Yang Jian took out the watch from the safe next to it, put it on, and released some small items to the woman. Yang Jian stored all the equipment before retreating, and needed to restart.

Yang Jian tapped the watch a few times, and a screen popped up after a while, showing a map with a red dot constantly flashing.

"Is the afterlife there?" Yang Jian didn't hesitate, and immediately opened the empty space door and walked in.


A mysterious and mysterious base located in the middle of the mountain, two parties are confronting each other, but it is not quite right to say that the two parties are confronting each other. To be precise, it is a cat confronting a large group of aliens, but this cat is a bit bigger. Crawling on all fours, the height was more than two meters, and the two eyes glowed dimly, making a group of strangers staring at them afraid to step forward.

However, that big cat also had scruples and didn't dare to do it easily, because behind her was a comatose half-race beauty, which was Skye.

Needless to say, this is naturally the afterlife where the Inhumans gather, no matter how miserable the situation of the base is now, it has been destroyed badly and almost turned into ruins.

Almost all the buildings of the original height in the afterlife collapsed, and the deep ravines on the ground were shocking. It seemed that they were shaken out by the benzene power.

"Meow, listen to me, I don't mean to hurt Daisy, she is my daughter, and everything I do is for her good."

Standing in front of the Yiren is a beautiful woman, she is Skye's mother, Jia Ying, the leader of the Inhumans in the afterlife, looking at the big cat in front of her, and the ruined and ugly base, don't mention how regretful she is up.

At the same time, Jia Ying also complained very much about Skye. If you have such a powerful force, you should have said it earlier, otherwise I would not make a wrong judgment and marry you to my subordinates to win people's hearts.

And this cat named Miaomiao, who would have thought that a seemingly harmless pet would eat pigs and tigers, and so many supernatural beings in the next life can't do anything about it.

However, the complaints belonged to the complaints, but they did not show it, and Jia Ying had a new idea. She looked at Skye and Miaomiao with fiery eyes. Such a powerful force must be in your hands. As long as you control them, they can be used as weapons. After defeating all the enemies, the long-standing plan can be implemented, revenge can be avenged, and the Inhumans can rule the world, and she herself will gain supreme power.

Jia Ying also knows that she did something stupid before, which made Kai heartbroken, but it doesn't matter, she can make up for it slowly.

The strength shown by Miaomiao has already horrified everyone. In the previous battle, the Inhumans suffered heavy losses. This was because Miaomiao had to be distracted from taking care of Skye who was in a coma. It would be bad for both sides to continue fighting, so Jia Ying decided to play the emotional card.

"For her good, you can even say this kind of thing, it's really disgusting. The so-called good for her is to force her to marry someone she doesn't like at all. If Skye disagrees, you plan to force her. Sent to that man's bed, you don't deserve to be a mother, you never loved Skye, just your entitlement, your ambition."

"No, it's not like that, trust me."

"Sorry, I won't be as stupid as Skye. I believed you for the second time, but I was plotted by you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in a coma at all. If I didn't worry about you from the beginning, I let her hide her strength time and time again. , don’t let my situation out, I’m afraid I’ve become your prisoner right now.” Miao Miao’s eyes revealed a sarcastic look.

For a cat that can talk, and has such a humanized performance, although all the aliens are shocked, it is not difficult to accept. The aliens have various abilities and appearances, and there are many kinds. No matter what the situation may happen, in the afterlife There is a dog named Tetanus, which has the ability to sense and teleport. In their opinion, Meow Meow may be in a similar situation.

"I can swear that I really didn't want to hurt Daisy, I just used the drug that stuns him, otherwise it would have been replaced with a deadly poison." Jia Ying eagerly retorted, hoping that Miaomiao would believe her words.

"That's because Skye is useful to you. Before, you wanted to use her to win over your subordinates. Now that you have discovered Skye's strength, you want her to be used by you. In a word, it doesn't matter if you are malicious or not." , everything about your mother-daughter relationship is up to Skye to decide, I'll wait until he wakes up, and no one is allowed to approach before that, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Looking at Miao Miao, Jia Ying felt extremely helpless, and thought to herself: This cat is so difficult to deal with, it is almost impossible to get in, what should I do?The mind control ability is useless to it, and the deputy has also used the space ability to sneak attack a few times, but this cat's beast instinct is too strong, and it can easily dodge every time, and it can also spray energy attacks from its mouth, physical strength It is also very powerful, with a single slap, it can fly away aliens with power-enhancing abilities. It has almost no weaknesses, and it seems that it has to play the emotional card.

"Okay, since you said to let Zai Daisy decide for herself, then I will inject her with the antidote first, and then we will..." Jia Ying walked over and took a tube of injection when she woke up.

"Stop! Don't come over!"

Miaomiao suddenly yelled, opened her mouth, and the energy gathered was shining brightly, as if she was ready to strike at any time.

"Don't do it, don't do it! I don't have any malice, it's really just an antidote!" Jia Ying stopped her pace immediately, and she felt the murderous intent on Miaomiao. If she continued to move forward, she would really kill her.

