starscream, your time of death has arrived!"

Optimus Prime suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards Starscream, making up his mind, he must kill this hateful guy, too many Autobots have died in his hands, and today he will avenge his comrades.

Starscream was so frightened that his soul died. When he saw Optimus Prime appearing, he knew that the situation was not good. He was not the opponent of Optimus Prime before, not to mention that now it is an enhanced version. The leader can only be fought by the leader. Red Spider The spider turned and fled.

But soon Starscream discovered something that frightened him, he found that Optimus Prime was actually getting closer, which meant that Optimus Prime was actually faster than him.

Starscream was really impatient now and kept accelerating, but he still couldn't get rid of Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime raised an arm, a missile shot out, Starscream couldn't dodge, the propeller was destroyed, and fell from the air screaming

Bang! !

Starscream made a big hole in the desert, his whole body seemed to be on the loose, but he felt the crisis coming from behind him, resisted the feeling of dizziness and got up from the ground, just in time to walk over after seeing the landing Optimus Prime, clutching a melting knife in his hand, his eyes full of murderous intent. .

"No, don't kill me, Optimus Prime, please let me go, I will serve you as Lord."


For kneeling down to beg Starscream, Optimus Prime was unmoved at all, and cut it with a single knife, because he knew too well what kind of person Starscream is, selfish, cowardly, and never truly loyal A certain person, he only lives for himself, this kind of person will not hesitate to bite back once he catches the opportunity.

Seeing Optimus Prime being so decisive, Starscream knew that the other party was determined to kill him, and knew that it would be impossible if he didn't go all out, so he roared as if he was bumping into Optimus Prime.


With a piercing sound of metal rubbing, Optimus Prime's melting knife slashed across Starscream's chest, leaving a huge wound. The wiring inside was clearly visible, and sparks burst out of being dissolved, but Optimus Prime It was also repelled by Starscream's all-out impact, and at the same time, the two arms formed the barrel and fired crazily.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Explosions kept coming, and Starscream frantically sent messages while designing, "Megatron, master save me!"

It's just that Starscream didn't know that Megatron and Fallen King Kong were busy protecting the machine that produced energy blocks at this time, so they didn't care about him.

Starscream was desperate, he didn't receive any reply to his call for help, and he couldn't help cursing Megatron in his heart.

Originally, Starscream could hold on for a while, but because he was too flustered, he was distracted for a while, and Optimus Prime seized the opportunity, and instantly rushed in front of Starscream, with a wave of the hot melter, two arms fell off, and the incision was cut Melted, with a cascade of sparks.


Starscream screamed, turned around to escape with the last of his strength, his heart was full of fear, but then he felt something piercing into his body from behind, but when he looked down, it turned out to be a blade, and the wound was dripping with yellow lubricating oil fall.one

"No! I don't want to die."

With his last breath, Starscream struggled frantically and screamed, but his body became weaker and weaker, and finally he was completely paralyzed and fell to the ground.

Optimus Prime has experienced the resurrection of himself and Megatron, and has learned a lesson. The enemy must be wiped out. He must not give the opponent a chance to be resurrected. He cut Starscream's body into more than a dozen pieces, and finally After a bombardment, his body was really smashed to pieces. Even if he was the emperor of the universe, Yuanshi Tianzun would not even think about resurrecting him.

After Optimus Prime crushed Starscream to ashes, his anger was finally vented. At this time, Yang Jian and other Autobots rushed over and joined Optimus Prime. The battle over there was also over, but everyone watched The countless metal fragments on the ground were a little speechless, and Optimus Prime seemed a little irritable after his resurrection.

Chapter 199

Yang Jian raised his head and looked into the distance. That was the direction where the machine for making energy cubes was located. The Fallen King Kong should have started the machine by now.

"Optimus Prime, Fallen King and Megatron are over there, the Energy Matrix is ​​there, and he built a stronghold around the pyramid and gathered a lot of Decepticons.

I have fought against the Fallen King Kong before, and his strength is stronger than I imagined. Even if the two of us work together, we may not be able to kill him, at least not before his energy is exhausted.

The power of the Fallen King Kong is so versatile, it can attack and defend, and defend in all directions. In addition, he is a veteran supreme. I have fought with him for so long, and the energy shield of the Fallen King Kong has hardly weakened. You have the ability to transfer space, if you want to escape, you can't stop it at all, what are you going to do? "

When Optimus Prime heard what you Yang Jian said, he slowly let go of his proud attitude because of his greatly increased strength just now.

Optimus Prime thought for a while and asked: "Your Excellency Thanos, can you stop the Fallen King Kong with your strength? At least his experience is involved, so that he can't care about other things in a short time."

"That's fine, why do you have any plans?"

"Yes, I think that since the Fallen King Kong is so powerful, then we might as well put him at the end and gather everyone's strength to besiege together. With my current strength, maybe there is nothing I can do about the Fallen King Kong, but I can use Megatron first. Hand, I want to get rid of Megatron first, and then grab the energy matrix to revive my teacher, Yu Tiandi, and gather the power of the three of us to kill the Fallen King Kong together."

Yang Jian not only cursed secretly in his heart, but thought to himself: If you don’t revive Yu Natural Enemy, maybe it will be better, we have some hope, if you add Yu Natural Enemy, it’s not sure which side he will stand in the end, maybe Straight into giving you a backstab and killing you.

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