"Thank you for your compliment, Director Fury, but I hope you don't treat me as an emotionless robot, it's better to treat me as a person who communicates on an equal footing, and treat me as a real living body."

"Okay Dabai, can you show me what the latest product Mr. Yang is talking about?" Nick Fury couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This robot's intelligence level is really high, and it speaks like a real person. of them think they are talking to a human being.

"Of course, Fury is the boss. Now let me introduce to you our company's new product, the exoskeleton armor."

Dabai's eyes turned red, and a beam of light was projected, which dispersed to form a three-dimensional image.

A wilderness scene soon appeared on the screen, a soldier wearing er, black armor went to the grass, and as a sound of mechanical operation sounded, the man started to move, and then performed a demonstration in conjunction with the command voice on the screen.

The [-]-meter sprint takes four seconds, the jump of three meters on the spot, the bulletproof demonstration, the data of squat and bench press are very amazing.

Then there was an actual combat exercise in the video. The person wearing the exoskeleton armor was a guest star of a super soldier under Yang Jian, so everyone performed well. The opponents were just a group of mercenaries. Although it was not bad, but compared to The super soldier was far behind, and the result was completely one-sided. The super soldier wearing exoskeleton armor easily defeated all the 'enemies' under the hail of bullets. The video ended after five minutes.

"As you can see, this simple exoskeleton armor can be regarded as a simplified version of Tony Stark's steel suit, and it doesn't even have the ability to fly, but it is cheap, and each only costs a few million dollars. The Bureau's funds are fully equipped."

Yang Jian looked confident that S.H.I.E.L.D. would definitely be willing to spend this money. This is the technology Yang Jian obtained from the rise of the special forces Cobra. On the basis of the original, Vanke and his son developed enough for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 231

Nick Fury stared at the performance of Dawei's exoskeleton armor in the three-dimensional image, and he was very sure that this was exactly what he needed. Some of this kind of exoskeleton armor can definitely enhance the strength of his agents. Many tasks in the future It's much easier.

Yang Jian asked people to design this kind of exoskeleton armor because of its applicability. After a certain period of training, it can be used flexibly. It doesn't need to rely on advanced artificial intelligence like Jarvis for Tony Stark's steel suit. Smart assistance.

The original purpose of Nick Fury coming here is to test Yang Jian's bottom, and if possible, he can subdue him for his own use, but Yang Jian's previous ability has made him give up this idea. Memory and the ability to travel through space made him doubtful, not to mention who knew if Yang Jian had other trump cards.

Originally, Nick Fury was ready to return without success, but he didn't expect to have unexpected gains. This kind of exoskeleton armor alone has already made him overjoyed.

Although each exoskeleton armor costs [-] million US dollars, which is a bit expensive, but with the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is completely affordable.

Looking at Nick Fury's face, Yang Jian knew that it was done. She thought in her mind that she would develop other technologies in special forces movies after a while, such as invisibility cloaks, small pulse guns, firefly bombs, tracking crossbows, etc. , all sold to S.H.I.E.L.D., earning a fortune.

Nick Fury is very satisfied with the products of Fantasy Technology. After negotiation, he signed a purchase agreement on the spot. Initially, he will buy ten exoskeleton armors, which is worth 1 million US dollars. However, Nick Fury made a request, hoping that Yang Jian will not take The exoskeleton armor was sold to someone other than S.H.I.E.L.D. This condition was obviously difficult, but Yang Jian still agreed, and in the end both parties were very satisfied.

In the first transaction, in order to show sincerity, Yang Jian gave a special discount and gave away an extra one. The purpose was also to build a good relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D. Although Yang Jian is not afraid of them, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the largest secret service organization on earth after all , It is still necessary to establish a good relationship, so that a lot of troubles will be reduced in the future.

Nick Fury left with a happy mood. Although the original goal was not achieved, he didn't care. The harvest this time was not small, and he had a good start. He has been observing Yang Jian and can be sure that the other party I don't have any bad feelings towards S.H.I.E.L.D. The two sides have made a good start, and there will be more cooperation in the future. In the future, I will slowly find ways to find out the desired news, especially Kama Taj, the Supreme Mage and the like.

"Boss, with our strength, we don't need to give S.H.I.E.L.D. a status at all. Why give them a discount? And also ask to sell to them only, isn't it too cheap for them?" After Nick Fury left, Jin Bing got together Yang Jian asked beside him.

"Jin Bin, don't just look at the benefits in front of us. It will be much more convenient for us to have SHIELD give us the green light, and the so-called agreement that we can only sell it to their family will soon be canceled by themselves. What the game download does is actually equivalent to advertising us, just watch, it won’t be long before more countries will buy our exoskeleton armor, and they will only earn more.”

Yang Jian is very confident. Although Nick Fury will try his best to hide the news of the exoskeleton armor in his hands, he does not know that there is a Hydra inside SHIELD. These news cannot be hidden at all. About the exoskeleton armor The information will be leaked out, and the pressure that SHIELD will face at that time will be the sum of all countries. How can they watch this technology being exclusive to SHIELD, so SHIELD will definitely compromise in the end, after all, SHIELD The SHIELD also has a security council in name, and they need to distribute funds, so it is impossible to fight against them.

Seeing Yang Jian's self-confidence, Jin Bing also chose to believe it, because countless facts have proved that Yang Jian's gaze has never been missed.

Yang Jian discussed with Jin Bing, then fantasized about the development direction of technology, and explained some things before preparing to leave, but unexpectedly, Ivan Vanke came to find him at this time.

"Boss, I..." Ivan Vanke seemed hesitant to speak, as if there was something embarrassing.

At first Yang Jian was a little surprised, when did Ivan become awkward, but soon he thought of something and understood his purpose.