"Who knows if the antidote in your hand is real, although I also think you won't lie about such a trivial matter, but just in case, it's better to be cautious, wait a minute, with Skaide's physique, about a You can wake up in two hours, until then you stay honest."

Don't mention how uncomfortable Jia Ying is, this cat is a bit too cautious, and even doubts me about such a trivial matter?

In fact, Jia Ying didn't know that what Meow Meow said just now was just an excuse, the main purpose was to delay time. When the distress signal was sent out, Yang Jian never showed up. some time.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a mass of ion sparks appeared in the midair, and after a quick rotation, a space was opened, and a figure came out.

Seeing the appearance of the person, Miaomiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, it almost couldn't hold on any longer. After Skye was conspired to be unconscious, it tried his best to take Kai to escape here. Next, the energy is almost exhausted. Don't look at the tough look before, but in fact it is just pretending, and it has long been unable to hold on.

"Who are you?" Jia Ying didn't expect such an accident to happen again, feeling faintly bad.

Yang Jian looked around, ignored Jia Ying, and walked towards Skye. At this time, Miao Miao's two-meter-high figure shrank rapidly, turning into a small milk cat, and jumped onto Yang Jian's shoulder. Lie there tiredly.

Seeing Yang Jian despise her so much, Jia Ying blushed with anger. As the controller of the afterlife and the leader of the alien race, when did he receive such treatment?She was about to give the order to kill the person who came, but when she saw the person squinting at her, a chill spread all over her body, and a fear that seemed to come from the soul made her freeze there.

Yang Jian hugged Skye, checked carefully, and was relieved to make sure that her life was not in danger, but just unconscious due to poisoning.

"What's going on? Who caused Skye to be like this." Yang Jian asked meow angrily.

Miaomiao hurriedly replied: "Master, it's like this. The leading woman opposite is Miss Skye's mother, but she is not a good person. She has no mother-daughter affection for Skye. For my own ambition , without hesitating to force Miss Skye, we have to start from the beginning..."

With Miao Miao's story, Yang Jian gradually understood the cause and effect of the matter, because Yang Jian had Yang Jian, gained more resources and contacts, and found clues about her parents earlier than in the original plot. , Finally saw his father and mother successively.

His father, Karl Johnson, is fine. Although he has lost his memory, Skye has learned something through other means. She is very grateful for everything her father has done to protect herself. Watching her father become a pet doctor, he lived a peaceful life. , did not bother him.

But when Skye met her mother, it was a nightmare for him. The reunion of mother and daughter was a happy thing, but the problem is that since Jia Ying was captured by Dr. Hotwell, the leader of Hydra, She was dissected, and her blood organs were transplanted to him, and she died tragically. Later, Skye's father, Karl, found Jia Ying's body, assembled and sewed it up, sucked other people's essence to resurrect, and lost himself because of hatred.

Jia Ying is full of hatred, and has a paranoia of being persecuted. In order to achieve her own goals, she will do whatever it takes to achieve her own goals. Regardless of Skye's opposition, she is forced to marry her to others to win over her subordinates.

At the beginning, Skye still had a little fantasy, hoping that Jia Ying still had a little bit of mother-daughter affection, and could persuade her, but Skye was completely disappointed. She found that her mother was a careerist at all. bound by feelings.

Finally, Skye finally couldn't stand his mother's ugly face and fought with her.

It was only at this time that Jia Ying realized that her daughter was so powerful, and that the shocking ability she had looked down upon before could exert such powerful power.

After being strengthened by Yang Jian, Skye's physical fitness has reached the level of a super soldier. He doesn't have to worry about his vibration ability hurting himself, and he can use his abilities unscrupulously. He is a weakened version of Whitebeard. The alien, unexpectedly failed to stop him, the vibration wave was released with all his strength, and most of the base in the afterlife was destroyed, breaking out of the siege.

Seeing that Skye possesses such powerful power, Jia Ying naturally wants to take her as her only use and turn her into a tool to realize her ambition.

At the beginning, Jia Ying planned to let an alien with spiritual powers under her command control Skye, but Skye had special equipment sent by Yang Jian, which could shield the mental power, so she couldn't control it at all. In desperation, she had to find another way , Jia Yi admitted his mistake to Skye, said a lot of touching words, and when Skye put down his guard, he stabbed Skye's neck with a poisonous needle to make her unconscious.

At first, Jia Ying thought that the matter was so hungry that it was over. When she was happy, the pet cat Miao Miao, who had never been in her eyes, suddenly turned into a two-meter-high behemoth, and then sprayed energy cannons, killing a group of strangers. Fled around and saved Skye.

Jia Ying led a group of different people in hot pursuit, and Miao Miao hunched over the comatose Skye while fighting and retreating, and finally fled here and was surrounded, but Miao Miao's strength also frightened them. Dare to force too much, which made Miaomiao procrastinate until now and persist until Yang Jian's arrival.

Chapter 216 Yang Jian VS Inhumans

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