Tony Stark's face became darker and darker, and all the dark history was revealed, and finally he couldn't help it, and shouted angrily: "Enough, Jarvis, I don't need you to remind me, I planned to upgrade you next week, But I’m not in the mood now, I’ll give you an upgrade when I’m in a better mood.”

It's a pity that Jarvis didn't follow him at all, and still said in a cold voice: "Of course, boss, this is your freedom, but I need to remind you that if you delay giving me an upgrade, you will lose yourself in the end."

"I'm happy, can you handle it?"

Tony Stark finally calmed down, thinking about how to clean up this mess, looked at Obaday who was almost out of breath, and finally gave up on sending him to the hospital, and just let him leave this world in a coma Bar.

"Oh! My God! Tony, it's great that you're okay."

Little Pepper Pepper Potts finally found him under the protection of Coulson and several other agents. After seeing that Tony was safe and sound, he was so excited that his eyes wept and rushed forward.

Tony hugged Pepper through the battle armor, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her: "Don't worry, Pepper, I'm fine, don't worry."

"Mr. Stark can tell us what happened. It seems that this situation has gone through a big battle, but what weapon did you use to cause this situation? Did you really defeat Obadestan?" Phil Coulson should have found a chance to ask.

"Of course it's... Hey, I defeated Oba Destan, who else but me?" Tony Stark refused to tell the truth. His performance before was so embarrassing that he almost lost his life. Well, if Yang Jian hadn't just met him, maybe his life would have been lost.

Thinking of his embarrassment in front of Yang Jian, Tony felt uncomfortable. It should be a very happy thing to survive a near death, but he couldn't be happy at all.

"Really? But the battle armor on Obadai's body was destroyed like this, and there are cracks all over the black, as if it was shattered by some kind of force. It doesn't look like it was caused by your weapon. How do you explain this?"

As an excellent agent, Cole and others are best at observing, not only observing people, but also observing the surrounding situation. From Tony's face just now, it is certain that he lied, and he made a secret gesture. The few agents who came with him Immediately spread out, looking for witnesses to investigate the situation.

There was a trace of eagerness on Tony's face. The real situation was about to be exposed. Would it be embarrassing in front of so many people?

Soon those agents came back, but the news they brought back was very bad. After questioning the witnesses around them, they found a very strange thing. Those people have a common characteristic, that is, they lost a certain period of time. Not only that, they also searched the nearby surveillance cameras, only to find that all relevant videos had been deleted.

After Coulson got the report from his subordinates, his face became weird. It was fine if the monitoring was deleted, and the memory would be deleted no matter what.

"Mr. Stark, please tell me what is going on, this matter is very serious, we need to have a good talk."

"We have nothing to talk about between us. I'm sorry, too many things happened today. I need to deal with some things. I'll talk about them later when I have a chance."

Tony heard that all the witnesses had been deleted, and he immediately felt relieved after remembering it. At the same time, he was even more afraid of Yang Jian. Even the memory could be deleted, and the other party might be more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

After Tony finished speaking, he took Xiaojiao away directly. Because of the appearance of Yang Jian, the plot changed. Tony did not exhaust almost all his energy as in the original plot. Stan was killed. Although the first-generation Ark reactor was used, the energy was sufficient, and there was enough time to make a new one.

Coulson saw Tony's uncooperative appearance, and he had no choice but to report the situation truthfully.

When Nick Fury heard the news from Coulson, he fell into contemplation for a moment. The situation where the memory of a certain period of time was deleted reminded him that the situation after Natasha's failure to invade fantasy technology was also deleted. Is there any connection between the memory of a certain period of time?

Nico Fury used his authority to have people investigate all the surveillance in New York during the battle between Iron Man and Iron Overlord, whether there were people like Jin Bing, Skye, and Yang Jian. Sure enough, they found out that one of the cameras recorded After seeing the situation where Yang Jian drove by, and based on the speed and time calculation, it happened to pass the place where the Iron Bully and Iron Man fought at the end.

In this way, Nick Fury immediately determined that this matter was related to Yang Jian, and he became more concerned about fantasy technology. Just because the other party has the ability to delete other people's memories is enough for him to pay attention to.

"It seems that I have to meet the big boss behind the fantasy technology in person."

Yang Jian did some tricks when he left, because the witnesses around at that time were just ordinary people, and their will was not firm, so there was no need to use a little bit of memory deletion like dealing with the black widow, just a large forgetting spell, and let them Dabai deleted the surveillance video of the surrounding streets, but he didn't expect it to be exposed.

Of course, even if Yang Jian was found out, Yang Jian didn't care very much. At most, it was a little troublesome, and Yang Jian didn't bother to bother. This society is living with Skye, immersed in the gentleness, so how can he have time to care about these nosy things?

