In fact, Yuanshi Tianzun's incarnation into Cybertron is an extremely long process. He first changes his own form and wanders in the universe. During this process, when he encounters a planet or a meteorite, he will actively contact and absorb metal elements from it, and transform it into a body with energy. As time goes by, more and more metal elements are absorbed, and finally the planet Cybertron is formed.

The situation of the universe emperor is similar, but at that time he was already a corpse, only retaining his body instincts, absorbing metal elements and absorbing other things, attached to the surface, more and more meteorite fragments and the like , and eventually Unicron was buried inside to form Earth.

Yang Jian used the nano-robots to say that the extracted essence is actually the most primitive body part of the universe, and the others are still buried underground as the skeleton of the earth to ensure the safety of the earth.

Now Yang Jian has set his goal on the planet Cybertron again, but it is not as expected as the earth. Cybertron will be destroyed if it is destroyed. Anyway, it has been ruined by the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, and it has been completely destroyed. , It's not bad to break their thoughts.

The Decepticons' plot continued, and time was running out. Yang Jian was not in a hurry, everything was under control, and he just had to wait for the final battle to start.

On the other side, Optimus Prime was going crazy. He was sure that the Decepticons were hiding on the earth, but he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked.

Because of Yang Jian's intervention, the plot has changed, many things have been advanced, and Sam and Camilla are still in love, there is no bloody plot of being pried away by others, and naturally there is no follow-up Dylan's contact with this person did not lead to follow-up matters, and the Autobots naturally failed to get clues about the Decepticons.

This day, Optimus Prime held another meeting with the high-level human beings. Because everything was not going well, everyone was a little angry and almost quarreled. Optimus Prime was in a bad mood and walked out of the base alone, intending to relax.

Just when Optimus Prime was thinking about what to do next, he suddenly felt a spatial fluctuation coming from a very far away place. Even though the distance was very far, he could still feel it. One can imagine how this spatial fluctuation is. strong.

Optimus Prime's heart skipped a beat. With such a strong spatial fluctuation, the teleportation might not work. Thinking of the news he got before, Royal Enemy and the others planned to teleport the entire Cybertron, so does it mean that the enemy's action has already started?

"Optimus Prime, come and see."

Iron Hide's anxious voice came from afar, and Optimus Prime hurried over, only to see a large screen playing the image transmitted by the satellite.

Chicago, the third largest city in the United States, has fallen. At some point, Decepticons came out of the ground and occupied this beautiful city. They obviously planned their actions. A site is protected, where a space bridge has been erected, and hundreds of energy pillars, driven by the machine, project light beams into the depths of the universe, and finally gather together to slowly tear the space apart, forming a worm A metal planet can already be seen through the wormhole, and it goes without saying that it must be the home planet of Transformers, Cybertron.

Optimus Prime's face became extremely ugly, the enemy was hiding in a city not far from them, but he didn't realize that it was a slap in the face, "Why is this happening? In a densely populated city like Chicago, people come and go, Why did the Decepticons hide there and no one noticed?"

The Secretary of Defense of the United States was immediately embarrassed when he heard the words. In fact, he had been investigated just now, and he understood the cause and effect. He was a little embarrassed and said: "This... We really didn't expect that there would be traitors in human beings. They are famous capitalists. Their status is extremely high, they helped the Decepticons hide, and they also provided materials to build a space bridge, but now is not the time to talk about these things, we must stop their actions now, or the earth will really be destroyed."

The Minister of Defense felt so bitter. When he first investigated the Decepticon traces, he had no doubts. But what does the United States say? Even the President of the United States actually serves the capitalists. If you are rich, you are a master, and Dylan is rich. Who dares to check him?The result is the embarrassing situation today.

Optimus Prime cursed secretly in his heart, MMP on his face, this pig teammate is too pitiful, if this kind of delay occurs at a critical moment, whose planet is it protecting?

