Miaomiao managed to understand what had happened, and then rested weakly on Yang Jian's shoulder. Breaking out of the heavy encirclement, he spat out energy cannons almost non-stop for ten minutes. The energy was exhausted. He deliberately pretended to be aggressive just to frighten the enemy, and finally persisted until Yang Jian came to the rescue.

Seeing Miaomiao like this, Jia Ying also made her own miscalculation at this time. Who would have thought that a cat would have such brains. If she had known that the other party was already a paper tiger, she should have taken it down directly.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it now. What Jia Ying is thinking about now is how to deal with this new mysterious person. If he can subdue the cat and let him call him his master, his strength may be even stronger.

Yang Jian stretched out her finger, a little spiritual light condensed on the fingertips, and lightly tapped on Skye's forehead. Skye's eyebrows moved slightly in a coma, and he slowly woke up.

Skye, who opened her eyes, was startled at first, thinking that she was plotted against her because she believed her mother's words, she felt unbearably sad, thinking that she had been captured, but when she saw Yang Jian in front of her eyes, she immediately relaxed.

"You're finally here." Being tricked by his mother, Skye was physically and mentally exhausted at this time. In Skye's eyes, Yang Jian was like a hero who stepped on colorful clouds to save him. Ripples.

Yang Jian helped Skye up, and comforted him softly: "Okay, don't think about anything, leave the rest to me."

"Hmm!" Skye hummed in a barely audible voice, his face flushed a little.

Yang Jian didn't notice Skye's expression, and turned to look at the group of strangers headed by Jia Ying, with murderous look in his eyes.

"Then everyone, it's time to settle the score between us. You dare to hurt my people. How can you not pay a price?"

"My people! Could it be..." Skye didn't know what to think of, and his face turned even redder.

Don't mention how embarrassing Jia Ying is at this time, she is her own daughter, why is she more like an outsider?

"Shut up, this is a matter between me and my daughter, there is no need for outsiders to intervene, Daisy, mother really knows that she was wrong, I apologize to you, forgive me, please? I promise that in the future..."

"No need, Mom, this is the last time I will call your mother." Skye interrupted Jia Ying without hesitation, her tone was extremely cold, because her heart was already broken.

"You know? For so many years, I have always envied those children who have parents, and imagined that one day they will be held in their arms by their parents and enjoy the feeling of being loved by their parents.

In order to find you, I have made countless efforts. Although I suffered a lot, I did not give up, because I think that as long as I can find you, as long as I can enjoy the love of my parents, all the pain is worth it.

But I was wrong. I would rather not have a mother like you. Dad’s situation is special, so I don’t blame him. But you, for your own ambition, treat me as a victim without any family affection at all. What are you doing?Let's break off the relationship, and I will not have you as a mother. "

Hearing that Skye wanted to sever ties with her, Jia Ying immediately became anxious, "No, you are my daughter, no one can deny this, I am your mother, you must listen to me, now we are different The human race is being oppressed by human beings. As one of them, you should devote yourself to the cause of dedicating to the alien race, shoulder your own responsibilities, and work hard for the rise of the alien race. Believe me, you will definitely be the alien race in the future. As a hero of the human race, you can obtain the status admired by all people and have the supreme right."

Skye sneered, she had seen her mother's face clearly, how could she be bewitched by her, "It doesn't matter if I am a stranger, I grew up in human society, and I have always regarded myself as an ordinary person, originally you It is the only connection between me and the Inhumans, but what you have done directly cut off this connection, so don’t say that I am an Inhuman and fight for the Inhumans, from today onwards I will only fight for myself, Don't bother me in the future, or don't blame me for being rude."

After experiencing what happened today, Skye really grew up. Although he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, he tried his best not to show it.

Yang Jian grabbed Skye's hand and patted him comfortingly, making Skye's face even redder.

"Don't be sad, everything will be fine." Yang Jian stretched out his hand, opened the space door and was about to leave.

Now Jia Ying is unwilling. In order to win Skye, Jia Ying mobilized all the power of the Inhumans to fight against him, which caused heavy losses to the Inhumans. Many people have been dissatisfied. It's unimaginable to attack the leader, and Jia Ying also intends to use Skye's power to carry out certain plans. If Skye is let go like this, then her plan will fail.

