Casillas' face became extremely ugly, without the interference of the dark power, his mind was extraordinarily clear, recalling what he had done these years, he wanted to slap himself a few times.

Back then Casillas discovered that Ancient One absorbed the power of the dark dimension for his own use, but did not announce it. He thought that Ancient One was selfish and unwilling to share, and wanted to keep the dark power as his own, so he was furious. After stealing the taboo books of Kama Taj, absorbing the power of the dark dimension, and then becoming more and more paranoid, now I want to regret it.

At this time, Casillas admired Gu Yi's will, absorbed the dark power, and was not even affected in the slightest, still able to maintain his original heart.

"What should I do now? My body and even my soul are being corroded by dark forces. Although I am temporarily suppressed, it will explode sooner or later. Perhaps only death is my best choice, lest I regret it in the future." and things."

Now Casillas actually gives people the feeling of being a master, but Yang Jian understands that he only said such words because he was hit for a while and his mood was unstable.

"It's actually not that serious. There is still a way. Although I can't remove the dark energy in your body, I can seal it! As I said before, I will help you solve the hidden dangers of dark energy in exchange for the magic knowledge of Kamathai. "

Casillas' eyes lit up, and he looked up at the energy dragon in the sky. The dark power in his body was suppressed by the light emitted by the dragon, and almost lost its vitality. If others said that they could solve the problem of the power of the dark dimension, he would not believe it, even at that time. Master Gu Yi was also angry at being eroded by the power of the dark dimension, but when Yang Jian said so, he believed it. Isn't there evidence in front of him?

Casillas hesitated for a moment and asked: "You are also a magician, but I have never seen the magic you use before. It is like another kind of magic. Now your strength is far above me. Now practicing Karma Taj's magic, don't you worry that the distraction of energy will affect the growth of your own strength?"

"I didn't intend to give the magic of Kama Taj, but I just wanted to learn from it and learn from each other's strengths. Only by constantly learning and enhancing my vision can I go further."

Casillas thought for a while, and decided to agree to Yang Jian's conditions. Although he was sorry for the Ancient One for revealing Kama Taj's magic, he couldn't care less now.

"That's it! It's okay, Karma Taj's magic can't be learned overnight, and now I may be corroded by dark forces at any time, in case..."

Yang Jian understood what Casillas meant, but in the final analysis, he was still a little cautious, and wanted Yang Jian to help him solve his own problems first. .

Speaking of it, Casillas is not a bad person, otherwise the Ancient One Master would not accept him as a disciple, it can only be regarded as going astray, and Yang Jian doesn't mind helping him once.

"Okay, I will help you solve the dark power, but if you accept my help, it means that the conditions between us are established. You can't go back on your word, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Cough, cough, don't worry, I won't regret it, and I will definitely teach you all the magic knowledge of Kamathai that I know." Casillas really thought about the question of regretting, but then thought of Yang Despite the powerful strength of the family, he finally gave up the dangerous idea.

"That's good, let's see mine next." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he immediately acted, grabbed Casillas, and tore his clothes.

Casillas instinctively stretched out his hand to cover it, but then he realized that they were all big men, so he didn't have any embarrassment, so he stopped resisting.

Yang Jian raised his hands, the magic power condensed in his fingertips, and he kept stroking Casillas back and forth. Black runes appeared one by one, as if they were alive and wandering around Casillas. Everywhere in the body.

"Four elephant seals! Seal!"

Yang Jian's seal is the result of studying the sealing technique of the Naruto world, replacing chakra with magic power, which has changed in essence, but the function is the same.

Those runes were lined up regularly like soldiers, driving the dark energy to converge towards Casillas' abdomen, and finally formed a circular magic circle, confining the dark energy there.

"Okay, this is no problem, but you have to be careful, if you don't stimulate this dark dimension lightly, it may still explode. By the way, when you encounter a life-and-death crisis, you can use This power is used to fight against the enemy, but after the outbreak, your body will be weak for a period of time, just rest for a while, this can be regarded as one of your trump cards..."

