Optimus Prime grabbed Megatron's arm, pulled out the melting knife with the other hand, and stabbed Megatron's chest, "Go to hell!"

"Don't think about it!"

At the moment of crisis, Megatron grabbed Optimus Prime's melting knife with his other hand, and the two fought hard.

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!

The melting knife exuded scorching heat and melted Megatron's arm, but even so, he did not dare to let go, because the first stab would just sting his fire source, and he would definitely be dead or alive. Based on the previous lessons, Optimus Prime probably won't give him a chance to be resurrected again.

But in terms of strength, how can Megatron today be the opponent of Optimus Prime?Seeing the edge of the blade being pressed down bit by bit, Megatron finally became impatient, and finally became ruthless at the moment of life and death crisis. Instead of directly stopping the melting knife, he pulled it to the side forcefully, and stabbed it!The melting knife did not stab the fire source, but stabbed near the shoulder. Although Megatron was seriously injured, he also saved his life.


Optimus Prime didn't expect that Megatron would use this method to escape the fatal blow, he was in a daze for a while, but Megatron seized the opportunity and punched Optimus Prime's chest with all his strength, the whole person was smashed Fly more than ten meters.

Megatron took the opportunity to get up from the ground.He pulled out the melting knife on his body and threw it aside, and said harshly: "Optimus Prime, you won this time, but the battle between us will never end, and I will come back."

Megatron quickly deformed, and after a burst of clicks, it became a fighter jet. The propellers were opened to the maximum, and they rushed to the sky in an instant

Optimus Prime got up from the ground, looked at the direction Megatron left with a little hesitation, and finally did not pursue, but flew to the pyramid.

At this time, the energy cube manufacturing machine was already running, and Optimus Prime didn't dare to delay.Immediately stepped forward to pull out the energy matrix, and the machine stopped working immediately.

Even if he got the energy matrix, Optimus Prime was still worried, and when he raised his hand, several shells flew out and hit the core of the machine.

boom!boom!boom! ,...

A series of explosions sounded, and the machine quickly turned into a ball of flames, dyeing the sky red, and soon the entire pyramid communication machine was turned into ruins.


Fallen King Kong, who was competing with Yang Jian in the distance, was attracted by the sound of the explosion. Seeing that the energy block machine was destroyed, he roared angrily. This was the key to his plan. Without this machine, his plan would be complete. It failed, without the help of the other six supreme beings, it could not be built at all, and so many years of hard work were all in vain.

"When you are fighting with me, you still have the mind to care about these things, do you look down on me? Go to hell!"

Knowing that the machine was destroyed, Yang Jian had completed most of his mission, so he was no longer obsessed with snatching his spear from the Fallen King Kong. .

"Get out! I don't have time to play with you!" Fallen King Kong backhanded Yang Jian's sword with a spear, and pushed Yang to fly backwards with his telekinetic power.

"Really? But I haven't played enough, so let me stay honestly." Yang Jian's thruster behind Yang Jian burst out a burst of firepower, and he just withstood the suppression of the power of the Fallen King Kong, step by step. Walking forward, Yang Jian also had some understanding of nickel power at this time, as long as the power is strong enough, it can also be broken.

Optimus Prime glanced at Yang Jian and Fallen King Kong, and instead of coming to help, he went to Tie Pi and the others. Optimus Prime could see that Yang Jian was not in any danger, but Tie Pi and the others were already in danger. at stake.

boom!boom!Rumble! !

The positions where Tie Pi and the others were located were instantly covered by flames, and at least five Decepticons were blasted into pieces. Optimus Prime's attack instantly reversed the situation.

When the Decepticons saw Optimus Prime approaching, they all concentrated fire and poured shells wildly, but with the strength of Optimus Prime's current energy shield, they can completely resist it.

The four wings behind Optimus Prime unfolded, the engines on both shoulders and the jets on the back were activated, and after adjusting the angle, they changed direction rapidly, moving rapidly on the battlefield, often the Decepticons were cut into two before they could react.

Tie Pi and the others saw their blood boiling, thinking of the dead Sir, they were all furious, "Kill them, kill them all, and avenge the Sir!"

