"Thank you, it just so happens that I will have a life-and-death catastrophe in the future, and this may be able to save my life."

"With Gu Yi Master's mind, do you still care about your own life and death?"

Gu Yi shook his head, "As a 'fish' that can jump out of the water, you may have seen pictures of my death, but that was just my choice in desperation. At that time, I could no longer resist the erosion of your dark power. , it’s better to choose to die, but now that we have found a way to resist the power of darkness, who would want to die if they can live?”

Yang Jian thought about it carefully, this is really the case, after all, death is not a very comfortable thing.

"The path of the supreme mage is rough and tortuous. After living for so many years, I have witnessed too many deaths, teachers, friends, disciples, brothers, relatives... I even watched them die beside me. In fact, some people I could save them and choose another future, but in the end I still didn't do that, do you know why?"

Yang Jian lowered his head and pondered for a while, then asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be that this future is already the best?"

"That's right, that's it, but the best is not necessarily the best, but in comparison, this future is a random and suitable one that I can choose. Although I can save those people, once I change their future, A chain reaction will occur, leading to worse things to happen. After countless checks, I finally chose this future. Although it is a bit cruel, I don’t regret it.”

"You, the supreme sorcerer, are really exhausted. Speaking of which, I once got some news from that being. It is Gu Yi, the supreme sorcerer of another parallel world. It is much easier to live than you."

"Really? I'm also interested, can you tell me? What kind of person is that Gu Yi?"

Yang Jian looked at Master Gu Yi's bald head strangely, and then said: "First of all, that Master Gu Yi is a bad old man, male, and he is not defeated by hair follicles like you, his hair is terribly exuberant, although he He doesn't have a time gem in his hand, and he hasn't absorbed the power of the dark dimension, but he can defeat Mam with his own strength, so that he doesn't dare to think about the earth, and even teases him from time to time, making Domam furious but helpless."

"Well, it's really easy for me to live, I'm really envious!" Master Gu Yi didn't doubt Yang Jian's words. The absorbed power of the dark dimension, combined with the super magic on the earth to resist, the gap is self-evident.

"Well, in fact, you are not bad, and now there is a better way, the future will get better, isn't it?"

"Indeed, I shouldn't be obsessed with the past, I should look forward, because there are new changes in your existence in the future, it will definitely get better, then we should talk about business, you know my purpose, say Well, what price do I need to pay to get your magic of invoking god protection, as long as it is not too much, I can do it." The ancient master finally got to the point, and his face became serious.

"It's very simple, knowledge. What I need is the magic collection that Karma Taj has collected over the years. As a price, I am willing to give all my magic. Of course, I also know that Karma Taj has some forbidden magic. You can use that part keep it."

"No, our Kama Taj's most taboo magic book is about summoning Dormammu and absorbing the magic of the dark dimension, but it's nothing to you at all, you can read it as you like."

"Thank you so much, this is for you, um, this is the magic I sorted out by combining the magic systems of the two worlds, and it's all here. The first one is the soul-calling guard you want, through the joy of your own heart, happy Wait for the positive emotions to guide, gather and fuse the energy of light attributes, and manifest the form of the most respected and worshiped species, so as to achieve the purpose of driving away the darkness." Yang Jian took out a thick notebook from his pocket and handed it over as he spoke.

Chapter 222 The Well of the Sun

Watching Yang Jian take out a big and thick note from his small pocket, Master Gu Yi was a little curious, how did he put it in?And there was no bulge in the slightest. After Gu Yi took the notebook, he still kept staring at Yang Jian's pocket.

Seeing Gu Yi like this, Yang Jian guessed what she was thinking, and immediately explained: "In my notes there is a magic called the traceless extension spell, which can expand a space to form a huge Space, but it is very difficult to control, and the success rate is low, so far only three or two space devices have been made, this pocket is one of them, and there is about two cubic spaces inside."

Casillas suddenly realized that he had seen the other party take something out of his pocket before, but his mind was a little confused at the time, and he ignored these details.

Master Gu Yi nodded. Now that he knows what's going on, it's easy. It's really convenient to study this space magic when he makes up his mind to go back.

Master Gu Yi opened the notebook, and sure enough, the first spell was the God-calling guard he wanted most. It not only recorded the method of using this magic, but also Yang Jian's personal perception when practicing this magic, how to use the inner strength faster Joyful emotions, summoning the image of the patron saint you worship, how to more subtly reduce the loss of magic power?There are detailed instructions.

Mage Gu Yi didn't stop, and continued to read back, one by one magic was presented in his eyes, it can be said that it was wonderful, although it was only a rough browsing, it also benefited Mage Gu Yi a lot, she was in a good mood, she I thought my magical journey had come to an end, but I didn't expect to have a new direction.

Although Gu Yi was a little excited at the beginning, he didn't show it. But when he turned to the last few pages, he found that it was an extremely complicated magic circle called the Sunwell. , Immediately couldn't help it anymore, with a shocked look on his face, he couldn't help asking Yang Jian: "What's going on with this Sunwell devil's work? Guarantee me what's going on?"

"As the name implies, it absorbs the energy of the sun to store a super magic circle, and releases it directly to attack when needed, but this is only a semi-finished product, because I created it with Dormammu as the imaginary enemy from the beginning.

By the way, I also found a problem, our earth’s sun is a bit different, there are many stars in this universe, but the light power contained in other stars will definitely not be as strong as the sun, but it’s a pity, even if there is much light power Mam's nemesis, even if our earth's sun is different, it has natural advantages, and the energy needed to accumulate and severely damage Domam is beyond imagination.

