It's just that this task is more difficult than she imagined. The research and development area of ​​​​Fantasy Technology is the top priority. It is usually impossible to connect close to it. Anyone who breaks in without authorization will trigger an alarm.

After a month, Natasha took advantage of being a woman to maintain an ambiguous relationship with several executives of Fantasy Technology, and obtained a lot of useful information from them. She also got a general idea of ​​the situation in the R&D area. Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, as long as you find an opportunity, you can sneak in and find what you want.

This day, Natasha's chance finally came, because Skye had a little trouble. As usual, Skye was going home after get off work, but just as he walked out of the gate of Fantasy Technology Company, he was stopped by someone.

"Hi! Miss Skye. We meet again. Where's your boy friend? I've always remembered the revenge of being attacked by him last time. Today I'm going to get everything back and beat him up with my own hands. Next, you know? For a whole month, I went through hell-like hard training, and no one can stop me."

Skye looked at the person who came with an angry and funny look, and said in his heart: You are a weak chicken, and you still want to attack Jane. I am afraid that one move will be missed. For the sake of your life, you should find a way first. It's a good thing to persuade you to leave.

"Sorry, my boyfriend is not here. He has something to go out and hasn't come back. You are not welcome to leave here in the group now."

Skye expressed his kindness, but the problem was that the other party didn't appreciate it. "Why isn't he here? Where is he then? Tell me, I'll go find him."

"Sorry, I don't know either, anyway, you should leave quickly."

"Then tell me when he'll be back."

"I don't know. He has been out for almost a month. How long it will take depends on the situation."

"Do you think I'm such a deceitful person? You don't even know the whereabouts of your boyfriend, wait... I see, he must know that I'm coming to him, and he was frightened, right? So That’s right, I’m different now than before, after hell-style training, my strength has improved by leaps and bounds, he knew he wasn’t my opponent, and he was afraid of being beaten by me, so he hid.”

Tony Stark looked smug, thinking that he had guessed the truth, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, "In this case, tell him, let him apologize to me, and then honestly let me beat you up, I will Let him go, and I won't trouble him again in the future."

Skye looked at the complacent Tony Stark, and finally understood why so many people don't like him. It's because this man is so ungrateful, narcissistic, arrogant, selfish, selfish, no matter who sees it, he can't bear it. I can't help but want to beat him up.

So here comes the question, what should I do if such a face that deserves to be beaten has been sent to me?Is it a beating?What about beating?Or beating?

In the end, Skye decided to follow his heart, otherwise his thoughts would not be clear, "Since you really want to fight so much, then I will accompany you, but don't be beaten and cry later."

"Tch, you, a woman, don't dare to say such big words. No matter how lucky you are, I don't beat women. Go and find your boy friend, lest others say that I bully you."

Skye sneered, clenched his fists, and made a clicking sound, "What? Do you look down on women? Well, today I will let you know how powerful women are!"

"Come on, don't think..."

Bah! ! !


Before Tony could finish speaking, he felt a figure flash in front of him. Skye had come to him and punched him on the bridge of the nose. There was a feeling of soreness, pain and astringency, and tears flowed out uncontrollably. , screamed.

Tony Stark retreated five or six steps before stabilizing his body, and his nose was bleeding when he touched it, "Oh, damn it, stinky woman, you are dead, watch the fist!"

Tony Star was no longer humble, and immediately rushed towards Skye, clenched his fist and smashed Skye's face.

Not to mention, Tony is really not bragging when he said that he has gone through a month of hell-style training. This fist swings well, it is really the case, it really has the level of an ordinary boxer, and it is more than enough to deal with ordinary people. Yes, but the question is can Skye be measured by the standard of ordinary people?

Chapter 223 Skye Exposed

boom! boom! boom!


A minute later, um, Tony Stark's handsome face was beaten with a black nose, swollen eyes and slanted eyes, and turned into a pig's head, not to mention how miserable it was.

