It's a pity that Yang Jian couldn't say what he wanted to say at this time. Even if he told Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime would not believe it, but would think that Yang Jian had ulterior motives.

That's all!I won't stop you from looking for death. I just hope that you won't regret it when the time comes. If the situation really reaches the point of no return, I don't care about your life or my own life. When the time comes, I will escape by myself. Blame me, Yang Jian thought in her heart, she kept her expression on the surface, and nodded in agreement with Optimus Prime's plan.

Optimus Prime turned around and saw that Tie Pi and the others were bruised and exhausted. Even after being treated by an ambulance, their lives were not in danger, but most of their energy had been consumed. After participating in the war, they might really die. Losing their lives, Optimus Prime thought to himself whether to let them stay here or not.

Tie Hide saw Optimus Prime's thoughts at a glance, and quickly said: "Optimus Prime, let's go together! Autobots are not greedy for life and fear of death. If you leave us here, you, the leader, will go to the front line by yourself. What will happen to us?" Call it an insult."

"Yes, Optimus Prime, I have never been afraid of fighting."

"I'll go as well……"


Jazz, Side Cannon, Ambulance, etc. also spoke out one after another, vowing to fight side by side with Optimus Prime, and life and death will not be tired.

"That's good. Let's fight the Decepticons together." Optimus Prime saw his Autobots like this, and knew that he couldn't refuse, otherwise he wouldn't even be a friend.

Optimus Prime summoned everyone to face-to-face and began to formulate a battle plan, "This time we will take the initiative to attack. There are two primary goals. The first is to regain the energy matrix, and the second is to destroy the machine that makes the energy cube. The Fallen King Kong will have Thanos You deal with it."

"Don't worry, it's on me." Yang Jian said confidently. He already had some ideas about how to deal with the Fallen King Kong. If he was lucky, he might have a chance to kill him directly.

"Sir, Ambulance, Side Cannon, Bumblebee..." Optimus Prime named the names of the Autobots one by one, his eyes swept over, as if he wanted to remember them deeply in his heart.

Optimus Prime's face was full of seriousness, because he knew that there would be a few more comrades who would sacrifice today, "Later, you will form a defensive circle, try your best to resist the Decepticons, block them, and don't affect me and Megatron. Fight, buy us time, and I'll finish off Megatron as soon as possible."

Ironhide immediately reassured: "Don't worry, unless they step over my dead body, no one will disturb your battle with Megatron."

"I believe in you!" Optimus Prime nodded.He continued: "Fallen King Kong is powerful, and my teacher's power is needed to get rid of him. Sam, after I grab the energy matrix, you can find a way to send it to my teacher as soon as possible, resurrect him, and let him die." He came to our aid as soon as possible."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Sam stood up straight and saluted, "Ironhide told me that he has already contacted the soldiers inside the hive, promised to bring the body of the natural enemy over, and sent me the location. During the transportation, I will send the energy matrix directly there."

Optimus Prime was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Ironhide to be so careful, this saved a lot of time, Optimus Prime nodded very satisfied, expressing his appreciation for Ironhide's behavior.

"Your Excellency Thanos, can you teleport us there together?"

Looking at so many Autobots in front of him, Yang Jian sighed inwardly: Fortunately, I have enough energy, otherwise I would have exhausted me to death by teleporting so many of you all at once.

Yang Jian took a deep breath, clasped five fingers and pressed down to the ground, the flashing electric arc enveloped himself and the Autobots led by Optimus Prime, and with a roar, everyone disappeared in place.

Pyramids, energy block manufacturing machines, and Decepticons have set up defensive positions around them. There are elite Decepticon fighters in the sky and on the ground, with Fallen King Kong and Megatron sitting in the center.

The energy matrix has been inserted into the machine, and the blue halo is looming, and it has begun to gather energy, ready to destroy the sun to create energy cubes.

Crackling! ! !

