It wasn't until ten o'clock that Skye got up from the bed, ate a big meal beautifully, and spent another half an hour making up and changing clothes, so he came to see Yang Jian after he dressed up beautifully.

"Why don't you take a break, what's the matter with coming to me so soon?"

At this time, Skye's release has changed a little, his hair is pulled back, he thinks very neatly, and his face is painted with light makeup, which adds a bit of youthful vitality.

"I've already rested. I came to you to find something to do. I spent too much time and energy looking for clues about my parents before, but I didn't expect this to be the end result. Now I plan to start again. Find a job and experience a new life.”

"That's it, that's simple. I'll ask Jin Bing to arrange it. You can work in Fantasy Technology. By the way, your computer technology is very good, so you can go to the network research and development department."

"No problem! But I have the final say in the research and development process." Skye was very confident in his computer ability, and agreed immediately.

Yang Jian didn't object, and made a decision on the spot. Skye was originally the top hacker in the Marvel world. Later, after being strengthened by Yang, his brain was developed again, and his hacking skills were sublimated. Now he is turning to develop network technology. Yang Jian believes that She can be fine.

The fact is true, after Skye entered fantasy technology, he suddenly became a high-level executive, which made many people dissatisfied, but soon Skye conquered everyone with his own technology, making those discordant voices disappear, and The position was continuously promoted, and he became the minister in charge of the Fantasy Technology Development Department.

Skye seems to have found a new goal. He works hard during the day, and at night he comes back to be intimate with the Yao family, like glue, so that Yang Jian can enjoy his beauty and life.

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and Jin Bing came to see Yang Jianyang with an invitation letter, "Mr. Yang, there is a charity party tonight, do you want to go?"

In fact, Jin Bing was just asking. There were many similar parties before, but Yang Jian had never been there, because the so-called charity party was just a show for a group of rich people. He called a lot of reporters to show how kind he was. , How kind, donating money and goods, of course, there may be some sexy encounters at the banquet, because there will be many female stars present at that time, rich people can take the opportunity to hunt for beauty and experience the taste of those female stars.

Yang Jian was about to refuse, but from the corner of her eye at this time, she noticed that Skye was staring at the invitation letter with great interest.

Yang Jian immediately asked, "What's the matter? Skye, do you want to go to this kind of banquet?"

Skye nodded, "I really want to see it, I've never seen what a party of high-class people looks like."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go together. But don't have too much hope. This kind of banquet is not mainly about eating and drinking. There will also be a lot of intrigue scenes, and it is also a place for some playboys to hunt for sex. In addition It's just for show, and I don't think you'll like it."

Jin did not expect that Yang Jian would actually agree to participate in the banquet. He had sent many invitations before, but they were all rejected. This time was the only exception. Secretly said: It seems that Ms. Skye really holds a very important position in Mr. Yang's heart. It seems that in the future, he will have to curry favor with her and establish a good relationship with her, so as not to offend her.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Skye was dressed in a red dress, holding Yang Jian's arm in a suit with both hands, handed the invitation letter to the guard at the door, and strode into the venue.

Soon Skye saw many familiar figures in the venue, all of them were famous stars, and many of them were Skye's idols. Skye acted like a little girl, and couldn't help but want to He went forward to ask them to sign, but fortunately, Yang Jian stopped him.

"You are also a celebrity now, don't make such a naive move, as the head of the development department of fantasy technology, they can only curry favor with you, if you want to sign, just wait a while, and when we communicate, just find a reason For example, if your niece or sister is their fan, ask them to sign, and they will agree, on the contrary, if you go up like a little fan girl and ask them to sign, it will only make people look down on you.”

"Okay, I got it!" Skye also knew that he had been rash just now.

"Walk around by yourself. I'll go over there to eat something. If you have anything, come and find me."

"Understood!" Skye let go of Yang Jian, bouncing over like a female star, and didn't know if he remembered Yang Jian's words just now.

Yang Jian shook his head and walked towards the place where the food was stored. On the way, he saw Jin Bing's figure in the distance. It seemed that he was communicating with some people from the military. Yang Jian didn't care. He took some steak, fish and sauce, goose Liver and other food, took some drinks, and walked to an inconspicuous corner to eat slowly.

Originally, Yang Jian's idea was very simple, eat something to pass the time by himself, and leave together when Skye is satisfied and tired of playing. As for other things, he will naturally have money to help.

It's a pity that many things did not come as expected. For example, Skye is in trouble now and was passed on by a mustache.

"Miss Skye, may I buy you a drink?"

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, I don't drink, and please call me Miss Johnson."

