Nick Fury is very unhappy, even if it is true, you can't say it, which makes me feel so embarrassed.

"Mr. Fix, you are joking. Natasha is the best agent in our bureau and my most capable subordinate. How could I count on my own people?"

Jin looked at Nick Fury contemptuously, "Won't your conscience hurt when you say this? I'm afraid you don't even believe it yourself!"

"Ahem, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe me. Forget it, don't check these things. Let's be quiet and wait for that Mr. Yang to come."

At this time, Natasha also calmed down and stood behind Nick Fury again. She knew very well that, as Jin Bin said, it is better not to see each other now, and find another opportunity later.

Chapter 230 First Meeting Nick

Kim said to ask Nick Fury to wait for a while, but I didn't expect that the wait would be um, I suggested two hours, I drank cup after cup of coffee, and every time I asked Jin, he said wait, Nick Fury almost thought that Jin didn't It was to embarrass him on purpose, if it wasn't for the strange and powerful ability that Yang Jian showed before, he would have thought of beating someone up.

Jin Bing repeatedly stated that the person Yang Jian was going to meet was very important, and it could be seen that he was not lying, which made Nick Fury a little strange. Who was that person?For Yang Jian to attach so much importance to it, he is not even allowed to leave him, the chief of the world's largest secret service organization, here.

As the king of secret agents, Nick Fury is good at checking his face, and he can see the respect in Jin's eyes when he talks about that person, so he endured the impatience in Qiang's heart, and continued to spend time with Jin, talking non-stop He said, hoping to get some news from Jin Bin, but Jin Bin's tone was very tight, and Nick didn't get any useful clues.

When drinking the sixth cup of coffee, a mass of ion sparks suddenly appeared in the open space of the office, which immediately attracted the attention of Nick Fury and the others, and they became alert.

A ball of ion sparks spun around quickly, opened a space door, and Yang Jian walked out at a leisurely pace.This appearance immediately stunned Nick Fury and the three of them, full of force.

Although Nick Fury and the others knew that Yang Jian was not simple and possessed a special ability, they were still shocked by this ability to travel through space.

After the space door disappeared, Nick Fury calmed down, took a deep breath, and calmed down, then got up and said hello to Yang Jian: "Hello, Mr. Yang, first time meeting, I'm Nick Fury, God Director of the Shield Bureau, nice to meet you."

"Director Fury, you are welcome. You are a busy person. It is my honor to take time out of your busy schedule to come here to meet this little man." Yang Jian was also very polite.

Little people!Nick Fury smiled wryly in his heart. If you were a small person, there would be no big people in this world. Imagine that technology is already the most inflatable big company in the world, and it can be ranked in the top ten in the world, plus the shuttle space shown just now The ability is enough to become the biggest threat in the world. If it is used to do evil, such as opening a space door in their SHIELD and throwing a missile into it, their SHIELD may directly become ruins.

"Mr. Yang is really surprising. The ability to cross space just now is really amazing."

Being an agent, Nick Fury instinctively tried to inquire about Yang Jian's ability to travel through space just now, hoping to get more relevant news, but he didn't expect to be successful, but unexpectedly, Yang Jian unexpectedly Easy to talk, explain to him directly.

"It's a kind of magic, and it's just one of the most basic magics of Karma Taj. Almost all mages can use it, and I only learned it recently,"

Seeing that he got the news he wanted so easily, Nick Fury froze for a moment, and immediately asked: "Kama Taj? Where is that?"

"Kama Taj is the sacred place of mages, the training place of mages, and the headquarters of mages' hermitage. Their leader is Gu Yi, a supreme mage who has lived for hundreds of years, or even longer. I just went to I saw Master Gu Yi, so I made Director Fu Rui wait so long, I'm really sorry..."

Yang Jian didn't lie, he really came to see Master Gu Yi, which was also a small accident.

Originally, after Yang Jian knew that Nick Fury was coming, he made some preparations, and didn't mean to keep Nick Fury waiting for a long time, but he didn't expect that at this time, the ancient master came out of the customs.

Yang Jian specially greeted the mages of Karma Taj, and let me know if the ancient one is out of customs. Compared with the ancient one, Nick Fury is just an artifact to find a handsome fart!Yang Jian didn't bother to pay attention to it, and simply explained to Jin Bin, and went to Karma Taj to exchange magic with Master Gu Yi.

After receiving the magic system from another world provided by Yang Jian, the light power cultivated by Master Gu Yi through the Patronus Curse and the Guardian Magic has suppressed the dark power in the body and completely got rid of the erosion of the dark dimensional power , the strength has greatly increased, and the whole person has become more energetic.

Yang Jian and Master Gu Yi each have their own understanding of magic, and they are both at the top. The two have gained something through the exchange of magic, and finally they had a sparring session.

In the end, the Ancient One was slightly better than the Ancient One. With Yang Jian's current strength, he was no weaker than the Ancient One, who had not obtained magic knowledge from Harry Potter's world before, and was even slightly better. But this time After retreating, Master Gu Yi got rid of the flaws of dark power, had a better understanding of magic, and his strength increased a lot, so he was able to suppress Yang Jian.

However, Yang Jian is not discouraged. After the magic fusion of the two worlds, both of them will have a period of rapid strength growth. However, Yang Jian believes that with the help of Du Lian and backed by the chaotic space, his own strength will definitely grow faster than Gu Yi, at most It will take a year or two to catch up with Master Gu Yi.

"This... Mr. Yang, what you said is really unbelievable, Supreme Master Gu Yi! Why have I never heard of it?"

