Ironhide came to Do Optimus Prime, "Do you really believe what he said? Do you want to investigate and take precautions."

"No, actually I don't doubt Thanos. If he really wants to help me make Tianhu an enemy of us, he doesn't need to be so troublesome. He just needs to stand by and watch, and we will die in the hands of the fallen King Kong. But he chose Standing on our side has become like a fire and water with the Decepticons, and there is no room for turning back."

"That's right, judging from the previous performance, the Fallen King Kong is not a broad-minded person, and it is impossible to accommodate Thanos. Let's think about how to deal with Fallen King Kong and Yu Natural Enemy. What can you do? "

Optimus Prime is also extremely distressed. Now that he knows their purpose and they must be hiding on the earth, how should he deal with an enemy whose strength is far superior to his own?With the help of the people on Earth, there is a chance of winning at that time, but the earth is so big, it may not be easy to find it.

There is no good way for Optimus Prime for a while, so he can only say: "Follow what Your Excellency Thanos said, with the help of human beings, I will talk to them, as long as they understand that this matter is about the life and death of the earth, I will definitely do my best, with a huge base of manpower, the chance of winning is very high, but I don’t know how many people will be sacrificed.”

Optimus Prime met with high-level officials of the US government as quickly as possible, and told them all the news he knew.

Now the U.S. government is impatient, the Decepticons are going to force them to death!Send Cybertron directly, the distance is so close, there will inevitably be conflicts between the two races, and Frost Sky Tiger obviously intends to use the corpse of the universe emperor to repair their home planet, but once the corpse of the universe emperor is drawn Go, the earth is like losing its skeleton support, and can only be destroyed and reduced to dust in the universe.

The earth can be said to have reached the critical point of life and death. Although the United States is the most powerful country on the earth, it obviously can't support it. Then why must we use the power of all countries on the earth to deal with it together to fight against the Decepticons.

Soon all the countries on the earth were boiling, and they acted quickly to find the traces of the Decepticons, but what is surprising is that almost all corners have been searched, but why is there no news at all?Did they hide on other planets?Moon?Mars?Or is it farther away, could it have left the solar system directly?

When human beings were in a hurry to find the Decepticons, they didn't know that in a secret underground base in Chicago, three tall figures were talking. In densely populated cities, no one noticed, because someone helped them hide, and their status was not low.

"Humans are looking for our traces with great fanfare, but they don't think that we are right under their noses, and we are building space bridges brazenly. Humans are just greedy creatures. As long as they are given a little bit of benefits, they will be able to let us go. Be obedient and drive them." Fallen King Kong said to Yu Tiandi with a proud face.

"Teacher, you are right. The more dangerous the place is, the safer it is. Humans are the most despicable creatures in the universe, greedy, cowardly, jealous... such ugly creatures should not exist in the universe."

What's shocking is that these words just now came from Megatron's mouth. I have to say that the potential of Transformers is really infinite. This always arrogant and straightforward Decepticon leader has learned to flatter, like Starscream direction change.

Before Megatron was defeated by Optimus Prime and fled, he didn't even look at the Fallen King Kong, which obviously meant to let the Fallen King Kong back.

The Fallen King Kong was very angry, and when he came back, he punished Megatron severely. Although Megatron said something, he believed in the teacher's strength, and the teacher was invincible, but he still couldn't let the Fallen King Kong feel relieved, and Megatron was almost fallen. King Kong was dismantled, and in order to survive Megatron, he tried his best to recall what Starscream had said before when he was beaten up by him. All kinds of disgusting flattery kept coming out of his mouth, and finally let the fallen King Kong save his life. Megatron unknowingly felt a little Starscream.

"Hmph! It's all about conspiracy and tricks. You have been on the earth for so many years. With your heart, it would be strange if you didn't manage to create some power." Yu Tiandi didn't look good towards the fallen King Kong, even if the two parties are collaborators now, But he still didn't regard the other party as a companion, and he was a little inexplicably angry when he saw the Fallen King Kong.

"Natural Enemy, don't be so angry, we are on the same boat now, the two of us can fight Quintasha through sincere cooperation, and I don't know where Quintasha got the good luck in the first place, to get Cybertron Part of her origin, and then gained part of the control, and even able to create Transformers according to her own ideas."

Fallen King Kong was very angry at Yu Tiandi's behavior of not showing face, but thinking that he still needed to rely on the opponent's strength, he had to suppress his anger and deliberately changed the topic.

"Luck is also a part of strength. Kuntasha's title of Tianzun of Life is not for nothing. The planet Cybertron itself is transformed from the body of Tianzun Yuanshi. Although the spirit of Tianzun Yuanshi has died, his body still remains. With the source information, it is not so simple to control the source information. If you are not careful, you may be backlashed by these information and assimilated into a part of the Cybertron planet. Kuntasha can withstand the backlash of the source information of Cybertron and obtain Partial control of Cybertron is not justified by good luck, who knows how much effort he has put in?"

Fallen King Kong didn't know this, but he always felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of being killed by Quintasha.

Originally, if the plan of the Fallen King Kong was successful, after using the machine on the earth to destroy the sun, absorbing the energy of a star, part of the energy block produced was used to enhance its own strength, and a little was used to reward the rest of the men. The rest will be used as bargaining chips to negotiate terms with Kuntasha.

The biggest reason why Cybertron was destroyed was because of lack of energy. As long as there is enough energy supply, and then slowly collect metal materials from the universe, Cybertron can be completely rebuilt.

Because Quintasha has absorbed the origin of Cybertron, she has been completely connected with Cybertron. She is both prosperous and harmless. She hopes that Cybertron can restore its former glory more than anyone else, even if she pays for it. Great price is also willing.

