This was just the beginning, the stone giant's attack continued, and the other fist also smashed down, hitting the enemy continuously. No one could stop the rampage, and dozens of strangers were killed or injured in a blink of an eye.


A strange man with a height of more than two meters and extremely muscular body roared, crossed his arms in front of his chest, rushed towards the stone giant like a bull, and slammed into one of the stone giant's legs.

Boom! ! !

One of the stone giant's legs was smashed to pieces. Seeing this scene, the surrounding strangers immediately cheered.

"Are you so happy? Have you misunderstood something? It's just made of stone. I activated it with magic power. As long as I'm there, it will never die."

After the stone giant lost a leg, his body was not even the slightest bit unbalanced, because Yang Jian cast a floating spell, which stabilized the stone giant's body, and then large pieces of rubble gathered on the stone giant's legs, and soon Recover as before, and then continue to charge.

Seeing that attacking the stone giant was useless, Jia Ying pointed at Yang Jian and shouted angrily: "Forget about that stone man, leave a group of people behind to slow him down, and the others concentrate on killing this bastard.

"It's useless. My protective shield is an imitation of the package defense created by my countless optimizations. It can't be broken by your current strength."

boom! ! !

As soon as Yang Jian finished speaking, the energy shield suffered a violent attack. It shook violently and was almost broken. Yang Jian was startled. Who did this?Almost got slapped in the face.

Yang Jian looked back and saw that a big dog had bumped into the energy shield. Yang Jian immediately understood what was going on. This big dog must have had tetanus. He has the ability to transfer space, and Yang Jian's protective shield also Incorporating space energy, the collision of the two energies caused Yang Jian's shield to become unstable, but fortunately, Yang Jian's shield had a higher energy level and was not broken.

"It's really a cute dog. It's a pity that we already have Miaomiao here. We don't need to keep a second pet, so get out of here!"

Yang Jian raised his hand, and the ground under the big dog's feet swelled, condensing into a big hand. The yellow energy imprisoned the tetanus' ability to transfer space, and he pressed it hard on the ground. The big dog rolled his eyes and passed out.

what!At this time, Jia Ying's screams were not far away, but the stone giant charged all the way, had reached Jia Ying's side, stretched out a hand and grabbed her, as long as a little more force, she could be crushed .

"Wait a minute!" Skye finally couldn't bear it anymore and opened his mouth. After all, it was his mother, so it was inevitable that he would soften his heart at the critical moment.

"Why, she treats you like this, do you still want to intercede?" If it was someone else, Yang Jian would not pay attention at all, but Skye still needs to listen to her opinion as one of his own.

"Let her go, even if it's to repay her for giving birth, but this is the last time."

Yang Jian thought for a while, nodded, and controlled the stone giant to put Jia Ying back on the ground, "Well, I'll listen to you this time, the matter is settled, let's go back."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he opened the space door again, took Skye's hand and got in, and the space door disappeared.

After Yang Jian left, the stone giant collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble again. The strange man who survived by chance looked at the pile of rubble with fear on his face.

Jia Ying wanted to cry without tears, and regretted to death. She didn't expect such a result in the end. If she didn't fight, she fell out with her daughter, and her prestige was also greatly affected. Some of them looked at her with obvious eyes There was a hint of malice.

Jia Ying forcibly suppressed the regret in her heart and pulled herself together. Now is the critical time, not the time to lose. Of course, she is clear about those malicious eyes. These people have long been dissatisfied with her, and even want to overthrow her and seize the leader Now they are given a chance, and Jia Ying knows very well that the next period of time must be spent in intrigue with these people.

Chapter 217 Tony Stark

Yang Jian and Skye passed through the space door and returned to their old lair in New York in a blink of an eye. Skye looked surprised. Although he knew before that Yang Jian could travel through space and rescue him at any time, he needed some help. The equipment is fine, when can it move in space with its own ability.

