Crackling!The lightning flashed, and Yang Jian's figure disappeared again, and then appeared on the left side of the fallen king kong, and slashed at the head of the fallen king kong fiercely.

Fallen King Kong put his hands together and squeezed Yang Jian's body with telekinetic power.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

At this time, Optimus Prime had already flown back, and he already understood the terrifying power of the Fallen King Kong. Instead of rushing over like before, he raised his hand and shot three shells at the Fallen King Kong.

"Hmph, how can a small trick hurt me?"

What the Fallen King Kong is most afraid of is this kind of shell attack. Withdrawing one hand and raising it falsely, the three shells were immediately fixed in mid-air, and then turned around under the control of the Fallen King Kong, instead shooting back towards Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime was taken aback. He had heard Yang said before that the power of the Fallen King Kong was weird and changeable. This time, he really experienced it. The thrusters on his shoulders and back were activated, soaring into the sky to avoid the shells, but he didn't expect the shells to be like As if alive, he chased after him, Optimus Prime kept turning, and opened the distance as much as possible, until he was hundreds of meters away, flying outside the range of influence of the telekinetic force, the three missiles stuck to his feet Flying over, several clusters of flames bloomed in the desert.

"Don't use missiles to attack, fight directly close to him, come and hold him, if you find an opportunity to make a move, you must find the opening and hit the vital point directly." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he teleported to the fallen King Kong again, and the big slash in his hand The knife slashed like a violent storm.

Fallen King Kong backed up while resisting with telekinetic power, because he needed to allocate part of his energy to guard against Optimus Prime, the strength of his telekinetic power was much weaker than before, and he couldn't imprison Yang Jian like before. .

Chapter 201 The Betrayer Against Natural Enemies

Yang Jian and the Corrupted King Kong fought fiercely. Optimus Prime held the melting knife in his hand, bowed his body slightly, and stared at the Fallen King Kong to the death, ready to strike at any time.

Fallen King Kong once again imprisoned Yang Jian's body with telekinetic power, but this time the strength was obviously much weaker, and Yang Jian obviously felt that the pressure on his body had eased a lot.

"Sure enough!"

Yang Jian smiled with satisfaction. The power of telekinetics is activated by mental power, and one must concentrate. Once distracted, it will naturally be affected.

Although Optimus Prime didn't make a move, but as long as he maintains a deterrent posture, he can draw a lot of energy from the Fallen King Kong. He must devote part of his mind to guard against Optimus Prime. In this way, he can no longer suppress Yang Jian as easily as before up.

Fallen King Kong fought against Yang Jian while guarding against Optimus Prime, and soon showed his flaws. Optimus Prime saw the opportunity and slashed at Fallen King Kong's neck from behind.


At this time, the Fallen King Kong was using most of his energy to deal with Yang Jian. In a hurry, he roared, and the power of the thought centered on himself, and burst into a ring, which was a bit similar to the Shenluo Tianzheng in the Naruto World. Yang Jian and Qing At the same time, Tianzhu was sent flying by an invisible barrier.

Yang Jian managed to stabilize his body, and was preparing for the next violent storm attack by the Fallen King Kong, but what was surprising was that the expected attack did not come. Yang Jian was a little strange, could it be that the Fallen King Kong's brain was kicked by a donkey? , actually let go of such a good opportunity.

Yang Jian quickly looked up, only to find that the Fallen Fallen King Kong was standing there, staggering, looking as if he was about to fall down at any time. Yang Jian immediately understood that the forced outburst of thought power just now was also a heavy burden for him. Although he and Optimus Prime were knocked into the air, his situation was not much better, or even worse.

"Kill!" ⅹ2

The Fallen King Kong hadn't recovered at this time, so how could Yang Jian and Xin Tianzhu let go of such a good opportunity?


Fallen King Kong screamed, spread his hands, resisted the feeling of dizziness and exploded his telekinetic power again, blocking the attacks of Yang Jian and Optimus Prime. Slower and slower, and finally when the distance was less than three meters away, it was no longer possible to advance a little bit.

Yang Jian and Optimus Prime didn't intend to stop at all. They continued to increase their strength. Even if they couldn't kill each other, they could at least consume the opponent's energy consumption. It would be more beneficial for them to be so stalemate with his telekinetic power. It is better for them to persist in such a competition. The one who can't stop must be the Fallen King Kong.

But how could the cunning and cunning Corrupted King Kong be so easy to deal with? At this moment, he suddenly smiled sinisterly, and electric arcs appeared on his body.

"not good!"