Not far from Tony and Skye, there was another person lying down, it was Tony's bodyguard Happy Hogan.

Because Tony was suppressed by Skye from the very beginning, and he was beaten crying father and mother without any strength to fight back. As a competent bodyguard in this situation, of course Happy couldn't just watch, and rushed forward to save people. Then Happy felt the experience of being put down by one trick again, but fortunately he didn't faint this time, and got up with difficulty, ready to try again.

Needless to say, where is Skye's opponent? The world was thrown out and lay on the ground. In some respects, Happy was much smarter than Stark. After confirming that he was not an opponent, he lay there alone. Playing dead, no longer afraid of refusing to get up, although a bit embarrassing, but also avoided being beaten black and blue.

In fact, why didn't Tony know that as long as he was willing to admit defeat, the beating could be avoided, but the question was, did Stark not want face?How to say such embarrassing words, I can only endure the pain, charge and kill again and again, and get beaten to the ground again and again.

Because this is the headquarters of Illusion Technology, how could it not attract attention to what happened right at the gate?

The security personnel of Fantasy Technology who were in charge of guarding the gate immediately reported the situation here, and all the people in Fantasy Technology were immediately angry.

What did you say?Someone dared to come to our fantasy technology to make trouble, and blocked Miss Skye outside, and even started a fight, who is this?So bold!

What, it's Tony Stark, that playboy, that's not okay, he's unreasonable, he has bullied us to the door, when all of us fantasizing about technology are dead?So what if you're Tony Stark, bully Miss Skye, we'll do the same.

Because the Skye people are beautiful, and have outstanding abilities, and they are in high positions. They can be said to be the goddess of fantasy technology. Now that the goddess is in trouble, how can they sit idly by.

And this is a good opportunity for the hero to save the beauty!Although Minister Skye already has a boyfriend, isn't he not married yet?Even if you know that the possibility of falling in love with a beauty is zero, you still have a little fantasy!

So people who fantasized about technology ran out in a rush, which actually caused congestion and chaos inside.

This kind of scene made the black widow Natasha's eyes brighten. The opportunity finally came. While others were not paying attention, she secretly knocked out a security guard, then changed into his clothes, disguised herself, and sneaked into the room. A secret passage.

As a super agent, Natasha did not deserve her reputation. She easily avoided the camera and sneaked into the core area of ​​weapon research and development without any hassle.

On the other hand, when those people who imagined technology came to the gate, they found that the situation was completely different from what they had imagined. Skys, who had always been regarded as a weak woman in their eyes, did not appear to be at a disadvantage. The bodyguard was beaten to the point of doubting his life.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that Minister Skye, who looked soft and weak, was actually a master of fighting. His strength was so powerful, and their worries were completely unnecessary. Now they had a headache, should they go up and pull Minister Skye away? Woolen cloth?After all, the other party is the controller of Stark Industries, so beating someone outside the gate like this is a bit unreasonable, but looking at Minister Skye's appearance, it is obvious that the beating is in good spirits. It is just this way of fighting that caused Minister Skye's displeasure. Wouldn't it be a big loss if you wear your own small shoes?

Forget it, anyway, that bastard Stark deserves to be beaten anyway, so let him suffer more, and let's just pretend we didn't see anything.


Tony Stark was beaten on the ground by Skye again, every muscle in his body hurt, Tony Stark gritted his teeth, and managed to stand up, his legs were shaking!

"Oops! You... you damn...damn woman... ouch, it hurts me to death." Tony Stark was in pain every time he said a word, but he still refused to admit defeat.

"How is it? Are you still beating? The pain just now is nothing, and there will be more severe ones in the future. Do you want to try it?" Skye said with a smile.

Tony Stark was stunned and couldn't help but take a step back, "You, you... you vicious woman, who was born or raised by a mother, I tell you I won't..."

"What did you say!" Skye's voice suddenly became extremely cold, as if it came from hell.

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