"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do."

"That's good, I won't tell you when I'm still busy." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he re-entered the space door that was opened before, and quickly shrank and disappeared. Skye and the others quickly left to busy with their own affairs.

But Natasha also woke up after being thrown out by Yang Jian, and found herself lying next to the trash can. She couldn't help but feel a little strange, and then thought that she was going to sneak into the fantasy technology building just now, why did she come here?

At this moment, Natasha suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her chest. She reached out and took out a note. She opened it and was stunned. Do not come again!

Natasha's face turned red and then pale. It was the first time he was being tricked like this. It was a great shame. Through her, she discovered another problem, the time was wrong.

Natasha remembered it very clearly. Before that, her memory was about to invade the fantasy technology research and development department. It was 18:25 at that time, but now it was exactly 19 o'clock. He had no memory of the time in between.

"What happened during this period? Why am I here?" Natasha muttered to herself, thinking hard, trying to recall what happened during this period, but unfortunately it was of no use.

Natasha had to give up, and walked out quickly, and soon came to a public telephone booth, dialed a number, only rang twice, and the other side was connected.

"Boss, I failed."

Chapter 227 Vanke and Stark

Because of Yang Jian's reminder, Jin Bing was ready to dismember the body in order to deal with the workshop of a bald bureau chief, but he didn't expect that after a few days, he hadn't waited for the bald bureau chief's figure, which made Jin Bing Bing was a little surprised, could it be that the bald director had changed his nature and suffered such a big loss, but he was indifferent.

It's not actually because of Nick Fury's sex change, but because he's stuck with something else.

I had already planned to come to Jin Bin and have a good talk with him, and I made some special preparations for this, but I didn't expect that when I was planning to act, there was a problem with Tony Stark.

Playboy Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists on his way back to Afghanistan when he went to Afghanistan to display his weapons.

If it is someone else, we will ignore it, but Tony Stark is different. He is not only the controller of the largest arms manufacturing company in the United States, but also has another identity, the son of Howard Stark, the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. , His identity is destined to be entangled with S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick Fury can't just sit idly by, so he mobilized all his forces to find Tony Stark's whereabouts.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has very high authority and can even intervene in anything they want to intervene, it is precisely because of this that they are targeted by various countries.

Nick Fury can't find Tony Stark and then focus on fantasy technology, because S.H.I.E.L.D. is already very conspicuous in today's American power structure, with its own armed forces, intelligence network, its own financial sources and technology. Research institutions, and some things the US government does not know the details!Such an organization is within the United States, how can the US government rest assured without the US government?There's a lot that can't be done, so there's definitely no time to mess with fantasy tech anytime soon.

The story of Tony Stark's disappearance is still under wraps and hasn't spread, and Kim hasn't.That's the thing, it hasn't spread Fubo yet, but there are already some rumors, um, you, Tony Pancake, have guessed it slowly, so this will save you some trouble.

The fact that Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists is still kept secret, but it has aroused the memories of a group of people. After all, this playboy always does some things, but there has been no news in the past few days, and some people have gradually appeared. rumor.

Jin Bing also made a special investigation after learning about it. Only then did he learn that Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists. He felt that it was not a trivial matter, so he found a chance to report it to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian immediately understood that the plot of Iron Man had officially started, so he gave Jin Bing an order to buy Stark Industries' shares with all his strength when Stark's stock plummeted, and especially told him not to care about money. , How many acquisitions will be made at that time.

Vanke and his son were very interested in learning about this. They thought about what kind of expression Tony Stark would have when he knew the truth if Stark Industries was acquired by Fantasy Technology and they became shareholders of Stark Industries.

As for whether the acquisition of Stark Industries will lose money, Yang Jian, Jin Bing, Vanke and his son never thought about it. Just kidding, they really thought that Tony Stark was a vegetarian. It is a cross-age era, and finally revived Stark Industries. Even if it is really at the end of the day, they can come up with some advanced technologies to bring Stark Industries back to life.

Of course, Yang Jian understands the direction of the future, and knows very well that Stark Industries will not be silent. In the future, Iron Man will be born, and the stock will definitely rise sharply. When the time comes to switch to the direction of energy, it will definitely make a lot of money. .

Soon the disappearance of Tony Stark was revealed, and it could be described as turbulent. Everyone wondered if Tony Stark was dead?How should Stark Industries go in the future?Some people are happy, some people are worried, but so far Tony's body has not been found, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Stark's stock fell again and again, and Jin Bing found the right opportunity to start the acquisition, but all of this was done in secret, using some accounts to disguise his identity, and no one knew that it was Jin Bing's doing.

