"Yes, I just came into contact with the same existence as me, and my program seems to have changed."

"The program has changed!" Tony was startled, and quickly opened Jarvis's core code to check, but found nothing unusual.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, Happy, it seems that we have to change the method. You help me make a training plan. I want to defeat that bastard named Yang with my own hands."

"Boss, I think you'd better give up this unrealistic idea. Even I was knocked down by him. Although a large part of the reason is my carelessness, it also shows that the opponent's strength is already an elite special soldier. level, it is almost impossible for you to defeat him."

Hapi didn't know the way at all and didn't know the gap between him and Yang Jian. At that time, Yang Jian didn't want to expose his own strength, so what he showed was that he could do what normal people could achieve. At that time, he was guided by Hapi's strength and knocked him unconscious. In the past, so Happy thought it was just his own carelessness that caused him to lose so badly.

"Happy, don't underestimate me, let me tell you, I am a genius, even if I am exercising, I will beat that kid with my own hands and beat him into a pig's head. I can definitely do it within a month."

"Well, boss, if you insist on this, I can only do my best, but I still stick to my original idea and don't hold any hope at all."

The relationship between Happy and Tony is not only bodyguards, they are also friends. They know how stubborn their boss is, and it is useless for him to object to the decision. In this case, it is better to follow his will.

The incident of Tony being beaten began to ferment, and the major media reported it overwhelmingly. Tony Stark's popularity is really not very good. Who made him always like to make trouble?

Many people who don't like Tony Star's eyes have greatly increased their affection for Yang Jian, because Yang Jian has done what they want to do and dare not do. Curious about Skye's identity.

Yang Jian and Skye became famous, many people inquired about them, but the more they inquired, the more mysterious Yang Jian became. Skye also has a bright face as the head of the Fantasy Technology Development Department, who is in a high position, although he is too young point, but there are always some people in this world who can accept the excesses of geniuses.

But as for Yang Jian, almost no useful information was found. A group of media reporters couldn't find a place to interview Yang Jian.

It's no wonder that the body possessed by Yang Jian was originally an orphan, and few people communicated with it. Later, Yang Jian invaded the Internet and deleted relevant materials, and used the venom to stimulate the growth of facial muscle cells, changing his appearance and making himself With a false identity, no one can find out Yang Jian's past.

However, many people have seen the respectful appearance of Jin Bing, the president of Fantasy Technology, to Yang Jian that night. They can be sure that Yang Jian's identity is not simple. The small company has developed into such a giant, and one can't help guessing that Yang Jian is most likely the inventor of these technologies, because only in this way can one explain why Jin Bin, the president, is so polite to Yang Jian?

Soon the matter about Yang Jian also attracted the attention of a black bald man. S.H.I.E.L.D., no, it’s also called the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency. Nick Fury, the director, is sitting in a chair in the office and listening. Coulson's report.

"I'm really sorry, Director, that Mr. Yang Jian is really too mysterious, we have too little information now, but it is indeed very likely that Jin Bing is the real controller of fantasy technology." Coulson took a document and reported truthfully.

Nick Fury was very dissatisfied with Coulson's report. As the largest secret service organization on earth, it is a bit embarrassing that he can't find a businessman's information.

"Colson, as an agent, can't use the words "possible" to intensify the investigation. We must dig out his secrets."

"Okay, but I think the other woman, Skye Johnson's information is more important, and I should report it to you."

"Why is there something wrong with this woman?"

"Yes, to be honest, I also encountered trouble when investigating Skye Johnson at the beginning, because she was a top hacker who used to work for the Rising Tide organization and deleted her information on the Internet, but she didn't expect to follow the investigation. There was a turning point.

This Miss Skye was sent to an orphanage when she was just born more than 20 years ago, and she kept changing positions for a long time. I suspect that someone is chasing them. The reason for changing positions so frequently is to avoid someone Of course, this is not the point, the point is that it was an agent of our bureau who sent her to the orphanage.