"Don't be so alien, you can also call me Tony, how about it, Skye, go over there for a walk, I can introduce some friends to you."

"Mr. Stark, we don't know each other that well. Please call me Miss Johnson." Skye looked helpless. How could he be so unlucky to be entangled by this playboy?Although he is also handsome and rich, this kind of playboy is not his style.

Needless to say, the one who pestered Skye was of course Tony Stark, a well-known playboy in New York. Now she has not become the Iron Man admired by everyone.

The more Skye refused, the more Tony became fascinated by her. He was tired of those female stars, female models, and female reporters who would crawl onto his bed with hooked fingers. , The woman who rejected him again and again gave him a feeling of wanting to conquer.Instead, it made him more angry and lustful.

The purpose of this kind of party is to bring high-class people together, communicate with each other, and perhaps unknowingly lead to a business deal, but Stark Industries is a big crocodile in the weapon manufacturing industry, of course Tony does not need to curry favor with others, only He was begged for his share, as long as he came here for those female stars.

As a veteran in love, Stark has seen countless women, and ordinary women can no longer enter his eyes, but when he saw Skye, he was attracted.

No way, who made Skye so beautiful?You must know that after injecting Yang Jian with the strengthening agent made by the monster cells, a person will evolve, and the body will develop in a more perfect direction. Skye was originally a mixed-white beauty. After the second development, let her stand Among a group of women, he stands out from the crowd, even if he is surrounded by a group of female stars with outstanding looks, it is still difficult to conceal Skye's brilliance, so Stark naturally targets him.

It's just that Stark didn't expect that his unfavorable methods of picking up girls in the past would hit a wall at Skye. He used all kinds of methods, but he still looked cold and seemed to reject contact with him. Judging from the countless experiences of reading girls, this is not an affectation, but a real rejection.

"Well, it seems that Ms. Skye has misunderstood me a little. Since this is the case, then forget it, but you have rejected me so many times, it is a bit too much, uh, can I ask you one last question?"

In order to get rid of the playboy in front of him, Skye said: "That depends on what you are asking. If it is not something that needs to be kept secret, I can answer you."

"That's great. May I ask what Skye does? Where does he work? Shouldn't this all need to be kept secret? If you don't answer this, it will be too embarrassing for me."

Stark decided to change the way, first to inquire about Skye's industry, find her address, and then look for opportunities to approach her, and one day he will get her.

Thinking of the relationship between Stark Industries and the House of Illusion Technology, Skye suddenly showed a smirk on his face, and then said with a serious face: "I work in Imagination Technology, and I am the head of the R&D department."

Chapter 218 Beat Stark Violently

Stank, who was full of smiles, froze now. He didn't expect that the other party was actually the rival of Stark Industries, a person from Fantasy Technology, and he was also the head of the development department. Could it be that the products of Fantasy Technology were developed by this beautiful woman in front of him? from.

Seeing Stark's stupid look, Skykai felt happy. Ever since Fantasy Technology entered the weapon manufacturing industry, it was tantamount to grabbing jobs with Stark Industries. There were many conflicts between the two, and they fought countless times.

As the largest arms manufacturing industry in the United States, Stark Industries is certainly not within the reach of a new company like Fantasy Technology. It is far behind in terms of connections and strength.

But even under such circumstances, Fantasy Technology still develops rapidly, and even becomes a super company comparable to it. The key point is that they are always ahead of them in terms of technology.

It is undeniable that Tony Star is one of the smartest scientists in the Marvel world, but Yang Jian also has talents not inferior to him, that is, Vanke and his son, coupled with the advanced technology brought by Yang Jian from other worlds, let Vanke and his son Numerous inspirations have burst out and various advanced products have been developed.

For this reason, Stark Industries suffered a short loss. After all, its biggest customer is the military, and now that there are better weapon products, the military's orders will naturally fall to Fantasy Technology.

Stark is a proud man, he has confidence in his abilities, and he will only try to develop more advanced weapons to save face.

But his good uncle Stan is different. To achieve his goal, he will use all kinds of means to suppress fantasy technology, even secretly contacting the military, promising various benefits to achieve the goal of destroying fantasy technology.

Originally, Yang Jian could have launched more advanced products from other worlds, and in turn suppressed Stark Industries, but Yang Jian finally chose another method, selling the materials that the whole world is crazy about. Claiming to have found a meteorite by accident, it was actually dug from Wakanda, and it was not only sold to the US government, but to countries all over the world. There are quite a few of them. The target of the government's fight is to obtain as much rare material as possible from Yang Jian, such as Zhenjin, to offer fantasy technology as an ancestor, and to give green light to all aspects, so the development of fantasy technology is so smooth.

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