Making such a super magic circle is not something that one person can complete. Even if all the magicians on the earth are concentrated to complete this imitation electricity, it will take decades, and this magic circle is only theoretically feasible. An unknown, so it became the semi-finished product now. "

Mage Gu Yi nodded. Indeed, as Yang Jian said, with the current resources of the earth, it is almost impossible to complete such a magic circle, but he was a bit unwilling to give up just like that, because Mage Gu Yi I know that if it can really succeed, then the earth will deliberately have a trump card against Dormammu, which can effectively guarantee the safety of the earth.

Mage Ancient One really looked at the array map of the Sunwell Magic Array, and found that although this magic array is cumbersome, it has a lot of similarities with the three super magic arrays that guard the earth as a whole. Make a transformation based on the super magic circle?Merging the effects of the two magic circles into one, if this is the case, it will effectively reduce the production cost of the super magic circle.

"I don't know what Mr. Yang thinks of the three super magic circles on the earth? If we improve on the original basis, can we achieve the effect of the Sunwell magic circle?"

It's done!Yang Jian was overjoyed in his heart, why did he take out this semi-finished Sunwell Magic Array? The purpose was not to make an excuse for studying the three super magic arrays of Kama Taj. In fact, Yang Yangjian had already studied the super magic array. In the peripheral area, the Sunwell borrowed part of the formation pattern, but the core part is inside the three holy halls. Without the permission of Kama Taj, Yang Jian could do nothing.

If Yang Jian directly proposed to study the super magic circle, Master Gu Yi would probably have doubts in his heart and would not agree, but now they have offered to ask Yang Jian to help with the research, then there is no problem. In fact, Yang Jian has passed Venom calculated the idea of ​​fusing the two magic circles, but he can't say it yet.

"You can try it, but I'm not sure if it will succeed."

Master Gu Yi struggled for a while, and finally nodded in agreement. She also suspected that this was a deliberate trick by Yang Jian, but in the end she couldn't resist the temptation.

"Your Excellency Yang Jian can study the super magic circle of the temple, but it must be done under our supervision. After all, it involves the safety of the entire earth. Once the super magic is damaged, we Kamatai cannot bear this responsibility. I hope you can understand, as long as there is any possibility of damaging the super magic circle, I hope you stop immediately.

"No problem, I also know the importance of the three super magic circles, and I won't take any risks." Yang Jian nodded and agreed without hesitation. For Yang Jian, as long as he can get the map of the super magic circle, it is enough , As for whether to modify the super magic circle in the end, it still depends on Yang Jian's mood.

While cheering, Mage Ancient One has another hope. If she can succeed, she will have the confidence to fight against Dormammu. As the master of the dark dimension, Dormammu's power is pure darkness. However, the light power of the Sunwell is completely opposite to it. If the power of the Sunwell is gathered to attack the dark dimension, it is like pouring water in sulfuric acid, which will definitely cause huge trauma to Dormammu. The mage wondered what Stormammu's expression would be like then.

Whether it is Yang Jian or Master Gu Yi, they are very satisfied with this transaction, and they have obtained what they want. Master Gu Yi explained that Karma Taj's collection of books is fully open to Yang Jian, and then enters a closed state , began to study the magic obtained from Yang Jian. .

Yang Jian also put down all the affairs of Fantasy Technology. In fact, there is nothing to explain. After Fantasy Technology is on the right track, there is gold and responsibility to sell products. Vanke and his son are responsible for the research and development of new weapons, and now Skye has joined , plus Usilis Crow from Wakanda will send some vibrating gold every once in a while. It doesn’t make much difference whether Yang Jian is there or not, so Yang Jian plunges into Karma Taj’s library , immersed in the ocean of magical knowledge, the outside world did not cause any waves.

Yang Jian spends time in the library from morning to night every day, except for eating. Everyone admires her aunt's enthusiasm for studying. This should be regarded as the largest and oldest library on earth. There are all kinds of books. It is almost impossible for normal people to finish watching without dozens or hundreds of years.

But that's just ordinary people, Yang Jian has long been out of the category of normal people, not to mention he has a plug-in, that is venom, after the venom is fused with the flame queen's motherboard, it has become an alternative biological computer, Yang Jian took When you find a book, you only need to flip through it, and the venom can scan the content, and it can be translated in any language, which is not too easy.

Of course, it’s not enough just to memorize the content, but also to understand the meaning. At night, when others are resting, Yang Jian puts his own consciousness into the chaotic space. The power of space becomes more and more complete as other avatars continue to obtain rules and enrichment from other spaces. Here, all avatars can borrow the power of rules, and all knowledge can be understood at a glance. The magic that I have seen can be understood only by recalling it. In less than a month, I have read more than half of Kama Taj's collection of books for many years.

While Yang Jian was immersed in magical knowledge, a conspiracy against fantasy technology gradually unfolded.

"Natalia, do you have time in the evening? Why don't we have a meal together." The manager of the Fantasy Technology sales department extended an invitation to a wine-red long-haired beauty in a gentlemanly manner.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Green. Minister Skye has just arranged a task for me. I may have to work late today. I can only live up to your kindness."

"It's okay, we still have a chance in the future." Green still generously expressed his indifference.

The red-haired beauty turned to leave, and the smile on that Mr. Green's face suddenly disappeared. Looking at the back of the red-haired beauty leaving, it seemed that he wanted to swallow her in his stomach.

"This stinky woman is really not flattering you. One day I will let you climb onto my bed by yourself."

Mr. Green cursed secretly and turned around to leave, but he didn't know that there was a mocking smile on the face of the wine-red beauty at this time.

This Miss Natalia is not simple. She is the famous super spy Black Widow. She was ordered to sneak into Fantasy Technology to perform tasks. She passed the interview and became a small employee to secretly investigate the inside story of Fantasy Technology, especially the truth about Yang Jian and Skye. identity, and at the same time want to steal the research results of fantasy technology.

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