Originally, the Fallen King Kong was built quite well. You used your energy as a bargaining chip to force Quintessa to give up part of his authority. Like Quintessa, he could gain partial control of Cybertron, keep pace with Quintassa, and then gradually develop his own power. Powers that rule the entire universe.

It's a pity that his plan failed. After your machine for making energy blocks was destroyed, you lost your bargaining chip with Quintessa, so you had to settle for the next best thing, and instead use the backup plan of the natural enemy, join hands with the natural enemy, and rely on the opponent Space technology, together against Kuntasha, in order to gain the right to speak.

"Well, I admit that Quintasha does have a few tricks, but her appetite is too big, which is not a good thing for our race. After the space bridge is erected, let's go back first and negotiate with her. If you don't agree According to our requirements, space teleportation must never be activated."

"You don't need to say this, I know what to do. She is more impatient than us. After calculating the time, the last reserve energy of Cybertron should be consumed. Destroy together."

The Fallen King Kong and the Royal Enemy had a good plan, but they didn't know that Quintasha knew the whereabouts of the multiverse emperor a long time ago, and had already begun to control the layout many years ago, controlling the movement of the planet Cybertron to the earth. Now The distance is not far away, even if there is no space bridge, it will reach the earth in a few years.

Yu Tiandi was secretly proud of himself, he had the space bridge technology in his hands, and he could eat the fallen king kong and the others to death. This feeling is really good.

"" The next plan must not be missed, um, how is the installation of the energy column?It must be built according to my drawings, without the slightest mistake, there is only one chance, if I fail, I will not be able to make the energy column again, it is really completely hopeless. "

"Don't worry, there won't be the slightest mistake. I had people prepare the materials many years ago. Although that human traitor Dylan is disgusting, he still has a high status among humans. He dare not refuse what I want." Try your best, the equipment is almost set up, when the time comes, you only need to activate the energy column and create a space bridge."

Fallen King Kong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the assurance of Royal Enemy, "That's good, Cybertron will shine his light again. I will become the most powerful existence in the universe without the Transformers family. No one can stop me."

"That's right, Cybertron's glory is eternal." Royal Enemy rarely agrees with Fallen King Kong.

"All for Cybertron!" This is Megatron.

Chapter 203 Kuntasha

In Yang Jian's secret base, a picture is being played on the screen at this time. A group of human beings are constantly busy assembling a machine, and finally will put an energy column in it.

This group of people works in Chicago, and Dylan, who is a big leader, personally supervises it. A group of employees seem to want to show off in front of the leader, and they work harder.

"What a pathetic guy. How do you know that the machines you are building now are the earth's death talisman. If the plan of the Decepticons really succeeds, human beings will be completely eliminated from the universe."

Yang Jian shook his head helplessly, took a last look at Dylan's clumsy performance, and turned to look at his base, but there were nine-meter-tall Transformers lined up in the base, which were exactly the models of Yang Jian after his transformation created.

However, Yang Jian has already completed the extraction of the corpse of the universe emperor. The most essential metals in the corpse are decomposed and refined by nano-robots, and then activated with the energy blocks extracted from or from the source, and more than a thousand Transformers clones have been created successively. Condensed into.

However, Yang Jian did not leave all these avatars in the base, but was assigned out. Now they have spread all over the earth, responsible for monitoring the surrounding situation. There are Decepticons on the earth, and any disturbance on the earth cannot be hidden from Yang Jian's eyes. .

It is because of these robot clones that were dispatched, coupled with the understanding of the original plot, that Yang Jian locked onto Chicago at the beginning, and knew that the Fallen King Kong and the others were hiding here, but Yang Jian did not tell Optimus Prime about this. Meaning, on the contrary, they secretly helped the Fallen King Kong to hide some clues, so the manpower and the Autobots searched the entire earth, but they couldn't find their traces.

Fallen King Kong and their plan is to teleport Cybertron, which is exactly what Yang Jian needs, otherwise how to capture the power of Yuanshi Tianzun, if Optimus Prime finds Fallen King Kong and their traces, stop the Decepticons The plan, Yang Jian's failure for many years will also come to nothing.

It stands to reason that Yang Jian sent more than a thousand Transformers, with such a large number, they should have been detected by the satellites on the earth long ago, but in fact that is not the case at all, whether it is the Decepticons or the Autobots, they have been concealed. , because Yang Jian used a special channel.

After countless years of changes, the corpse of Unicron has been buried in the earth, and has formed a twisted monster similar to countless metal tentacles. It uses nano-robots to extract only the essence of it, and by the way, a channel is opened inside the metal tentacles. They can use these passages to reach every corner in a short period of time, whether it is mountains, valleys, or oceans, so that they can fool the observations of satellites in the sky and hide in the dark to monitor the entire earth.

Although this world is not Yang Jian's original world, Yang Jian also has no intention of destroying the earth. The body of the universe emperor is equivalent to the skeleton of the earth, supporting the earth. If Yang Jian completely swallows the body of the universe emperor, the earth It will collapse because of the loss of support, so I choose to use nano-robots to brighten the essence of it.

These so-called essences are actually the original body of the universe emperor, and Yang Jian also obtained some original information contained in the universe emperor's body during the devouring process.

The reason why Universe Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun are the oldest life forms in the universe is that one represents order, light and creation, and the other represents chaos, darkness and destruction.

Yuanshi Tianzun and the Great Universe were enemies with each other, and fought back and forth for countless years. In the end, Yuanshi Tianzun was slightly better and killed the Great Universe. However, because he lived for too long and could not bear the endless loneliness and loneliness, Yuanshi Tianzun finally chose Incarnate as Cybertron and gave birth to countless Transformers.

According to the information obtained by Yang Jian, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Great Universe Emperor are giants, but their bodies are only about [-] meters high. How can they be transformed into a planet?

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