Yang Jian's waist and Optimus Prime suddenly lost the target of the fallen King Kong who was in the center of them. Their inertia instincts made their weapons slash at each other at the same time, but they all used their full strength. If they hit each other, Yang Jian's body would be strong enough It's nothing, Optimus Prime may be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

However, Optimus Prime and Yang Jian are both veterans of many battles, and they did not communicate with each other. They moved their weapons a little while showing a good understanding, and then there was a piercing sound of clashing, and the two weapons collided with each other. Together.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Fallen King Kong watched his plan fail, and fired several missiles from the air towards the two people below.

Yang Jian and Optimus Prime once again made a godlike cooperation, and they pushed hard at the same time, using each other's strength to retreat.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The flames flooded the two of them, and the air waves from the explosion sent them flying, but both of them avoided the core range of the shells, Optimus Prime also consumed a little shield energy, not to mention Yang Jian, even if Even being hit by a shell in the front doesn't have much impact.

Soon Yang Jian rushed out of the flames. Although he didn't suffer much damage, he was tricked. He looked at the fallen King Kong in the sky and thought about how to get back.

Yang Jian's mind turned sharply, and soon he came up with an idea, and quickly said to Optimus Prime: "Optimus Prime, we will divide the work and cooperate. From now on, you don't need to fight melee, just use long-range attacks. Carry it, you can just bombard it with shells, don't worry about me, I have thick skin and thick flesh, don't be afraid! On the contrary, it's the fallen King Kong guy, I don't believe that he consumes so much energy."

Yang Jian rushed forward without waiting for Optimus Prime to agree. His idea was very simple. Since he is the boss of the Fallen King Kong, then use the method of fighting the boss to deal with him. Zhu flew a kite from afar and consumed him to death.

At the beginning, Optimus Prime was still a little hesitant, and he was always cautious, fearing that his shells would hit Yang Jian and hurt his own people, but when Optimus Prime accidentally shot Yang Jian, he got up as if nothing had happened, and continued to fight hard. It was only after he stalked the Fallen King Kong that he truly realized how powerful Yang Jian's steel body was, so he let go completely, and the artillery fire continued to blast out.

Because Yang Jian was biting like a mad dog, the Fallen King Kong had no time to distract himself from dealing with Optimus Prime. Of course, even if he wanted to deal with Optimus Prime, it would not be so easy. With supernatural powers gaining the upper hand, it is not possible to solve Optimus Prime in a short time, enough for Yang Jian to react and continue to entangle with him.

As time went by, the Fallen King Kong began to be weak, and was hit by Optimus Prime's shells more than a dozen times. From the beginning, the energy shield only swayed slightly, and now every time it is hit It shook violently, as if it was about to be broken at any moment. The energy consumption was too great, and I couldn't hold on anymore.

Yang Jian and Optimus Prime saw that the victory was in front of them, and felt more energetic. However, Yang Jian did not expect to be able to kill the Fallen King Kong completely. If the other party wanted to escape, Optimus Prime would not be able to stop him. After all, the ability to transfer life through space It is too strong.up.

"What is Fallen King Kong thinking in his heart? Why doesn't he run away when he is clearly defeated? There is nothing worth his nostalgia here, but he still keeps on leaving. Why?"

Seeing that the energy shield of the Fallen King Kong was about to be broken, a large transport plane flew over from the sky and came over the three of them. The hatch opened and a figure from one to ten meters high jumped out of the plane, not far from the ground. When there were tens of meters, three large parachutes behind him opened, slowing down the fall, and then released the parachute, smashing a sand trap on the ground with a bang.

Soon everyone could see the appearance of the person who came. He was more than ten meters tall, with three colors of red, blue and black on his body, exuding a kind of majesty, and strode towards the battlefield.

"Teacher! Great, you're finally resurrected, hurry up! Let's kill the Corrupted King Kong together."

Needless to say, he knew the identity of the person who came. Yu Tiandi, the former leader of the Autobots, looked at the three anxious people on the battlefield, and when he raised his hand, three missiles were shot out.bomb.

Boom boom boom! ! !

There were three explosions in a row, but what was shocking was that the three shells were not only attacking the Corrupted King Kong, only one of the three shells hit the Fallen King Kong, and the other two were fired at Yang Jian and Optimus Prime respectively.

Yang Jian had watched the movie, and knew that the natural enemy is not a good thing, so he took precautions to avoid it in time, but Optimus Prime was caught in the face without any precautions. Although there was an energy shield, there was no How much damage he suffered, but this shot made him dumbfounded.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Why are you attacking us?"

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