When Yang Jian recruited Ivan Vanke back then, he showed him some pictures about the future. Although it was only a partial fragment and very vague, he also knew the general direction of the future. It's time for the Iron Man showdown.

In fact, up to now, most of Anton Vanke’s resentment has disappeared with Howard Stark’s death, but as a son, he still wants to vent his anger on his father, and when Ivan Vanke was taught by his father since he was a child, Always let him target Tony Stark, keep telling him that Tony is everything he has now, but he should have had everything, as time goes by, this has become an obsession, wanting to fight Tony Stark One game, one winner and one loser, he had started preparing for this fate a long time ago.

Of course, Ivan Vanke also knew that Tony Star would never die. This would determine the life and death of the entire universe in the future, and he needed to snap his fingers. But Ivan Vanke didn't know Yang Jian's attitude towards this matter. That's why I hesitate to say anything.

Speaking of which, at the beginning, Ivan Vanke was still skeptical about the future pictures that Yang Jian showed him, but now, after personally verifying it, he has completely believed it.

If it was Ivan Vanke's rebellious temperament in the past, he didn't care what other people's attitudes were, and he would have troubled Tony Stark a long time ago, but it has been so long, and he has seen too much black technology here in Yang Jian , has been completely subdued by Yang Jian.

Ivan Vanke didn't dare to go his own way like before, because he knew very well that with Yang Jian's ability, it would be a breeze if he wanted to kill the father and son, not to mention all kinds of weapons, just magical magic. It's not something they can handle. Facing a strong man they can't fight against, they can only choose to surrender.

But fortunately, Yang Jian did not stop Ivan Vanke from going to Tony for trouble, "I know what you want to do, go ahead, have a real contest with Tony Stark, and fulfill your long-cherished wish, you can Play casually, but one thing must be remembered, Tony Stark must not die..."

Hearing what Yang Jian said, Ivan Vanke was shocked, and quickly assured: "Don't worry, boss, I know what to do to ensure that he won't really kill him. I will upgrade my steel for a while. Battle clothes, the research in hand will be temporarily put down, please forgive me, boss."

"It's okay, don't worry about this, don't you still have your father? Just take your time." Yang Jian waved his hand generously, now that the technology in the fantasy technology reserve is enough, so don't be in a hurry

After Ivan Vanke got Yang Jian's permission, he was very excited, turned around and left, with a hint of ferocity on his face: Tony Stark, it's finally the day, I will let you know what fear is, although I can't kill you, but I will make you realize what life is worse than death.


Time flies, and a few months passed in a blink of an eye, and the plot of Iron Man II gradually unfolded. During this period, another thing happened, that is, the appearance of the Hulk.

Yang Jian is also very interested in the Hulk. His blood has created a lot of monsters, evil spirits, big heads, red giants, female hulks, etc. Yang Jian, the little sheep, specifically explained that he asked him to help get some blood .

When the Hulk first appeared, Yang Jian didn't have time to react, and he had disappeared when he was looking for it, but Yang Xue didn't care about him and didn't continue to look for the Hulk, but secretly monitored Samuel Stern, and also As far as the future big brain is concerned, like evil, it is the Hulk's mortal enemy. In the comics, the big head has created countless monsters and brought countless troubles to the Hulk, but now he is just a university professor.

As in the original plot, Bruce Banner sent his own blood to Samuel Stern in order to eliminate the Hulk in his body.

Samuel Stern has the common problem of scientists. All ideas are results and Nobel Prizes. He simply ignored any possible consequences. He cloned countless copies of Hulk's blood and filled a cabinet. Yang Jian easily So I sneaked in and got a tube of blood, and then sent it to the meeting space for the little sheep Yang Jian to study. It is worth mentioning that there happened to be another avatar returning from the chaotic space, but it came from the world of the drama Attack on Giants. The sheep Yang Jian combined the blood of the Hulk with the blood of the giant to develop a serum that can transform into a giant more than 20 meters tall.

Yang Jian was very happy when he found out, and specially took a serum that could transform into an armored giant after injection, and planned to create a giant in the Marvel world.

Tony Stark had a very bad life recently, because he found himself poisoned. The reactor in his chest sucked the metal fragments and prevented them from entering the heart, but the toxins of the elements flowed into the body, constantly destroying his body. If this continues, his life will end in a few months at most.

Tony Stark tried all the existing elements but couldn't solve the poisoning problem. He wanted to create a brand new element, but failed. Tony, who felt that his time was running out, was his brother who started to indulge. He has participated in dangerous races, and recently he plans to go crazy and go to Morocco to participate in a race.

On this day, Tony Stark, despite the opposition of Pepper, drove the car he built himself to the F1 track around the city of Morocco.

Ten minutes before the race, Tony Stark sat in the car and looked ahead, with a hint of madness in his eyes. In his opinion, it might not be a bad thing to die on the racing track like this. It is better to die vigorously than to be unknown.

Although Tony Stark was a little unwilling, but he didn't have much time, he had tried all the methods he could try, thinking of the disappointed look in Pepper's eyes, you can't help but feel a burst of heartache.

I hope you know Pepper is concerned about himself, but he doesn't want Pepper to worry, so he didn't say anything in the end, he is Tony Stark, he has his own pride, he doesn't allow himself to show weakness in front of the woman he loves On the one hand, he was just paving the way for Pepper secretly, hoping that Pepper would be able to take charge of Stark Industries after his death, and live an easy life for the rest of his life.

Stark didn't notice that a blue racing car was parked next to him at this time, and after the window was lowered, a middle-aged man said in a slightly provocative tone: "Tony Stark, dare to play with me!" Is it a game between the two of us? At the cost of our lives, a life-and-death contest, the loser will die here."

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