It's a pity that with an ambitious person like you, in order to gain more authority over Cybertron, you have ruined Cybertron, and tossed it like this. Now the will left by Yuanshi Tianzun incarnated as Cybertron has probably been taken by you. Absorbed completely, and also left Cybertron at its weakest, which gave me a chance.

In fact, our two ultimate goals are the same, both to obtain the power of Yuanshi Tianzun and the Great Universe, but you are more vicious in comparison. In order to achieve your own goals, you will not hesitate to sacrifice countless Transformers and lead the civil war. A war will come to an end. No matter who wins the two of us, one side will convince all the Transformers, unify this universe, and end countless years of war. As far as the current situation is concerned, the one who has the upper hand should be me, you There is no chance of winning at all, surrender, it is good for everyone. "

Kuntasha stared fiercely at Yang Jian and roared, "Don't even think that I won't surrender even if I die. I will personally blow you to pieces and get back my power. I will repair Cybertron and restore it." Seeing the glory of Cybertron, all the Transformers obey the order and work together to kill him."

But what made Kuntasha embarrassed was that none of the people present obeyed her orders, the Autobots were fine, but now even the Decepticons and even his former subordinates stood motionless.

"You... what are you doing? Do you want to betray? Fallen King Kong, Royal Enemy, Megatron, do it! What are you waiting for?" Kuntasha turned her head and looked at the moving Transformers behind her, unbelievable asked.

But all the Decepticons had no intention of doing anything. The natural enemies and the Fallen King Kong even turned their heads and looked away, ignoring Kuntasha's order.

At this time, all the Transformers present understood that this war was actually a battle for the throne between Quintasha and the Transformers named Thanos. Fight to be the strongest existence in the universe and subdue all Transformers.

No matter who wins this battle in the end, there is not much loss to the Transformers present, it is just a question of who to surrender to. Compared with most Transformers, they are more willing to choose Yang Jian, because through the dialogue just now , They already knew that the civil war of the Transformers family for many years was deliberately provoked by Quintasha, and it was Quintasha who led to the destruction of their Cybertron, making them a homeless wandering race, and Yang Jian Although he was also an ambitious man who had devoured the power of the universe emperor, he had never done anything to damage their interests, so it was easier for Yang Jian to be accepted by them.

Of course, this refers to ordinary Transformers. There are also some Transformers who hope that Quintessa can win, such as Fallen King Kong and Royal Enemy, because they have already obtained part of the Cybertron authority from Quintasha. These permissions can only be recognized if Yang Jian wins. On the contrary, if Yang Jian wins, these permissions will be invalidated.

However, although authority is important, it is not worth making them work hard. It is better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, waiting for the final result. Of course it is best for Kuntasha to win, and it doesn't matter if she loses. Listening to what Yang Jian said just now, the other party thinks To regain the entire Transformers family, there is no intention of killing them all. Even if they lose their authority, they can still save their lives. A little authority is not worth their efforts.

Kuntasha glanced over all the Decepticons, especially the Fallen King Kong Royal Enemy and they stayed for a moment, the hatred in their eyes almost overflowed, "Okay, okay, all of you are good, wait for me Solve this guy, and then settle accounts with you, and then you will understand what the end of a traitor is."

"Hey!" Yang Jian sighed pretendingly, but in fact he was very happy, knowing that Kunta's mentality had completely collapsed, and even threatening at this time, wouldn't it mean forcing those Transformers to take his side?

"Kuntasha, let's stop talking here. In the end, we have to rely on our strength to speak. Let us see the truth and see who can have the last laugh."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, electric arcs appeared on his body, and his whole body was wrapped in it. After a crackling sound, he disappeared in place, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a height tens of thousands of meters away.

Kuntasha also snorted coldly, a space door appeared behind her, faintly visible on the other side were countless complicated metal machines, all Transformers could see it, that was the inside of Cyber ​​Tower.

Yang Jian was floating in the air out of thin air, looking at the mechanical planet in front of him, it seemed that there were huge metal tentacles connected together, but there were too many breaks, it looked like holes were dug out by something Generally, it looks a little dilapidated.

At this time, Cyber ​​seemed to come alive, and there was a squirm, and some part of it parted left and right, revealing Quintasha's figure, like a queen standing on a platform, her whole body protected by a powerful energy shield.

"Thanos, I remember your name. In the billions of years since I was born, I have encountered countless enemies, and you are the most difficult one."

Yang Jian sneered, "Then I'm really honored, now... please go to hell! Kill!"

Yang Jian suddenly roared, raised his hand and fired a cannonball, and unexpectedly launched a sneak attack without warning.

It's just that Yang Jian's dog egg didn't fly very far before it was pulled by a tentacle protruding from the inside of Cybertron and exploded immediately.