A ball of lightning suddenly appeared and flickered violently. Soon Yang Jian and others appeared hundreds of meters away from the pyramid. The vigilant Decepticons immediately noticed the anomaly and attacked them without hesitation.

When Yang Jian was fighting the Fallen King Kong before, he had accurately located the coordinates. This time, he specially chose the most suitable location for the teleportation, which was close enough to the pyramid and left enough space to resist the Decepticons on the outside.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The battle started in an instant. Except for Yang Jian and Optimus Prime, the other Autobots quickly dispersed to seize a favorable position. Both sides fired shells back and forth, and the battle entered a scorching state as soon as it started.Start shelling.


Several groups of orange fireballs exploded in mid-air, and scattered metal parts flew everywhere. The Autobots did their mental calculations and unintentionally, and the energy shields of several Decepticons were blasted to pieces before they had time to activate. Fall from the sky.

Yang Jian ignored the Decepticons around him, and turned on the thrusters behind him to the maximum, rushing towards the fallen King Kong like a beam of light. This is Yang Jian's goal, to entangle him tightly before the others decide the winner , so that the Fallen King Kong has no time to take care of others.


Yang Jian used his inertia to slam into the fallen King Kong standing above the pyramid. The two behemoths wrestled together and tumbled down from the pyramid.

In a hurry, the Fallen King Kong grabbed the spear in his hand and stabbed at Yang Jian, but Yang Jian was already prepared. He probed with one left hand, and also grabbed the spear and twisted it hard, so that the Fallen King Kong was exposed. He clenched his fist and slammed it fiercely at the chest of Corrupted King Kong.

"Bastard, you are courting death!"

The Corrupted King Kong roared, and he didn't resist at all, he just clenched his other fist and blasted towards him, intending to exchange injuries for injuries.


The two fists hammered on the opponent's chest at the same time, and the body involuntarily fell back, but it did not cause much damage. Yang Jian's body was hard enough to break through the defense, and the energy shield on the surface of the fallen King Kong blocked it.

Even in this situation, Yang Jian still held on to the spear tightly and did not let go. This was Yang Jian's calculation at the beginning. This spear was the only weapon that could harm his body. Completely let go of confronting him head-on, everything else is not a problem.

"Let me go!"

Fallen King Kong grasped the spear with both hands and pressed it hard, using his own mind power. Yang Jian felt a huge force on his body, and half of his body fell into the sand, but even so, he still didn't want to let go. Individuals stalemate.

"Get up!" The Fallen King Kong roared, grabbed the spear and lifted Yang Jian up, then suddenly fell, hitting the sand hard, and threw it to the other side before Yang Jian could recover.


For the first time, Yang Jian experienced the feelings of the three princesses of Asgard. Being thrown more than a dozen times in a row, that feeling was so sour. , thinking in his heart that he must find the place later, and smash the fallen King Kong into pieces.

Of course, Yang Jian didn't just take the beating and didn't fight back. He worked hard to move his body, and his body produced a shocking force, slowly breaking free from the thought power of the fallen King Kong.When he was thrown up again, Yang Jian somersaulted, and his legs suddenly protruded, clamped around the waist of the Corrupted King Kong, and at the same time, he pressed the spear hard and slashed down on the neck of the Fallen King Kong.

The fallen King Kong's eyes glowed red, and he held the spear with both hands to form two long swords, and the two of them fought together.

While Yang Jian was in a stalemate with Fallen King Kong, the battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron also began.

"Megatron!" Optimus Prime yelled, raising his hand and two missiles were shot out.

Boom! ! !

Megatron easily dodged the missile, his eyes were red, his huge body broke through the speed of sound under the action of the propeller and drew a white air wave, his right arm deformed and a metal blade popped out, stabbing the fire in Optimus Prime's chest.

Optimus Prime's melting knife slashed obliquely, with a bang!When the two weapons collided, if the strength of the two were comparable before, they would probably be in a stalemate for a while.

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