Yu Natural Enemy said coldly: "Let's stop here. We can't continue the civil war. Only by uniting can we save Cybertron. We just need to transfer Cybertron here, peel off the body of the universe emperor from the earth, and fuse with Cybertron. Together we can definitely bring our hometown back to life."

Optimus Prime looked at Royal Enemy in disbelief, feeling that his once admirable teacher was so unfamiliar, "Teacher, do you know what you are talking about? Doing so will destroy the earth and kill all life on the earth , can not damage the living planet, this is the rule handed down from the ancient times of our Cybertron, have you forgotten?"

Yu Natural Enemy sighed, "I haven't forgotten, but there are some things that require trade-offs and flexibility. When there is a conflict between our planet and other planets with life, and there must be a sacrifice, I will not hesitate to destroy other planets." Human planet, I have found a way to revive Cybertron, in order to restore my hometown, I am willing to give everything, Optimus Prime will help me, let us become heroes to save Cybertron together."

Optimus Prime refused without hesitation: "Don't even think about it! I will never let you do this kind of thing, teacher, you have betrayed the idea of ​​our Autobots, betrayed your own will, Cybertron has been destroyed, give up Your dangerous thoughts, I will stop you, if you are obsessed, don't blame my ruthless subordinates, but teacher, I still hope that you can turn around and don't be deceived by others."

Yang Jian looked at Optimus Prime who hadn't figured out the situation, shook his head helplessly and said: "Okay, Optimus Prime put away your naive thoughts, don't you understand until now? Your teacher has been with you for a long time. The Decepticons have colluded together, everything is their conspiracy, from the time you were killed, everything is in their calculations, in order to get the energy matrix, your teacher played a vital role in it , A lot of information was provided by him.”

Optimus Prime was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Yu Tiandi and asked, "Is this really the teacher?"

It was right for Yu Tiandi to stand there without saying a word, he even dared not look at Optimus Prime, this behavior was obviously tantamount to acquiescing.

"Teacher, you let me down so much. You used to be my guiding light and my belief, but you have betrayed the direction of our Autobots' efforts and become a villain who will do anything to achieve his goals." Qing Tianzhu almost roared angrily after speaking, thinking that Jazz's death was really worthless.

"Okay, Royal Enemy, let the farce end here. Originally, I planned to use the machines on the earth to destroy the sun, create enough energy blocks, and then collect materials to slowly repair Cybertron and rebuild our homeland, but I didn't expect It fell short, and the machine was destroyed. Since this is the only way you can do it, I have installed the energy column according to your requirements, and I just wait for you to open it, set up a super-large space bridge, and send Cybertron over. Then use the body of Unicron buried inside the earth to restore our home, the sooner the better, don't delay any longer."

Yu Tiandi gave Fallen King Kong a cold look, "I know what to do, you don't need to remind me, don't forget my condition, after both towers are repaired, I want half of the control."

"Yes, but I hope you can prove that you really made up your mind and don't give up halfway."

"Prove it! How do you want me to prove it?"

"There is an opportunity to prove that Optimus Prime is very clear to you, and I think you can also see that he has made up his mind to stand on the human side, and will definitely do everything possible to prevent us from building a space bridge, because he and I The plan to revive Cybertron has failed, there must be no second time, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, it is better to get rid of Optimus Prime here, so as to avoid long nights and dreams."

boom! ! !

Natural Enemy suddenly raised his hand and bombarded Fallen King Kong. Because Fallen King Kong had consumed too much energy before, he couldn't defend himself. Countless metal fragments splattered on his body and turned into potholes. Although it was not life-threatening, it still hurt It's not easy.

Because Yu Tiandi's attack was too sudden, everyone didn't react, wondering what he was going to do again?

"Yu Tiandi, you bastard, do you want to go back on your word?"

"Shut up, fallen King Kong, put away your little thoughts, everything I do is for Cybertron, I will cooperate with you, but I will not point my weapons at my disciples, I will not You will kill Optimus Prime, don't even think about it, otherwise you will be my enemy."

Optimus Prime looked at Yu Tiandi and became silent for a while, he didn't know how to face his teacher.

After Yu Tiandi taught Fallen King Kong a lesson, he turned his head to look at Optimus Prime, and also didn't know what to say.

People who have watched the third part of Transformers may not have a good impression of Yutiandi, but is Yutiandi really a bad guy?

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, the betrayal of the natural enemy is not a kind of helplessness.

When Transformers lived on Cybertron deep in the universe, they relied on fire and energy bodies to survive. However, as the number of Transformers increased day by day, the shortage of energy became a big problem. In order to compete for limited resources to survive, fierce internal violence erupted. battle.

The Autobots and the Decepticons fought hard, and the planet was greatly damaged. In order to end the war and rebuild Cybertron as soon as possible, the Autobots and the Decepticons chose to cooperate secretly with the Decepticons. He just wanted to rebuild the mother planet and restore With the vigor and strength of the past, Royal Enemy cooperated with the former enemy under such considerations.

During the civil war, the natural enemy escaped from Cybertron with the energy column, but was hunted down by the Decepticons, and the spaceship was damaged and crashed on the moon. The natural enemy sealed the energy column for fun, and was later discovered by the Decepticons. Originally, he had no hope of surviving, but the Decepticons soon discovered an embarrassing problem. None of them could manipulate the energy column, so they had to leave Yu Natural Enemy to carry out the previous cooperation.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that Yu Tiandi never hurt an Autobot from the beginning to the end, but just attacked Optimus Prime, but he was merciful, otherwise Optimus Prime would have been killed by him long ago, and Yu Tiandi died in the end. In the hands of Optimus Prime, he failed to complete his plan to save Cybertron, and he can only be said to be a poor man.

