But now that Optimus Prime has changed into a divine attire, his strength has greatly increased, and your strength is even better. Megatron was repelled by the huge force, and he couldn't even stand still, but Optimus Prime just paused, and soon He stabilized his figure, raised his hand, and another missile flew out.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Groups of flames suddenly appeared, although Megatron was not hit, but the air wave was blown back again and again.

Optimus Prime took advantage of the victory to pursue, the thrusters on his back accelerated, and he slashed at Megatron's chest.

Although Megatron was wobbly and unsteady, he still caught the traces of Optimus Prime, and used the metal big knife in his hand to hold Optimus Prime's melting knife, but Optimus Prime took the opportunity to raise his other arm and punched it again. A punch hit Megatron's chest and head.

Hiss! !

There was an ear-exploding metal friction sound, Megatron's metal mask shattered, a fist-shaped depression appeared on his head, and pieces of shattered metal fragments splashed everywhere.

Megatron fell on the sand. Fortunately, the sand was relatively soft and did not cause much damage. He shook his head vigorously, resisting the feeling of dizziness, and pushed the thruster on his back to the maximum. Arrived in the sky, circled around and prepared to reorganize the attack. ,

When Optimus Prime saw Megatron flying in the sky, he sneered, are you going to play an air battle with me?OK, I'll play with you.

If Optimus Prime had no choice but to take Megatron who was flying in the sky before, but now the upgraded Optimus Prime also has the ability to fly, and his speed is faster than Megatron. Who is afraid of anyone in air combat?

Optimus Prime also soared into the sky under the action of the thrusters on his back, and in a blink of an eye he was fighting with Megatron. The two fought in rapid flight, sparks were thrown off by the collision of weapons, and there were several roaring explosions from time to time.


There was a loud roar in the distance, and more than a dozen fighter planes shuttled back and forth in the sky. The powerful firepower crushed Iron Skin and they were almost out of breath.

"Brothers, hang on, buy time for Optimus Prime! Crossfire, Sergeant, and Bumblebee stay behind with me, and the others retreat to the second line of defense."

"Sir received!"

"Horizontal cannon attack!"

"..." Although Bumblebee couldn't speak, he expressed himself directly with actions, and the firepower became a little bit more violent.

The ambulance, Sam and others took advantage of the time bought for them, quickly retreated and galloped away, dragged up the dust and smoke rolled up by the yellow sand in the sky, retreated more than a hundred meters away, and established the so-called second line of defense.

"The second line of defense is in place, it's time for you, Ironhide, to retreat."

Boom boom boom...

The four of them heard the shout behind them, and fired a few missiles at the same time, blocking the enemy for a while, then turned around and turned into a car to escape.

boom! ! !


Tie Tiepi suddenly heard the sound and there was a scream, and he felt bad immediately, because it was Jazz's voice, he looked at it in a hurry, and his eyes were tearing up.

Jazz was hit by an enemy missile, and the rear half of the car body was blown to pieces, and the enemy behind him immediately caught up. Judging from this situation, it seems that the situation is already very bad.

Jazz quickly transformed into a machine and a human form, his legs had disappeared, but he sat up with his body propped up, and the firepower poured wildly on a kind of Decepticon that was chasing him, intending to use his last life to fight for his companions. time.

Chapter 200 The Death of Jazz


Ironhide screamed in alarm, and there was a sound of cuckoo, and it turned back into a robot form, ready to turn around and save Jazz.

"Leave me alone, you go right away! Or we all die together." Jazz knew that he was doomed, and he didn't want to involve other people, so he stopped Ironhide from rushing over.

Gritting his teeth, Tie Pi had no choice but to continue running away, the pain in his heart was indescribable.

At this time, a Decepticon had already rushed in front of Jazz, with a cruel red light in his eyes, grabbed one of Jazz's arms and tore it off forcefully, then grabbed Jazz's head and lifted it up, "I will tear you into pieces Fragments."

Jazz was very calm in the face of death, "Death is nothing to be afraid of, it's not bad to be able to drag you before dying, let's die together"

Boom! ! !

There was a sudden explosion, and the flames covered a radius of tens of meters, but it was Jazz who directly detonated all the shells on his body, blowing himself and the Decepticon to pieces at the same time.

"Do not!!!"

Ironhide roared and stopped again, furious with hatred in his heart, couldn't help but want to go back and fight the Decepticons to the death.

Bumblebee and Cross Cannon hurriedly held him left and right and dragged him away. They also felt sad for Jazz's death, but now they couldn't be sad, and they hadn't completed more important tasks.

Boom! ! !

Optimus Prime bombarded Megatron with a series of missiles, and one after another, scorching red fireballs appeared in the desert. The high temperature and heat swept down, devouring everything like crazy.

Sir!Optimus Prime murmured softly.

Although in the middle of the battle, Optimus Prime is now stronger than Megatron, and he can spare energy to observe the surrounding situation and see the death of Jazz in his eyes. Although he knows that there will be sacrifices in the battle, he sees himself fighting side by side. The partner who has been with me for many years is gone, and I still feel extremely painful, and the attack is even more vicious.


Two giant robots collided in the air, and Optimus Prime became ruthless. Even if he had to pay some price now, he had to make a quick decision. After Megatron was dealt with, help Tinhide and the others as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer the delay, the Autobots The greater the loss.

boom!Rumble! ! !

Optimus Prime swooped down with Megatron in his arms and fell from the air, because Megatron was pressed by Optimus Prime and landed on the ground. After falling, he became a cushion. Even in the desert, this is not light, his body Almost lost his airs, but Optimus Prime didn't have much influence, he quickly got up and punched Wei Zhentian again.While the other party hadn't recovered, he pressed Megatron with one hand, and made a fist with the other hand, punching down punch after punch.

bang bang bang! ! !

Before Optimus Prime fell asleep, the scene of Jazz's death kept flashing, and the anger in his heart kept rising, and his fists became heavier every time.Well, the circle is getting heavier and heavier, and countless shattered metal fragments are scattered.

At first, Megatron was taken aback, but he quickly reacted, resisting the pain, popped out the one-piece metal sword from his right arm, and rushed out, slashing fiercely. .


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