If it is an ordinary robot, even if it speaks, it is just electronic synthesis, cold, and there will be no emotional changes, but this robot is obviously different, it is more spiritual, has its own thinking and feelings, and makes people feel that they are different. is a real life.

In fact, this is true, because Yang Jian has used the energy of the fire source to transform Dabai into a real life body. He is a unique Transformer in this world, helping Yang Jian to deal with those troublesome company business.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to ask. Skye has been out of contact for several days. I asked you to find him and her whereabouts. Do you have any clues? You haven't given me any information until now."

Dabai stroked his chin, and made a thoughtful expression, "It's strange to say that with my ability, there is basically no place on the earth that I can't find, but this time I have already invaded the US government's network and used the satellites in the sky to transfer the energy I have searched all the places I was looking for, but there is no clue at all, and the signal on Miss Skye's body disappeared in an instant. I specifically investigated the place where she disappeared. There are some cameras nearby, and some pictures were taken. At that time, he After coming into contact with a strange person who seemed to have no eyes and entered a building, but there was no trace of them after that, I suspect that Miss Skye was taken away by someone with space ability."

"Is that so? I see, don't worry about it for now."

Yang Jian already had a guess in his mind. Prior to this, Skye had been investigating about his parents. His mother, Jia Ying, was the queen of the Inhuman race. She happened to have an eyeless man who could control space. So it seems that now Kai is probably already in the "afterlife" in the gathering place of the Inhumans.

For Skye, finding her biological parents is her greatest wish, but Yang Jian does not think that Kai can get the maternal love he wants.

Jia Ying may really have a bit of mother-daughter affection for Skye, but since she was directly gutted out of the wreckage of the Hydra experiment and died tragically, she has become a complete lunatic after resurrection, full of hatred, only thinking about Destroying human beings, letting aliens rule the world, and sacrificing everything for his ambition, so Jia Ying is destined not to be a good mother, and Skye may be very disappointed in the end.

"Mr. Yang Jian, aren't you worried about Miss Skye's safety? Why don't you just use the space locator to determine his location. It won't be difficult for you to find her back, right? And you don't seem to have any I mean anxious."

"Why should I be in a hurry? With Skye's current strength, do you think anyone can threaten her? And there is Meow by her side. If she really encounters a powerful enemy, she has every chance to ask me for help. The life-saving card I left for them is not that simple, and there has been no movement until now, which means that she is safe, and as for not contacting us, there may be some special reason."

Dabai looked at it suspiciously, and didn't understand why Yang Jian was so confident. No matter how strong Skye was, even with Meow Meow's protection, there would be no accidents if someone made a mistake or a horse stumbled. ? !

However, Yang Jian's behavior has always been a little mysterious, and he has never made a mistake. Dabai still chooses to believe Yang Jian's words, "Well, you have said that, what else can I do? Are there other things? If not I'm going back to download a copy."

"Hmm! Call Kexin over for me, I have something to look for him."


After Dabai finished speaking, he stood again on the red metal box that was opened earlier, the gas on his body was drawn away, and the metal box closed automatically.

As for things like calling someone, Dabai doesn't need to make a trip in person, with his ability to control the Internet, a phone call is enough.

Sure enough, within two minutes, there was a sound of footsteps. Li Kexin, who was wearing a red cheongsam with slits on both sides reaching almost to the waist, protruding forward and backward, with a pair of long legs and a body close to the golden ratio, walked over.

Today's Li Kexin is quite different from when he was sent to Yang Jian by Jin Bing. He is more perfect. He exudes a mature charm, especially the pair of waves in front. Can't take my eyes off.

Don't look at the woman in front of her who looks like a weak woman on the surface, but if someone underestimates her, she will definitely suffer a big loss if she touches her, because her physical fitness is already at the level of a super soldier.

At first, Li Kexin chose to serve Yang Jian only because of the debt problem, and originally thought that he would be able to get out of the misery after the contract expired.

But as time went by, Li Kexin got to know Yang Jian more and more, and realized that his previous thoughts were just a joke.

Yang Jian did not deliberately hide himself in front of Si Kexin. The black technology in his hands beyond this era, his super strength, and the fact that even the underworld emperor Jin Bing is obedient and obedient is simply shocking.

Li Kexin felt that if he knew so many secrets about Yang Jian, wouldn't he kill someone to silence him?Yang Jian was able to accept gold and take such a villain as his subordinate, so he must not be much better. Killing himself is as easy as drinking water.

Because of the fear in his heart, Li Kexin will inevitably be a little timid when doing things, even when he is sleeping, he will be woken up by fright, and there will always be various situations. .

Later, Yang Jian also guessed what Li Kexin was thinking, so she simply told her clearly, and promised to let her go after the deadline, but it would erase the relevant memories

At the beginning, Li Kexin was very happy knowing that she could save her life. After all, no one wants to die, but then she was a little uneasy because she had to serve Yang Jian for 20 years according to the contract. Are they all going to be eliminated?The best time of life is blanked out, and the price is equally heavy.

