Seeing this scene, anyone who has a little understanding of the plot of Iron Man will know what is going on. This is Iron Man's first battle in the true sense. His opponent is Obaday Stan who is driving Iron Man.

Obaday Stein didn't notice Yang Jian and Skye in the car, he only had Tony Stark in his eyes, "Tony, you keep saying that you want to give up weapon manufacturing, but you have created the most powerful killing weapon. It was a pity that I couldn't kill you before, but now it seems that this is definitely the best gift God gave me. I will use your steel armor technology to create more weapons and make Stark Industries stronger .”

Obaday Stein was very excited. Although he was exposed, he didn't care. As long as Tony can be killed, he is the only one who controls the manufacturing technology of the Iron Armor. Those high-level officials in the US government will send him a check , let him fill in the numbers at will.

What kind of shit are those politicians? Obaday knows it all too well, but a mother is a mother. They only have benefits in their eyes. A relaxed Stark may be a loss to them, but when there are more benefits in front of them , They will throw themselves into their arms without hesitation, and call Obaday Stan, who has the technology of the steel suit, daddy.

"Stop it, Stan, I made the Iron Armor for the benefit of mankind, for peace, not for it to be a weapon for killing."

"What a ridiculous remark. In this world, only fists make sense. Your steel suit will only make killing more efficient. Now you say it is for peace, just as childish as your dead father."

With a move in his heart, Tony asked, "Stan, tell me, does my father's death have anything to do with you? Was it you who killed my father?"

Stan froze for a moment, "Didn't Howard say that he died in a car accident? What does it have to do with me? Is there something else hidden in it?"

"It's really not you?" Tony looked at Obaday Stein seriously, obviously not pretending, and he calmed down again after making sure that the other party was not the murderer of his parents.

"It seems that Howard's death is really not that simple, but it doesn't matter, all I have to do now is to kill you, and then use your steel suit technology to create more benefits, soon Stark Industries will be mine .”

Looking at Obaday and Tony who were chattering about Asian family ethics drama, Yang Jian became a little impatient, "Let me tell you two, if you have any personal grievances, you can go to other places to talk, don't get in the way, we have to go Date, please make way for me?"

Yang Jian's words really ruined the atmosphere, and the scene was affirmed. Could it be that he is a fool to say such words at this critical moment?

It was only then that Aubadestein noticed Yang Jian and Skye in the car, "It turned out to be you. Speaking of which, I still have a good impression of you, because you taught Tony a hard lesson for me. In order to express my gratitude, I will let you You die a little more happily.

Don't blame me, who told you to be people who imagine technology?I have also investigated you, and if I am not mistaken, those technologies of fantasy technology have a lot to do with you.

If you die, the fantasy industry technology will be greatly reduced. In my hands, Stark Industries will be even more brilliant and will definitely annex your fantasy technology. I just met today, so you all die together. "

After finishing speaking, Aubadestein started directly, controlling the Iron Overlord, directly picked up the car with two steel arms, and threw it hard at Tony.

Although the car was lifted, Yang Jian's expression did not change at all, because Yang Jian was not worried about hurting himself at all, and Skye was also expressionless, without the slightest fear, because he had confidence in Yang Jian.

"No!" On the contrary, Tony yelled in panic, and quickly controlled the suit to pick it up, trying to save people.

I have to say that after Tony was kidnapped by terrorists and rescued by Ethan at the cost of his life, his whole body has changed. Although his tongue is still poisonous, his heart is kind. He hesitated to save people.

It's just that Tony stopped after running a few steps, because he saw an unbelievable scene. The car thrown by Obadestein actually floated in the air. It seemed that there was an invisible force, and the frustration slowly fell. Come,

If you take a closer look at Yang Jian sitting in the car, you will find that he is holding a ball of orange-red energy in his hand. This is the reason why the car can float in mid-air, an alternative use of the levitation spell.

This weird scene frightened Oba Destein too, and raised his weapon to aim at the car.

The car door opened, Yang Jian and Skye came out, Yang Jian looked at Obadai with a murderous look on his face and said: "Really, I didn't want to pay attention to the grievances between you, but you just wanted to die yourself, there is no other way. For those who dare to attack me, I have always killed them without mercy, don't blame me."

