The energy concentration of dozens of laser cannons reached the limit, and it took less than two seconds before and after. The light of the cannons was silver, and each laser beam was precisely aimed at each Autobot.

The Autobots want to hide, but where can they hide after being locked?Optimus Prime was even more miserable, the fall was so hard that he couldn't stand up until now, watching the beam of light descending from the sky helplessly, closing his eyes in despair and waiting for death to come.

"Optimus Prime, did you just give up? This is not like you!"

At this critical juncture of life and death, Optimus Prime heard a voice familiar to you. Optimus Prime quickly opened his eyes, only to find that with a burst of bang bang bang, a huge figure [-] to [-] meters tall emerged from the ground, with his hands He raised a shield to face the beam of light in the sky, and protected himself below, as did the other Autobots, and a Transformer appeared beside each Autobot to protect him.

Boom boom boom...

The bodies of dozens of giant robots shook violently at the same time, their feet sank several meters into the ground, and the laser blasted onto the shield, followed by a sound of no thunder rolling, blooming towards the surroundings, flames and light intertwined in the broken space fragments, The strong light made it impossible to look directly, and it seemed that the world was shaken by the impact!

Because all the Autobots are under the shield and protected by giant robots, it's okay.But the other Decepticons were miserable. They were directly blown away by the scattered energy after the laser and the shield collided. Those who were farther away were lucky, but they fell half to death. Those who were unlucky were directly smashed to pieces and died. It's really unfair.

When the laser energy was exhausted and the surroundings returned to tranquility, the surviving people were stunned to see the scene in front of them. There were corpses of Transformers everywhere, countless metal fragments scattered all over the place, and most of the Decepticons were damaged. Those who came down were also missing limbs, which was very miserable.

On the contrary, there were not many injuries to the car personnel. Under the protection of the giant Transformers, they suffered minor injuries at most, but they were not serious.

Optimus Prime looked at the giant Transformer more than 20 meters above him, and his heart was full of doubts. When he used the shock wave laser weapon to attack the main control column of the Space Bridge, it was clearly the same Transformer that blocked his attack. Protecting Kong happened to be an enemy at first, but why should he protect himself now, is this person an enemy or a friend?What is the purpose of doing this?

Then Optimus Prime thought of the familiar voice he heard before, and the Transformer in front of him, although he was tall and the color of his body was quite different, besides that, he had a great similarity in appearance. This kind is very close to human beings, not as bloated as ordinary Transformers, and immediately had an idea in his mind, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Your Excellency Thanos, is that you?"

At this time, the huge Transformer put away the shield, looked down at Optimus Prime, moved his body, pulled out the two feet that were stuck in the ground, and then said: "That's right, it's me, how so So, is it a surprise, is it a surprise?"

"It's really you, how did you become like this? What's going on? What's the relationship between these other Transformers and you? Could it be that..."

Optimus Prime looked at the dozens of giant robots around him, a little unbelievable, so many identical Transformers, how do you think they have weird personalities?Even if it is Transformers, it is impossible to have so many identical ones. What is going on?

"They are all my avatars, all of me. These bodies share a consciousness, which is me. You can think of them as robots controlled by me."

"So that's the case, but why did you stop me from destroying the space bridge just now? I think you should also be very clear. Once Cybertron teleports over, it will inevitably be repaired with the body of Unicron, and the earth will be destroyed by then." "

"That's because..." Yang Jian suddenly stopped in the middle of his words. In all the plots, Transformers turned their heads to look in the same direction at the same time, but it was Quintasha, Fallen King Kong, Royal Enemy, Megatron and others who had already Came over here.

Kuntasha's petite body flew in the front, Fallen King Kong, Natural Enemy, and Megatron lined up behind him, and behind them were more than a hundred Decepticons who survived the attack just now.

"Who are you? Which side are you on? Just now you protected the space bridge, why are you standing on the side of the Autobots to fight against us now? As Transformers, don't you want to restore our homeland Cybertron? Do you also want to stand on the side of human beings and betray your own people?"

Quintasha began to question when she came up. She was very afraid of these Transformers that suddenly appeared. Just now, she used laser weapons as one of the strongest methods. Since the energy stored in Cybertron is not much, it will not be used a few times at all. She thought that this blow could kill all the enemies, but she didn't expect to be blocked. She could imagine the strength of the opponent, and she didn't want to be an enemy of such a person if she could.

The dozens of dark Transformers quickly approached, but they did not confront Quintasha and the others, but lined up in two rows and separated, as if they were welcoming someone.

Soon a silver figure flew from a distance and landed in the middle of two rows of huge transformers. He walked forward and stopped at a distance of [-] to [-] meters from Kuntasha, and carefully looked at Kuntasha. Sha Zai said: "My name is Thanos. The reason why I didn't just use the Optimus Prime Space Bridge just now is because I need you to teleport Cybertron over. As for the position? I am neither an Autobot nor a Batian." Tiger, everything I do has only one purpose, and that is to seize the power of Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Hahaha..." Kuntasha seemed to have heard the funniest thing in the world, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "It's really shameless, Yuanshi Tianzun is the origin of our Transformers family, and has transformed into Cybertron. His power is beyond your control, unless you can take the entire Cybertron..."