After some deliberation, Li Kexin finally made a decision to sell everything about herself to Yang Jian, her body, soul, and even her mind, so she could become Yang Jian's person completely, so that she wouldn't have to worry about the previous things .

Of course, Yang Jian wouldn't mind Li Kexin's joining, and for her own people, Yang Jian had always been generous and directly used the resources in her hands to help her strengthen, and Li Kexin became a super soldier.

For Li Kexin's strengthening, Yang Jian still used the superhuman serum made from monster cells. Li Kexin's body evolved and developed towards the most perfect direction, which is why it became what it is today.liquid.Able to fully develop the body.

"Sir, do you need anything for me?"

"Call the spirit, I have something to ask her."

"Well, okay... okay!"

When Li Kexin heard the name Ling, his expression was a little ugly, but he didn't refute, and connected the spirit to a special existence to start summoning.

Li Kexin's body began to emit white light, and her temperament changed drastically. The originally cold and charming Yujie seemed to suddenly become a ruffian female hooligan. When she opened her eyes, there was actually a white light flashing.

"Damn it, why is it at this time, the old lady finally caught a hooker, and she is having a good time, can't you change the time to greet me? My little fresh meat is gone, I don't know if I can make an appointment next time Come out? You have to make it up to me, or the two of us have a fight. Speaking of which, you like this body very much. Don’t worry, my life is very good. I promise to make you feel good. Now..."

Yang Jian looked coldly at the "Kexin" whose temperament had changed drastically, and said coldly, "Shut up! Ling, if you dare to say another word of nonsense, I'll seal you into the small dark room and let you stay in that dark room." Dark space, nowhere to go.”

Li Kexin, no, it should be Ling. She shuddered and dared not say a word.

The spirit, to be precise, the spirit of New York, is the product of Yang Jian's extraordinary experiment. In the fantasy world of cultivating immortals, there are some "spirits" cultivated by using incense, thoughts, and beliefs. The seven emotions and six desires come together, and actually give birth to a similar existence.

New York is a city full of material desires, where human beings emit various emotions all the time, intertwined with each other, including greed, jealousy, anger, sadness, pain, happiness, joy, self-confidence and so on.

Emotions are also a kind of power. Everyone has a unique energy magnetic field. When these emotions gather together, they will bring a trace of human power to the past, and slowly gather. Then Yang Jian uses some extraordinary materials in his hand to lay a magic circle, and finally A trace of spirituality was conceived, and a spirit was formed after cultivation.

The body of the spirit seems to be just a fist-sized white ball of light. Yang Jian sealed it into Li Kexin's body. Because it was bred from the emotions of people in the city of New York, it can be called the city of New York. Spirit, as long as what happens in the city of New York, you can immediately perceive it.

Yang Jian is very clear that New York in the Marvel world is a city full of disasters. Many major events in the future will be held in New York. Yang Jian wants to intervene. With the help of ghosts, many things can be arranged in advance.

The spirit itself doesn't have much power, but it has a special ability, which can cover its own consciousness on an ordinary person in New York at any time, and control the other person's body, but it can't work for people with extraordinary abilities, especially Those mages with exceptionally strong mental power, even a beginner apprentice, can use their mental power to resist her control.

Originally, the spirit had no gender, it was just a mass of consciousness, but after Yang Jian sealed it into Kexin's body, perhaps influenced by Kexin, she defined herself as a woman, and most liked to hang out in entertainment venues in New York, with a group of handsome Yang Jian and Kexin felt helpless playing the shame game with Xiao Xianrou. .

In fact, it can't be all ghosts. She has absorbed too many human emotions, and a large part of them are negative emotions. She always has excess desires, and she even can't help teasing Yang Jian at ordinary times, which makes people inexplicably angry.

But fortunately, Yang Jian has a way to deal with spirits. Thanks to the Naruto world, he has gained knowledge about sealing techniques. Although this world does not have chakra, it has magic power. With Yang Jian's current state, many things can be mastered at once. , with the knowledge of the Naruto World Sealing Technique as a comparison, it is not difficult to create the sealing technique of the magic energy system.

Yang Jian left a magic circle similar to the four-image seal on Li Kexin. Every time Zai Ling got too angry, he would seal her up and lock her up in a small black room. This was worse than death for Ling, so every time she heard When you are about to be locked up in a small dark room, you will be honest.

"Dear Master Yang Jian, I know I was wrong, please let your humble servant go, and I will never dare again."

Ling is a mixture of human emotions, and it uses people's ability to bully the weak and fear the strong to the limit. Seeing that Yang Jian was really angry, he immediately confessed and begged for mercy.

Yang Jian wasn't really angry, she was just trying to scare her that she still needed Ling's help, and when she saw Ling begging for mercy, she let her go.

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