But it's useless to say more at this time, we can only take one step at a time, hoping that there will be time.

"Sam, contact Thanos, explain the situation here, and ask him to rush over to help as soon as possible. I'll make a step forward and see you in Chicago."

Optimus Prime quickly explained a few words, then ran out of the base, activated the thrusters behind his back, dragged a few long tails of flames into the sky, and instantly drove the speed to the limit, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

The other Autobots had no ability to fly, so they could only choose other methods. Fortunately, they had already prepared transport planes, turned into cars one by one, boarded the plane quickly, and chased after them.

At the same time, Fallen King Kong and Yu Tiandi standing on the top of a building in Chicago looked at the wormhole in the sky with joy on their faces. In the wormhole opened by the bridge, it has come to the planet Cybertron.

Fallen King Kong took a deep breath and stood on Cybertron and shouted loudly: "We are here, Kuntasha, come out and meet old friends."

Not far from the Fallen King Kong and the Royal Enemy, a blue light flashed suddenly, and a small Transformer less than two meters tall appeared out of nowhere, with obvious female features. Although it was petite, it was similar to humans on Earth, but The aura exuding from his body is not to be underestimated.

The fallen King Kong and the natural enemy were full of vigilance, and at the same time turned on the energy shield, and the fallen King Kong also connected his spiritual power with the spirit of the natural enemy to prevent the opponent from attacking with spirit.

It's not that Fallen King Kong and Royal Enemy are overly cautious, but that the opponents are really strong. In the plot of the fifth Transformers, Quintasha confused Optimus Prime with just one look, and blackened him. If a pair In other words, neither the Fallen King Kong nor the Royal Enemy are sure to resist Quintasha's control.

Quintasha has part of the control over Cybertron, and here he can borrow the power of Cybertron infinitely. If Cybertron was not destroyed, causing Quintasha's strength to drop, they would not dare to follow Kuntasha. Tasha against.

Whether it's Quintasha, Fallen King Kong, or Royal Enemy, they are all ancient life forms bred by Cybertron. In theory, they all have corresponding authority. However, Quintasha was lucky and got more authority by accident. Cybertron has more resources to make Transformers, but it does not mean that it can do whatever it wants. When the Royal Enemy and the Fallen Kings are connected together, in some ways it represents the will of most Fallen Kings. If Tasha uses Cybertron's power to deal with them, she will suffer a huge backlash, so she will not do it unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Fallen King Kong, Yu Natural Enemy, what? You used to run away when you saw me, are you not afraid now? Why do you still appear in front of me?" Kuntasha's petite body floated in mid-air, and it seemed that her body was connected to Fallen King Kong and Yu Natural Enemy. He didn't even get a slap in the face, but when he spoke, he was old-fashioned, suspended from a high place and looked down at them.

"No need to show off, we, as leaders, can represent most of the Transformers after joining forces. You can't do anything to us. The purpose of our visit is very simple to negotiate with you. Now we have set up the space bridge and started to transmit Cybertron. As long as you reach the earth, you can use the body of the emperor of the universe to restore Cybertron, which is what you dream of, but we can't do it for nothing, as the price, we want half of Cybertron's control."

The anger on Kuntasha's face flashed, and she sneered: "Don't you think it's possible? Would you share your rights with others? If it was before, your conditions are indeed very attractive, but now you look around In the current situation, is Cybertron still in its original position?"

Fallen King Kong and Yu Tiandi only reacted at this time, and found that the surrounding situation was wrong. This was obviously not in the star field where Cybertron was originally located, and its location had changed.

"What's going on here? Could it be..." Yu Tiandi thought of something and asked in surprise.

"Yes, I detected the energy emanating from the body of Unicron many years ago, and controlled Cybertron to move to the earth. Even without you, I will be able to reach the earth in a few years."

