"Brothers, hello everyone!" Yang Jian from Transformers World greeted everyone cordially.

"Brother, congratulations, you are the first one among us to break through the script. It can be said that the hard work has paid off, and it will be easy in the future, and we will be miserable. I don't know when?" Yang Jian from Dragon Ball World said enviously, He is still in Sun Wukong's childhood now, and the opponents who will appear later are stronger than the other. If it is the Quan Wang in the later stage, Yang Jian doesn't know if he can stand up to it.

"Don't be discouraged, take your time, with the help of so many of our brothers' plundered resources from various worlds, can't we still beat the natives of the Dragon Ball world? Although the upper limit of the Dragon Ball world is high, there are not a few worlds that can be compared with it. Our biggest feature is that we can gather things from different worlds together, and we will definitely be able to defeat them." Transformers Yang Jian sent Dragon Ball World Yang Jian's shoulders, but his tone was a little smug, after all, as the first person to clear the level , in normal however.

At this time, Yang Jian, the little sheep, couldn't help but hit and said: "Don't be too happy, although you have opened up the Transformers world and become the most powerful existence, but that is when you turned into a Transformers, don't you keep it that way?" state?

Don't forget that you still need to live on the earth as an ordinary person. If you accidentally expose your identity, when you are at your weakest, I will send you an attack that can directly destroy the planet, and you will not have time to return to the body of the Transformer directly into ashes,

You can't be too pretentious, or you will be easily beaten. Even with the protection of venom, you can't be sure of your safety. It's better to be careful. "

Transformer Yang Jian broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words. Looking back on his recent performance, he was indeed a little too proud.

"Sorry, sorry! I was negligent, but your words reminded me. It seems that I still have to be careful in the future, and I have to strengthen my own protection measures. But even if I sleep now, I wear a battle suit transformed from nanobots." Yi, what else can I do? Is there a safer way?"

"Wearing pajamas disguised as nanorobots can only protect your body. What if someone shoots you in the head directly? It's a pity that the world of Transformers only applies to technological equipment, and it can't adapt to the existence of extraordinary abilities at all, so you can only use technology On the one hand, continue to strengthen, you carry fairy beans with you, plus one-time space transfer equipment, plus venom, you can be sure that you will be safe when you are awake. It’s not necessarily about surviving, unless you are willing to accept transformation.”

Transformer Yang Jian turned to look at the others, hoping that they could provide some better solutions. If it was not a last resort, Yang Jian did not want to transform her body.

Yang Jian of Dragon Ball World shrugged helplessly, "Don't look at me, you also know that the Dragon Ball World is based on the cultivation of Qi, and your world cannot use the energy of Qi, no matter how much you exercise it, unless you use it The cells of the demon puwu, but this kind of thing enters the world dominated by technology, I am afraid that it will be directly suppressed by the rules and lose its activity, and I don't think you want to become like the demon puwu."

DC Yang Jian is also helpless, "It's the same on my side. The technology of the earth in the DC world is not as abnormal as in the later period. As for magic, which is suppressed by the rules, it cannot be used in the Transformers world."

The Marvel world and the DC world can be called twins in some respects, and their power systems are similar. Since the DC world is not good, the Marvel world is of course the same.

In fact, Yang Jian, the Transformer, also knew that this would happen, so he just asked in case, and finally had to ask Yang Jian, the little sheep, for help.

"Brother sheep, if I choose to fuse my body cells with nanorobots and retain all the abilities that belong to humans, just like the TX5000 in the fifth part of the Terminator, how far can my life-saving ability reach?"

Although Yang Jian, the Transformer, was a bit against body modification, but comparing the safety of his life with his personal preference, his life was the most important thing, so he decided to give it a try.

Yang Jian, the little sheep, thought for a while before replying: "Recently, I have studied the source of fire seeds, and I have a new idea. If you are willing to accept this kind of transformation, the nano-humans made of Zhenjin can be fused with your cells. It can make your body reach the strength of illusion in the Marvel world, even if you are hit by a nuclear bomb, you can save your life."