As Quintasha was talking, she suddenly felt something was wrong. She couldn't help but look up at the planet Cybertron in the sky, her mind turned sharply, and she suddenly had a guess in her heart, but this idea was so amazing that even Quintasha It's all a little unbelievable.

"Do you want to devour Cybertron more?" Quintasha asked in disbelief, because this was the only possibility she could think of to capture Yuanshi Tianzun. The problem was that this was so crazy that even Quintasha couldn't Dare to do it.


Yang Jian clapped his hands and said appreciatively: "Bingo! You got the answer right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

"Impossible, you don't know how powerful Cybertron is, it's too crazy, if you really do this, you will only die."

"If it was Cybertron in its heyday, I wouldn't even dare to have such an idea, but now that Cybertron has been destroyed by you, you have given me a chance, and you think that since I dare to say such Come to think of it, are you unprepared?" A mysterious smile appeared on Yang Jian's face, and he stretched out his hand and waved it lightly.


Another giant robot drilled out of the ground, quickly gathered behind Yang Jian, and began to disassemble and assemble together with the original robots, first the legs, then the body, then the arms, and finally the head, and soon a height of 200 Domi's Super Transformers were displayed in front of everyone.

Yang Jian's body floated up and was slowly controlled. When he came to the chest of the Super Transformer, he slowly sank in. The eyes of the 200-meter-high Super Transformer flashed red, and there was a hint of spirituality. The incomparable aura erupted, and all the surrounding Transformers, whether they were Decepticons, Autobots, or humans, were all overwhelmed, and there was silence for a while, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily heavy. .

Chapter 207 The Last Battle Begins

Kuntasha was completely panicked when she saw the huge monster in front of her. Yang Jian's appearance made her understand that the enemy's strength is really very strong. Combined with what the other party said before, the other party really wanted to devour Cybertron, so as to obtain the power of Yuanshi Tianzun. strength.

Under normal circumstances, a Transformer's strength cannot reach Yang Jian's level, unless there is a special opportunity, and there happens to be one on the earth, Kuntasha has already guessed that Yang Jian has buried the universe emperor's body on the earth. The power of the corpse was absorbed.

This is the reason why Kuntasha is angry. If this is the case, her original plan to use the body of Unicron to repair Cybertron has completely failed. Cybertron, which is already on the verge of collapse, may also become the opponent's food. How can Quintasha accept this?

"This bastard, who devoured the power of the Great Universe and cut off our last hope in Zabucha, now he still wants to devour our homeland, let's kill him together, no matter what, we can't let him succeed, no matter what hatred we have before If you have any prejudices, put them aside for the time being, and now protect our homeland, protect Cybertron, and stop him!"

Kuntasha was furious and yelled at all the Transformers until now, she hoped to gather the power of all the Transformers, take him down Yang Jian, and maybe regain the power of the universe emperor.

"Can you stop it?"

Yang Jian lowered his head and looked at the villains like ants around him, clenched his fists hard, feeling the surging power all over his body, he couldn't help being a little intoxicated, and had the urge to shout to the sky.

Yang Jian tried his best to restrain his impulse, and finally suppressed it, because Yang Jian knew that it was due to the sudden increase in his strength, which caused his mental state to fail to keep up. It was a sign of immaturity. , the key is to be cautious in everything, constantly self-examine and self-evolve, now that success is in sight, the more critical the moment, the more cautious you must be, and you must not have accidents due to pride and arrogance.

After finally calming down, Yang Jian squatted down, looked at Kuntasha and the others, and made them back away in fright.

"How are you going to stop me? The reserve energy of the planet Cybertron should be running out now, right? And because of your greed, you deliberately led the civil war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, resulting in the destruction of Cybertron. The purpose is only to take advantage of Cybertron's weakness to control more authority, and now that it is on the verge of collapse, do you think you still have a chance of winning? All of this is your own fault."

Yang Jian has absorbed some original information from Unicron, combined with the current situation of the Transformers family, has already guessed some truths, and it is clear that Cybertron has ended up in such a situation, most of which are the result of Kuntasha's conspiracy .

Yang Jian's voice was buzzing, reaching the ears of every Transformer, all the Transformers were stunned for a moment, they did not expect that the civil war between the Autobots and the Decepticons was actually started by Kuntasha, all the Transformers immediately He glared at Kuntasha.

Quintasha looked at the suspicious eyes around her.Her heart skipped a beat. If it was before, she would not care about the attitude of these Transformers at all. If someone dared to resist, she would just kill him directly. But now there is an extremely powerful enemy, and she must gather all her strength to have a chance of winning.

"Enough! What to look at! Don't fall for the enemy's tricks, he is deliberately alienating us."

Quintasha couldn’t help being a little angry when she spoke, which made people more suspicious. In fact, there are some long-lived ancient Transformers combined with what happened in the past. Quintasha has already guessed that Quintasha is the mastermind behind the civil war. But they didn't know whether they should point it out, and the reason was also because of Yang Jian's existence.

"Thanos, no matter who you are, you must die today, even if you have obtained the power of the universe emperor, but after all, he has fallen for too long, and his power is probably running out. When the universe emperor lost to Yuanshi Tianzun, Now you will also not be the opponent of Cybertron." Kuntasha saw that all the Transformers around were suspicious, so she didn't explain anything to others, and went directly to Yang Jian.

"If it was Cybertron's heyday, I wouldn't even have the thought of fighting him, or even stand in front of him.

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