"I asked you to find out the whereabouts of Casillas. What's going on now? After he turned against Gu Yi, he has been hiding around. You found out that he has a secret base in New York. Are you still hiding there? "

"Casillas finally took in a few men, as if he was planning something secretly, and I don't know the details."

Yang Jian asked angrily: "What did you do? You haven't figured it out for so long? You're still the Spirit of New York."

Ling pouted and said aggrievedly: "You can't blame me, Casillas and his subordinates are mages themselves, and they have absorbed the power of the dark dimension. I can't attach to them at all, so naturally I can't find out Here comes the news."

Yang Jian thought that this was the case, and shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, since this is the case, then you don't have to worry about it, I'm going to meet this traitor of Kama Taj, Casillas, here I come !"

Chapter 213 Casillas

In a hidden underground garage in New York, the vehicles that were originally parked here have been cleaned up long ago, and it is empty in the center of the underground garage. At some point, an altar was built, and an extremely mysterious magic circle was replaced on the altar, which was flickering A strange light.

Surrounding the magic circle, a dozen or so figures surrounded them, chanting words in their mouths, constantly praising the name of Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension. into the body of the people.

These powers that guide the dark dimension are all magicians, and the leader is the successor of Kama Taj, Casillas, the proud disciple of the supreme mage Gu, but he has rebelled against Kama Taj and devoted himself to Yin Doma. Tom's men.

At this time, Casillas is not like in the plot of Doctor Strange, because he has absorbed too much dark power and has become inhuman and ghostless, but he has already begun to have dark circles, and the same is true for others.

When absorbing the power of the dark dimension, it will corrode the body and the spirit will be infected. This is definitely a taboo for a mage, and they will always involuntarily approach the darkness when they absorb the power of the dark dimension. There is an urge to dedicate everything to Dormammu, including life.

There is obviously a problem with this abnormal thinking, but they turn a blind eye to it. It seems natural. If it feels wrong, I will find excuses to convince myself and continue to dedicate everything to Dormammu.

This group of sorcerers' deadly behavior lasted for a full two hours before they stopped. During this period, their strength had to be continuously strengthened. Everyone felt ecstatic and intoxicated. Their expressions were completely It's like sucking too much powder.

"Okay, that's all for today, pack up and we'll leave."

When the power of the dark dimension overflowing from the magic circle dissipated, Casillas, the leader, passed on the order. The mages were full of reluctance, but they were still obedient, cheered up, and prepared the altar Remove and leave, eliminate all clues, and prevent the people of Kama Taj from discovering abnormalities. Although they have obtained the power of the dark dimension and their strength has been strengthened, they are still far inferior to the behemoth of Kama Taj. Before, I could only hang on honestly.

"Whoa, are you guys partying here? How about me?"

A somewhat foolish voice suddenly sounded in the empty parking lot, and immediately frightened the mages headed by Casillas. At the same time, they were thinking in their hearts, could it be that Kama Taj's people had killed them, and they were already so careful? Yes, why was it still discovered?

"Who! Who's there?"

As the leader, Casillas was the first to discover something was wrong. He was very familiar with the people of Karma Taj, and there was absolutely no such a smooth-talking person.

But even if he is not a member of Kama Taj, Casillas dare not be careless. Since he betrayed the Ancient One mage, he has been running around for his life in recent years, carefully hiding himself, not being discovered by the Ancient One, and absorbing the power of the dark dimension Before, he took special precautions, and he set up traps all around. It stands to reason that once someone approaches, it will trigger an alarm report. Why didn't he find it?

Casillas stared at the direction of the sound, and saw a figure walking out of a dark corner. The man was dressed in black, and his body was covered in a layer of mist. It was impossible to see his true appearance. Walked over step by step.

Cold sweat broke out on Casillas' head, and the person who came came over without any defense, but Casillas felt the heavy pressure, and the other party exuded an aura, Always shrouded in the surrounding, so that he did not dare to act rashly.

Yang Jian stopped a dozen meters away from Casillas, "I said that all of you are really dedicated villains, and you all have dark circles under your eyes. It's hard to find such excellent employees. Would you like to get them from me?" Come down to work, I need talents like you."

After hearing Yang Jian's words, Casillas and his mages twitched their faces. They also knew that they had dark circles under their eyes, but this was not caused by staying up all night, but by absorbing the energy of the dark dimension.

Another point is that Casillas and the others don’t think they are villains. In their view, everything they do is for human beings, in order to meet the great master of the dark dimension, Dormammu. In their eyes, Dormammu is A great being who can bestow eternal life on say all human beings on earth.

Therefore, Casillas has always taught himself that what he did was correct, unlike the ancient one who secretly absorbed the power of the dark dimension to cultivate, but also ruined the reputation of the lord of the dark dimension Dormammu. The purpose must be to Taking the power of the dark dimension as his own, he wants to announce the truth to Bu, kill the hypocritical villain Gu Yi, and then welcome Dormammu, bring happiness to humans on earth, and live forever.