"Of course I haven't heard of it, because they have been hiding in the dark and seldom show up in front of others. Of course, you don't have to worry about them having any bad ideas. The purpose of their existence is to protect the earth. The Priory has resisted the invasion of certain evil forces for many years, so it can be said to be the protector of the earth,"

"Since that's the case, why do they still hide it and not come to the surface? It's easy to misunderstand people."

"No way, greed is the instinct of human beings. If you know the existence of mages, you may have some bad thoughts, and don't let them be famous. It's just that people on earth don't know that's all. It's a bit ridiculous to say, earth Few people on the Internet know the name of the supreme mage, but if you look at the entire universe, even the multiverse, and many dimensions, the supreme mage Gu Yi is famous, and many multi-dimensional evil gods have suffered in her hands. For example Dormammu, the demon god of the dark dimension, has always been eyeing the earth, wanting to devour it, if Master Gu Yi didn't take him outside, the earth would have been destroyed long ago."

"Dormammu?" It was another unfamiliar name, and Nick Fury felt his head was swollen, and he got too much news today.

"The controller of the dark dimension is a powerful demon god. Our earth is a bit special. It is connected to multiple dimensions, such as heaven dimension, hell dimension, dark dimension, dream dimension... Among these dimensions, the demon god Dormammu of the dark dimension is the most aggressive. Qiang, he was originally a wizard, and later merged with the dark dimension, constantly devouring other universes to strengthen himself, and has reached the level of immortality, now he is eyeing the earth, and wants to use the earth as a node to enter our universe , and then devoured it, but it has not been able to be achieved because of the existence of the ancient one mage."

Nick Fury was somewhat skeptical, unable to confirm whether what Yang Jian said was true, but judging from the current situation, the possibility was very high, and Nick Fury decided to check it out after he went back. "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. It was an eye-opener, and it was unbelievable."

"If you see a lot, you won't be surprised. In fact, there are many mysterious creatures on the earth, vampires, werewolves, wizards, aliens, and even alien races hidden on the earth. Before you see it with your own eyes , I always think it’s just a rumor or something, and you will only believe it after experiencing it yourself. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., you should have been exposed to many similar things.”

"This... is true!" Nick Fury couldn't help but think of Captain Marvel, Kree, Skrull, and vampires.He has seen these werewolves before, and the others must be true, Nick Fury secretly sighed, it seems that this world is more mysterious than he imagined, even a little strange.

It's not that Nick Fury has never been in contact with those mysterious creatures, but he just heard about the Supreme Mage, and he couldn't get past the hurdle in his heart for a while, because the other party was obviously taller than himself. The secret service organization protects the safety of the earth, but compared with others, it seems a bit inferior.

In addition, Nick Fury still has some worries. No matter who he is, he will have a little doubt. According to Yang Jianzhong, the ancient master is not only powerful, but also has a group of subordinates. What if they have something they shouldn't have? Ambition, how to deal with it?

Nick Fury was silent for a while, readjusted his mentality, and temporarily put this matter aside, "Mr. Yang Jian, I am here this time to seek cooperation. The various advanced products of your fantasy technology are very useful to our agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , I hope to reach a long-term cooperation agreement with you.”

Of course, Nick Fury's original plan was not like this, but after seeing what Yang Jian exposed, he found that Yang Jian was stronger than he imagined, and originally planned to use coercion and lure to pull Yang Jian to S.H.I.E.L.D. On the chariot, let Yang Jian work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now that the plan has come to nothing, Yang Jian is not something he can threaten at all. As for temptation, with the strength of fantasy technology, what else can't he get?So I can only choose the way of cooperation. If there is any need in the future, it should be no problem to ask the other party to help.

"Cooperation? Of course, no problem. We are open to do business with fantasy technology. As long as there is a need, we will naturally satisfy customers. Even if it is your S.H.I.E.L.D., it must be no problem. I have confidence in fantasy technology, no matter how advanced it is. We can manufacture products." At this moment, Yang Jian's demeanor changed, giving him the air of a businessman.

"Really? So what if I want a steel armor?" Nick Fury seemed to want to test the ability of fantasy technology, and directly proposed the steel armor, which is a technology just developed by Tony Stark.

"Tony Stark's Iron Armor? If you want, we can make it, but I don't think it makes sense, because this kind of Iron Armor is also a rich man's game, and your S.H.I.E.L.D. After investigation, it should be understood that the real key to the steel armor is not the armor itself, but the miniaturized Ark reactor, and then there is the issue of materials. A set of advanced armor costs hundreds of millions of dollars to manufacture. For Tony Stark That local tyrant who is not short of money is nothing, the richest man in the world, as for others, even you S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t afford it, it’s too expensive.”

Nick Fury was suddenly embarrassed. Why didn't he know this? He just asked in case. Their S.H.I.E.L.D. still needs the financial support of the World Security Council. For the development of the Shield Bureau, funds are somewhat insufficient.It's impossible to play like Tony Stark,

"So Yang Jiansheng has any suggestions?"

"Of course, you can. One is the new technology developed by our fantasy technology. It is also the exoskeleton armor technology. Although it is not as good as Tony Stark's steel armor, it does not cost so much money. Dabai, come! To Director Fury Tell me about our company's new products."

A red metal box originally placed in the corner of the office suddenly opened automatically, and then there was a sound of inflating, and a robot more than two meters high, which seemed to be a white balloon, appeared there.

Dabai came to Nick Fury with two short legs, stretched out a hand, and said at the same time: "Hello, Director Fury, I am Dabai, and I am very happy to serve you."

Seeing Dabai's appearance, Nick Fury obviously wanted to shake hands, with a trace of surprise on his face, he reached out and shook his hand, and said, "Uh! Your name is Taibai, an easy-to-remember name, you are an intelligent robot ?"

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