Fortunately, Yang Jian and Quintasha's battlefield was in the sky. If this attack landed on the ground, the whole of Chicago, not the whole of the United States, would be destroyed with just one blow.

Finally, when the energy of both parties was exhausted and the light in the sky gradually dissipated, Yang Jian seemed to be a little out of breath, but Cybertron was not much better. The power of the two beams of light collided to destroy everything around him, and a large piece of Cybertron The area was melted, and it was already dilapidated, but now it is even worse.

But Quintasha is also fighting, she knows that Cybertron's reserve energy is not much, and she must fight quickly. If she can't defeat the enemy in a short time, she will lose in the end. Regardless of the damage to Cybertron, once again Gathering energy, the barrel lit up again.

"It's still here, you want to fight with me, okay, let's try and see who can't hold on first."

Yang Jian immediately guessed what Kuntasha was thinking, but she was not worried at all. This time, Yang Jian made full preparations. At any time, energy can be absorbed for self-recovery, so Yang Jian's chances of winning in such a head-on competition are even greater.

Relying on his more abundant energy reserve, Yang Jian took the first shot, and even overloaded his weapon, shooting out the fiery red laser beam first.

boom! ! !

The silver laser beam collided with the fiery red laser beam, just like the opposing waves in the Dragon Ball world. Under Yang Jian's overload operation regardless of damage to himself, the laser beam kept moving back against the laser beam, slowly pushing To Cybertron.


Kunta roared furiously, half of his body sank below, and merged with Cybertron, his face was ferocious, the purple brilliance in his eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth and continuously increased the energy transmission, hoping to bring The energy beam pushes back.

At this time, Kuntasha also found that she had miscalculated, the enemy was more difficult than he imagined, but now it was too late to regret it, so she could only grit her teeth and hold on, otherwise such a thick laser beam would hit her body , even the protective shield she set up with the energy of Cyber ​​Tower couldn't resist it.

At this time, Yang Jian showed a sinister smile, and the propeller on the back was fully powered, pushing the body forward step by step, and the laser beam pressed the laser to move further towards Kuntasha, and it was about to land on Kuntasha.

"Damn it! Explode me!"

In desperation, Kuntasha instantly exploded all the energy, and immediately released a stronger explosion than before.

Boom! ! !

In the dark universe, those fire lights are so shining, the first thing everyone sees is a dazzling light, and then the energy storm that sweeps over, and the billowing rumbling sound is long overdue Shock everyone's eardrums!Even the Transformers on Earth were a little unstable, and countless buildings were blown down by the energy storm.

The explosive fire charge seemed to bulge up a big bag on the planet Cybertron, spreading crazily, destroying everything I touched, countless metal fragments scattered and splashed, and opened a big hole on the surface, even for the huge Cybertron It is also so conspicuous for the planet Tantan.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed to be an instant. When everything returned to calm, a group of Transformers saw the situation in the sky clearly through electronic eyes. After some injuries, it looked bumpy, but after the body surface wriggled like liquid, it quickly recovered.

At this time, Kuntasha protruded her body from a metal tentacle. She was much miserable, her whole body was scorched black, and one arm was gone. Although it is not a fatal injury to Transformers, as long as there are materials It can still be repaired, but I can also imagine how thrilling it was just now. The armor formed by extracting Cybertron's energy was shattered, and she was injured like this, which shows the power of the explosion just now.

In the energy beam competition just now, Yang Jianlue was the winner in the end. Beating dogs in the water has always been Yang Jian's favorite thing to do. Of course, he would not miss this opportunity. The propeller started again, and his body more than two hundred meters high turned into a Liu Guang rushed over.

"Don't even think about it! I won't let you succeed!"

Quintasha still refused to admit defeat, she shouted angrily, and the metal fragments floating around quickly gathered.

At the same time, several huge tentacles protruded from the inside of the planet Cybertron, and they were kinked together. The metal fragments seemed to be attracted by Mo's anonymous force, and began to gather together, attached to the surface of the metal hand, and began to assemble and fuse one by one. .

Parts that cannot be named are crackling and intertwined, combined with those tentacles, and soon turned into two huge palms, each of which is no less than Yang Jian's 200-meter-high body. Cheng Zhuo grabbed Yang Jian. .