Nick Fury began to prepare for the next meeting, but before he had time to leave, something happened to Tony Stark. At the venue the next day, Tony said in front of everyone: I am Iron Man , Dun detonated the venue, and Nick Fury was so angry that he almost slapped the table.

But Nick Fury finally suppressed his headache and continued to wipe Tony's ass, and sneaked into Tony's residence at night, pretended to be a B, and warned the matter before it was over.

It dragged on for a few more days before Nick Fury was ready. Originally, he planned to sneak into Yang Jian's residence secretly like he did with Tony Stark, and use this alternative method to warn him. Fortunately, the next negotiation He took the initiative, but then thought that since the other party has the ability to delete other people's memories, who knows what other abilities they have?What if I accidentally fail to install B?Will I also lose my memory inexplicably?

In the end, Nick Fury still chose the safest method, and asked someone to send Jin a letter directly, revealing his identity, expressing his sincerity, and stating that he wanted to meet Yang Jian.

After Jin Bing received the news, he immediately reported the matter to Yang Jian. Yang Jian thought about it and finally agreed to the meeting.

Early this morning, Nick Fury brought two capable men, Coulson and Natasha, to Fantasy Technology. He saw Jin Bing in the office on the top floor of the Fantasy Technology Building, but Yang Jian was not there.

"Mr. Wilson Fisk, I think I have made it very clear. The person we are going to meet this time is not you, but the real controller behind the fantasy technology. That Mr. Yang, I hope you can make it easier."

Jin waved his hand and signaled the three of them to sit down, and then he said in a leisurely manner: "Don't worry, the boss has already explained, he will call you, but something happened temporarily, our boss suddenly received a very important The news of the person who is here, I need to deal with something, so please wait a moment, and I will be back soon."

Nick Fury was really surprised when he heard the words. Who is the very important person Jin Bing mentioned?Is it more important than him, the director of the world's largest secret service organization?

"Can I ask, who is that very important person you mentioned? I am very curious about his identity."

"I know what you want to ask, but that person's identity is very special. She is a very great and respectable person. Even a scum like me, a scum, can't help but admire her, because What she has done deserves the respect of all of us."

Hearing Jin Bin say that, Fu Rui is even more curious about the identity of the adult, and Jin Bin is talking about her, that is a woman, it is not easy for Jin Bin to respect someone so much.

Although Natasha's original memory was deleted, she had an instinctive intuition, perhaps because she was beaten up by Jin Bing some time ago, she felt very uncomfortable when she saw Jin Bing at first sight, and she couldn't help but sarcastically said : "Fortunately, you still have self-knowledge. As an underworld emperor, it is surprising that you can say such a thing."

Jin Bin was not angry at Natasha's sarcasm at all, and said with a smile: "Is Miss Natasha still angry? Although we had some misunderstandings that night, Nian should have forgotten it, so there is no need to worry about these Is something wrong?"

"Bastard, it really was you who did it. What happened that night, and what did you do to me? Give me back my memory!"

Natasha couldn't help but wanted to do something. As a super agent, the famous Black Widow, when did she suffer such a big loss?I still don't understand what happened that night.

"Miss Natasha, you should be thankful, we can kill you for the crime of sneaking into our fantasy technology to steal information, at most it's an overdefense, no one can say anything.

But you are lucky, it just so happens that we have a person who is very close to you in Fantasy Technology, and he paid a high price to save your life, otherwise your corpse will stink. "Jin Bing was also unhappy with Natasha, so he directly turned back.

"People who are close to me?" Natasha sneered, "Jin Bin, are you kidding me? Why didn't I know there were such people? Do you think you can fool me with any excuse?"

"Really? If my friend heard what you said, he would say it sadly. Speaking of which, he was your savior. If it weren't for him, you would have been burned to death in Stalingrad." Yes, if he hadn’t adopted you and starved to death early in the morning, it’s heartless for you to say such a thing, daughter of Ivan.”

"What!" Now Natasha couldn't bear it anymore, without the slightest calmness as an agent, she rushed to Jin Bin and reached out to grab his clothes, but Jin Bin slapped her hand away.

"Where is he? Tell me, I want to see him."

"It seems that you still care about Ivan, but I think it's better for you not to meet each other. Don't forget your current identity, and your boss, the chief of the secret service king, is next to you. Go and meet him, you This bureau chief will definitely do something, maybe he will be used unknowingly, which is not good for you or him."

Natasha calmed down immediately, and looked up at Nick Fury. Although his bald head was still so shiny and his eyes were still so deep, but based on Natasha's understanding of her chief, if she really went to see Ivan, she would definitely Will not pass up this opportunity.

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