"We can't let them go, let's take action together and take them down."

The stranger behind Jia Ying hesitated for a moment, but still chose to obey the order, and shot to kill Yang Jian.

To be honest, a group of aliens were very dissatisfied with what the leader Jia Ying did. They lost so much manpower and material resources, but they didn't gain anything. A few ambitious aliens even overthrew him and became the new leader. The idea of ​​the leader of the Inhuman Race, but now that Jia Ying is still the leader, they still have to obey orders, even if they have an idea, they have to wait until the immediate crisis is resolved.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Each of them has magical abilities, some shoot lasers, some release sonic cannons, some transform into wild beasts, and some are born with supernatural powers, and they directly grab a huge boulder weighing several tons and smash it at it.

Yang Jian hugged Skye with one arm, and lightly pushed the other hand, a ball of yellow energy appeared in his palm, and quickly spread out to form a layer of energy shield.

Although the time was too short, after getting the magic of Karma Taj, Yang Jian has initially integrated the magic system of the Harry Potter world and the Marvel world, and created a few simple magic. The fusion of the bodyguard and the energy shield creates a magic. Compared with the round shield formed by Kama Taj using magic energy, this kind of spherical energy shield that covers the whole body is better.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Yang Jian protected herself, Sikai and Miaomiao inside, and those attacks hit the energy shield, causing waves of ripples, but they were still unable to break through.

Yang Jian looked at these strangers who were hard at work and sneered. Originally, Yang Jianzhu mainly used the magic transformation from the Harry Potter world. Although Yang Jian tried to fit the rules of this world as much as possible, there were inevitably differences. Unable to exert maximum power.

But after getting Kama Taj's magic, everything is different. Yang Jian combines the magic systems of the two worlds to create a brand new magic that is completely suitable for this world, and can exert 100% of the power of magic.

Now Yang Jian's strength has been enhanced qualitatively. Although he is still not as good as Gu Yi, he is already the same existence in terms of level, and Odin is also this kind of existence.

If you simply divide it, Yang Jian is equivalent to a single universe level or a heavenly father level, but Yang Jian has just stepped into this level, and he is definitely not as good as the old heavenly father level powerhouses such as Gu Yi and Ao J, but against a group of only It is a simple thing for a foreigner who can rely on talent to make a living.

Yang Jian has already comprehended the true meaning of magic, and can replenish energy from the outside world at any time. As long as Yang Jian does not take the initiative to revoke the energy shield, it will always exist, and this group of strangers will never be able to break it.

If the Yang family wants to leave, they can leave at any time, no one can stop them, but Yang Jian is not the kind of person who only takes beatings and never fights back. Since he dares to attack him, he must be prepared to be killed.

Yang Jian took a look at the situation around him, thinking about what kind of moves he should use, not only to quickly crush and defeat them, but also to frighten them, so that these strangers would be afraid when they thought of him in the future, and would not dare to make trouble again.

Soon Yang Jian had an idea, condensed into a ball of golden energy in his hand, and gently flung it out. The energy fell on a pile of gravel, but it didn't explode, as if it melted into it, and then spread rapidly, dispelling all The rubble was dyed gold.

The gravel seemed to lose weight, slowly floated up, condensed together, and soon turned into a rock giant more than 30 meters high.

This is a new magic that Yang Jian researched during retreat. In the Harry Potter plot, there is a magic that activates dead objects. Just encountered the attack of activated chess pieces. When Dumbledore and Voldemort fought in the later period, both of them used this kind of magic in their battles.

It needs to be modified on the basis of the original, directly activate some small-sized items, and then assemble them together, and there is the stone giant in front of you.

The alien who was besieging Yang Jian was frightened by this huge monster, forgot to attack for a while, and stood there in a daze.

Yang Jian didn't care if they were stunned or not, he controlled the stone giant to clenched his fists and hit the place where the crowd was densest.

boom! ! !




Yang Jian's blow killed more than a dozen strangers on the spot, and then the waves tumbling and scattered, mixed with countless gravel, beat the nearby people to the point of bleeding and screaming again and again.

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