Tony only breathed a sigh of relief, "Made by Hanmer Industries?"

"Uh, yes!" Rhodes replied shyly, it was too embarrassing.

Tony rolled his eyes, he had to do it himself, and stopped talking nonsense, he raised his hand and shot two energy beams.

Surprisingly, Ivan didn't dodge or evade.Letting the energy beam hit him, this kind of energy attack only made him take a few steps back without any damage at all, and then walked forward step by step against the energy beam, with two light whips condensed in his hand, already ready.

chug chu...

Rhodes hurried forward to help, and a series of bullets were shot out, falling on Ivan's body, but the attack power of the bullets was not as powerful as the energy beam, the bullets were bounced off, and a pile of shell casings quickly accumulated on the ground.

When Ivan fought Tony in Morocco last time, because he was too confident, he only used a set of nano armor made of ordinary superalloy materials. Although the defense is good, it will still be damaged if it receives a strong attack. In the end, even the nano armor can't even protect the whole body.

But this time Ivan used the nano armor made of vibrating gold material, the defense power was dozens of times stronger than before, and the attack suits of Tony and Rhodes couldn't break the defense at all.


Another two small homing missiles were sent out from Tony's shoulders, and they hit the target in an instant. The flames immediately engulfed Ivan, but before Rhodes and Tony were happy, Ivan walked out of the flames, still so lightly. Cloudy.

"Damn! What material is your battle suit made of? Why can't you wear it?"

"Do you know Captain America?" Ivan asked jokingly.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "You mean Captain America's shield, by the way, Zhenjin, Fantasy Technology occasionally sells a small amount of Zhenjin, it's embarrassing that your armor is made of Zhenjin, which is too extravagant Alright."

Is it really a luxury to build a battle armor with Zhenjin?Ivan smiled wryly. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who would have imagined that the rare material Zhenjin is almost rotten in Wakanda. All my weapons are made of Zhenjin material. Hui, even got a Zhenjin car.

Tony is helpless, how can he fight this?Does not break the defense at all, the difference between the non-chieftain and the European emperor, what can we do?

"Okay, let's stop here, I'm tired of playing, now it's time to end this meaningless battle."

With two swishes, Ivan threw two long whips at Tony and Rhodes.

Of course, Tony and Rhodes would not be caught without a fight. They fought back while avoiding. Even if they knew that there was little hope, they wanted to try it, hoping to break through Ivan's defense.

"Hey! Tony is short of time now. If he is given a few more years, his Mark series armor should be able to develop a weapon that breaks Ivan's defense."

On the roof of the fantasy technology building, Yang Jian looked at the image in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Speaking of which, Yang Jian still liked the role of Iron Man very much in his previous life. I can't feel it.

"Even if Tony develops a more advanced armor after a few years? Will Ivan stand still? I am afraid that Ivan's armor will be upgraded to an unimaginable height."

Skye rolled his eyes. He didn't think Tony could beat Ivan in terms of steel armor. If there were only two people, maybe Tony Stark could catch up. But the problem was that Yang Jian was standing behind Ivan. She knew the techniques in Yang Jian's hands, and she made up a few random ones and added them to the battle armor. Tony could only be hanged and beaten.

Yang Jian shook his head, never underestimate Tony Stark, even with his own help, Ivan may be surpassed, because technical support is always limited, although in terms of resources, Yang Jian can start from Other times get technical support, but the Marvel universe has an unimaginable mist.

It has to be said that Tony has an unimaginable talent in steel armor. In the comics, Tony even created a super armor that uses infinite gems as energy. If this armor appears, Ivan will only be beaten.

At this time, the battle between Ivan and Iron Man and Rhodes was coming to an end. At this time, Iron Man was still a little immature, and he didn't have the strength of an extraordinary man to shoulder the shoulders of a god in the later stage. Rhodes, and then both whips came out, entangled them and fell to the ground.

Ivan rushed forward and stepped on them, destroying their power system, and then lifted the masks of Tony and Rhodes.

