
Just as the famous Black Widow was about to die, there was a sudden rush of footsteps, followed by a shout.

Jin Bin immediately stopped what he was doing, and the black widow, who was about to fight to the death, also took back a poisonous needle in her mouth, and at the same time turned her head to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a tall man with disheveled hair, who seemed to be an elderly man running over, and Jin Bing immediately went up to him, "Ivan, my friend, what do you want?"

The person here is the chief scientist of today's Fantasy Technology, Ivan Vanke, who is no worse than Jin Bin in terms of status, so Jin Bin has to give him some face.

Ivan Vanke ignored Jin Bing and looked straight at Natasha.

"Uh, Ivan, I must remind you that this woman is not simple. It doesn't matter if you like other women, but she is not. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed alive by him."

Ivan didn't seem to hear Jin Bin's words, stared at Natasha for a few seconds, and then said: "Long time no see, Natalia Romanova."

Hearing the person addressing herself this way, Natasha finally confirmed the identity of the person in front of her, "Ivan, it's really you! You've changed so much that I didn't even recognize it."

Indeed, Ivan's changes are indeed big enough. Since he came to Yang Jian, he ate well and slept well. In order to ensure that he has a good body and can do research well, Yang Jian specially helped him strengthen it. He no longer looked down and down at the beginning, and looked much younger than before.

"Fortunately, it's not bad that you can recognize it. I really didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances." Ivan seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yeah, I didn't think about it either, why are you here?"

"What else do you think is the reason? Because I am a staff member of Fantasy Technology! I heard that someone was invading just now, so I took a look at it. I didn't expect it to be you. You are really brave enough. Fortunately, I Come in time, or you will die."

"Ivan, what are you doing running so fast? I can't even catch up." There was another rush of footsteps, and this time it was a gray-haired old man.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I was too anxious just now." Ivan hurriedly stepped forward to support the person who came. Needless to say, this old man is Ivan's father, Anton Wanke.

Anton Wanke took a breath and said, "Ivan, you haven't said what's going on? Just now, I saw this woman from the surveillance camera and your expression was wrong. Why do you know her? What is the relationship? ?”

Ivan became a little embarrassed, and Natasha also blushed a little. This behavior was obviously not what a seasoned agent should have. It made people have to suspect that there was some ulterior relationship between the two.

"Ivan, this woman can't be your ex-girlfriend, right? But I've never heard of it from you before. Don't tell me you've always abandoned her?"

"No, no, Dad, it's not what you think. She's not my girlfriend. If you have to say it, she should be my daughter, your granddaughter."


Anton Wanke almost jumped up in shock, Jin Bing, Skye and others also stared at Ivan in disbelief, isn't this too violent?

"Ivan, you bastard, explain to me why you have such a daughter but never tell me, I don't even know that I have a granddaughter, and her mother, why don't you get on the bus without buying a ticket , let’s make people’s stomachs bigger and run away.”

Skye and the others also had the same idea, and the gaze they looked at Ivan became weird, as if they were looking at a scumbag.

"Things are not what you think, don't look at it that way...Forget it, I have to start from the beginning."

Ivan could tell what people were thinking just by looking at their faces, and understood that if they didn't know it clearly, it would only make things more and more chaotic.

"Father, I have been learning all kinds of knowledge under your guidance since I was a child. You hope to pass on all your wisdom to me, but there are some things that are not enough to rely on learning alone. You need to practice it by yourself from time to time, but it is necessary to do experiments. We simply can’t afford the materials, especially since there are many contraindicated items in it.”

Anton Wanke showed a sad look on his face, "I'm sorry, my son is not capable of being a father, so let you..."

"No, Dad, you don't need to apologize, you have given me the best, and I never blamed you."

"Stop, stop talking nonsense, let's get down to business." Seeing Vanke and his son procrastinating there, she couldn't help but interrupt, the fire of gossip burning in her eyes, she was eager to know Something between Tasha and Ivan.

Ivan glared at Skye angrily, and then continued: "As people who live at the bottom, it is extremely difficult for us to obtain those precious materials. In desperation, I can only Using some illegal means, the result was accidentally caught by the government."

"Have you been caught? Why haven't you been caught and put in jail?"

"Because I made a deal with some people to complete some dangerous tasks for them, and they provided me with materials. Once when I was performing a task, I heard the inside of a burning building in Stalingrad. There was a cry for help, and a little girl was found during the search and rescue. At that time, she had no relatives, so I adopted her in a moment of resignation."


Anton Wanke stretched out his hand and slapped his son, cursing angrily: "A bastard, who actually did such a dangerous thing behind my back, why didn't you tell me?"

Ivan Vanke covered his face and said, "Isn't this because you are worried?"

"What about her? Why didn't you bring her to see me?" Anton Wanke pointed at Natasha again and asked.

"I'm afraid she'll miss out and let you know what I've done."

Looking at Ivan's stubborn eyes, Anton Vanke couldn't slap the slap he raised in the air, and the scene became very quiet for everyone.

Chapter 226 Amnestics

Seeing the interaction between Vanke and his son, Jin Bing, Skye, the two bodyguards, and even Natasha fell silent.

In fact, all the people present climbed up from the bottom. Before turning to Yang Jian, Jin was like the underworld emperor. It can be said that he was the best, but he also started from the bottom one by one. I have worked hard, and I have also had the painful experience of being hacked to death at any time, and I don’t know how many life-and-death crises I have experienced.

Needless to say, the others are Kai's orphans. In order to investigate the affairs of their parents, they have worked hard to practice hacking skills, and they have put in a lot of effort.

Natasha's whole family also died when she was a child. If Ivan hadn't saved her, she might have been burned to death long ago. In order to live a better life and become an agent, she struggled every day on the death line to achieve what she is today?

Even the two bodyguards are not much better. They were mercenaries before, and they joined Jin Bing's hands later. Mercenaries themselves are the job of licking blood with knives, but if there is a line of other people, they may not do this job. Now Everything they did was theirs.

It is precisely because of this that the people present can understand what it is like to live at the bottom of the struggle, but in this case Anton Vanke was able to cultivate his son into such an outstanding talent, and the efforts he put in are even more important. It is unimaginable for ordinary people.

And as a son, Ivan can also understand his father's dedication. In order to make his father feel more relaxed, it is only normal for him to choose to complete those dangerous tasks secretly.

"Then, now our life is getting better, but I didn't mention these things to me. I didn't even know that I had a granddaughter. Then,"

"At first, I hoped that Natalia could lead a normal life, but what happened later was completely unexpected. She became an agent, and she was also the famous Black Widow. Later, she betrayed the red house that trained him in the first place. I Lost news of her."

Ivan's old face blushed slightly. In fact, he concealed some things. Later, he met Natasha, but it didn't take long for Natasha to be scared away by him, because Natasha grew up more and more. Pretty, Ivan had a strange feeling for her.

Natasha has always treated Ivan, a lifesaver, as a brother, friend, and even a father, but she never expected that Ivan would become a ghost father.

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