As Yang Jian spoke, she was ready to do something, but at this moment Skye said, "Wait a minute, Jane, leave this guy to me and see how I deal with him."

In fact, Skye is the most irritating person. It was hard for Yang Jian to take the initiative to ask her out on a date. It was hard for him to enjoy a candlelight dinner with the person he liked. It was hard for him to be romantic. But when he encountered such a thing, he was certainly not happy. Well, Skye decided to teach the culprit, Obadestein, a lesson, and let it go.

"Just relying on you, you really don't know how to live or die, go to hell!"

Although Oba Destein was also taken aback by the floating car before, but he thinks it should be some kind of technology, such as suspension magnetic tram, and he has already thought about killing Yang Jian and the other three, and then making this car Go back and study to see if you can use this technology for your own use.

Skye didn't bother to pay attention to it again, clenched his fist, and a circle of white light flashed.

bang bang bang! ! !

Seeing this strange situation, Obaday no longer hesitated, and immediately opened fire. A series of bullets were fired. Of course, Yang Jian would not hurt Skye. He raised his hand and put a protective shield on Skye. When the cover was put on, there were waves of ripples.

Now Opadi was really terrified. If this is also a kind of technology, it is too advanced. Thinking of the scene of the car floating before, I can't help but guess whether there is magic in this world?

I can't help feeling a little regretful, maybe I really offended someone who shouldn't be offended, but unfortunately there is no medicine for regret in this world, since I have already made a mistake, I can only continue to make mistakes, and shoot a cannonball as soon as I grit my teeth.

boom! !

The flames of the explosion overwhelmed Skye, and Obaday thought to himself: This must be his death.

But soon Obaday saw a scene that made him unbelievable. A figure walked out of the flames with a protective shield on his body. Who else but Skye?

"Empty shock!"

Skye let out a soft drink, and punched out with a punch, a strong shock force spread out, the air was shattered, white cracks appeared, and hit Obadai fiercely


The Iron Overlord was directly shattered by this punch and countless parts were splashed, mixed with traces of blood. Obadai flew out directly and hit the ground heavily. Most of the bones in his body were broken, and more than half of his life was lost. , if not treated in time, may really die.

"You..." Obadai fainted after uttering such a word. Obadestein must be very regretful at this moment. Why did he make such a mindless move to offend such a powerful enemy?If I'm not too greedy and only target Tony Stark, maybe the other party won't pay attention to me at all.

Chapter 229 Nick Fury Visits

Tony Stark looked at Opadry, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and didn't know how to describe his feelings. The relationship between him and Opadry was definitely not false, even if Opadry betrayed him, and even wanted to His life, but you still can't bear to see Obady who is dying.

In the heart of Tony Stark, Obadai was equivalent to a father. When Howard just died, when he needed help the most, it was Obaday who stood behind him without hesitation and helped him stabilize Stark. Overcoming the situation of the industry, buying time for him, so that he can safely invest in research, manufacture pieces of advanced weapons, and continue to open up markets abroad. It can be said that Stark can get to where he is today, Oba Destan , the market is indispensable.

But now this father-like existence chooses to betray him because of his interests, and the pain in his heart is indescribable.

Just when Tony Stark was immersed in pain, there was a sound of a car engine starting up. When he looked up, he saw that Yang Jian and Skye had already sat back in the car. The car started and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye, leaving only Tony a car exhaust.

"Jarvis, am I being ignored?" Tony Stark looked at the street where the car disappeared, wondering if he was hallucinating.

"Yes, sir!" Jarvis answered truthfully in a somewhat cold electronically synthesized voice.

"Damn it, how dare they do this. I'm Tony Stark, the most popular man in America. This is the first time they dare to ignore me."

Tony wanted to catch up, pulled Yang Jian and Skye out of the car, and beat them up severely, but then thought of the strength they showed just now, and immediately put an end to this thought, if he really did this Yes, in the end he must have been beaten black and blue.

"Sir, do I need to remind you that the gentleman and lady just now have had many firsts on you! The first time you slapped food on your face, the first time you refused your invitation, the first time Knock you to the ground, for the first time..."

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