However, Natasha is not such a person who accepts her fate easily. Needless to say, it is not yet the end of the mountain, even if it really comes to the last moment, she will not give up and will fight for the last time.

Natasha pretended to be unintentional and pressed her chest on her chest, and sent a signal to advance through the small instrument hidden in her underwear, and then reached out to pull out a dagger from the big foot surgery. In the other hand, you hid three poison sticks needles, and a pair of uniquely shaped bracelets on Lushan's wrists, called "Widow's Sting", which can fire bullets, miniature bombs, tear gas, currents up to 3 volts, etc. The cards are all ready to go.

Chapter 225 Father and Daughter! !


Natasha let out a coquettish cry, and raised her hand to shoot a throwing knife. After Jin Bin dodged it, she raised her wrist again, and the strange bracelet made a soft sound, and three bullets were shot out in the shape of a finished product.

Jin Bin snorted coldly, that strong figure showed extraordinary flexibility, his body swayed slightly, dodged two of the bullets, and the remaining bullet was unavoidable, but Jin Bin made an unexpected With such a move, the crutch in his hand was suddenly pulled out, and with a bang, the bullet was directly knocked into the air.

Natasha's heart sank continuously, even bullets could fly away, what kind of monster is this?And there is more than one back.

Out of the corner of Natasha's eyes, she glanced at Skye next to her, and saw her standing with her chest folded, looking like she was watching a good show, and had no intention of making a move at all.

Not only did Natasha not relax, but she became even more worried. The other party's performance showed that she had full confidence in killing her, but now it seemed to the other party that it was just a game.

Natasha forced herself to calm down, took a deep breath, and rushed to Jin Bin again.

Jin Bing smiled confidently, and when Natasha approached, the crutch in his hand stabbed out instantly, directly hitting Natasha's chest, with a ruthless attack without the slightest sympathy.

Natasha bowed her body slightly, avoided the crutch, and slammed into Jin Bin's chest, as if throwing herself into a hug.

Natasha felt as if she had hit a wall, causing pain all over her body, but she took this opportunity to activate the mechanism on the bracelet.

Zizi! !

A high-intensity electric current hit Jin Bin, but what was shocking was that Jin Bin didn't seem to notice it, his face remained unchanged, and he slapped Natasha's chest fiercely, and the whole body was thrown away again go out.

Natasha managed to stand up straight and stared at Jin Bin, "Damn it! Why is this happening? What kind of monster are you? The 3-volt electric current has no response at all."

"I'm not a monster. You haven't seen a real monster yet." Jin Bin shuddered when he thought of the huge figure under Huohuangshi volcano, and quickly threw away what was in his mind.

Jin pointed to the clothes on his body and said: "My clothes are specially made. You should know that our company sells some shock gold. It is the same material as Captain America's shield. My clothes are also added with shock gold, which has a bulletproof effect." Absolutely the best, and conducts barely any energy, your 3 volts don't even tickle me."

"Zhen... Zhenjin!"

Natasha's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, it's too extravagant to actually use shock gold clothes, you have to be rich to do such a thing, Natasha looked at the equipment on her body, and suddenly felt It seems to be a poor ghost, the world of rich people does not understand!

Now Natasha was in a difficult situation, Jin Bing was dressed in gold clothes, which made most of her equipment useless at once.

But Natasha didn't despair. She had other means. She raised her hand and shot out a few beads, which burst open with a faint mist.

Jin Bin opened his mouth and took a breath, "Very powerful nerve gas, non-irritating, slightly sweet, it will paralyze the nerves of those who inhale it, a large amount can even cause instant death, it tastes good, do you have any more? Can you have some more."

With a mocking smile on Jin Bing's face, he actually took the poisonous gas as a drink, because after Jin Bing's body was strengthened with monster cells as the main material, it has a natural resistance to severe poisons. Although it is not immune to all poisons, Na Tasha's nerve gas was unable to damage Kim. .

"Can't poison gas work?"

