
When Yang Jian was thinking wildly, the Autobots had already been beaten by the Decepticons and lost their way, and the human fighters also suffered heavy losses.Defeat is at hand.

In a military base in the United States, the high-level Americans who have been observing the situation in Chicago through satellites are all desperate. Is the earth really going to end?Will humans become extinct?

"When will our nearest air support force arrive? Can't it be faster?" An old general who looked tall and had a bit of blood on his body asked sharply while looking at the picture on the screen.

A major general quickly replied: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, the incident broke out too suddenly. We have sent the nearby air forces as much as possible, and the rest will have at least 20 minutes to arrive."

"What about fire support? Why did the nearby military base only find the missile once? Are all of them dead?"

"We have issued an attack order, but there has been no movement after the first missile attack. We are also investigating what happened, as if we lost contact."

The old general suddenly became furious, "What are you all doing? This kind of thing happened, and the reason has not been found out yet. I want to know what happened now. Immediately, immediately..."

At this moment, the phone rang, and the staff answered the phone immediately, and their faces became more and more ugly when they heard the report from the other side.

"Your Excellency, the reason for the base's loss of contact has been found out. Their network programs have been invaded, and all their weapons and equipment are almost paralyzed. They can't even contact us. This time, the news can be sent by a pilot flying a plane to send the news. Yes, and our plan to use nuclear bombs as a last resort will not work, and it will also be invaded."


The old general slammed his fist on the table. He knew it was definitely the work of the Decepticons, but he couldn't do anything about it. Transformers belong to mechanical life, and they have too many advantages in the network. Even if they have taken precautions in advance, once the location of the base is exposed, the network will fall in a short time.

Desperation rose in everyone's heart. Judging from the current situation, the hope of victory on the human side is really slim, and perhaps the end of the world is really coming.

"Wait! What is that?"

At this time, a staff member suddenly pointed at the screen and yelled, and everyone looked up quickly, only to see a small black dot appeared on the screen, flying at high speed, dragging out a long white line.

The picture was quickly enlarged, and everyone finally saw the true face of that aircraft. It was a super-large transport plane, seventy to eighty meters long, but it was somewhat different from human transport planes, with obvious Cybertron characteristics.

Soon the transport plane arrived over Chicago, and after the plane's hatch opened, three figures of giant robots with a height of [-] to [-] meters appeared and jumped off the plane.

Boom boom boom! ! !

There were three loud bangs, and after the giant robots landed, they made a gurgling sound, and their bodies began to change rapidly, turning into three huge mechanical dinosaurs in a blink of an eye.

Is this an enemy or a friend?The three mechanical dinosaurs attracted all the attention as soon as they appeared on the stage. The Autobots and humans were already in jeopardy. If these three giant robots also joined the Decepticons, it would really make things worse. On the contrary, if they were reinforcements, then Humans and Autobots will be injected with new powers, and maybe there is a chance of survival.

Boom, boom...

The leading mechanical tyrannosaurus rex ran, and rushed towards the battlefield with a fierce momentum. After accelerating to a certain level, it suddenly jumped up, like a meteorite, with a bang, it kept rolling and hitting several decepticons. Tianhu was crushed directly by his body.

Followed by a mechanical triceratops, it ran over like a bull with its head lowered. The sharp horns on its head pierced directly through the body of the Decepticon. Bite towards the enemy, and the Decepticon was chewed up by him, and countless metal fragments scattered.

In the end, there was a metal pterosaur with two heads, which flew into the air and fought fiercely with the Decepticons in the sky. Its long tail flicked, and the Decepticons were constantly being thrown away, and its two claws were grabbed out again and again. The planes were torn into pieces, and flames were spewing from their mouths from time to time, and from time to time, Decepticons turned into fireballs and fell from the sky.

"Great, it's the Transformers standing on our side, the reinforcements!" The people in the base cheered, and there was another glimmer of hope in their

The good luck of the Autobots and humans seems not to be over yet. At this time, another team of Transformers stepped out of the transport plane in the air. The leader was a giant Transformer who was about as tall as Optimus Prime and was ten meters tall. With a scepter, they rushed into the battlefield with a single command. Each of them was extremely powerful, and several of them were close to the leader level. The situation that was originally extremely unspeakable has gradually improved.

Yang Jian was a little dazed looking at the Transformers that appeared one after another. The three dinosaur-shaped Transformers were Grimlocks that only appeared in the fourth part. Laughing, there are three steel whips, and the red Transformers should be the leader. It is said that the Twelve Knights should only appear in the fifth part, why did they all appear one by one?