As Yang Jian was talking, he suddenly felt a little strange. Looking at the seal on Casillas' abdomen, he felt more and more familiar. Isn't this situation similar to that of Naruto Renzhuriki?It just turned the tailed beast into the power of the dark dimension, so is it possible to create a different kind of human assistance in this world?

In the end, Yang Jian shook his head and gave up this unreliable idea. The power of the dark dimension has too many hidden dangers, and it is easy to cause accidents with this kind of power. As for other Yang Jian, he has not thought of something that can replace Wei Gong.

Casillas stood up, touched the seal on his stomach curiously, felt the power of darkness firmly trapped inside, the smile on his face became wider and wider, and he felt indescribably relaxed.

It's really done, it's amazing that this mysterious mage can really seal the power of the dark dimension.

"Thank you so much for helping me solve a big problem."

"You're welcome, we're just taking what we need. Now it's up to you to teach me the magic that calls me Kama Taj."

"Of course, it should be, but I have another request, I don't know..."

Yang Jian suddenly became unhappy, and his face became gloomy, "What do you mean? Do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge or raise prices on the ground, are you tired of work?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that. Even if you don't agree, I will teach you magic. It's just that the secret method of sealing the power of the dark dimension in your hands is too important to me, so please give it to me no matter what. Me, I'm willing to pay any price."

"It turned out to be like this. Did I still think it was something? Well, the sealing method can be paid as a price. You have to do three things for me."

As Yang Jian said, he took out a thick notebook from his pocket, but he didn't know how it was put in it, and how it was taken out?

Yang Jian opened the notebook, tore off two pages and handed it to Casillas.

"I promise!"

As if he had found a treasure, Casillas carefully looked at the contents of those few pages, and after confirming that it was genuine, he carefully put it away.

Chapter 215 Rescue Skye

An hour later, Casillas stared dumbfounded at Yang Jian skillfully using Kama Taj's unique magic. He was a little skeptical of his life after being shocked, his eyes were straightened, and he looked spoiled.

Who would have thought that Yang Jian learned all of Casillas' magic in just one hour, and was very proficient, not like a beginner at all.

The word genius is no longer enough to describe the speed at which Yang Jian learns magic. I thought that without the suspension ring, Yang Jian might not be able to get started, but Yang Jian can easily condense the magic power without the suspension ring. , After passing the primary stage, all kinds of magic can be seen at a glance, and even can innovate on the basis of the original, which has far surpassed Casillas himself, which makes Casillas feel embarrassed.

Yang Jian confirmed that after emptying out Casillas' magic, today's goal has been achieved, and there is no need to stay here any longer. With a swipe of his hand, a ball of ion sparks appeared out of thin air. A space door, used more slippery than Casillas himself.

"Thank you for your generosity, Iker Casillas, I have learned everything I need to learn, let's stop here today, I have left you the contact information, if you have any questions, you can contact me, and don't forget, you You also promised to do three things for me, I will find you when I need it, don’t die before that, and leave.”

Before Yang Jian finished speaking, before Casillas could say anything, he walked into the space door, then quickly shrank and disappeared.

It took a while for Casillas to recover from the blow. He looked back at the group of men who fell on the ground, touched a few pages of paper in his arms, and secretly decided in his heart to learn the sealing technique to help his men get rid of the darkness. The erosion of power, and then go to Karma Taj, some things need to talk to the former teacher.

Casillas turned his head to look in a certain direction, and murmured: "Teacher, will you still recognize me as an apprentice?"

When Yang Jian returned to her residence, she immediately called Ke Xin, settled some matters, and then began to retreat to study the magic of Karma Taj. Before the retreat, she specially explained that if there was no major event, she should not be disturbed.

Originally, Yang Jian thought that this retreat should take a long time, but he didn't expect it to be interrupted on the second day.

Yang Jian pushed the door out with dissatisfaction, and saw Kexin waiting outside anxiously, "What's the matter, Kexin, didn't I say don't disturb me when I'm in retreat? Could something serious happen?"

"Mr. Yang, we just received a distress signal from Miss Skye. The situation is very critical. I don't dare to make my own decisions, so I can only ask you to decide."

"Is there any news about Skye? With her current strength, plus Meow, she still can't solve the problem. It seems that the other party is very powerful. If that's the case, then I'll go and see."

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