Natasha felt bitter in her heart, it was really bad luck, it seemed that she had to find another way, Natasha threw a few tear gas, and the office was filled with smoke. My hope was gone, but I didn't expect it to have an effect.

Jin Bing's eyes hurt from the tear gas, and he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, don't hurt your own people, everyone leave the office, guard the door, and don't let her escape."

Jin Bin and Skye retreated towards the door at the same time, because Skye was far away from the door and fell behind.

Natasha's eyes lit up, she immediately seized the opportunity, exerted force on her feet, increased her speed to the limit, and rushed towards the door. Natasha knew that this was her only way out, and she had to escape from the office before Jin and them. Otherwise, I am afraid that today will be more or less auspicious.

Jin Bing naturally noticed Natasha's movement, and slapped her with a backhand.

However, Natasha had been prepared for a long time, and she crossed her arms to meet her. With a bang, Natasha felt that her arms were about to be broken, but she endured it, her face did not change at all, her body continued to rush forward, and her body was close to him. The ground slipped under Jin Bing's crotch by inertia, then bounced up quickly, rushing to the door first.

At this time, there were two bodyguards at the door, who came with Jin Bin. When they saw Natasha rushing over, they shot at the same time and punched Natasha.

Natasha was in a hurry to escape, not daring not to get entangled with them, then the two bodyguards probably didn't have much strength, pulled out a steel wire from their bodies, jumped up, the wire was thrown out, wrapped around the arms of the two men, and was about to tie them up Together.

However, the two bodyguards reacted unexpectedly quickly, and they didn't panic at all when their arms were entangled. They both pulled Natasha over with force at the same time, and then punched out with the other hand.


Natasha realized that she had lost her sight again. These two bodyguards were not ordinary people. Facing the two fists that hit them, when Natasha came into contact with them, she instantly felt a strong force coming, and she was directly thrown back. This kind of power is definitely not something that ordinary people can possess. The two seemingly ordinary bodyguards in front of them are actually super fighters.

After such a delay, Jin Bing and Skye had already chased up from behind. Jin Bing looked at Natasha who hadn't had time to stand still, without any nonsense, relying on his strong body, he directly ran over.


Jin Bing started to run like a rhinoceros, directly hitting Natasha with a savage charge?


Natasha flew more than ten meters directly, and then hit the wall, opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, but there was a gleam of joy on her face, it turned out that Jin Bin's collision actually knocked him out of the office and rushed out of the encirclement, Just gave her a chance to escape.

Enduring the pain on her body, Natasha climbed up, um, turned around and ran away. At this time, Jin Bin also realized that she had done something stupid, so she was going to chase after it with two bodyguards.

"Don't worry, watch mine!"

Skye finally couldn't bear to make a move, and raised his hand, facing Natasha, the shock waves condensed into a bunch and released.


Natasha was hit by the shock wave in an instant, and spit out another mouthful of blood. The injury was more serious, and this time she injured her internal organs, and she no longer had the strength to escape, so she couldn't stand up for a while when she crawled there.

At this time, the two bodyguards had already untied the steel wires wrapped around their hands, rushed to Natasha's side, each grabbed an arm and lifted her up, then reached out and touched Natasha's body a few times, searching Take out a bunch of steel wires, pocket knives, poisonous needles, bracelets and other gadgets, and throw them aside.

"Miss Natasha, you are really there. The Black Widow really deserves its reputation. You almost escaped, but in the end it fell into our hands. It seems that the famous Black Widow is about to fall here today." Jin Bin said with a face Showing a hint of complacency, this is a world-renowned super female agent. There are countless people who have suffered in her hands. Today, she was caught by herself.

"Hey, what a rude man, he doesn't know how to be sympathetic." Although Natasha was restrained, she didn't act too flustered, nor did she intend to beg for mercy. She just gave up, and she was ready to die the day she became an agent, but she was somewhat unwilling.

"What a fierce little wild cat, Miss Natasha. Do you have anything else to say? If not, I will send you on your way." Jin said, putting his hand on Natasha's neck, It can be broken with a little force.

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