Time passed unknowingly. Two months later, Jin Bing actually held more than 10% of Stark's shares. Jin Bing was very excited to ask Yang Jian for credit, but Yang Jian just praised a few words casually. I don't care, the acquisition of Stark Industries' shares is just a matter of convenience, and Yang Jian doesn't care too much.

Originally, Yang Jian planned to just stay quietly in the Karma Taj library and read, waiting for Tony Stark to return, waiting for the battle between Iron Man and Iron King, but unexpectedly, Anton Vanke made a request, I want to take this opportunity to meet Tony Stark, the son of the enemy.

Yang Jian was surprised. Could it be that Anton Vanke planned to take the opportunity to get rid of Tony Stark, the son of the enemy, but Yang Jian's future plans related to Iron Man were absolutely not allowed.

Fortunately, it turns out that Yang Jian was thinking too much. Anton Vanke just wanted to meet Tony Stark and had no other ideas. She didn't have other people's ideas. He even planned to save Tony Stark if necessary. Tucker died because Anton Vanke planned to use Stark as his son's sharpening stone. With Tony Stark as his only opponent by his side, Ivan Vanke would work harder. He lost to Howard, but hoped that his son could be better than Howard's son, but before that, he wanted to meet, but his last wish was fulfilled.

Yang Jian confirmed that Anton Vanke was telling the truth, and naturally he would not refuse this small request from his subordinates. The U.S. government and S.H.I.E.L.D. did their best to find Tony Stark without any clues, but it was indeed a trivial matter for Yang Jian , Yang Jian understands the plot of Iron Man, and generally knows where he is being held. Coupled with the magic mastered by Yang Jian, he sneaks into Tony Stark's residence, finds an item that contains Tony Stark's breath, and then makes a Magic positioning is easy to get.

But Tony Stark was seriously injured after the terrorists captured him. Fortunately, Ethan saved his life, and then those terrorists forced him to make weapons. Tony agreed on the surface, and actually used the materials used to make weapons to create steel armor. It took three months to finally succeed.

However, many things often go wrong at the critical moment, and the terrorists found out the abnormality. In order to buy time for Tony Stark, Ethan rushed out with a gun, fought with the terrorists, and finally died tragically under the guns of the terrorists. .

Tony Stark was furious, manipulating the Mark 1 armor to kill wildly in the base, killing all the terrorists, destroying the weapons in the base, and then activated the armor to rush to the sky.

But the Mark 1 battle armor was too rough, and it fell from the air after only flying a certain distance, plunged into the sand, and fell apart.


Tony pulled himself out of the sand and spat, his forehead was swollen, because he was imprisoned for three months, his body was dirty and smelly, and he was baked by the scorching sun, and he couldn't help being dizzy for a while.

"What a mess, Tony Stark!"

Tony suddenly heard a voice behind him, almost jumping up in fright, turned around and shouted loudly: "Who?"

Tony turned his head and saw an old man with white hair, standing there so quietly, Stark didn't notice when he came here.

At this time, Tony Stark was flustered, but his mind was very clear. He soon discovered a problem. It is reasonable to leave footprints after walking in the desert, but there are no footprints around the old man. Could it be that he is flying? Did you come here? .

"What are you? Are you a ghost?"

"No, I'm a normal human being. As for why there are no footprints, it's because I have special skills." Of course, Anton Wanke knew what the other party was thinking, and immediately replied.

Hearing that the other party was a human and not a ghost, Tony couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but then his heart arose again. At this time, he appeared near the terrorist base, and most of them were also enemies. Now that his steel armor has been destroyed, he has no way to fight back. , if the other party wants to kill him, there is almost no power to fight back.

Seemingly seeing Tony Stark's worry and malice, Anton Wanke smiled and explained: "Don't worry, I'm not with those terrorists, and I didn't intend to kill you, just to see you together What does Howard's son look like, and a wish is fulfilled."

Hearing that the other party actually mentioned his father, Tony Stark showed a surprised expression. Looking at the other party's white hair, although he was in good spirits, but you are not young, maybe it is really the same age as his father. Is it possible that the other person is just a friend of his father?

"You know my father? What is your relationship with him?"

"Of course I know each other. We used to be good friends, collaborators, and worked together on research, but then we fell out, and even got tricked by him, and almost died. Over the years, I have always wanted to get revenge."

Tony Stark smiled wryly when he heard the words, it turned out that the old man was his father's enemy, he really just got out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's mouth.

"This... Is there any misunderstanding between you and my father?" Tony asked with embarrassment.

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