However, Yang Jian was not discouraged, and the propeller on the back activated instantly, and rushed towards Kuntasha. In fact, Yang Jian originally planned to use the space transfer to carry out a surprise attack, but found that the space transfer failed. Exudes a unique magnetic field, even if Cybertron is broken now, this magnetic field can still disturb the space, should it be said that Cybertron is the incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun?


The propellers on Yang Jian's shoulders and back turned on instantly, and that [-]-meter-high body turned into a black light, and rushed out instantly, bringing a sonic boom to kill Kuntasha.

Quintasha is not to be outdone, her two eyes emit a gloomy light, and a series of pipes are connected to her body. Her own will has been connected to the entire Cybertron planet. The laser weapon used to deal with the Autobots is turned on again, and beams of light beams Shoot Yang Jian.

Although Yang Jian is tall, he doesn't look bulky at all. He flies back and forth in the air with great flexibility, advancing in an S-shaped route. At the same time, his left arm disassembles and assembles a shield. Bothan's attack rushed forward.


Several laser beams hit Yang Jian, although they were blocked by the shield, but the huge force made Yang Jian keep pushing Yang Jian back, and the shield in Yang Jian's hand was also blasted into big holes, but the shield was damaged. The parts squirmed like liquid, and quickly recovered. Yang Jian quickly stabilized his figure and rushed over again.

Yang Jian was hit and repulsed again and again, and he rallied again and again to kill again, and it wasn't just that he was beaten and didn't fight back. Yang Jian assembled the other arm into a gun barrel and fired a beam of light to fight back, but it was red. Laser beams, both sides come and shoot at each other. Yang Jian has destroyed several laser cannons, but Cybertron will also reassemble into new laser cannons, and the two sides have become a stalemate.

Both the Autobots and the Decepticons on the ground are watching the battle with their heads up, and their hearts are terribly nervous. Every Transformer is a little confused. Who can win this battle?What will happen to their Transformers future?

Optimus Prime’s mood is the most complicated. Some people don’t know how to face Thanos. The other party has saved his own life, and he has helped him several times. , But now it seems that the purpose of this Thanos is not simple.

Optimus Prime didn't know if the other party was using him, and he didn't know what would happen to the two sides in the future, was it an enemy or a friend?If you really stand in a hostile position, how can you repay the grace of saving your life?

"Optimus Prime, what should we do? What exactly does Thanos think? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? He has already obtained the power of the Emperor of the Universe. If we get the power of Yuanshi Tianzun again, we have no room to resist. When the time comes If he attacks us, we will die." At some point, all the Autobots had arrived behind Optimus Prime, Ironhide approached Optimus Prime with a worried face and asked.

"I don't know either. We can no longer intervene in this war. Now we can only take one step at a time. Everything will be decided by the winner after the battle between Thanos and Quintasha is over."

Optimus Prime felt very uncomfortable when he said this, and felt very uncomfortable that his fate was controlled by others, but what could they do?

Ironhide nodded and laughed at himself: "That's right, the moment Cybertron arrived on Earth, our fate was no longer under our control. Even if Cybertron was on the verge of collapse, it would be easy to kill us. If there is a threat of Thanos, we have already been killed by Quintasha, so the appearance of Thanos does not seem to be a bad thing for us."

Optimus Prime thought for a moment, it was really like this, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Chapter 208

Boom!Rumble! !

Yang Jian finally got close to Cybertron, raised his hand and fired several missiles, destroying several laser cannons, which triggered a chain reaction. The sound of explosions continued, and a radius of hundreds of meters turned into a sea of ​​flames, countless metal fragments splash.

Cuckoo!Ka Ka Ka!

Cybertron began to change again, those metal inserts were attracted by some kind of force, covered the surface to extinguish the flames, and began to deform at the same time, all the laser cannons slowly gathered together, disassembled and assembled again, and became a single A dark gun barrel with a diameter of more than ten meters.

With the input of energy, the gun barrel with a thickness of more than ten meters began to shine brightly, and it became brighter and brighter, making people unable to open their eyes.

When it reached a certain limit, the light shrank suddenly, and then burst out instantly.

boom! ! !

A thick silver beam of light descended from the sky, causing ripples where it passed, and its power can be imagined from the space cracks around it.

Yang Jian stopped when the laser cannon gathered energy, his body was floating in the air, and his right arm was automatically disassembled and assembled to form a cannon barrel. When the silver energy beam shot over, Yang Jian also shot. A red laser beam shot out, choosing a frontal confrontation.

boom! ! !

The silver and red light beams collided together, like the thunderous roar of the sky, and the violent and turbulent power spread out. Originally, because of the appearance of Cybertron, the shadow covered a large area, but now it seems that there is another small star in the sky. sun.

The two beams of red and silver collided, and under the surge of energy, it was as if flames and lightning were entangled. The flames and rays of light erupted in the broken space fragments. The world seemed to be shaken by the impact, and everything it passed was turned into ash.

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