Stark should be the worst victim of fantasy technology. In order to make up for his technical disadvantages, he often spends time in the laboratory developing new weapons. But how did he know that the black technology produced by Fantasy Technology is only a small part, and there are more and more advanced ones in his hands.

Yang Jian didn't deliberately hide these advanced technologies. After all, this is the earth. Even if it is not the original earth, Yang Jian also hopes that Er can develop better.

The reason why these technologies are not announced is because Yang Jian knows the truth that haste makes waste, and if the steps are too large, it is easy to be messed up.

Nowadays, the earth has been in a stage of rapid development. Once some technologies explode, they may cause unimaginable losses to the earth. For example, artificial sun manufacturing technology, if a bad one explodes during the manufacturing process, I am afraid that the entire earth will be bombed. destroy.

After learning that the beautiful woman in front of him is a high-level executive of Fantasy Technology, Stark began to retreat a little bit, but then regained his confidence and had a new idea. The combat fantasy technology.

Thinking of this, Stark showed a bright smile again, "I really didn't expect Miss Skye to be a staff member of Fantasy Technology, or the head of the development department. Are all the high-tech weapons in your company developed by Miss Skye?"

"That's not true. I'm only good at computer technology, and I'm in charge of the overall situation. Weapon research and development is actually done by... Uh! Damn it! I almost made you say something. If I leak company secrets, I will be fined." Skye was young after all, and almost said something he shouldn't have said.

Fantasy Technology has launched many advanced weapon products in the past year, but the R&D personnel are always a mystery. Yang Jian hides the information of Mr. Vanke very closely, so far no one has been able to discover their true identities.

Stark failed to get the news he wanted, although it was a pity, he was not disappointed, and took the initiative to change the subject, "Sorry, I didn't mean it just now, let's not talk about the company, let's talk about other topics, Skye Is the lady here alone? I'm afraid it's not good to be alone, why don't I come with you. "

Originally, Skye didn't have a good face towards Stark, but he was almost plotted just now, and of course he was even more dissatisfied, and said angrily, "I'm not alone, but my boyfriend brought me here."

"That's it, then your boyfriend is really incompetent. A beautiful woman like Miss Skye actually trusts you to walk around alone. Aren't you afraid that you will be poached? By the way, who is your boyfriend? Do you work in Fantasy Technology like you?"

"That's right! Although he is young, he is indeed talented and holds a high position!" Skye added in his mind: the entire fantasy technology is owned by him, and he controls everything in the company. Isn't this position high enough?It's not wrong to say that he works at Fantasy Technology.

"Really? That's really young and promising, but I guess your boyfriend is not as handsome as me."

"No, I don't think so, I think my boyfriend is much more handsome than you, stronger than you, gentler than you, richer than you, better than you..."

The more Stark heard it, the darker his face became. The woman in front of him was obviously using her boyfriend to belittle herself. At the beginning, she tried to maintain a smile, trying to maintain a gentleman's demeanor, but finally couldn't bear it later, "Enough , I'm not sure what you said about other aspects, but you said that he is richer than me, I don't admit this, I reserve my opinion on other things, since you said your boyfriend is so good, why don't we go meet together. "

"This..." Skye hesitated immediately. He knew that Yang Jian hated trouble the most, and he didn't like this kind of place. This time, he was willing to bear the disgust in his heart and accompany him to the limit. If he caused trouble again, Will you be angry.

"Why don't you dare? Could it be that what you just said is a lie, your boyfriend is not handsome at all, he is just a weak chicken, I..." Stark also became curious about the boyfriend Skye said , I wanted to meet him, so I used the aggressive method.

"Whoever said that, see you, come with me."

Soon Tony Stark came to Yang Jian's side, and saw Yang Jian sitting there eating food beautifully, holding a glass of juice in his hand, and taking a sip from time to time. Alcohol is also provided here, but Yang Jian is not interested .

"Oh, beautiful Skye, is this your boyfriend? He's just a little boy, and he actually drinks fruit juice on this occasion. Is he still a minor? How should I describe it, childish..."

Tony Stark kept belittling Yang Jian, giving full play to his venomous tongue attribute, and spraying venom. Before, he talked sweetly to Skye because Skye was a beautiful woman, but Yang Jian did not have this kind of treatment.

Originally, Yang Jian planned to say hello after seeing that it was Stark who came. After all, Iron Man is a popular character in the Marvel world, and Yang Jian also likes it very much, even if there is some conflict between Tucker Industries and Fantasy Technology, but This does not affect Yang Jian's admiration for Stark, but he did not expect that the other party would embarrass him as soon as he came up.


When Stark was talking about Yang Jian's shortcomings with great interest, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and a plate of fruit salad was on his face, and Stark's voice stopped abruptly.

Yang Jian was annoyed by Stark, but he also knew that the poisonous tongue was definitely not Tony Stark's opponent. Well, since you can't say it with your mouth, then do it directly.

Stark was shocked for a moment, he didn't expect that someone would dare to do something to him, who is he?Tony Stark?The millionaire, the president of Stark Industries, the most popular man in America, has never suffered such a big loss.



As soon as Stark uttered a word, he was covered with a plate of steak at this point, and the sauce splashed everywhere.

"Sorry, my hand slipped!"


"Sorry, my hands are slippery again!" This time it was a plate of caviar, and there was another intimate contact with Stark's big face.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

This is probably the most embarrassing thing that Stark has encountered since he was a child. His face is distorted, with all kinds of sauces on his face, not to mention how ugly it is.

"Death to me!"

Stark was really going crazy, he even forgot to call his bodyguard Happy to help him yelling and rushed towards Yang Jian.


The current Tony Stark is just an ordinary person, a playboy, who has not become Iron Man, and even if he becomes Iron Man and puts on the Iron Man suit, he is not Yang Jian's opponent. He can still be beaten by Yang Jian. Jane slapped directly on the back of the head, and with a bang, Tony Stark was hit on the ground, right in front of Zhang Qian.

"Asshole, I want... ah!!!"


Before Tony Stark finished speaking, Yang Jian slapped him again, and raised one foot to step on his back, and then slapped him again and again.

clap clap clap! ! !


In order to be quiet, Yang Jian specially chose a corner to eat, but the movement was so loud, how could he not attract attention, as Stark's bodyguard, Happy immediately rushed over and punched Yang Jian, intending to save his boss?


Then Hapi, the competent bodyguard, was directly grabbed by Yang Jian's fist, and with a light force, he was thrown out, and fell to the ground and passed out.

But Happy's sacrifice was not in vain, Stark took the opportunity to break free from Yang Jian's feet, stood up and planned to fight Yang Jian desperately, but how could he be Yang Jian's opponent?Only being abused.

"Don't fight, don't fight, if you fight again, you will die."

Skye persuaded to start a fight, just why you handed the cream cake while you were fighting.


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