"I do have his contact information, but I'm not sure whether he will see you."

"Don't worry, you can contact me, he will see me, if I'm not wrong, he's already waiting."

At this time, the ancient mage had already figured it out. The mysterious mage had been calculating himself from the very beginning. He first helped Casillas seal the power of the dark dimension, let Casillas wake up, and then passed the seal through Casillas. The method was sent to him, but this could not completely solve the power of the dark dimension. The real solution was the body guard, who was waiting for him to ask for it, and then he could take the opportunity to propose his own conditions.

"You're saying that all of this was calculated by him." Casillas was no fool after being reminded by Master Gu Yi, and immediately understood the cause and effect.

"I think it should be like this. As long as you contact, can't you confirm it? I'm also curious, who is he? When I used the time stone to check your past, past and future, he didn't exist at all. , I just vaguely saw a shadow, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation.”

Casillas finally stopped hesitating and took out an old-fashioned mobile phone from his pocket. After opening it, there was only one number on it, and he dialed it without hesitation.

Dudu Dudu! ! !

After a few phone tones, the other party was quickly connected. Before Casillas could speak, the voice from the other party rang, "Casillas, you finally called. I'll go to 177 Bleecker Street right away. , you also hurry up and leave!"

After the other party finished talking, he hung up directly, and Casillas stayed where he was. Sure enough, everything was calculated by the other party.

Chapter 221 The first meeting between Yang Jian and Gu Yi

Ten minutes later, another person sat face to face with Master Gu Yi. Master Gu Yi still made two cups of tea, but this time the person who drank tea with her changed from Casillas to dead Yang Jian.

Mage Gu Yi stared at it for a while, but found that she couldn't see through the other party with her ability. It seemed that there was a layer of fog covering the other party's body, making it unclear to people. It was mysterious except mysterious.

"It's strange, even though Iker Casillas has escaped from the shackles of fate, walked out of his own way, and made his future uncertain, but I can still see his past, but you are different, even face to face, I I still can’t see clearly what happened in your past. Your past is all blurred. I can only see a shadow. If you don’t have traces of the fate of this world on your body, I doubt whether you are a person from this world. .”

Yang Jian smiled, and was not surprised by the words of Master Gu Yi. You must know that Yang Jian came to this world through possession of venom and merged with the original owner's body. Everything about the original owner is why it can be perfectly integrated into this world without being found abnormal.

Of course, if he walked for some time, Gu Yi met Yang Jian, and he could use the time gem to find out what happened to Yang Jian in the past, and he would definitely be able to detect the difference between before and after possession, as well as the situation of Yang Jian.

But don't worry now, Yang Jian's body itself has comprehended a trace of Da Luo Jinxian's artistic conception. In some respects, he has jumped out of the long river of time, and these clones have also benefited.

Later, through the dragon veins of the Naruto world and the time converter of the Harry Potter world, Yang Jian researched more mysteries of time, and then passed these insights to other clones. Although Yang Jian could not jump out of the long river of time like Yang Jian's body, but It's no problem to hide your own timeline, so that the ancient master who owns the time gem can't peek into Yang Jian's past experience, so Yang Jian dared to face the ancient master until now.

However, Yang Jian had his own purpose in meeting Master Gu Yi this time. If he wanted to get what he wanted from Kama Taj, he could not reveal his identity as an outsider, otherwise who would know that Master Gu Yi would not accept this time travel to him? What kind of attitude is this?

Yang Jian stretched out his hand, and a phantom of a river appeared between the two of them out of thin air.

"Time or fate is like a river, sometimes smooth and sometimes turbulent, and we are like fish in this river, sailing from the beginning to the end..."

The phantom of that river is constantly changing, the camera zooms in, and fishes emerge in the water, swimming around constantly, occasionally showing their heads, but there are also one or two fish jumping out of the water, splashing one after another.

"Ordinary fish can only drift with the current, from life to death, and have never seen the true face of this river, but some fish are stronger, but they can jump out of the water and see the future trend."

Master Gu Yi nodded and understood what Yang Jian meant. He and Yang Jian were the stronger fish, but he didn't understand why Yang Jian said this.

"Normally, a fish can't leave the water and can only live in it for a lifetime, but it's not absolute. Since our goal is to move towards the end, can we find a shortcut? If a fish is smart enough Strong enough that it can sail to the finish line, to the promised land, in a tricky way."

At this time, the illusory river turned a corner, a sharp V-shaped river, a fish jumped out of the water, unexpectedly landed on the bank, and then kept bouncing its body into the air, bouncing and bouncing, after more than ten times , through an alternative shortcut, back to the water.

"This is what you call a shortcut. What a lunatic, almost no one would choose such a dangerous path." Master Gu Yi could no longer maintain his usual expression, and opened his eyes wide. She already understood what Yang Jian was expressing.