The faces of Fallen King Kong and Royal Enemy suddenly turned ugly. It seemed that they realized that their bargaining chips were not enough, but now they had no choice but to attack Quintasha. After the fall, they can't resist at all. There is only one dead end, and they can only go one way to the dark.

Yu Natural Enemy thought for a while and said: "We are determined to obtain the authority of Cybertron. If you refuse to give up part of the authority, we can only wait for the half of Cybertron's transmission to close the space bridge. At that time, the power of space will take Saibo If Botan is cut in half, Cybertron will definitely be destroyed, and your fate will not be much better."

Kuntasha was furious immediately, "Bastard, as a Transformer, you actually threatened me with your home planet, aren't you afraid that you will be regarded as a thorn in the side of all Transformers?"

Fallen King Kong sneered and said: "Of course I'm afraid, no matter how strong we are, facing all the Transformers' siege, there is only a dead end, but as long as they get the authority of Cybertron, they can't do anything to us. On the contrary, if we don't get the authority If you don’t, sooner or later you will take us to death, and then there will only be a dead end. If so, why not take a gamble and say now whether you agree or not.”

Kuntasha gritted her teeth at Corrupted King Kong and Yu Natural Enemy, and fell into silence for a while, thinking about how to solve the predicament in front of her.

Chapter 204 The Battle of Chicago

Quintasha was furious, but there was nothing she could do about the Corrupted King Kong and the Natural Enemy. Quintasha and Cybertron were already one, sharing weal and woe. She also wanted to restore Cybertron and use the power of Transformers to rule the entire universe. Don't want to take any chances.

However, the Fallen King Kong and the Royal Enemy are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Their actions have betrayed Quintasha in some ways, and they will definitely not let them go.

If Kuntasha is allowed to repair the planet Cybertron and create powerful Transformers to chase them down, it will be useless for the Fallen King Kong and the Royal Enemy to escape no matter where they go. Their eyes were full of madness, they stared at Kuntasha and waited for her to return.

Kuntasha's complexion changed for a while, feeling the determination of the Fallen King Kong and the Natural Enemy, her attitude finally softened, "I will never give up the authority of Cybertron, but if you send Cybertron to the earth, I can treat it as if you have no authority." Make atonement, let go of the things that threatened me today, and submit to me after the Cybertron planet is restored, your status is only below me. As long as..."

"Enough, Quintasha!" Fallen King Kong directly interrupted Quintasha's next words, "We can't be more clear about your character. In order to obtain the authority of Cybertron, I don't know how many people were plotted by you. It's really unfair to die. When you say what you say, we just ask you, will you hand in this authority or not? If you don't hand it in, we can only use the space bridge to completely destroy the planet Cybertron in order to protect ourselves. Although this is tantamount to cutting off the hope of our Transformers family, but in order to survive, we have to do this, and at worst we will find a way to reproduce our race in the future."

Quintasha stared at the Fallen King Kong and the Natural Enemy bitterly. If she hadn't been scruples, she would have killed them long ago, but she couldn't. The taste of power, she cherishes her life more than anyone else.

In fact, if Kuntasha made a full-strength attack, there is still a great chance to kill the Fallen King Kong and Yu Natural Enemy, but he dare not do it, for fear that once he makes a move, Fallen King Kong and Yu Natural Enemy will definitely retaliate crazily if they escape , It is really possible to destroy the planet Cybertron, although the chance is very small, Quintasha does not dare to gamble.

"Okay, you guys have won today. I promised to give up some of the authority on the planet Cybertron. I have written down this account, and I will make it clear to you sooner or later."

Kuntasha slapped her chest, and a white light flew out from her own fire, which split into two in front of Fallen King Kong and Yu Natural Enemy, and then burrowed into their fire.

"You have obtained part of Cybertron's authority, but it will not be fully effective until Cybertron is repaired. Don't be lazy now. It's time to work. Send the Cybertron planet to the earth as soon as possible. Now we are considered People on the same boat, at least with the same goal of repairing Cybertron."

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