Mechanical dinosaurs belong neither to cyclists nor to Decepticons, and they probably don't have a good impression of humans. Why did Mr. Take the initiative to help humans intervene in this war?

Yang Jian recalled the plot of the fourth part, they chose to join the Autobots after they were defeated by Optimus Prime, eh!If this is the case, perhaps the Twelve Knights can defeat them as well.

As for why the twelve knights are on the side of humans, it is easy to understand. They have a good relationship with humans, otherwise they would not have followed King Arthur. If you think about it this way, everything can be explained.

"The plot has become so chaotic, I don't know if it will affect my plan, probably not, the Fallen King Kong has put all the old ones together, and Quintasha will send out all her men, plus Yu Natural enemies, the overall strength is more than ten times that of the Autobots. Even with the support of humans and new Transformers, even if the Transformers on the Bicyclist's side are all elites, the gap in absolute strength should not be that great. Easy to make up for."

But for some reason, Yang Jian always had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to take some precautions and ordered dozens of Transformers clones to secretly sneak into the ground around the space bridge. Protect the Space Bridge and make sure Cybernett teleports over.

"These guys actually showed up too, hmph! Traitors! Back then you were standing and cooperating with humans, and you are still like this now. You are simply lackeys of humans."

Fallen King Kong's face is very bad. After he was seriously injured by the six supreme beings, he has been hiding on Mars to heal his injuries, but he has been paying attention to the situation on the earth. When the twelve knights followed King Arthur to fight, he always look in the eyes.

Fallen King Kong looked down on the Twelve Knights. At that time, human civilization was only in the Iron Age. In his eyes, human beings were like ants. The Twelve Knights obviously possessed great power and could completely rule the entire earth, but they chose to serve King Arthur. , It completely embarrassed Transformers. If Fallen Kings hadn't recovered from his injuries at the time, he probably couldn't help but lead someone to kill them all.

Fallen King Kong tightened the scepter in his hand, but in the end he still didn't make a move. Now the space bridge is the most important thing. He just passed down a few orders to make more Decepticons attack the Autobots.


Optimus Prime was kicked flying by Yutian Enemy, and the last cannonball hit him, he staggered for a moment and almost didn't fall down.

Yu Natural Enemy took advantage of the victory and pursued, quickly rushed to Optimus Prime, swung his big knife and chopped it down. Seeing that Optimus Prime was about to be planted, the fiery red Transformer and another companion rushed over.

when! !

The big knife in Yu Tiandi's hand was blocked, the red Transformer gritted his teeth, pushed Yu Tiandi back, and said at the same time: "Optimus Prime, leave this to us, hurry up and get the space bridge Return it, or it will be too late."

Although I don't know the two old seniors in front of me yet, I know they are here to help me. Time is running out, and I don't have time to think about it. I push forward to the maximum, soaring into the sky and killing towards the space bridge.

It's just that Optimus Prime just approached the space bridge, suddenly an invisible force enveloped his body, and his body froze and was imprisoned there.

Optimus Prime immediately understood what was going on, glanced over, and sure enough, the Corrupted King Kong not far away pointed a hand at him, which was using his telekinetic power.

With a wave of the Corrupted Vajra's hand, Optimus Prime was thrown away, and soon countless Decepticons came to attack and drag Optimus Prime back.

Optimus Prime spun and flew, killing the Decepticons one by one, thinking about the countermeasures in his heart, he also knew that if he could not solve the Fallen King Kong, it was delusional to want to destroy the space bridge, and then Optimus Prime thought of the mysterious Transformers Thanos, why can't I contact anyone at this critical moment? It would be great if he was here to help hold the Fallen King Kong.

A frontal impact is definitely not enough. The power of the Fallen King Kong is too much, too weird and changeable, so I can only think of other methods.

boom! ! !

At this time, there was an explosion sound in the distance, and Optimus Prime glanced instinctively, but Shockwave controlled his pet drilling bug to fight the human ground troops, and just destroyed a tank with a laser weapon.

Optimus Prime's eyes lit up, it's normal that telekinesis can deal with missiles, because missiles have physical bodies, telekinesis can be imprisoned directly, but what if it turns into a laser?In the final analysis, light is a kind of wave. Even if the power of thought can affect the laser, the power of thought consumed will definitely increase by tens or even hundreds of times. I don't believe that the fallen King Kong can stop it.

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