Tony suddenly felt chills all over his body, and couldn't continue speaking. He looked up at Skye, and found that the opponent's body was full of murderous aura, not only a little scalp tingling.

Tony's brains turned sharply, recalling what he said just now, and suddenly remembered that when he was investigating Skye's information, he remembered that she was an orphan and was placed at the gate of the orphanage shortly after birth. What he said just now seemed to have stimulated her, and he couldn't help but Some regrets, but Tony Stark is a stubborn person, even if he knows he is wrong, he will not give in, and he can't say a word of apology.

"Go to hell!"

Skye let out a roar, and rushed towards Tony Star in a flash. Tony was terrified, endured the pain, and punched Skye's head with a fist. Skye bowed, avoiding Stark's fist. Push forward.


Skye's seemingly ordinary palm actually pushed Stark flying six or seven meters, and smashed heavily on the Rolls Royce that Stark was riding on when he came.

This movement frightened Happy directly, and he didn't care about pretending to be dead. He got up from the ground, rushed to the side of the car, looked at Stark, and found that his boss was still angry, quickly helped him into the car, and then sat in the car. On the main drive, the horsepower is increased to the maximum immediately after starting, leaving a long tail gas that disappears in a blink of an eye.

After the car disappeared, Skye lowered his head and looked at his hands with helplessness on his face, but he still couldn't hold back?

Although Skye's physical fitness has reached the level of a super soldier, but it is not enough to push a person weighing more than 100 kilograms to fly out. Just now Skye used the shock wave ability, which really made Stark too angry people.

But fortunately, Skye finally retained a sliver of sanity. When he used the ability just now, he made a disguise and could fool it. Moreover, Skye didn't use his full power to use the vibration wave, otherwise Tony Stark would have been shaken to pieces.Do your best, or else you'll just know he's doing it,

After the car drove a certain distance, Happy parked the car beside him, checked it for Tony Stark, and after making sure that his life was not in danger, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Boss, are you okay, our luck is good, That crazy woman didn't come after her, how is it now? Does it still hurt? Will it be all right?"

At this time, Tony moved a little bit all over his body, and there was a biting pain, "How can it be okay, it hurts too much, that woman hit too hard, and what happened to the last one? I was actually pushed by her and flew out Now, this is completely unreasonable, Jarvis, did you detect anything just now?"

At this time, a screen popped up in front of Skyeka's seat, and began to play the scene of Stark being hit by Skye just now, specially slowing down the image shot by Skye's slap. After zooming in, Stark quickly It was discovered that Skye's hand didn't touch him at all, and he flew out with two or three fingers away.

Stark's luxury car has been modified by him, loaded with Jarvis's program, can observe everything around, and also loaded with certain weapon systems, it is completely a super bodyguard, think about it, Tony Stark as The president of the world's largest weapons manufacturing company, his head is very old, how could there be no protection measures?

"Sir, according to the fluctuations detected just now, a powerful shock wave erupted from the palm of that Miss Skye, and you were sent flying by this force, but fortunately, that lady showed mercy and restrained most of the shock waves. Otherwise, you are dead, but even so, your internal organs are still damaged, and there is a small amount of internal bleeding, so it is recommended to be hospitalized in time."

"I've been hurt like this, so I'm being merciful? That crazy woman, I will definitely pay you back." Stark felt that he was simply unlucky, so he was beaten up by a little boy first, and his face was completely humiliated. Yes, I finally went through the hell-style training, and when I thought I could take revenge, I found that the other woman was stronger than me. This time I was even more ashamed!

"Tony, let's forget it, we can't afford to mess with that woman." Happy was about to cry, and he wanted to find that woman again, isn't death enough?

"Happy, how can you be so cowardly? We must avenge this revenge, and of course we must pay attention to the method. After all, what is the identity of that woman? She actually has superpowers."

Stark fell into contemplation for a moment. As the top person in this world, Stark certainly knew that this world was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and that there were some magical powers in this world. I just heard about it, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes this time.

Tony remembered that when investigating Skye's information, the other party would change an orphanage every once in a while, and he could guess who was avoiding him all the time. Combined with the abilities shown by the other party now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Skye's identity was not simple. Then Stark thought about Yang Jian, who is Skye's boyfriend, does he also have some magical abilities?Do you want to try to avoid some people or some forces are being hunted down now?

"That Tony, Miss Potts asked me to remind you that after the summer you are going to the Middle East to demonstrate the Jellico missile, the weapon you first invented, for the military. There is no longer any delay."

"Can't it be cancelled? Let others go."

"No, this is very important. It is a collective decision of the board of directors, and you must come in person."

"Okay, okay, I see, I will go there when the time comes, it seems that I can only temporarily give up investigating that woman."

Happy finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally managed to persuade Tony Tuo, a wayward guy, or else he didn't know what he would do?Although I don't know what will happen in the future, at least I don't have to face that terrifying woman for the time being.

The core area of ​​fantasy technology is located underground. Natasha was about to approach the target, but she didn't know that although she avoided the camera, she couldn't avoid the other pair of eyes. There was a little guy staring at her all the time. That is Dabai who has been transformed into a Transformer.