All the gangsters rushed out desperately to stand with the Decepticons one by one as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. With Optimus Prime as the arrow rushing to the front, they only need to deal with some fish that escaped the net. Soon the Decepticons in the field were killed and scattered.

When there were only two or three big cats and kittens left in the Decepticons on the battlefield, Optimus Prime stopped and handed the energy matrix to Sam, "Send the energy matrix over as soon as possible, revive my teacher Yu Natural Enemy, and let him come over!" Help, we need him here."

Sam didn't talk nonsense, and took over the energy matrix. After that, two orange-red flames spewed out from under his feet, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Tiepi, you lead people to wipe out the remaining Decepticons, and I will help Thanos."

Tie Hide nodded, and immediately led people to take action. He was full of hatred because of Jazz's death, and now he had to vent it.

Whoosh! !

Missiles struck Yang Jian one after another and exploded beside Yang Jian. Due to the restriction of his telekinetic power, his movements were a little slow, and he couldn't dodge in time, and one of them bombarded him.

But it just caused Yang Jian to retreat, and his body was somewhat scorched black. Apart from this, there was no effect. After regaining his stature, he continued to kill the fallen king kong.

The Fallen King Kong was almost weakened by Yang Jian's torment. It was the first time he saw such a fleshy one. Except for the spear in his hand, other weapons could not cause the slightest damage at all, but the opponent kept attacking his long spear. The spear is guarding against it, and it can't play a role at all!Moreover, Yang Jian grabbed the spear and almost snatched it, which made Fallen King Kong afraid to take it easily.

Now the Fallen King Kong can only maximize his telekinetic power, barely restrict the opponent's actions, and use shells for long-range attacks, hoping to break the limit of the opponent's physical defense.

At this time, Yang Jian, who had been suppressed by the power of the Fallen King Kong, suddenly smiled. When the Fallen King Kong was about to ask, he suddenly felt a buzzing sound coming from behind him. He immediately knew something was wrong, and quickly jumped to the left. The shells almost flew close to his body, and finally there was an explosion, and two huge fireballs suddenly appeared in the desert.

Fallen King Kong looked back and found that Optimus Prime had already killed him aggressively.

Fallen King Kong looked around in a hurry, seeing the Decepticons with only two or three big cats and kittens left, and his missing sage Megatron, he was speechless in anger, I scolded Megatron in my heart, they were all trash, and they were dealt with just like that, and you didn't call me when you ran away one by one, you didn't take me seriously, you must be sure when you go back I will punish you well.

"Fallen King Kong, your end is here, and today is your day of death."

"Just because you want to kill me is far from enough."

Fallen King Kong sneered, not worried about his own safety, he also has the ability to transfer space, he can leave as he wants, no one can stop him, knowing that his plan today is a failure, Fallen King Kong is also planning to retreat temporarily.

"It's not me, it's us. Your Excellency Fallen Thanos and I will at least be able to draw with you. In addition, my teacher, Yu Tiandi, is coming soon. You will lose."

Fallen King Kong, who was planning to leave, heard Optimus Prime say that the natural enemy will arrive soon, so he immediately dispelled the idea of ​​leaving immediately, but the natural enemy had already reached an agreement with him, he wanted to see when the natural enemy came, but stood What expression would Optimus Prime have on his side?

"Really? Speaking of which, I haven't seen Yu Tiandi for a long time, and I want to chat with him."

"I always have nothing to talk to you, only war." Megatron held the melting knife in both hands, jumped up, and slashed down on the fallen King Kong with all his strength while falling.

Fallen King Kong raised the spear in his hand, and the invisible force of thoughts erupted. When Optimus Prime's knife was cut halfway, he felt a vast force exerted on his body. The falling momentum stopped, and then his body was constantly squeezed by the invisible force It seemed as if it was about to be crushed again.

"Don't forget that I'm still there!" Yang Jian's body exploded with an electric arc, and he used the space transfer to instantly come to the back of the fallen king kong and slash it down.

Fallen King Kong cursed "Damn it" inwardly, and with a push, Optimus Prime was thrown out. Then, Yang Jian was imprisoned by the telekinetic force.

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