The river that represents time or destiny is the foundation of this world. Yang Jian jumped onto the bank and forcibly broke free from the shackles of the long river of time. Although he would eventually return to the river, he also changed his own destiny and had a chain effect , Changed the fate of others to a large extent.

But the problem is that this method is too dangerous, and the degree of danger is not much different from courting death. What if the fish jumped to the shore and fell directly to death?What should I do if I can't reach the other side of the river due to exhaustion on the way?What if you are caught by an angry beast?One mistake and you will die.

"It is indeed very dangerous, but I am not a fool. Since I dare to do this, I am sure of it. In fact, I knew from the beginning that the chance of success is more than [-]%, because I got the help of a certain existence."

"A certain existence? Wait! Could the certain existence you speak of be..."

"That's right, it's exactly what you think, a person who exists in our world, a higher dimension, um, the life level is far above Dormammu, the existence beyond the multiverse, that is an indescribable existence , I don’t know the details, but it can connect countless worlds, collect or endow power and items in different worlds. What I used before was the magic system from another world. Fortunately, the rules of our world are relatively complete, and the power system is also It is diverse and can accommodate this kind of magic system, but there are still differences in subtleties. This is the reason why I traded Kama Taj magic knowledge inheritance with Casillas. I need to use the magic of the local world to integrate my Magic, let it fully conform to the rules of this world, so that it can exert its due power."

Mage Ancient One's face became serious. Because of Domamu, she was born with a kind of repulsion to the existence outside the dimension. She was afraid that the other party would invade her world. After all, no one knew what the other party was thinking or whether there was any malice.

"Then how can you be sure that that existence is really helping you and not having other purposes? What if he just wants to use you and has other plans, such as destroying or controlling this world? What if our world is destroyed If he destroys it, then you are the biggest sinner."

I'm not worried, am I going to hurt myself?Of course, Yang Jian couldn't say this, so he could only think of another excuse.

"Don't worry at all, because the other party has no time to invade our world. He has too many worlds to choose from, so much that he doesn't have the energy to do things like conquer the world. The method he chooses is equal trading.

It can connect different worlds, obtain magical items from different worlds, and then trade them. Ordinary gadgets in this world may become incomparably precious treasures in another world. For example, this one, Xiandou ! "


Master Gu Yi curiously took a green bean handed over by Yang Jian, felt it for a while, and soon discovered that this little bean actually contained a huge vitality.

"I think you should feel the vitality in the fairy bean. If someone is injured, even if the heart is pierced, as long as there is still a breath, eat the heart bean in time, and they can recover in a few seconds. It can be said that this is a Life is precious enough, right?"

Master Gu Yi nodded, "It is indeed very precious! This is a rare holy medicine for healing in the world, and it is worth breaking the bank to get it."

"But can you imagine? In other worlds, this kind of fairy beans is actually a cat's food. Their perception of fairy beans is that they will not be hungry for ten days after eating one."

"Food! How is this possible? This kind of treasure is actually used as food." Master Gu Yi is not calm anymore, and the prodigal is not such a prodigal.

"But in fact, it is true, and the thing that exists to exchange for fairy beans is even more frustrating. It is just a container of fish, and the cat thinks he has earned it."

The mouth corners of Mage Ancient One, Casillas and Mage Wang standing behind him twitched at the same time. Indeed, for cats, fish must be their favorite food. Compared with fairy beans, which belong to the same food, fish are more attracted to it The force is obviously greater.

Master Gu Yi and the others suddenly believed what Yang Jian said. That existence would not have any bad thoughts about this world at all. Compared with a meal of chicken, an old hen that can lay eggs is more beneficial to him. You can get enough benefits only by fair trade, who will do thankless things?

Of course, the so-called fair trade is only for Gu Yi and the others. In the eyes of that existence, some garbage has been exchanged for the treasures of their world, but Gu Yi and the others can't refuse, because the garbage is too fragrant to bear. Temptation.

Knowing that the value of the exchanged items is unequal, but there is nothing they can do about it. Who told them not to have the ability to trade across borders?This is the advantage of monopoly trading, buy what you like, get out if you don’t, exclusive business, no bargaining.

"The world is really big, full of wonders, well, I believe your words, no wonder you dare to use such an extreme way to get rid of the shackles of fate, there is such a pair of existences to help you, you really have this confidence." Ancient One Mage Saying that, he handed the fairy beans back with a look of reluctance, planning to return them to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian shook his head and didn't go to pick it up, "You can keep it, even if it's a small gift for Master Gu Yi, I still have some in my hand, which is enough."

Master Gu Yi thought for a while, nodded, and finally put away the fairy beans. Indeed, keeping this kind of treasure by his side can save lives at critical moments.

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