"How about it, do you want to fire Dormammu and replace a boss? I am much more generous than that bastard Dormammu."

Because of absorbing too much energy from the dark dimension, these mages were all brainwashed, and they were furious, "Shut up, we are the servants of Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension. You are not allowed to tarnish the reputation of your master, and dare to speak nonsense again , don’t blame us for being rude.”

"Ala, Ala, don't be angry! As the saying goes, as long as you swing your hoe well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down. As long as the interests are large enough, I believe you will make the right choice." Yang Jian didn't care about Casillas at all. Their attitude is waving a hoe to dig a corner.

"Joke, you are worthy of being compared with the master. The master of the dark dimension we serve can grant us eternal life, can you?"

"Why not?" Yang Xia took out a bead and shook it in front of everyone on the spot, "There are many ways to live forever, and I will tell you one first. , basically no one can destroy it. The immortality you want, as long as the beads are not broken, you can live forever. When you feel bored, you can come out for a walk, but it can’t be too long. It will consume a lot of soul , to go back as soon as possible."

Casillas blushed. In his opinion, the other party was simply humiliating himself, "Shut up, is your so-called eternal life hanging yourself in a bead? What is the difference between this and death? No , it would be better to die, hiding in that kind of dark place, enduring loneliness all the time, this is more painful than death, you actually used this kind of trick to deceive me!"

Yang Jian said with an innocent face: "How can this be called a lie? I'm telling the truth, all right, not to mention that this way of immortality is more conscientious than Dormammu's so-called immortality is Swallow you into your stomach and live forever in the dark dimension, but there is nothing but darkness and darkness, you have no freedom, you can only perish in endless loneliness and loneliness, look at my method, at least you have relative freedom , if you have a chance, you can take a vacation for yourself and come out to get some fresh air!"

Casillas didn't believe Yang Jian, thinking it was a mockery of Dormammu, and became even more angry, "Shut up, Dormammu's greatness is beyond your imagination, how dare you mock our master like this."

"Sarcasm? No! I'm telling the truth. Now that you have obtained the method of summoning the dark dimension, haven't you read the introduction in the book carefully? The taboos about the power of the dark dimension should be clearly written. Since you are willing to choose more The eternal life bestowed by Mam, why can’t I accept my method? Wait, you must have read the warning at the back of the book, right?”

Casillas was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it was really the case. When he sneaked into Karma Taj's library to steal books, he just tore off the page with the magic circle drawn on it. The method of obtaining the power of the dark dimension is enough, the method of the power of the dark dimension is fine, and the others don’t matter. I feel a little regretful now, maybe I should really take a closer look, so that I know what the mysterious man is talking about. Not true anymore.

Just when Casillas had doubts about Domamu, a faint black mist surged from his body, and a voice kept ringing in his mind, luring him into the abyss. The deposit seemed to be stained with ink, and his whole body become evil.

Casillas' original skepticism disappeared in an instant, but instead he developed an unparalleled admiration for Dormammu, and his eyes became unfriendly when he looked at Yang Jian.

"You bastard was almost deceived by you. Master Dormammu is the greatest existence in the multiverse. He not only gave us great power, but also gave us eternal life. We will not be provoked by you."

Yang Jian looked at the change of Casillas' temperament, and carefully sensed the faint black air on his body surface. He immediately understood how he had absorbed the power of the dark dimension, and his spirit was being gradually controlled. The absorbed dark dimension The more power, the more fanatical the worship of Dormammu, which is an alternative method of control.

"kill him."

Casillas gave an order, and the mages who had been upset with Yang Jian for a long time immediately shot at him. The two mages who rushed to the front put their hands together, and after they separated, they already had an extra handle in their hands, which was almost transparent. Li, if you don't look carefully, you really can't find it, so thickened and slashed at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian sneered, raised his hand, and softly shouted: "Shenfeng Wuying!"


After two sounds, the same invisible sharp blade flew out, piercing the air and hitting the two mages in front. The two screamed at once, and a 20 cm wound was cut on their chest, blood flowed, and then they fell down Can't get up on the ground.

The magic used by Yang Jian was created by deciphering the magical mysteries of the Harry Potter world, and then integrating the rules of this world. It does not need to use a magic wand. In fact, the role of the magic wand is to help The master is better able to control his own magic power, but Yang Jian has reached a subtle level of control over his own magic power, it doesn't matter whether he has a magic wand or not.

At this moment, two more mages arrived. They learned their lesson, instead of rushing over to play melee combat, they used their magic power to condense into two ropes from a distance, and swung them hard to wrap around Yang Jian.

Yang Jian sneered, stretched out his hands, grabbed the two ropes instantly, and then pulled back suddenly. Before the two people had time to let go, their bodies were involuntarily pulled into the air by Yang Jian and flew over.

Bang bang! !

Yang Jian clenched his fist and swung it out, hitting the chins of the two mages at the same time. The two unlucky ones flew several meters high, then hit the ground heavily, and passed out directly.

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