In fact, there are two sets of monitoring systems inside the fantasy technology building, one of which is naturally controlled by the guards, and belongs to the monitoring system on the surface.

Few people know that besides this, there is another monitoring system controlled by Dabai. Apart from Yang Jian, Jin Bing, Skye, Vanke and his son know about it, and Nata Sha thought she had avoided all the cameras and no one would notice, but she didn't know that she had been exposed long ago.

"Miss Skye, Miss Skye, outsiders have sneaked into the technology development area, please stop immediately and pay attention to safety, the opponent's skills are extremely flexible, and his physical fitness is at the level of a super soldier, so be careful."

When Skye received the news from Dabai, he was shocked immediately, turned around and walked back without even thinking about it, and at the same time, his heart was filled with anger.

Originally, because of Stark's last sentence, um, no father and no mother, he was in a bad mood and had nowhere to vent, but someone came to his door. Since he dared to come to Fantasy Technology to steal things, don't blame me for being rude.

After Skye walked into the fantasy technology building, he did not take the elevator as usual, but avoided everyone's sight and came to a corner, opened a secret passage and walked in. This is a passage that will only be used in emergencies , can reach any position at a faster speed.

Natasha was not fast because she had to avoid the cameras and the staff. It took more than ten minutes to reach the destination, which belonged to Skye's private office. She gently pushed the door and walked in.

At this moment, there was no one in the office. Natasha went directly to the computer, took out a USB flash drive from her chest, and was about to plug it in when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Miss Natasha, I think you'd better not do this."

Natasha was startled, and almost cried out, not only because she was discovered by sneaking in, but more importantly, the other party called herself Natasha instead of Natalia, the registered name for entering the company. Didn't it mean that the other party Already found out your identity?

Natasha turned her head stiffly, but saw Skye standing not far away with a smile, and forced a smile and said: "Miss Skye, did you make a mistake? My name is Natalia, not Nata Leah, I just got lost and went to the wrong room, I'm sorry, I'll leave right away."

"You are so lost, you have come to my office, Miss Natasha, don't play these tricks, I know everything about you, full name Natalia Elianovna Roman Nova, referred to as Natalia Romanova, was born in Stalingrad, the former Soviet Union. She was trained by former Soviet agents since she was a child. After her body was transformed by the former Soviet government, her aging speed was greatly delayed and her immunity was enhanced. System and anti-strike ability, coupled with years of various physical and mental training, has become like a deadly poisonous spider "Black Widow", and later betrayed the former Soviet secret service organization "Red Room", and has been cruising around the forces of various countries since then , engaged in espionage work, until later joined the strategic homeland defense attack and... uh! Sorry, every time I mention this long and stinky name, I always have the urge to complain."

"Me too! It's just that our director conducts spot checks from time to time. If you can't recite this name, you will be punished." At this time, Natasha didn't pretend anymore, she had already been exposed, and there was no point in hiding it any longer. .

Chapter 224 Shockwave Girl VS Black Widow

Natasha's body, whose identity was exposed, was only a little startled and then relaxed, her face changed into a kind of lean and confident, with a mysterious style, I don't know how many people will be fascinated by it, but it is a pity that it has little effect on Skye , both of them are women, and they are also beautiful women, but there will be a feeling of tit for tat.

But looking at the red-haired beauty in front of her, she had to admit that the charming Natasha was a natural stunner, and she was too tempting for men, but luckily she was not bad either.

"Miss Natasha's purpose should be to investigate the identities of Jane and me, so she sneaked into Fantasy Technology. Of course, it seems that you want to steal the technology of Fantasy Technology by the way. It's really your special work style, but Judging from the current situation, it can be declared that your mission has failed."

"Yeah, what a pity! It's the first time I've suffered such a heavy blow. Miss Skye can't just let it go and act as if she didn't see anything?" Natasha suddenly showed a pitiful look.

Skye sneered. She had seen a document sent by Dabai before, and she knew exactly what kind of woman she was. The name of the Black Widow was not just for bragging, "Don't play tricks on me, Agent Natasha. For the sake of the agents of the bureau who helped me, although I don’t have any good intentions, but after all, I have taken care of me for many years, so I can let you go once and leave Fantasy Technology within one minute, otherwise I will regard it as an enemy. Don't blame me if you die, either leave or die, which one do you choose?"

"I choose..." Natasha brushed her hair as she said, and when Skye was attracted by her suction, Natasha suddenly jumped up like a cheetah and rushed towards Skye, saying at the same time Finished the second half of the sentence. "……The third!"

Natasha is planning to restrain Skye, and then use her as a hostage to get what she wants.

"You're looking for death!" Skye went forward without fear, and she also wanted to see the strength of the legendary super agent Black Widow.

In the blink of an eye, Natasha had come to Skye, and Skye punched him without hesitation.

Natasha immediately stretched out a hand to put on Skye's arm, grasped it vigorously and flung it, and was about to throw Skye out, but when she touched Skye, she suddenly realized something was wrong. The strength was beyond imagination, and the reaction was quick. Natasha stopped the figure in time, and Natasha only threw Skye a few meters away.

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