Stark had cake on his face again, and this was just the beginning. Skye kept handing over trays of food and became a weapon in Yang Jian's hands, bringing a double blow to Stark's body and mind. , Not only was he beaten up, but the woman he had fancied before was actually an accomplice.

Many people were attracted by the movement here, and naturally they also saw Skye's actions, and suddenly black lines appeared in their heads, and they cursed inwardly, what a sinister woman!

It stands to reason that they should come here at this time to stop this farce, but some people have special thoughts, some people deliberately procrastinate, or even prevent others from coming, deliberately making Stark look ugly, because many people can't see it. It was him, who made Stark too unworthy of a beating. In the past, no one dared to do anything because of his identity, but now a hero finally appeared, and he did what many people wanted to do but were afraid to do.

As the organizer of the charity gala, his face was all black, because too many celebrities gathered here, and for the sake of showing off, he recruited a large number of media reporters. The original purpose was to hide the "good deeds" of these celebrities, but now But it became a shame.

Compared to that group of media reporters, they are going crazy with joy. Compared to a charity gala, this kind of event can’t compare to the big news that Tony Stark was beaten up by a millionaire on Monday. After today, Tony Stark will be famous again , but different from the previous ones, it wasn't that he slept with a certain cover girl, but that he was beaten so badly that he couldn't find Bei.

There is also the unknown couple. The media reporters tried their best to find out their identities. Think about it, Tony Stark, the head of Stark Industry, and a strange man were jealous of a woman, and then fought...

Of course, the media reporters originally thought that Stark was completely defeated in this jealous battle. Not only was he beaten with one hand, even the beautiful woman was obviously on the opposite side of Stark. Can a strange man send a "weapon" and become an accomplice?

Finally, the security guards in charge of the charity party came late and separated Yang Jian from Tony Stark. Yang Jian didn't go too far, and she stopped after being persuaded.

On the contrary, Tony Stark was obviously the one being beaten, but he still didn't know how to restrain himself, he was unwilling to let go, and wanted to rush over to fight Yang Jian desperately, but was caught by two staff members, one on the left and one on the right.

"Asshole, let someone arrest him quickly, I will sue him, and I will let him spend his next life in prison." Stark was furious, and even dared to speak dangerously at this time.

"Mr. Stark, when will you be able to decide the fate of my fantasy technology staff." Jin did not know when he came over, yelled at Stark, then walked to Yang Jian, and asked respectfully: " Yang, are you okay?"

Seeing Jin Bing like this, people who have been following secretly were shocked. Some well-informed people naturally knew Jin Bing's true identity. He used to be the king of New York's underground, and now he has both black and white. The young man was so respectful that he couldn't help but guess Yang Jian's identity.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, but it seems that he won't be able to deliver this party. It's really bad luck. I didn't expect to have a bad meal. You are responsible for solving the affairs here. I'll go back first."

"Relax on me, you go first, and give me the rest for me."

Yang Jian took Skye's hand and walked out of the venue. The organizer of the charity party originally wanted to stop it. After all, Yang Jian, as the party involved, needed him to explain some things, but Jin Bin snorted coldly and rushed the crutch in his hand. Take a deep meal, let everyone be honest.

Shocking everyone, Jin Bin nodded in satisfaction, walked up to Tony Stark, and said, "Now let's settle your personal dispute with Mr. Yang Jian."

Chapter 219 Event Fermentation

"Mr. Stark, how do you explain what happened at the charity gala last night?"

"Mr. Stark, is it true that you fought with a strange man over a woman's jealousy?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Stark, you..."


Just as Tony got out of the car, he was surrounded by a group of media reporters asking various questions about what happened at the banquet last night, which made Stark a little frustrated.

"That's enough. I won't accept any interviews. Please leave here immediately, or I will let the guards chase you away."

Tony Stark managed to break out of the siege under the protection of a group of policemen, and then returned home. Thinking of what happened last night, he couldn't help but feel angry.

He said to his bodyguard Happy Hogan: "Happy, have you found the information about that kid?"

"Tony, I have already found it. However, it is a bit strange. There is very little information. I only found out that his name is Yang Jian. I know that he is the major shareholder of Fantasy Technology. I have nothing else. What does he like? Hate nothing. any leads."

"How did this happen? Have you checked carefully? Can't you start from other aspects? For example, where do the people he contacts usually go? Do you still need me to teach you these?"

"Of course you don't need to teach this, but the problem is that he lives in a real estate originally owned by Jin Bing, which is very well protected, and he rarely goes out, so there is no way to find out."

Tony seemed a little unconvinced. He took the information in Happy's hand and checked it. The more he looked, the more he was surprised. As expected, as Happy said, the information was too little.

"I have a feeling that there must be a big secret hidden in this person, maybe I can..."

"No, Tony, don't mess around. It's illegal to hack into other people's systems. If you are found out, you will be in big trouble." Of course, Happy knew what Tony wanted to do and immediately dissuaded him.

"Yes, there will be big trouble if you are found out, but as long as you don't get found out, isn't it all right?" Tony Stark is a willful person, and he is so easy to listen to.

"Jarvis, you know what to do! Hack into the fantasy technology system for me, and find out the details of that kid Yang."

"Sir, I think..."

"Don't persuade me, just do it."

"Okay, sir."

Just when Jarvis started to intrude, Yang Jian received an alarm, "Master, the system has been invaded, and the location of the hacker has been found, Stark Building!"

When Yang Jian heard Dabai's voice, he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "It should be Stark who is checking my background, by the way, he seems to have an artificial man named Jarvis in his hand." intelligent."

"Yes, according to my observations, the artificial intelligence called Jarvis is already very complete. If it is activated with the energy of the fire source, Gua Sha can become a living body with self-feelings, instead of the kind that only destroys monster."

Yang Jian understands what Dabai means. Jarvis itself is an artificial intelligence created by Howard. It borrows the emotional data of his butler. After decades of continuous improvement, it has evolved to a level close to life. What I lack is an opportunity .

"Master, do you need to keep evidence of the other party's invasion?"

At this time, if Yang Jian is willing, keep the evidence against Stark's intrusion into the fantasy technology system, and then sue him, and promise to be sure of everything.

But Yang Jian didn't want to have a complete falling out with Stark. After all, the other party was the future Iron Man, the son of luck in the Marvel world. Although there had been a fight before, it was just a personal grievance, not to the point where you could die In the future, the two sides may still fight side by side. After all, there is Thanos, a powerful opponent, so it is better to save some sympathy.

"Dabai, get Jarvis out, and greet Mr. Shit by the way. If the beating last night wasn't enough, I don't mind doing it again."

A minute later, Tony Stark stared at a line of words on the screen with an ugly face - Mr. Big Shit!Do you still want to be beaten?

Happy also saw it naturally, and covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing out loud.

The shock in Tony's heart is beyond words. He always thought that the artificial intelligence Jarvis in his hand was already the most advanced in the world, but in fact he was severely slapped in the face. Instead of invading other people's systems, he was hacked in reverse. , indicating that the other party has a sufficiently advanced program.

"Jarvis, it seems that I have to give you a new upgrade. Are you okay now?"

"I'm fine, sir. I'm better than ever." For some reason, Jarvis's tone was obviously interesting and excited. It was obviously an artificial intelligence, but there was a touch of human emotion.

"Jarvis, you seem a little different?"

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