Transformer Yang Jian was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Really? Doesn't that mean that no one on the earth, or even in the entire universe, can hurt me? Is it so powerful? I know the power of nuclear bombs."

"In fact, the power of a nuclear bomb is not its initial explosion, but the subsequent radiation. The initial explosion is not as powerful as you think. The first nuclear bomb used on the earth was the little fat man launched by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. , but hundreds of people survived the explosion. The nearest one is only a few hundred meters away from the center of the explosion. It is said that it is a bank employee. The staff has been plagued by radiation for the rest of their lives, and various diseases occur frequently, if you are willing to let me help you transform it, nano-robots made of gold-vibrating materials can completely absorb this radiation."

"But the heat emitted by the nuclear bomb explosion should be enough to reduce me to ashes."

"Don't be afraid. Recently, you understand the properties of this material. It hardly wears any energy. If a nuclear bomb explodes near you, it will automatically form protection on your body surface without any danger. Moreover, the TX5000 can Use nanomolecular robots to infect other people for control, and you can use them to control others."

Transformer Yang Jian finally nodded, "Okay, since this is the case, I agree, by the way, but won't this kind of transformation be weakened by the suppression of the rules of different worlds?"

"Absolutely not. In the final analysis, this is also a kind of high technology. In the world of Transformers, other power systems will be suppressed, but the technology system will not, and with the magical material like Zhenjin, it will become more powerful. get stronger."

"That's good, Zhenjin is really a good thing! Thank you for talking about it, buddy." Transformers Yang Jian said, and patted the shoulder of Marvel World Yang Jian next to him.

Yang Jian from Marvel World shook his head indifferently, "Do we still need to say thank you? We should help each other, and I have also benefited a lot from you. I just activated it with your energy cube recently. A Transformer is now my most powerful assistant, helping me handle many things in the company, fast and quiet, and now I have a lot of free time to do what I want to do."

"Oh, that's right. Speaking of which, you saw from your memory that you founded fantasy technology in the Marvel world, and now it is an international enterprise that can keep pace with Stark Industries. It also involves weapon manufacturing, making history Tucker Group lost a lot.

Calculating the time, the story of Iron Man is about to begin. It won't be long before our playboy will become a man of steel. At that time, luck will explode. It is simply the power of fate. The most popular character in the Marvel world , you can be regarded as opponents now, so don't play it off when the time comes. "

"Don't worry, it won't happen. I've been waiting for a long time. I had to be careful no matter what I did before. I was afraid that a careless Mage Ancient One would find something abnormal, and follow the clues to find me. After all, she has the time gem, which is too difficult to deal with." Yes, but now the ontology has improved its perception of time by studying the dragon veins of the Naruto world. I also have a preliminary understanding of the time rules of the Marvel world, and I can already hide my own timeline, even if he has the time gem I can’t find out my past and future. In addition, some time ago, I went to Iker Casillas and made some deals with him. I got a lot of Kama Taj’s magic from him, and I also learned about him. Teacher Gu Yi's situation, although he can't beat her, but self-protection is no problem."

"I see, no wonder you are so confident, so I wish you good luck."


Marvel World Yang Jian stood on the top of a building in New York, which was a few meters taller than the Stark Building, and the shiny characters of Fantasy Technology on the top of the building were unusually conspicuous.

Looking at the night view of New York, Yang Jian felt an indescribable emotion in his heart. Since the Vanke father and son were conquered, the research on weapons can be said to be advancing rapidly. After all, there are various technologies brought by Yang Jian from other worlds, plus In fact, their father and son can indeed be regarded as the best scientists in the Marvel world. Various advanced weapons are constantly being manufactured, and they are called predators in the weapon manufacturing industry.

At first, Yang Jian bought a subsidiary under the name of Hammer Group and entered the weapon manufacturing industry. From the initial ordinary guns, he gradually upgraded to more advanced weapons, and cooperated with the government, gradually gaining a reputation.

Afterwards, Yang Jian began to sell some weapons mixed with shocking gold obtained from Wakanda, which directly shocked the U.S. government and continued to increase orders. It took more than a year to become a behemoth in the weapon manufacturing industry, and then Completely dismantled from Hammer Industrial Group and changed its name to Fantasy Technology.

