Fallen King Kong and Yu Tiandi can feel the joy in each other's eyes when they glance at each other. After a lot of hard work, even risking their lives, it is not in vain. With the authority of Cybertron in hand, there is the guarantee of life , This is like in the same company, Kuntasha's largest shareholder occupies the most shares, but it cannot decide the company's major events in one word. Quintasha is equal, they are all shareholders, and Quintasha has nothing to do with them.

"Don't worry, we mean what we say. After all, we say that we are also Transformers. Cybertron is our home. Of course, we hope that it can get better. Of course, the premise is to ensure our own safety. Now that we have reached an agreement, we will naturally put Cybertron teleports through."

Fallen King Kong and Yu Tiandi returned from the original path, and returned to the earth in a blink of an eye, preparing to speed up the transmission to avoid long nights and dreams.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Before the Fallen King Kong and Yu Tiandi had time to act, they were attracted by the sound of an explosion. Looking up, a figure flew from the sky, and fired several cannonballs from a distance, cleared up a field of Decepticons, and then fell from the sky Come on, draw out a big knife and kill the Decepticons, every Decepticon robot is chopped into two parts where it passes, no one can fight in all directions.

The person who came was wearing a blue, red, blue and black armor. It goes without saying that he could guess his identity, the leader of the Autobots and Optimus Prime.

Boom!Boom! ! !

When the Decepticon robots discovered Optimus Prime's invasion, they immediately besieged them. Knowing how powerful Optimus Prime was, they did not dare to go forward and attack directly with artillery shells. The flames flooded the battlefield.

Although the enemy is numerous and powerful, Optimus Prime is not afraid of holding a shield in his left hand and a knife in his right. He keeps killing. Before Optimus Prime came, he was ready to sacrifice. Even if he died, he must stick to his beliefs. Keep going along the Autobot philosophy.

"It's Optimus Prime again, the natural enemy, look at the good disciples you have taught, in order to help those ants-like earthlings, you don't hesitate to betray your own people, knowing that what we are doing now is to resurrect Cybertron, but he Still standing on the opposite side of us without hesitation, now is the critical moment, the space bridge must not have any accidents, my telekinetic power is most suitable for protecting the space bridge, so if you want to stay here, Optimus Prime will leave it to you, don't you Be more merciful."

Yu Tiandi sighed, drew out his weapon, held a shield in his left hand, and a large chopping knife similar to Yang Jian in his right, and said to Fallen King Kong, "Don't worry, I can tell the difference between serious and serious, and I won't let Optimus Prime Interfere with our plans."

After Yu Tiandi finished speaking, he jumped down from the roof of the building, smashed a big hole in the painted road, then jumped up and rushed towards Optimus Prime, and the big knife in his hand slashed towards Optimus Prime's back without hesitation.


Optimus Prime had just killed a Decepticon, and suddenly felt a strong crisis coming from behind him, he turned around without hesitation, and chopped off his melting knife, the metal melting knife and the big chopping knife collided together , issued a piercing roar.

Optimus Prime exerted his strength in a hurry, but was unable to catch up with the long-planned knife of the natural enemy, his body was directly chopped off, and he hit a wall before stopping.

"Optimus Prime, I'll give you one last chance, get out of here, or I won't blame you for being rude."

Optimus Prime stood up straight, pointed the melting knife in his hand at the natural enemy, and said: "Teacher, let me tell you for the last time, I will never give up, and I will always stick to the belief of our Autobots, no matter how difficult it is." , No matter how painful it is, I will keep going, this is what you taught me back then."

Yu Tiandi looked at Optimus Prime, wondering if he should be proud of Optimus Prime or angry?As Optimus Prime said, all these are the teachings of Yu Tiandi. Originally, Yu Tiandi should be happy to have such a disciple, but Yu Tiandi himself betrayed the idea of ​​the Autobots. The two stood on opposite sides. Is the natural enemy a cocoon?

"It seems that none of us can convince anyone. In this case, let's speak with the sword in our hands. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Power is the truth. But don't worry, I will not kill you, but I will kill you." Make you lose your ability to fight, and I will send you away when the matter is over." Yu Tiandi swung the big knife in his hand, and slashed at Optimus Prime with unparalleled momentum.

Although Optimus Prime knew that he was not the opponent of the natural enemy, but at this time he did not have the slightest intention of retreating, and came here to fight the natural enemy with two swords in his hands.

Dangdang! !Boom!Boom!Boom! !

Two steel giants with a height of more than ten meters come and go and stand next to each other. The surrounding high-rise buildings are constantly being hit and knocked down, fighting from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground. Slowly suppress Optimus Prime.

However, Optimus Prime has already embraced the determination to die, and the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes. Even if he loses in strength, his aura is not weak at all.

Fallen King Kong has been standing on the top of the building watching the battle between Yu Tiandi and Optimus Prime, seeing that Yu Tiandi is not lazy, he is relieved, he is really afraid that Yu Tiandi will lose the chain at the critical moment.

