At that time, Natasha couldn't accept it. I took you as my father, but you actually wanted to have sex with me. I didn't say anything, and my friends were exhausted!Then he left and was never contacted again.

"Okay, Ivan, I admit that I misunderstood you, and I apologize."

Jin Bin was the first to express his opinion that although he is a gangster, he is a good man in some respects, at least he is still a good man now.

In terms of relationship, Jin Bing is very loyal to his wife and loves his son very much, so he thought Ivan was a scumbag and looked down on him. Now the misunderstanding has lifted the initiative, so he apologized.

Skye also nodded and said: "It is true that we are wrong, but it is good to explain the problem clearly, then we should discuss how to deal with this black widow, she knows too many of our secrets, she must not let it go, but Killing him is not enough, after all, he is also Ivan's daughter, no matter how ruthless we are, we can't make our own people sad."

At this time, Vanke's father kept silent. Of course they hoped to let Natasha go, but they also knew that this was impossible, and they needed to avoid suspicion when dealing with Natasha.

Jin thought for a while and said: "This situation is really troublesome. Behind her is the world's largest secret service organization. Unless she chooses to betray and join us, then we will become our own people. But the problem now is Yes, even if this is the case, it is impossible for us to trust her, the profession of secret agent is hard to tell, who knows if they are deliberately acting to deceive me?"

Skye scratched his head in embarrassment, "Then what should we do? You can't kill, you can't let go, how could such a thing happen? Really"

"That..." Anton Vanke suddenly said, "I don't think this matter is actually that difficult to deal with."

"Why, do you have any good ideas? Let's hear it."

"I have no choice, but such a big matter is obviously beyond the scope of our handling. Whether to keep or let go is not something we can make a decision. After all, it is related to future plans, so it is best to notify the boss and let him make a decision. "

Skye and Jin Bing immediately realized, yes, just now they only thought about solving the immediate difficulties, but forgot that this matter is not theirs, and there are even bigger entanglements, which are beyond their ability to deal with. Yang Jian will make the decision himself.

"Understood, I will notify Jane immediately."

Skye acted quickly, and immediately sent a message using the communicator Yang Jian left for him, and there was a response within half a minute.

At a distance of five or six meters away from everyone, quickly draw a circle to form a circular space door. Through that door, everyone can see a very old-looking library on the other side. Yang Jian, from the space door walk out.

"What's the matter? Call me here in such a hurry, I'm busy." Yang Jian felt a little upset, and was reading a book when he saw the most critical moment to disturb him.

"Jane, don't be angry, we won't bother you if we don't really encounter something difficult to choose."

"Okay, tell me what's going on? I have to go back as soon as I'm done." Yang Jian was really impatient, because the space door was still not closed.

"The thing is like this, we just caught a spy, but we didn't expect it to be Ivan's daughter..."

Skye hurriedly stepped forward and began to reprimand about Natasha. Yang Jian's expression became weird after hearing this, and she looked Natasha up and down, as if you were kidding me.

In the plot of the original Iron Man [-], Ivan, as the opponent of Iron Man, is a proper tragedy. Once the father sacrificed to the sky, then Ivan started to hang up, built a small reactor, and sought revenge from Iron Man and was abused. a meal.

Next, the idiot Hammer wanted the exoskeleton armor technology, but Ivan used it to start the second confrontation with Iron Man and control the war machine.

Everything was going well at first, but Natasha single-handedly entered Hammer Industry and released the control of War Machine. This allowed Iron Man and his good friend Rhodes to join forces to defeat Ivan again.

It can be said that Natasha played a crucial role during this period. If it weren't for her, War Machine would never be able to regain freedom. Without his help, Iron Man would not be able to defeat Ivan at all, but I didn't expect Ivan There is such a relationship with Natasha, isn't it that Natasha and Iron Man teamed up to kill her adoptive father?Why did she make such a murderous move?

But then Yang Jian realized that in the plot of Iron Man II, Natasha had never had any direct contact with Ivan, and she probably didn't know that what she did happened to kill her adoptive father.

When Yang Jian looked at Natasha, Natasha was also observing Yang Jian. She already understood that the BOSS who had begun to fantasize about the biggest technology in front of her was also the one who decided her own destiny.