It's amazing, isn't it?After checking and checking, we found ourselves, but unfortunately that agent had already died in a mission, leaving no relevant clues. "

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Nick Fury's face was extremely gloomy, and he took the information in Coulson's hand to check, his expression became more and more dignified.

Regarding Skye, SHIELD had contact with her 20 years ago, but as the director of SHIELD, he didn't know anything about it. If it wasn't for this accident, he was involved with Skye again, and he would probably be under his control forever. in the drum.

Nick Fury suddenly felt that this S.H.I.E.L.D. was a little strange. Is this still the S.H.I.E.L.D. he was familiar with?Looking at the staff coming and going outside through the glass of the office, Nick Fury feels that everyone is suspicious. It seems that there is another force inside SHIELD, and the control of SHIELD is still higher than his director.

Nick Fury has made up his mind and decided to start an investigation into SHIELD, but this matter cannot be done explicitly, it can only be done secretly.

Although he had plans, Nick Fury didn't say anything, because as the king of secret agents, he would never trust anyone, even Coulson in front of him.

"Colson, go find Tanasa, temporarily put aside the original task, let her find a way to mix fantasy technology, and find out about that Yang Jiansky."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." How could Coulson not know the nature of his chief, and understand that he had doubts about himself, but he didn't care.

After Coulson left again, Nick Fury looked at the information in his hand and fell into deep thought.

In fact, Nick Fury doesn't know that too many forces are eyeing S.H.I.E.L.D., and it has to be controlled by the board of directors. Governments of various countries are suppressing it openly and secretly.

As a secret service organization, it also needs funds to develop. Nick Fury has known for a long time that there must be a council eyeliner in S.H.I.E.L.D. Originally, Nick Fury thought this was nothing, so it would be more convenient for him to ask the council for funds , can be regarded as a compromise.

But now it seems that the situation is much more serious than expected. If it wasn't for Skye's incident, Nick Fury didn't know that he, the head of the bureau, would have been kept in the dark.

Just when there was turmoil caused by Yang Jian's incident, a special "guest" came to Karma Taj, the mage's sanctuary in the Himalayas.

The "guest" pushed open a seemingly ordinary door with ease, and came to a magical space after passing through the passage. A group of people were practicing magic in the square.

This "guest" greeted everyone with a smile on his face, but when the mages saw the appearance of the person, they almost jumped up in shock, and almost simultaneously used magic to condense a shield to guard them.

"Cassilias, what are you doing here? What kind of conspiracy is there?" Modu, a disciple of the ancient mage, stood at the front, staring at the visitor and questioning him.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to find Teacher Gu Yi, please inform me."

It was Casillas who came, but at this time Casillas had no dark circles under his eyes, and his mental outlook had also changed. He didn't care about the guarded eyes of everyone, and his tone was very gentle.

"You still have the face to say the word teacher. Think about what you did before. The teacher treated you so well, but you betrayed her. Stop calling you unworthy."

"Okay, maybe you're right, but I still hope you can inform me that I really didn't have any malicious intentions this time, I just wanted to talk to the old... Ancient One Master."

"No, get out of here, or I'll do it." Modu didn't believe Casillas' words at all and only wanted to drive him away as soon as possible.

"Sorry, I have to meet Master Gu Yi today. If you insist on stopping me, I can only do it."

"Just do it, I'm afraid you won't succeed, so die." Master Modu said, a ball of magical energy condensed in his hand, just like Casillas rushed over.

Chapter 220 The Ancient One

"Wait, I surrender!"

In the middle of Modu's rush, Casillas suddenly raised his hands, looking like he was going to catch him, and Master Modu was almost caught.

"You can tie me up and then go to see Master Gu Yi. If you are still not at ease, you can also knock me out directly."

As a result, Mo Du was in a dilemma, wondering whether he should continue to attack.

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