The Fallen King Kong looked up at the sky, and the planet Cybertron was already faintly visible. The transmission work was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the smile on the Fallen King Kong's face grew wider.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

It's just that the Fallen King Kong hasn't been happy for a long time, and an accident happened. Countless missiles were fired from a distance, densely packed into hundreds. If they were hit by these missiles, the space transmission would definitely be interrupted.

Fallen King Kong quickly raised the scepter in his hand, and the power of thought burst out instantly. Those missiles were fixed in the air, and with a flick of the scepter, the missiles changed direction and flew towards the direction they came from. It didn't take long for them to appear in the distance Blossoming fireworks.

The Fallen King Kong had just solved the missile, and there was another buzzing sound. A large number of fighter jets appeared in the sky. A rough estimate is that there are hundreds of them. The front one is a large transport plane. Jumped down and soon fought the Decepticons together.

As soon as the fighter jets came up, they poured out their firepower crazily. Humans are also desperate this time, using the missiles and fighter jets from the nearby military bases. Other battles in farther places are also rushing here, and even the US government is ready. They would nuke them, and they would destroy Chicago if necessary.

The missiles were like a torrential rain, and the flame tails formed a waterfall composed of light and fire in the sky one after another. They blasted from top to bottom, and kept roaring to kill the Decepticons one by one.

Among these fighter groups, some of them are dedicated to opening the way for Iron Skin and the others. They would rather fight the Decepticons and perish together to open a bloody path. Moving forward, their goal is very obvious, pointing directly at the space bridge.

"What a swarm of annoying flies, Megatron, you take someone to kill them, don't let me down again this time."

"As you order, my teacher," Megatron's figure stepped out of the shadows, red eyes flashing with murderous intent.

Recently, Megatron's life has been really bad. The Fallen King Kong obviously doesn't trust him as much as before, and many things are hidden from him. He was excluded when negotiating conditions, and he should have had a share of the benefits, but now they are all gone.

Megatron Tiantian was holding back his anger and urgently needed to vent his anger. With a ferocious smile, he popped out his one-piece metal broadsword from his right arm, roaring and killing Tiepi and the others.

This time, the Fallen King Kong also spent a lot of money. He sent out all the Transformers he had recruited over the years, and they were tied up to thousands. At the beginning, because of insufficient energy, they all fell into a deep sleep to reduce consumption. , awakened them all, and kept guarding the periphery, entangled with human fighters.

Decepticons are all born for fighting. Most of their transformation forms will be in the form of airplanes, and most of them are fighter jets. They are more flexible and have more firepower than humans. Humans were crushed and beaten from the very beginning. .

Autobots, Decepticons, and human forces fought together, and lives were lost every moment.

For ordinary people in Chicago, today is definitely a day full of disasters and disasters. They were fine, working and eating as usual, but suddenly they were occupied by aliens, and then became a battlefield , they became innocent victims.

The beautiful city of Chicago has become synonymous with chaos. Most of the people who originally lived here took advantage of the chaos and fled around, and some shivered and hid at home. However, this is not a good choice, because no one can guarantee their lives in the chaos. Safe, at some point a shell will fall on them and kill them.

But in this endlessly chaotic city, there was a corner that seemed extraordinarily quiet. Yang Jian looked up at the planet Cybertron, which had already revealed half of it in the sky, and the excitement in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger. The corpse lay there, looking a little out of place.

"Come on, come on, just a little bit. Don't be surprised!"

Yang Jian recalled the plot of the third part of Transformers. The reason why the Space Bridge teleported to Cybertron failed in the end was because Optimus Prime hit it with the laser weapon drilled by Shockwave’s pet, but this time it probably won’t up.

Yang Jian's eyes shifted a little, and he looked at Optimus Prime, who was being suppressed by the natural enemy. Now that he was in danger, being able to hold the natural enemy was already the limit. How could he have the mood to take care of other things?

In addition, Shockwave is leading a group of Decepticons to fight fiercely with the ground troops on the human side. His pet drilling bug hides in the ground, pops up from time to time, drags tanks, chariots and the like into the ground, and hides them tightly. No one can hurt him at all.

Although Kuntasha on the other side of the space bridge did not make a move, she was also paying attention to the situation here. It seemed that she couldn't wait any longer. With an order, a group of Decepticons originally on Cybertron landed on the earth through the space bridge. The Decepticons under the fallen king kong merged into one, and their strength increased greatly. The strength of the autobots and humans was already insufficient, and the situation became even worse.

Yang Jian watched as human planes were shot down one after another, tanks and chariots were continuously shot into fireballs, and countless innocent humans were wailing on the streets. She couldn't bear it, but she still didn't make a move.

Yang Jian himself felt a little cold-blooded, perhaps because he had acquired too many memories and thoughts from other avatars, and had experienced too much, so he became so hard-hearted, and he would do nothing to achieve his goal. Yang Jian didn't know Whether this transformation is good or bad, I can't help but feel a little confused.

Chapter 205 Unexpected reinforcements

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