Chapter 202 Human Inferiority

Fallen King Kong and Yutiandi left, and Optimus Prime didn't stop him from the beginning to the end, because he knew that even if he blocked it, it was useless. In terms of strength, even if he had been strengthened by Tianhuo, he was not an opponent of Yutiandi. After that, Optimus Prime knew himself very well The teacher, and there is also a fallen King Kong watching over him, since he can't stop them, there is no need to do those useless efforts, just watch them leave.

After the fallen King Kong and Royal Enemy disappeared, Yang Jian turned around and asked, "What's your plan for Optimus Prime next? You heard what they said just now, obviously they plan to use the space bridge to take Cybertron The planet is teleporting, do you want to stop them?"

"I will definitely stop them, I will carry out the purpose of our Autobots, and I will never let them destroy the earth."

I have to say that Optimus Prime's belief is firm. Although the matter of Yutianene makes him a little at a loss, after all, he is well aware of the power of Yutianene. Coupled with Fallen King Kong and Megatron, the odds of winning are infinitely close to Zero, was full of confusion about the future, but soon recovered, his eyes became more and more determined, even if it was death, they would definitely not allow their plot to succeed.

"Very well, this is the Optimus Prime I know. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he will not be defeated. However, it is obvious that your strength is too far behind, so find a way to make up for it. I will give you My suggestion is that the earth is the homeland of human beings after all, if someone wants to destroy the earth and human beings, human beings should not just watch, explain the matter to them, and believe that human beings will make the right choice.”

Yang Jian thought that the performance of humans in the third Transformers was really terrible. They retreated because they saw the strength of the Decepticons, and even blamed the Autobots for not understanding the seriousness of the matter. Botan teleported to the earth, the two planets are so close, there will inevitably be a fight, and the survival of the race can only be endless, but the human side still wants to compromise.

What's more terrible is that Dylan, a super human traitor, appeared on the earth, helping the Decepticons to make a space bridge. This is simply making himself food and sending it to the beasts.

Yang Jian felt that the key to the compromise of the human side was that they did not understand the purpose of Tianhu. As long as the human beings knew that the other party was planning to destroy the earth, then there would be no room for compromise between the two, and the human beings could only fight to the death.

Don't look at how strong the Decepticons are in the movie. Human beings are like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered, but in fact, human beings are definitely not as cowardly as imagined. Rats bite people when they are in a hurry. Now, the power of launching a surge is definitely not to be underestimated.

The greatest advantage of human beings lies in their quantity, and they also possess advanced weapons. There is only one dead end for one person facing a single Transformer, but what about ten, hundreds, thousand or even ten thousand?Now the Transformers have become a wandering race in the universe, there are not many of them left, and the only losers in the battle of life and death are the Decepticons.

"Thank you Thanos for your guidance, I know what to do, but there is one thing I don't understand, I hope you can answer truthfully."

Yang Jian looked at Optimus Prime, wondering why the conversation suddenly became a bit yin and yang, "Tell me, it's not certain whether you will answer or not."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the Decepticons clearly have the upper hand. Why don't you join them and stay here? You said before that what you yearn for is freedom. You don't belong to the Decepticons or the Autobots. Why? Help me to this extent? It can even be said that he has stood by our side from the very beginning, and he did not hesitate to take risks to fight against a powerful enemy like the Fallen King Kong. From the current situation, it seems that the Fallen King Kong is to resurrect Cybertron. It should be a better choice for you, don't you want to resurrect Cybertron like they did."

Yang Jian suddenly understood why Optimus Prime's tone was so weird before, "Why, worry that I will be a traitor like your teacher."

Optimus Prime was frightened by the betrayal of the natural enemy, and he was a little suspicious of the people around him. Of course, Yang Jian, a Transformer of unknown origin, was the most suspicious object.

Optimus Prime took a deep breath, looked at Yang Jian seriously and said, "Although I'm a little sorry, I still hope you can explain clearly. If it turns out that I was overthinking, I would like to apologize to you."

Yang Jian waved his hand, "That's not necessary. It's normal for you to have such doubts. It's human nature. I'm indeed more suitable for the Decepticons. I didn't intend to prove anything to others, but I'm in a good mood these days. I can tell you about it."

Optimus Prime said solemnly: "Please speak!"

"The reason why I help you is very simple. You are pleasing to the eye, and the Decepticons are not happy. Don't doubt it. The reason is as simple as that. Of course, this does not mean that I want to join you bikers.

As for Cybertron, although I am a Transformer, I don't have much affection for the birthplace of the Transformers, and I don't even have much contact with the Transformers family, and I don't care about your life or death at all. Maybe it seems a bit unfeeling, But this is indeed my true thought. Cybertron is destroyed or rebuilt. I don’t care whether the Transformers family wins or withers. I just want to live happily. "

"This..." Optimus Prime was speechless. The reason was really strong. It was just because of his displeasure that the Decepticons were trapped to such an extent. Yang Jian, who died once in the sky, made great contributions, and even the Fallen King Kong was cheated.

"Okay, let's leave now, Sam has my contact information in his hand, let him contact me if there is something wrong, by the way, I just passed the inspection with the equipment I left for Sam, it is not life-threatening, just knocked out , and the energy matrix was also taken away, so don’t worry.”

After Yang Jian finished speaking, without waiting for Optimus Prime to pull back, Liu turned into a Kun-style fighter and flew away. Optimus Prime looked embarrassed, and knew that what he said just now was a bit off.

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