"Tony Stark, how are you? Do you want to admit defeat? If you are more sincere, maybe I will let you go."

"Don't think about it, I'm Tony Stark, I will never give in to someone like you, if you want to do it, do it, don't be wordy."

If it was someone else, Tony might give in temporarily in order to survive, say a few flattering words, and then slowly get back later.

But facing Ivan, he always has an inexplicable desire to win. At the beginning, his father defeated Anton Vanke, leaving him resources that outsiders could not match. As Howard's son, he lost to Anton's son. , Tony is unwilling to accept.

Of course, Tony refused to give in, and there was another more important reason. He felt that the other party was here for revenge, and he would never let him go. , even if this is the case, it is better to be tough.

"Really? That's such a pity. It doesn't matter if you die, and your friend Rhodes will be involved. He will die because of him. Are you so cruel? Forget it, people in the Stark family are like this, selfish Li, I shouldn't have any hopes for you, so I might as well send this Mr. Rhodes on his way first."

Ivan said as he condensed a dagger in his hand, pierced Rhodes' eyes at a very slow speed, and deliberately stared at Tony, as if deliberately waiting for him to speak.

"Wait for me……"

When the dagger was less than one centimeter away from Rhodes' eyes, Tony finally couldn't help but speak, but he still didn't say soft words.

"Tony, leave me alone. People like him don't know what to say. Even if you give in, the two of us will still die in the end. If that's the case, it's better to die with dignity."

As a tough soldier, Rhodes was never afraid of death, and he had the same idea as Tony, thinking that Ivan just wanted to humiliate them before they died, and would never let them go.

"Okay, I admit that the two of you are tough guys. If that's the case, then I'll give you a treat!" Ivan also condensed a dagger in his other hand, and stabbed at the eyes of the two of them at the same time.

Just when Tony and Rhodes was full of despair and closed their eyes to die, a slightly panting female voice suddenly came from a distance, "Stop!"

Natasha, a black widow dressed in black leather and well-dressed, ran over quickly. Looking at Tony and Rhodes who were beaten to the ground on the battlefield, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that they were still alive.

"Ivan, give up, you shouldn't live in hatred."

Ivan stopped, opened the mask, and looked at Natasha's speechless face, "Will you come sooner or later, but at this time, how should I act in the next scene?"

Ivan looked Natasha up and down with vicissitudes of life, and then said: "Long time no see, Natalia, you have really grown up, and you are no longer the little girl you used to be."

"Ivan, I was really happy when I heard about you at Fantasy Technology. I planned to chat with you when I had time, but I didn't expect you to leave Fantasy Technology and your whereabouts are unknown. I didn't expect to meet you again here. I have always wanted to say thank you personally, if it weren’t for you, I would have been burned to death in the sea of ​​fire when I was a child, and thank you for adopting me and giving me father-like care and love.”

"You're welcome, it's just as easy as it gets. You've grown up now, and you can do whatever you want. I'm not qualified to take care of you. Is your purpose of coming here this time to save this playboy?"

"He is my task. The director asked me to protect her safety and investigate some things by the way. I hope you can let him go. Did I investigate Anton's matter at the beginning? Howard Stark can't be blamed."

"I know! Howard just pushed my father along the way. After all, it was a competition for interests between countries. Although the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to cooperate with each other, they were secretly competitors. stumbling block.

As a scientist from the Soviet Union, my father will definitely not be excluded by the United States, especially for treasures of the level of the Rubik's Cube, he will definitely not let my father intervene, so he will drive my father away. Not a good thing. "

"You know it all? If that's the case, then why do you go to such extremes? Even if you want revenge, you won't kill someone?"

"I didn't intend to kill anyone. I didn't want to just scare him and teach him an unforgettable lesson. People like Tony Stark are born to be beaten up. I wanted to see how he made a fool of himself, but now I'm about to It succeeded, but you appeared in the end, and you messed it up, forget it, I’m almost out of anger anyway, so I’ll let him go for once, and I’ll leave first.”

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