"Mr. Yang, Miss Skye, welcome home, do you need to eat?" Kexin appeared in a timely manner and asked softly.

"Ke Xin, you're just right. Skye is exhausted. Go and get her clothes ready, let her take a bath and sleep. There's no need for food. We're not hungry."

"Okay, Miss Skye, please come with me. After you have been away for so long, the house has been slightly remodeled and the layout has changed. You may not be familiar with it. I will lead the way."

But what was surprising was that Skye did not leave with Kexin, but instead held Yang Jian's hand tightly and refused to let go, and he did not twitch after several times.

"What's the matter? Skye, is there anything else?"

Skye's face turned red, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Kiss me!"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that what happened today was indeed a big blow to Skye. She was deceived by her mother and almost planted herself in it. At the critical moment, Yang Jian arrived in time and let Skye Kay develops a different feeling for himself.

But it's right to think about it, what is more romantic in this world than a hero saving the beauty, and unknowingly captured Skye?

A playful smile appeared on Yang Jian's face, and he held up Skye's chin with two fingers and asked, "Are you sure? I'm not a dedicated man. Once you take this step, you want to regret it forever." It's too late, I absolutely won't allow betrayal."

"Kiss me!" Skye blushed with shame under Yang Jian's direct gaze, and almost couldn't help but want to avoid it, but he held back, looked straight at Yang Jian with a stubborn face, and repeated.

Yang Jian is not Liu Xiahui, she is a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman, if she does not accept it when she delivers it to her door, it will be unreasonable.

Yang Jian didn't hesitate any longer, and directly embraced the princess, lifted Skye up, and walked into the bathroom. Soon there was the sound of splashing water, and the mandarin duck bath began. Hearing the man's panting and the woman's moaning.

Kexin looked at the bathroom door, showing a trace of disappointment on his face, but then disappeared, and secretly said: What do I have to lose, as a tool, what right do I have to take care of these things?Being able to have today's status is all bestowed by others, and I am very lucky.


Early the next morning, Yang Jian woke up from the entanglement of her jade arms and pink legs, sat up slowly, and looked at the bed, not only Skye, but even Ke Xin was also on the bed.

Last night, Skye seemed to want to let off steam and completely indulged. There were traces of two people in every place in the room. They dared to play any tricks, agreed to any request, and looked like they were going to suck Yang Jian dry.

It's a pity that Skye was defeated in the end, because he had just experienced a big battle during the day, and he was hit by his mother in his heart. Yang Jian couldn't get up and down, and felt extremely uncomfortable. Finally, she called Ke Xin over, and directly came to have a big quilt to sleep with.

Kexin was awakened by Yang Jian's movement, and immediately got out of bed to help Yang Jian get dressed. Although she only slept for four or five hours, Kexin's physical strength had fully recovered. On the contrary, Skye was still a little weak. Look and lie back again.

Both Kexin and Skye's bodies have been strengthened, both at the level of super soldiers, but there is still a gap between the two in comparison. In terms of physical fitness and recovery ability, Kexin is better.

Taking Captain America as an example, after being injected with super serum, his body can reach twelve times the physical fitness of ordinary people, which is already the limit of human beings. It is a special case, but it is unique. The only one who can compare with him is the Red Skull , is only a semi-finished product. .

And Kexin's physical fitness is about ten times that of ordinary people, as for Skye, it is even worse, equivalent to seven times that of ordinary people.

They are all Yang Jian's women, and they are not treated differently. There are two main reasons for such a big gap.

On the one hand, because the enhancement potion made by the monster cells used to strengthen Skye was somewhat flawed, the enhancement effect was a little bit worse.

On the other hand, it is because Skye needs to consider her vibration ability when replacing her, and the effect of the medicine is scattered, but Kexin is not so troublesome, she only needs to simply strengthen her body, so the effect is more obvious, physical fitness, Recovery ability, endurance, all aspects have reached the limit.

So after a night of fierce fighting, Kexin recovered in only four hours, but Skye was still exhausted.

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