Speaking of which, there was a little accident when Fantasy Technology and the Hammer Group parted ways. Justin Hammer has never been a broad-minded person. Relying on his own advantages as the parent company, he still wants to use conspiracy However, Yang Jian has been hiding behind the scenes, and the man at the helm is Jin Bin. Of course, this is a gangster name. After becoming the president of Fantasy Technology, Jin Bin used his real name Wilson Fei x.

When Hanmer aggressively found Jin Bin, and brazenly sold Jin Bin to him with his fantasy technology for millions of dollars, Jin Bin almost died of anger. What kind of idiot is this?Dare to talk to me like that, is it because I am too old to hold a gun, or are you drifting away?He took out a gun and pointed it at Hammer on the spot, as if he was about to collapse him.

Fortunately, when one of Ham's men recognized Jin Bin and whispered a few words in Hammer's ear, Hammer knelt down on the spot.

Who is Jin Bing?The biggest dark emperor in New York and even the entire United States, but I don’t know when he became the president of Fantasy Industry. Hammer felt a pain in his heart. You said that you are a gangster, but you have started the arms industry, and you are still impressive. Those politicians, are you blind?I don't care.

In fact, it’s not entirely Hammer’s fault, Jin Bin’s situation is a bit strange now, when everyone mentions Jin Bin, everyone knows that he is the underworld emperor in New York, but when it comes to Wilson Fix, most people will look confused Fuck, who knows who Wilson Fix is.

After taking refuge in Yang Jian, Jin Bing began to gradually cleanse himself, leaving the underworld industry to Bullseye to take care of, as the president of fantasy technology, with money to open the way, making friends with those government officials, attending charity parties from time to time , donated some money, and made headlines from time to time. As a result, this fat man with a swollen face became a well-known philanthropist in New York without knowing it. Few people know his background.

Chapter 212 The Status Quo of the Marvel World

Although Hanmer is also the boss of a large group in name, and even on the surface it seems that he can compete with Stark Industries in the arms manufacturing industry, but in fact this is the result of the US government's intentional balance. Existence can suppress a Stark Industry to a certain extent. After all, when buying weapons, there are different companies competing, and it is convenient for them to lower the price.

However, one of the biggest weaknesses of the Hanmer Group is the lack of truly high-end products. The way they make money is by imitating other companies' products, manufacturing them in large quantities, and then selling them for a profit. Overwhelmed by Stark Industries. ,,

The emergence of Illusion Technology made Hammer see the hope of standing on top of Stark Industries in turn, because Illusion Technology has many weapon products that are independently developed. With the combination of the two, Hammer is sure to realize his long-cherished wish and step on Stark Industries, which he has always disliked.

But Hammer never thought that he would have a bloody encounter. Jin Bin, the biggest underworld boss in New York and even the United States, suddenly became the president of the fantasy group. Even if he knew it, he would not dare to be an enemy of Jin Bin. Like a bereaved dog fleeing, it took a lot of money to get Jin Bing's forgiveness, otherwise he would worry about being shot in the head even when he slept in the future!

Yang Jian withdrew his gaze, turned around and took two steps, came to a red metal box, stretched out his hand and pressed a button on the outside.

The metal box was separated left and right, revealing a mass of white stuff inside, and then there was a sound of inflation, and soon a two-meter-high, short-legged, long-armed, big white head appeared in the round "balloon". before.

"Hello, Mr. Yang Jian, the medical robot Dabai is here to serve you." The snow-white "balloon" walked up to the Yang family with two short legs and said

Yang Jian waved his hand and said, "Okay, Dabai, there are no outsiders here, you don't need to pretend, it's a little uncomfortable talking to me like this."

"Uh! Well, then my dear Lord Yang Jian, why are you waking me up at this time? I'm playing a dungeon with my teammates? It's just the last bit, and I'm about to pass the level. Now that I don't have my command, my A few idiot teammates are probably going to be wiped out by the BOSS group, and I don’t know when I’ll have the chance to download that dungeon next time.” The robot named Dabai was a little dissatisfied, showing humane emotions.

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