The Transformers standing on the ground widened their eyes when they saw this scene, it was really amazing.

Megatron asked Fallen King Kong in shock: "Teacher, I never knew that our planet Cybertron still has this ability? It's too surprising."

Fallen King Kong felt the same way, "It's the first time I've seen it, or it's the first time Cybertron has been forced to such a point, and no one has ever been able to push the planet Cybertron to this point before.

1 But this is not surprising. Since the planet Cybertron was transformed by Yuanshi Tianzun, it must have retained some unique abilities of life. Now it is reasonable to do this under the control of Quintasha. From this point of view, Quintasha I really took full control of Cybertron. At first, I was a little skeptical. Was the civil war between the Autobots and the Decepticons the fault of Quintasha?Now it is [-]% sure. "

The Fallen King Kong didn't hide his words. Everyone heard it. Everyone's resentment towards Kuntasha went further, and they secretly prayed in their hearts, hoping that Yang Jian could win and get rid of that ambitious man who, for his own sake, caused them to A woman whose home has fallen to such a state.

This change of Cybertron obviously consumes a lot of energy, so Quintessa just condensed a pair of arms, but the scene of a planet gradually turning from dead to active again made everyone fall into silence, except for the heavy heart. I can sigh a thing or two in my mouth.

On the surface, Kuntasha was calm and confident, but in fact she was secretly anxious. The stored energy was almost exhausted. If she couldn't take Yang Jian down this time, it would be dangerous.


Yang Jian suddenly opened his arms, blocking the huge palms from the left and right sides. At this time, Yang Jian's face was icy cold, giving people a feeling of deep cold that penetrated the bone marrow, and the shoulders on both sides suddenly assembled into The two laser cannons burst out with a burst of fire red laser beams, instantly piercing through the two giant palms. As the laser beams moved, metal fragments flew, and soon the two giant palms were cut open.

Yang Jian easily got out of it, and then pointed the target at the surface of the steel planet Cybertron. Wherever the laser light passed, the surface of the planet was cut out with grooves, which were distributed in a criss-cross pattern on the surface.

Dangdang! ! !

The metal fragments were gathered together again and began to pile up layer by layer. A huge shield composed of countless metals appeared. The energy on the surface of the shield surged, forming an energy protection layer. Under the control of several metal tentacles, it hit Yang Jian come over.


The black liquid in Yang Jian's hand squirmed, and a large knife with a length of more than 150 meters was condensed. He slashed at it with all his strength, and the energy shield on the surface of the shield was split open, and then the metal shield was pulled from Cut in half in the middle.

Buzz! ! !

It's just that before Yang Jian could be happy, he found a silver beam of light was approaching. It turned out that Kuntasha had prepared a laser cannon behind the shield.

In a hurry, Yang Jian swung the big knife in his hand and used it as a shield to resist the laser cannon.


Yang Jian only felt his body shake violently, and the overwhelming force almost made him collapse. Seeing that Yang Jian was about to be blown away, but it took so much effort to rush here, and he was about to rush into the interior of the planet Cybertron , implement the second-step plan, how can you give up at this point?


Yang Jian roared and pushed hard with both arms. At the same time, the thrusters behind him were fully powered again, and he managed to stabilize his figure. He moved forward bravely, resisting the opponent's attack and advancing little by little.

Kuntasha's eyes almost popped out of her eyes. She managed to plot against Yang Jian once, but she didn't expect that the other party used all her strength to force her to crash into her. No matter how much Kuntasha increased her energy, it was useless, the other party was still steadfast. move forward.


Finally, the laser weapon exploded due to energy overload, and Kuntasha could only control the tentacles to yank it.

Metal clattering, thunder rolling, Yang Jian wielding a big knife crazily slashed, and a hole was cut out of the huge steel planet. Although Kuntasha had been resisting with all her strength, defensive shields, metal tentacles, laser weapons, all kinds of means were available. However, Yang Jian still couldn't stop her pace.

Finally, after the battle went on for an unknown amount of time, Yang Jian drilled into a place thousands of meters away from Emperor Cybertron. Although countless metal tentacles were still entangled, they were all cut off by Yang Jian.

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