Natasha is also thinking about how the other party will deal with her. She can be sure that her life will be saved, but she will definitely not let her go easily, after all, she knows too much.

Jin Bing and the two bodyguards are obviously super soldiers. If only one is normal, but there are three at once, it can only show that the other party has mastered a certain method of making super soldiers.

There is also Skye, who obviously possesses some kind of vibration ability, plus Yang Jian's ability to directly open the space and travel through the space just now, the sum of these secrets is enough to shock the whole world, once it is leaked out, it will become the object of competition for all forces. , if he stood on the opponent's side, he would definitely eliminate all dangers in the bud at all costs.

Mu Ke thought about it, and had already thought of a solution, "I understand what's going on, that is to say, the problem now is how to deal with this Miss Black Widow, right? Because of her relationship with Ivan, it's not good next time hands, and we can’t let him reveal our secrets, that’s why it’s difficult.”

"Yes, what can you do?"

"Simple, I can use magic to directly delete part of her memory and make her forget everything that happened tonight. Although she will definitely notice the abnormality, as long as she doesn't know the real situation, he will have nothing to do with us."

"Can you delete your memory? That's great. This way, you don't have to kill someone to silence your story. You can get the best of both worlds." Skye jumped up happily.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, I'll do it now." Yang Jian stretched out his hand as he spoke, a streak of gold emerged from five fingers, and it seemed that five tiny tentacles were wriggling and pressing towards Natasha's head.

Natasha instinctively refused, and resisted vigorously, but she was held up by two big men, and she couldn't break free at all. Although she could use the poisonous needle in her mouth to make a final counterattack, if she did so, the other party would probably be furious took her life.

"Wait a moment!"

Ivan suddenly yelled, Yang Jian temporarily stopped what he was doing, turned his head to look over and asked, "Ivan, what else do you want? Could it be to stop me?"

"No, no, boss, I just want to ask, will erasing memory cause damage to the brain, in case..." Ivan felt a little embarrassed after speaking.

Yang Jian thought for a while, and then said: "The brain is the most precise part of the human body, and I'm not sure what kind of impact Xia Chuyi will have, because of her special identity, in order to ensure that our secrets will not be discovered. , I will directly destroy part of his memory with a more violent method, and no one can restore it. There will inevitably be some at night, but if I don’t do this, then I can only kill her, so I think she is still It’s better to take a little risk.”

"Isn't there a safer way?"

"For now, no! But you don't have to worry too much. With my control of magic power, the chance of failure is very low. I will try my best to keep her brain safe."

"Then... well, please boss!"

Ivan turned his head to look at Natasha, as if he saw a prayer in the eyes of the other party, but in the end Ivan pretended not to see it, and looked away cruelly.

Ivan knew that Yang Jian was enough to save face, if he continued to be ignorant, it might have the opposite effect.

Yang Jian's palm was already on Natasha's head, two of the tentacles extended by the venom were connected to Natasha's temples, and the other three were connected to the back of her head. Natasha's recent memories were presented in front of Yang Jian. Yang Jian carefully smashed and deleted the memories related to fantasy technology.

In just ten seconds, Yang Jian had completed amnestics. Natasha rolled her eyes and passed out. Yang Jian stretched out her hand and a blank piece of paper flew over on the desk. Yang Jian wrote a few words on it. , then folded it up and stuffed it into Natasha's chest, finally opened a space door, threw Nata over, and closed the space door.

"Wait, boss, where did you throw Natalia's milk? She is in a coma now, is there any danger?" Ivan saw Yang Jian just put the unconscious Natasha outside, Suddenly a little anxious, asked quickly.

"Don't worry, it's at the trash can on the street behind. With her physical fitness, she will wake up soon, and she won't be in danger. If you are still not at ease, you can follow her to have a look."

"Okay, thank you boss, I'll go right away."

Ivan was really rude, turned around and ran outside, Yang Jian didn't care, turned to Jin and said: "Remember to make arrangements, the black widow is still an employee of our company on the surface, and the sudden disappearance may arouse others' suspicion. Find a suitable reason, don't arouse suspicion, and after the Black Widow fails, the bald director behind her may take some action, and even come to see you in person, so you must be mentally prepared."

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